The right approaches and exercises for losing weight in your arms. The best exercises for losing weight on your arms at home Push-ups for losing weight on your arms

Fat on the arms of women is a fairly common phenomenon, which appears due to two reasons: the muscles of the arms rarely work or there is general obesity in the body. For many years I have not met a woman with a perfect tummy and thick arms. The body is designed in such a way that it first accumulates weight on the stomach and hips, and then distributes it to all possible areas of our body. Let's still look at how to lose weight in your hands quickly and at minimal cost.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about losing weight

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been dealing with weight loss problems for many years. Women often come to me with tears in their eyes, who have tried everything, but there is either no result, or the weight keeps coming back. I used to tell them to calm down, go back on a diet and do grueling workouts in the gym. Today there is a better solution - X-Slim. You can simply take it as a dietary supplement and lose up to 15 kg in a month absolutely naturally without diets or exercise. loads This is a completely natural remedy that is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age or health status. At the moment, the Ministry of Health is holding a campaign “Save the inhabitants of Russia from obesity” and every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive 1 package of the drug FOR FREE

Find out more>>

The best way to lose weight on your arms, shoulders or any other area of ​​the body is a combination of the physical exercises described below. Moreover, even this combination cannot give any significant effect in a few days. To lose weight you need to have willpower and a little patience.

Diet for losing weight

Just as in the case, there is no special diet for losing weight on arms and shoulders. The body will lose weight all over, but the fat on the arms will be lost first, since the accumulation of deposits on the hands and forearms is not typical for the human body. To start the process of losing weight on your arms and shoulders, we will use the following recommendations.

What should be limited to lose weight on your arms:

  • First, we need to exclude from the diet all baked goods, sweet carbonated drinks and juices, processed foods, candies, any sweets and sugar. This category of products (with the exception of some varieties of rye bread) refers to food waste, which does not provide any benefit, only extra calories.
  • You should not go heavy on fruits such as bananas and pears. And in principle, it is advisable to limit fruit consumption in the afternoon.
  • Try not to eat fried foods, but give preference to boiled, stewed and steamed foods with minimal addition of oil.
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime. Everything that remains in the stomach overnight is transformed into fat deposits, including on the arms.
  • Do not eat fatty meat and broths made from it. Also try to exclude potatoes.

Useful products for losing weight on your arms:

Our readers write

Subject: Lost 18kg without dieting

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To: Administration

Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site. Finally, I was able to lose excess weight. I lead an active lifestyle, got married, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

Ever since I was a child, I was a rather plump girl; at school I was teased all the time, even the teachers called me a little fluffy... this was especially terrible. When I entered the university, they stopped paying attention to me completely, I turned into a quiet, notorious, fat crammer. I tried everything to lose weight... Diets and all sorts of green coffee, liquid chestnuts, chocolate slimms. Now I don’t even remember, but how much money I spent on all this useless garbage...

Everything changed when I accidentally came across an article on the Internet. You have no idea how much this article changed my life. No, don’t think about it, there is no top-secret method of losing weight that the entire Internet is replete with. Everything is simple and logical. In just 2 weeks I lost 7 kg. In total, 18 kg in 2 months! I gained energy and a desire to live, so I joined the gym to tone up my butt. And yes, I finally found a young man who has now become my husband, loves me madly and I love him too. Sorry for writing so chaotically, I’m just remembering everything from emotions :)

Girls, for those of you who have tried a bunch of different diets and methods for losing weight, but have never been able to get rid of excess weight, take 5 minutes and read this article. I promise you won't regret it!

Go to article>>>

  • Any cereal, even white rice, will benefit a person losing weight. It is not at all necessary to be on the same buckwheat diet, but cereals should become your everyday friends and comrades.
  • Green leafy vegetables are a godsend for losing weight on your arms. Digesting the same cabbage requires more calories than it contains. A salad made from sauerkraut or sea cabbage will be the healthiest dinner for weight loss.
  • It is advisable to replace meat with fish (for example, pollock) or eat only chicken breasts, boiled or baked without skin.
  • Drink often and as much water as possible. Don't leave home without taking a bottle of water with you. It not only quenches thirst and speeds up metabolism, but also reduces appetite if you drink a glass ten minutes before meals.

Read more:

Where to start losing weight

Follow these simple rules in your diet and even without exercise you will lose weight in your arms, shoulders and throughout your body as a whole. But by combining a diet and training for arm muscles, the process of losing weight will go much faster.

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

In order to lose weight in your arms and shoulders at home, it is advisable to have one-kilogram dumbbells and an anti-slip mat. You can buy them at any sports store for 600-700 rubles. You need to train at least three times a week for 40 minutes.

Before each workout to lose weight on your arms, do not forget to warm up for 10 minutes. Warm-up can be considered any active movements of the arms and legs, be it jumping and running in place, swinging and circular movements of the arms and wrists, etc. The main condition is to sweat and get the blood flowing.

Many women believe that exercising with dumbbells can make their arms thicker, but this is a misconception. Decrepit muscles in the arms look saggy and unsightly. Strengthening your arms with physical exercise will remove excess fat and sagging skin, making your arms beautiful and toned. And in order to make arms like a bodybuilder, you will need steroids and at least several years.

Exercises with dumbbells

If you seriously decided to take care of your body and bought dumbbells, then this is the right choice and a good investment. This is even better than buying anti-wrinkle cream or another portion of ice cream (for the first time, dumbbells can be replaced with bottles of water or sand).

Lifting dumbbells for biceps + overhead to shoulders.

This exercise for losing weight on arms and shoulders should be done 20-30 times in each of three approaches. Start from the starting position and perform as shown in the figure.

Full or flabby arms are something that spoils the appearance of absolutely everyone, even if the person has a beautiful figure. Both men and women suffer from this problem. We have selected the best exercises for losing weight in your arms at home without additional equipment. But in order to quickly remove fat, you need to understand the reasons and eliminate them, because training for quick results will not be enough.

You've probably seen a lot of people with more or less compact builds, but with unusually full arms compared to their bodies. And then one question arises that immediately comes to mind - what caused this?

Fat deposits on the arms, usually above the elbow, are due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body as a whole.

Age is also another reason for being overweight. After twenty years, our body tends to store more fat, and muscle tissue begins to decrease. Therefore, the predominance of adipose tissue over muscle is one of the main causes of sagging.

A decrease in metabolic rate is another cause of obesity. Metabolic rate decreases with age, which means the body begins to burn fewer calories. And this condition ultimately leads to fat deposits.

Lack of physical activity and irregular exercise also lead to the accumulation of fat in the body. Below we will show you what exercises to do to lose weight on your arms. But for a faster effect, it is necessary to increase the amount of calories consumed. For example, you can walk more, or better yet start running.

Simple and effective exercises for losing weight in your arms

Do you have body fat? Do you think twice before choosing a sleeveless dress because you have flabby arms?

You can remove stubborn fat by doing a set of exercises to make them slim and beautiful.

1. Reverse one-arm push-ups

This exercise helps burn stored fat in the triceps area, the back of the arm. This area is most prone to fatty deposits. It not only fights excess fat on the triceps, but also tones it so that the skin does not sag.

You don't need any equipment for this exercise. You can do it directly on the floor or take a chair.


  1. Sit on the floor, keeping your legs and feet together.
  2. Keep your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and your feet in front of your hips. Your fingers should point towards your hips.
  3. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  4. Straighten your arms and lift your hips. This will allow you to support the weight on your arms.
  5. Bend your left elbow and use your right arm, still straight, to lower your hips to the floor. But you can't touch the floor.
  6. Now repeat the same movement with the other hand.

2. Reverse push-ups

This muscle-toning exercise also helps you get sexy, toned arms by working your triceps. You can do this exercise at home using a chair or table about 2 meters high. Here the entire body weight will work on the triceps, toning it.

Reverse chair push-ups


  1. Place a chair or table in a stable position.
  2. Stand in front of a chair, maintaining a distance of at least 3 meters.
  3. Turn your back and place your hands on a chair or table, they should be shoulder-width apart
  4. Step back 3-4 steps from the chair or table.
  5. Straighten your upper body and bend your knees so that you are in line with the chair or table.
  6. Now bend your elbows and lower your body as low as you can.
  7. Return to the starting position.
  8. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions every day and it will help you lose arm weight effectively.

3. Longitudinal plank while walking

Just like reverse push-ups, walking planks tone your arm muscles by burning stored fat.

Longitudinal plank in walking


  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach) and then get into a plank position.
  2. Keep your legs and feet together.
  3. Your fingers should point forward and your body should be in one straight line.
  4. Move your right arm and left leg to the left and hold this position.
  5. Perform the same movements with your left arm and right leg.
  6. Return to the starting plank position.
  7. Draw your abdominal muscles toward your spine and pelvis.
  8. Change direction and take 3 steps to the right.

9. Push-ups

Targeting the pectoral and triceps muscles, push-ups can also help burn fat. Another good news is that you don't need dumbbells, barbells or other equipment to perform this exercise to lose weight on your arms and shoulders. The entire fight against stubborn fat deposits here comes precisely from your body’s own weight. Push-ups will definitely provide you with the desired results.



  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach).
  2. Now get into a push-up position, keeping your feet together. Keep your stance wider than shoulder width. Your elbows should be straight.
  3. Now bend your elbows and lower your body towards the ground. Make sure your stomach doesn't touch the ground.
  4. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions every day to keep your arms firm and toned.
  5. You can also do open push-ups, positioned wider than your shoulders, or closed push-ups, placing your hands as close together as possible.

Note: If you initially find it difficult to do this exercise, then try push-ups from your knees. In regular push-ups, your entire body weight is on your hands and toes, but in knee push-ups, your weight is distributed on your hands and knees, making it easier to perform.

5. Lateral push-ups

This exercise targets the triceps and is an effective way to lose weight on your arms.


  1. Lie on the floor (on your stomach).
  2. Now get into a push-up position, keeping your legs together. Keep your hands wider than shoulder width. Your fingers should point in different directions.
  3. Bend your left elbow and tilt your body to the left.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement with your right hand.
  5. By doing this exercise, you will definitely achieve results.

Note: If you initially find it difficult to do this exercise, then start with push-ups from your knees.

6. Rack push-ups

This exercise is very similar to regular push-ups. But the only change is that you will need either a platform or a table to perform.


  1. Take a standing position, resting on the platform.
  2. Keep your feet together and place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Also, keep your back and shoulders straight so that the muscles in your arms are fully engaged.
  4. Now do push-ups. Try to do 3 sets of 20 reps.

7. Wrist rotation

This is one of the simplest but most effective exercises that will help you achieve the desired result if you do it regularly. For this exercise you will only need 2 dumbbells of 0.5 kg each. (2 bottles of water, 0.5 l each).


  1. Stand up straight and hold water bottles in both hands.
  2. Now, rotate your palms while holding the water bottles clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  3. Perform this exercise for 60 seconds on each side.
  4. This exercise, when performed regularly, will help get rid of fat deposits in the shoulders and arms.

Scissors are an effective cardio exercise for elastic and toned muscles.


  1. Stand up straight and hold your hands in front of you at shoulder height.
  2. Now, spread your arms out to the sides and then bring them together in front of you so that both palms overlap each other like scissors.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement at least 20 times a day.
  4. Do this simple but effective exercise for at least 15-20 minutes.

9. Seated Arm Extension

This is one of the most effective exercises for getting rid of fat deposits. It will make your arms stronger and more toned and they will look slimmer.


  1. Take a 2.5 liter water bottle that you can use as free weight.
  2. Sit straight on a chair, take a 2.5 liter water bottle with both hands and lift it above your head, keep them straight while holding the water bottle.
  3. Now lower the water bottle by placing it behind your back.
  4. Lower the water bottle as low as you can.
  5. Now slowly lift the water bottle above your head, holding it with both hands.
  6. Move the bottle as slowly as possible. The more carefully you perform this exercise, the better the muscles in your arms are activated.
  7. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions daily.

Note: Rest 1 minute after completing each set for maximum performance. You can also gradually increase the weight to speed up the results.

10. A set of exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

This combination of different movements is a very simple but effective way to get rid of arm fat. There is no need to visit the gym to perform this complex. You can perform it in the comfort of your home. This is a kind of exercise for the arms to lose weight and tighten muscles so that the skin does not sag. It includes the upper part of the arms, which is most susceptible to fat deposits. By doing it regularly, you will get the desired result.


  1. Stand straight on the floor.
  2. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Raise your arms to shoulder height with your fingers pointing upward.
  4. Now move forward in circular motions for 30 seconds.
  5. After you complete the forward circles, begin doing the backward circles for 30 seconds.
  6. Now bend your elbows with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling.
  7. Move your elbows back and forth for 30 seconds.
  8. This movement will make your biceps toned.
  9. After completing the forward and backward movements of your elbows, bring them together. Fingers should point to the ceiling.
  10. Move your joined elbows up to your jaw line and return to the starting position.
  11. Perform these movements for 30 seconds.
  12. By performing this complex regularly, you will achieve the desired results.

11. Exercise (Bird-Dog)

This exercise is amazing because it not only tones and strengthens your arms and shoulders, but also strengthens your leg muscles. It also stretches the back. In addition, this exercise is useful for those who dream of ideal posture.


  1. Get on all fours on the floor.
  2. Your knees should be under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  3. Now raise your right arm and straighten it (your fingers should be pointing forward).
  4. At the same time, lift and straighten your left leg back.
  5. Stay in this position for some time and then return to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the same process with your left arm and right leg.
  7. Perform this exercise 15 - 20 times.

Tips: how to lose weight in your arms and avoid fat deposits?

We figured out what exercises you need to do to train muscles and lose weight. Additional tips concern what you need to do additionally to get rid of fat even faster and more effectively.

Proper nutrition: The first and most important thing you must do to prevent obesity is to pay close attention to your diet, since poor nutrition leads to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the body.

Therefore, eat healthy by including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Eating this way will not only make you feel full, but the number of calories you consume will also be significantly reduced.

Also add fiber-rich foods to your daily menu to increase your metabolic rate. The faster your metabolism, the faster you will burn calories, which will help your arms lose weight. And at the same time, a fiber-rich diet keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time.

Moreover, eat protein foods with low fat content, as well as foods with slow carbohydrates.

Eat small portions: eat in small quantities and at regular intervals. This way you will feel fuller for a longer time and eat less food.

Have breakfast: don't skip breakfast as it is your first meal. If you skip breakfast, you will end up eating much more than you need throughout the day.

Drink more water: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to rev up your metabolism. Also drink water before every meal. This will help you eat less food, and the less you eat, the fewer calories you take in.

Green tea: start your day with a cup of green tea. This will encourage your body to burn more calories. Also, 3 to 4 cups of green tea per day will help the body burn more fat deposits by speeding up the metabolism.

Daily Cardio: A few cardio exercises done daily will help burn off the extra calories you get from eating. You can swim, rock climb or row, jump rope, thereby preventing fat deposits and pushing them into a corner. And they will have nothing left to do but melt before your eyes.

Walk: Always take the stairs instead of using the elevator. This will burn more calories.

Performing these exercises along with scrupulously following the tips will certainly give you effective results in losing weight in the arm area. But you need to do these exercises daily. You can do one or a combination of them to get effective results in the fight against fat and sagging skin.

Eat right and do these exercises to get toned, sculpted and attractive arms.

The time of the velvet season is approaching, and many girls can only dream of a slim body. But if there is still time before the opening of the velvet season, then all this can be corrected with the help of a special course for weight loss. In this material we will look at the main problems of excess weight in the arms and shoulders, which do not bring pleasure at all. Full hands indicate that a woman not only loves sweets, but also does not know what sports is. We will tell you how to quickly lose weight in your arms and shoulders, without the use of pharmacology.

To make your shoulders slim and elastic, you don’t have to run to the gym and pump up your muscles. Everything is much simpler and in order to get rid of excess weight in the shoulders and arms, it is enough to perform simple physical exercises for several weeks.

In addition, the exercises are so simple that you don’t need various sports equipment to perform them, so you can do them at home.

Exercises without dumbbells to remove fat from arms

To remove fat from your arms and tone your muscles, it is important to keep your muscles tense during exercise. Before you start doing gymnastics, you should pay attention to a 5-minute warm-up. After this, you can perform the following types of exercises:

  1. Exercise "scissors". To do this, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. Next, you need to change the plane of each hand and carry out movements in the horizontal direction. The faster such a task is completed, the more effective the result will be.
  2. Circular movements. To do this, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and spread your arms to the sides. The exercise is performed by rotating the arms in one direction and the other alternately. It is important to take into account that circular movements should be performed not with the hand, but with the shoulder joint. The more active the implementation, the more effective the result. The number of rotations in one direction and the other must be performed 20 times.
  3. Palms. To complete the next task, you need to rest your hands with your palms against each other and place them above the level of your head. After this, without breaking your palms, you need to lower them to the level of your pelvis. The exercise is simple, but requires proper technique. The number of repetitions is 20 times.
  4. Swing your arms. To do this, you need to raise one hand above you and clench it into a fist, and lower the other down. After this, swing your arms, alternately changing the position - top/bottom. When performing, it is important to keep the pace, breathe correctly and keep your hands clenched in fists. Number of repetitions - 20-25 times.

  5. Helicopters. A similar stance is adopted as during the exercise - swinging your arms. Only now circular rotations of both hands are performed along the axis. At the same time, you should not adhere to the maximum pace, as you can injure your hands. The main thing is to perform circular rotations 15-20 times. Your arms must be straightened and raised above you. After this, you should lower them until they are in a horizontal position and then up again. The exercise is reminiscent of flapping the wings of birds, only it is not performed as actively. Keep your arms in front of you with your elbows bent. At 1-2, you need to move your arms back as much as possible, without straightening your elbow joints, and at 3-4, spread your elbows and try to move your arms back even more.
  6. Lifting a load. If dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg are available, then this is welcome; if not, you can use any available material, for example, two textbooks. To do this, you need to spread your arms to the sides and take a textbook. The exercise is performed by lowering and raising your arms to a horizontal position. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.

Exercises for slimming shoulders

All of the above exercises provide maximum effectiveness for pumping up arm muscles. To pump up your shoulders, you need to perform a slightly different type of exercise. Let's look at the order of doing exercises to pump up your shoulders.

Exercises with dumbbells to slim your arms and strengthen your back

The following exercises will require dumbbells or plastic water bottles. In addition to pumping up the muscles of the arms and shoulders, it is important to provide for the development of the back muscles. For this there is a set of the following exercises:

Exercises for losing weight and shaping your arms

Famous film actress Cameron Diaz has developed her own method for quickly losing weight in your arms and shoulders. Let’s look at what is included in the movie star’s exercise routine below.

  1. Take a standing pose with your feet apart, shoulder-width apart. You need to lower your hands and take dumbbells. The exercise is performed by moving the left leg back until the knee touches the floor. Hands with dumbbells should be raised in front of you. Return to the starting position and do the same with the second leg. The number of repetitions is no more than 10 times.
  2. Take a position - lying on your stomach with dumbbells in your hands. Place your hands in front of you, stretching them forward as far as possible. One - lifting the legs and arms as high as possible, bending the back as much as possible; two - in this position, the arms are pulled back until they touch the buttocks. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
  3. Assume a standing position with your arm raised above your head. Take a dumbbell in your hand and bend in one direction and the other alternately. In this case, the hand from the dumbbells should go as far as possible behind the head. The exercise is performed similarly for the other hand.
  4. Lie on the floor and raise your arms in front of you. Alternate lowering of the arms is carried out - the left hand goes to the right side, after which it straightens, and then the right hand to the left side. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
  5. Reverse push-ups. An effective exercise for losing weight and pumping up many muscles. Using this complex technique, you can achieve positive results in losing weight and building muscle in a short time. To do this, you need to take a position lying on your back, placing your hands on the floor. After this, straightening and bending of the arms are carried out. In this case, push-ups are performed in the reverse position.

To summarize, it is important to emphasize that in order to achieve positive results in removing fat from the arms and pumping up muscles, you need to perform the basic exercises you like, which were indicated in this material, every other day. How to quickly lose weight in your shoulders and arms? There is no need to exhaust yourself with all types of exercises; to do this, just choose the 5 most basic ones and perform them periodically.

The process of weight change and fat burning does not occur in a single area of ​​the body, but occurs gradually throughout the entire body. To achieve high-quality weight loss results, especially in the arms and shoulders, you need to do complex exercises. Not only physical activity is important, but also diet and sleep patterns.

In the training process, it is worth shifting the emphasis to strength exercises. Cardio exercises will help as a warm-up before the main block of exercises. They will prepare the body, evenly warm up all the muscles and tone them.

Jogging for 10-15 minutes after strength training will increase endurance., will support further burning of subcutaneous fat, improve the condition of blood vessels and the immune system.

Before starting exercises aimed at losing weight on your arms and shoulders, you should take into account the peculiarities of their structure.

The main muscles include:

The arm joint itself is divided into the shoulder, girdle and forearm. The deltoid muscle, together with the trapezius, is of key importance in the shoulder girdle.

How to start and prepare for training

The main factors in any type of fitness are regularity and a gradual increase in load. Do not forget about moderation of exercise so as not to harm your own health.

Select a light dumbbell weight (2-4 kg). When performing exercises with equipment, muscle work should be felt, without excessive effort or painful overexertion. Monitor the correct execution of the training program. If current sports equipment does not allow you to complete the approach in full, it is worth reducing their weight.

With each week of training, an understanding of technique and confidence in movements will come. After training and feeling the “margin of safety”, move on to slightly weighting the dumbbells (for example: + 0.5 kg for each dumbbell).

A properly selected rug will be an important factor. An accessory made from natural materials will prevent slipping. Compared to synthetic models, it has increased thermal insulation properties. Although synthetic products provide good shock absorption, they are lighter and easier to carry.

To create the appropriate atmosphere, choose fast rhythmic music. Many coaches prefer to compose musical compositions themselves. Favorite tracks affect your heart rate and breathing rate, and also provide additional motivation during exercise.

Warm up before training

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders require a mandatory warm-up, which refers to the basic elements: for both beginners and professionals.

  1. Light cardio exercises help warm up the body overall:

Choose one of the options or combine two. The purpose of these loads is to saturate the body with oxygen and prepare it for more intense work.

  1. Warm up all joints (at least 3 minutes):

As you age, devote more time to this stage. To lose weight on your arms and shoulders, pay more attention to exercises with rotational movements. On average, this should be at least 15 repetitions per arm (clockwise and counterclockwise).

  1. Stretching warm-up (duration, at the initial stage, no more than 5 minutes).

These are various smooth movements aimed at stretching muscles and tendons. Consistency is less important here than pain. Stretches evenly until slight pain appears in all joints.

The importance of warming up

Warming up increases the elasticity and flexibility of all muscle groups and tendons. At the same time, the level of technique for performing exercises improves.

A direct relationship has been proven between muscle strength and their extensibility: the greater the difference between the stage of muscle contraction to the stage of its stretching, the greater the magnitude of the fiber strength.

Exercises at home without dumbbells

During knee push-ups, the following muscle groups will be used:

  • pectoralis major muscles;
  • muscles of the shoulder girdle and upper back;
  • upper press

To change the position of your hands during push-ups, it is advisable to use sports supports. They allow you to maintain your grip and fix the position of the joints. The use of supports will allow you to engage the triceps of your arms more deeply.

Several ways to perform push-ups:

  1. Hands are shoulder-width apart, and we try to press our elbows to the body. The load is transferred to the triceps, shoulders and back. The upper part of the pectoral muscles is worked;
  2. The maximum width of the arms, while the elbows extend to the sides. The latissimus muscles and trapezius are mainly involved;
  3. The hands are slightly wider than the shoulders, at the same level as the solar plexus. The lower group of pectoral muscles, the anterior bundle of the shoulders and the deltoid region are worked out.

Reverse push-ups

Reverse push-ups performed while leaning on a chair or bench. For a detailed study of the triceps muscles of the arms without weights, you should resort to this type of exercise.

We do 3 sets of this exercise 15-20 times, with interval rest of 1-2 minutes.

Incline push-ups from walls and other surfaces

These exercises are suitable for losing weight on your arms and shoulders, as basic exercises. Increasing the angle of inclination between the body line and the surface on which the emphasis is placed reduces the overall level of load, and the easier the exercise becomes. Reduce the angle of inclination relative to the floor as your muscles strengthen.

If you start doing push-ups from the steps, this will increase the working weight.

Alternating planks with push-ups

Take a horizontal position, resting your elbows on the floor. Keep your body balanced without arching your lower back or slouching. The head is parallel to the line of the body. Maintain this pose for some time. Next, change the position to a classic push-up.

A detailed diagram of the complex is as follows:

  • 2 push-ups - 20 sec. Plank; 3 spin – 20 sec.; 4 spin. – 20 sec.; 5 spin. – 20 sec.

As your training progresses, continue the ladder exercise in the reverse order (from more push-ups to fewer).

Exercises for home with dumbbells

Exercises with an expander

Workout in the gym

With dumbbells of different weights, a suitable mat and bench, you can perform a wide range of exercises at home. But it’s fair to say that there are obvious benefits to going to the gym. The main criteria in which a fitness gym clearly wins are the absence of distractions, sufficient space and a variety of exercise equipment for different muscle groups.

The motivation of a beginner improves when he sees the results of other, more mature athletes. The responsibility for performing regular workouts increases due to the purchase of a subscription. As a rule, the hall is visited three times a week. There is always the opportunity to seek help, advice and consultation from professionals working in the training center.

Classes in the gym will allow you to maximize your body's potential. Hand training takes place at a higher quality level, thanks to the availability of equipment. Biceps and triceps, forearms and shoulders are fully worked out.

Completing your workout correctly

An integral component after a busy workout is a cool-down. A set of exercises aimed at stretching and relaxation will keep your muscles and joints healthy, and your body flexible and beautiful.

Organization of nutrition before and after training for weight loss

Significant dietary restrictions will lead to the opposite reaction: the body responds to a stressful situation and stores lipids. For comfortable weight loss, in addition to strength and cardio exercises, you need an individual calculation of the daily intake of energy, or rather calories. The timing of the classes also plays a role.

Morning workout promotes maximum fat burning. If, due to the risk of dizziness, it is impossible to exercise on an empty stomach, eat light food (30-40 minutes before training). These can be: cereals, tea, bread, vegetables and fruits.

Before an evening workout, it is better to eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates.

It is optimal to eat whole grains and dairy products an hour and a half before class. If for some reason this was not possible, resort to foods containing fast carbohydrates (for example, dried fruits or bananas).

Drinking regime

The process of active burning of fat deposits occurs within two hours, after training, inclusive. To achieve more effective results in losing weight on your arms and shoulders, delay eating after exercise until later. There is no need to limit yourself in water consumption.

The daily amount of water you drink is about 2 liters. You should not drink excessively directly during training. This affects the general condition: heaviness in the stomach and discomfort will appear during exercises. The amount of fluid consumed depends on the intensity and duration of training, the individual characteristics of the athlete and his weight.

Video: exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

Exercises for losing weight on your arms:

How to get perfect hands in 2 weeks:

Typically, women see extra kg and cm on the waist, hips, buttocks, and legs as the main “enemies” of keeping their body slim. But don’t forget about other parts of the body, and exercises performed to lose weight in your arms should also be present in the gymnastics complex. The body will be perfect only when all its parts are toned and graceful.

How to do gymnastics to lose weight in your arms: basic rules

Some girls are afraid of strength training aimed at this part, assuming that their result will be a transformation into “Mr. Muscle”. Such fears are completely unfounded, and with the right approach, exercises for losing weight on your arms will make these parts of your body toned and graceful.

Properly structured workouts will allow you to achieve 2 main goals - get rid of excess fat and give tone and definition to your muscles.

What rules should you follow to achieve the desired result - graceful hands?

  • Don't be afraid to do arm weight loss exercises with dumbbells, but they shouldn't be too heavy unless you want to develop powerful muscles in that part of the body;
  • To achieve the desired effect, if you want your arms to lose weight, you need to exercise at least 2 times/week (and preferably at least 3 times/week). Each of your workouts should contain a block of movements aimed at your arms. Fitness trainers point out that if you need your arms to quickly lose weight, you can use complexes for these parts of the body every other day;
  • The optimal time for any training is considered to be the afternoon, in particular 16-19 pm. At the same time, it is recommended to perform hand exercises. If you don’t have this opportunity, you can train at any time convenient for you. In this case, it is advisable that your workouts take place at the same time of day;
  • It is almost impossible to lose weight without adjusting your diet. But you shouldn’t stick to strict diets or give up food altogether. You should organize your diet according to the principles of a healthy diet, and always adhere to it, and not just during the period of active struggle with excess cm;
  • As when working out other muscle groups, when performing exercises to lose weight in your arms, you must first do a warm-up, and only then move on to more complex movements and strength loads;
  • Do not ignore complex exercises for the arms, which allow you to train not only their muscles, but also the muscles of other parts of the body. For example, squats with dumbbells in your hands are an excellent way to “pump up” your thighs, buttocks, legs, and thighs at the same time;
  • It is also necessary to follow the general rule for all types of training regarding the drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water/day. Don’t be afraid to drink water during exercise – liquid helps to enhance metabolic processes, making it easier for the body to shed excess fat. In this case, dehydration will not occur, and moisture is necessary to normalize the condition of the skin, tone and elasticity of muscles;
  • The body also needs sufficient rest. In its absence, the body can store fat as a source of energy if it does not receive it from sufficient sleep. The latter must last at least 6 hours.
  • There is a need to prepare for a workout that will involve these parts of the body. They need to be washed well using warm water, and then gently blotted with a napkin or towel. After this, it is recommended to apply cream.

What’s also important to know is that you can do it at home, and such workouts will be very effective if you plan them correctly.


It consists of literally several manipulations, known to all of us and very simple to perform.

  1. We perform rotations with our hands, spreading our arms to the sides, and spreading our legs shoulder-width apart. We alternately perform 20 rotations with the hands clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. Everyone knows the “Mill” hand exercise since childhood. It is recommended to do it as part of the warm-up. To do this, standing up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, alternately rotate your arms, first clockwise, and then counterclockwise. The movements must be performed with both hands simultaneously. They must be fast enough. We do the “mill” for 30-40 seconds.
  3. We perform swings. We raise our hands to chest level, bending the trained part of the body at the elbows. We make movements by moving our elbows to the back and then bringing them back, working with both hands at the same time. You need to do such manipulations 15-20 times.
  4. Jumping. These movements are also familiar to all of us. We put our feet together and lower our hands down. When performing a jump, we lower our legs to the sides and raise our arms up. On the next jump we return to the starting position. Jumps must be done quickly within 30-40 seconds. They will help to warm up not only the muscles of the parts of the body that interest us, but also the whole body, which is very important for the upcoming complex workout.

A set of exercises without dumbbells

To give a good load, you should perform a popular and very effective manipulation - push-ups.

There are a number of variations of its execution, and you can include several of them in your complex, performing them even at home:

  1. From an emphasis position lying on a flat surface, perform push-ups 20 times.
  2. Push-ups with legs elevated. This exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, but the legs must be placed on a hill - for example, on a sofa. The hands remain on the floor. You need to perform 15-20 push-ups from this starting position. This is a difficult movement, but try to do it as best you can at first, and after some time you will improve your skills. By the way, it helps to lose weight not only in your arms, but also helps to work out the muscles of your thighs, buttocks, and thighs.
  3. Push-ups with hands elevated. This exercise, unlike the previous one, is quite easy, and even a beginner can do it. To perform it, your hands need to be placed on a hill and your feet on the floor. From this starting position, you need to do 20-25 push-ups.
  4. We kneel down, place our hands on the floor, and cross our calves, while keeping our feet parallel to the floor. We perform push-ups from this position 10-15 times. Thanks to such push-ups, you not only lose weight in your arms, but also pump up the muscles of your legs and buttocks.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells are very effective and are used, contrary to the opinions and doubts of many girls, to burn fat and eliminate excess arm volume. Consequently, thanks to this complex, you can achieve weight loss in your arms, remove sagging muscles and skin, and make them graceful, but not wobbly.

This complex can also be done at home. Use dumbbells weighing a maximum of 1.5 kg. You can replace them with ordinary plastic bottles, filling them with sand or water. Please note that holding sports equipment (both dumbbells and bottles) should be comfortable.

Use this complex:

  1. We stand straight, with our feet shoulder-width apart, while our hands, in which we hold the dumbbells, are lowered down in their original position. We raise our arms straight, stretching them out in front of us, hold in this position for 5 seconds, after which we return to the starting position. The movements must be repeated 10 times. If you want to give additional stress to other parts of the body, in particular the thighs, hips, buttocks, perform this exercise for losing weight on your arms with your knees bent.
  2. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, holding dumbbells. We count to 3, bring our arms together above chest level, without bending at the elbows. We hold them in this position for 3 seconds and return to the starting position. You need to perform these steps 10 times.
  3. Standing straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with the dumbbells in them down. From this position, we move them apart to the sides for a count of 3. After 3 seconds, we return to the starting position. Such ascents must be completed 10 times. When performing this exercise for losing weight on your arms, you can also give additional stress to your thighs, calves, as well as your thighs and buttocks by bending your legs slightly.
  4. This exercise is similar to the previous one, but it is somewhat more complicated. We take the same starting position, from there, at the count of 3, we spread our arms with dumbbells to the sides, and at the count of 6, we raise them up. Next, on the count of 9, we again spread them to the sides, and on the count of 12, we lower them down. As in the previous case, you can bend your knees slightly to give stress to other parts of the body. The number of lifts to be performed is 10.
  5. With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with the dumbbells in them down. From this position, on a count of 3, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. We return to the starting position at the count of 6. We perform 15 such lifts.
  6. We perform movements similar to the previous ones, but you need to raise your arms so that they are slightly higher than your shoulders. You also need to perform 15 such lifts. Both of these techniques for losing weight on your arms can also be complicated by bending your knees to put a load on the muscles of the thighs, thighs, calves, and buttocks.

It is worth noting that all complexes for these parts of the body, and especially those performed with dumbbells, also help strengthen the chest muscles. To the delight of women, thanks to them, it becomes more elastic and takes on a beautiful shape. Push-ups also contribute to this.