Treadmill training for beginners

The treadmill is an affordable and universal exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight... The treadmill is an affordable and universal exercise machine that allows you to fight excess weight, cellulite, weak muscles and some diseases. Running refers

Exercises for correct posture in the gym (video) Fitness exercises for posture

Correct posture has a huge impact not only on the ease of gait and the beauty of the figure, but also on the health of the spine in the first place. The spine is known to be supported by the back muscles, but if you don't do posture exercises, these muscles become weaker.

Exercises for correct posture in the gym (video) Exercises for posture in the gym

Correct posture has a huge impact not only on the ease of gait and the beauty of the figure, but also on the health of the spine in the first place. The spine is known to be supported by the back muscles, but if you don't do posture exercises, these muscles become weaker.

What is cardio training and why is it needed?

Cardio exercises are included in almost any sports program. These exercises are relevant due to the fact that they can be performed not only by endurance athletes, but also by people starting to engage in any type of fitness. What is cardio training?

Examples of circuit training in the gym for women and men

Reading time: 26 minutes There are many options for at-home workouts, but one of the most popular weight loss and fat burning regimens is circuit training. Have you tried this program yet or are you looking for a new way to do it? Suggestion

A selection of effective exercises for arms with dumbbells Strength training with dumbbells at home

The modern world offers a huge number of opportunities for people who want to improve their body and also become healthier. Motivational advertising encourages a person to take care of his body by showing massive athletes and bodybuilders in gyms, but

Basic exercises in the gym for beginners

So, you want to significantly increase muscle mass and create ripped abdominals? Here is a step-by-step introduction to the iron game that will help you get started right. Don't expect miracles to happen overnight. To build a body you need

Exercises and arm training for girls in the gym How to make a girl’s arms sculpted

? A unique natural balanced product for sports nutrition, which has no analogues in its composition Category: 2 capsules - 30 minutes before training, 8 capsules immediately after training SPORTAMIN® BCAA 6000 (Academy-T) - a unique pro

How to pump up a girl’s back – exercises and training program

Honey is a unique product with healing properties. It contains an incredible amount of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the full functioning of the body. Consuming honey promotes fat burning, so this

Returning to training after a break Resuming training after a long break

After a long break. Now, in order not to break down and quit this idea, you need a plan that will help you adapt physically and psychologically! Walter Thompson, an exercise physiologist at the University of Georgia, has studied what happens to those