We burn fat, but do not lose muscle mass. Fat but not muscle.

Losing weight without losing muscle mass is a real art. Learn how to eat and exercise right to maintain muscle and lose those extra pounds! Preparation First of all, we must clearly define the goal for which we will work.

How to Burn Fat, Not Muscle: A Strict Diet to Preserve Muscle While Losing Weight How to Lose Weight Without Losing Muscle

It is necessary to lose weight correctly, otherwise the result obtained will become short-term, and a return to previous forms will be inevitable. Anyone who has approached the process of body correction competently knows this. In the process of losing excess weight, you can easily

No-carbohydrate diet for bodybuilding

Although nutritionists and sports physiologists debate the benefits of carbohydrate-restricted diets, these diets are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic change in ideas about why a person gains

Performing a single leg press for the buttocks and hamstrings Leg press on the simulator technique

Good afternoon dear friends! Having beautiful slender legs and a firm butt is extremely important for girls; for this they are ready to work hard in the gym and exhaust themselves with fitness, strength training, aerobics and other types of physical activity. Effecti

Deadlift - technique and features of the exercise Deadlift exercise

Literally everyone who lifts weights in the gym or at home has heard about the benefits of the deadlift, considered a cult exercise. The effectiveness of the exercise is noticeable only if the execution technique is followed. This explains the need to know

How I brought myself back to life using kettlebell exercises The correct technique for performing a kettlebell snatch

Ruslan Dudnik Font A A Hello everyone! We continue to do this, and then we read a new post, which is started by Maria Larina, a certified trainer of ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). What do you associate with training with kettlebells? I'm sure there are many

Holotropic breathing - technique at home

Holotropic breathing is one of the treatment methods in psychotherapy. Since there is not much information about it, we will tell you what it is and how it works. Holotropic breathing: what is it? The history of the origin of the described method is interesting. Groff was the ambassador

Yoga breathing exercises for beginners

Breathing yoga is akin to the art of meditation. It does not require much physical activity, and the effect of doing breathing exercises is great. It is no less important for the human body and psyche than practicing asanas. Therefore, in this article we will look at

Kettlebell snatch - technique of execution The best exercises with a kettlebell

Prepared by: student 11 "A" Tokhtaboeva F Trans-Baikal Territory School Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School" No. 9 A weight is a specially made object of a given mass, which has a special shape and other design features. Weights are divided into measuring, clock and

Losing weight with a hoop

In the article we talk about a hoop for weight loss. We tell you how to choose the most suitable hoop among a wide variety, how often and for how long to use it. By applying our recommendations, you will learn in which cases the use of sleep is contraindicated