Average running speed over long distances. How fast is a person running? The value of the indicator for recreational running

All parents eagerly wait for their baby to take the first step. And for a child, independent walking is a sea of ​​new opportunities. But as we become adults, we begin to forget how much the ability to move freely in space has brought into our lives.

As children, we walked slowly and carefully. Over time, the steps become more confident, and the average speed of a person increases. Walking on foot is as natural for an adult as breathing.

What is walking

We all walk every day. Those who do not work move around the house in any case. People using transport are forced to walk to the stop. And some even get to work on foot. But even they don’t walk more than everyone else. There are many true lovers of this activity, who practice recreational walking, race walking, or use it for weight loss purposes.

The thing is that walking is not only a way of movement, but also an opportunity for a unique, cost-free, comprehensive healing of the entire body and always maintaining excellent physical shape.

What are the benefits of walking for the human body?

“Movement is life” is a phrase that has long become a catchphrase. Walking is good for you. Depending on the average speed of a person when walking, his body can have different effects. We know about the beneficial, health-improving effects. In some cases, walking may be contraindicated for seriously ill people. But this happens very rarely, one might say, in exceptional situations. More often, everything happens exactly the opposite: moderate physical activity on the body in the form of walking is prescribed as a form of rehabilitation, even in the initial stages of recovery.

The benefits of walking are most noticeable for people who are sedentary, have sedentary jobs, those who are overweight or have an extremely low level of physical fitness.

What is the walking speed?

Determining the average speed of a person when walking is not as easy as it seems. The value of this indicator is influenced by many factors. Depending on the pace of walking, there are four types:

1. Slow walking - 2-2.5 km/h. It is recommended to move at this speed for elderly people, as well as those undergoing rehabilitation after injuries and strokes. Healthy people can go at this speed while just walking. If we consider walking as a form of physical activity, then moving at such a speed will not have any effect on the body of an adult, healthy person.

2. Medium speed walking - 3-4 km/h. This walking pace will have a beneficial effect on the body of people with heart defects and a weakened cardiovascular system, but for healthy people it will have a minimal stimulating effect.

4. Very fast walking - 6-7 km/h or more. It will not benefit people with weakened bodies. Without special training, maintaining such a walking pace for a long time is quite difficult. Interestingly, fatigue occurs even faster when walking very quickly than when running at the same pace.

If the task is to specify the indicator, then we can say that the average speed of a person when walking is 4.5 km/h. This refers to the pace of movement of a physically healthy adult. There is no point in determining this indicator in steps, because the width of the step varies significantly among different people.

How fast can children walk

Walking has the most positive effect on a growing child's body. Children often walk slower than adults. As was said, the average speed of a person when walking depends on the width of the step, and this is directly determined by the length of the legs. As the child grows, the speed of walking and running increases accordingly. The average speed of children is approximately as follows:

A child of two years old can walk at an average speed of two kilometers per hour. Its maximum speed exceeds 3 km/h.

A four-year-old child can already reach walking speeds of up to 4 km/h.

Children who have reached the age of five or six walk at a speed of four to five kilometers per hour.

What is the average running speed of a person

Often people who want to lose weight and keep their body in shape take up running. For a modern person, running is not just a sport, but also a “remedy for being late.” As children, we ran to be on time for class; in adulthood, sometimes we have to run to get to work on time. In such situations, when there are only a few minutes left before an important event, and we can only rely on our legs, we ask the question: “What is the average running speed of a person?” Naturally, this depends on the preparedness and endurance of the body.

Athletes are able to reach speeds of 40-45 km/h. Of course, running at this pace cannot last long. Long course runners distribute their energy so that they can run as fast as possible for a long time. In this case, this figure is 14-15 km/h.

If we are not talking about an athlete, then his running speed is twice as fast as the average speed of a person when walking and is approximately 9 km/h. Regular jogging has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body and tones the muscles. And if such training is carried out in the fresh air, the benefits are double.

Health walking - what is it?

As mentioned earlier, the average speed of a walking person is 4.5 km/h. Does walking at this speed have a healing effect on the body? Yes, indeed, for most healthy people there will be positive results from such training. But if you have set a goal - to lose excess weight - you need to walk at a fast pace. This speed provokes active muscle contraction and joint work.

To summarize, let's say that walking is an incredibly useful and at the same time enjoyable activity that does not require financial investment. Walking at any speed is the key to good health and well-being.

Running has been and remains the main discipline of human physical education. But at what speed a person runs cannot be stated with certainty. There are many conventions that must be taken into account in one case or another. For example, recreational running (jogging) or training; whether an ordinary average person runs without special training or an athlete; man, woman or child; if this is a trained runner, what distance is his running designed for, and so on. The average speed of each category will vary significantly.

The maximum speed of athletes' races.

The fastest man in the world, Usey Bolt, set a record for sprinting, running a hundred meters at a speed 44.7 km/h.

When it comes to the maximum running speed of athletes, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to the gender of the runner, the distance over which he runs. In sports, running is divided into the following distances:

  1. Short distance running (sprint).
  2. Long distance running (marathon).

The speed of races between sprinters and marathon runners is significantly different. Many people unfamiliar with the sport believe that the longer the distance, the faster the running. This concept is fundamentally wrong. A sprinter gives his all during a short run. He immediately makes a dash to get ahead and win. A marathon runner must distribute his strength over the entire length of the distance and can make a jerk only at the end of the race. Therefore, the speed at sprint distances is much higher than at marathon distances and is approximately 40-42 km/h. And this is not the limit.

Running speed ranks from maximum


3rd digit speed (km/h)

1 digit speed (km/h)

MSMC (km/h)

21.1 km

Maximum physical exertion quickly exhausts the body of a marathon runner. If he immediately makes a jerk during a long-distance race, he may not reach the finish line at all. Therefore, marathon runners have to calculate their strength and run much slower than sprinters. In this regard, we cannot talk about maximum speed here. At marathon distances, athletes with the first category in running show an average speed of approximately 34 - 38 km/h. at distances from 1000 to 5000m; 18 – 20 km/h at 10,000m and for a 42.2 km race – 15.5 – 16.5 km/h. Masters of sports at such distances show speeds 2-3 km higher.

If you decide to take up a running sport, regardless of whether you are prepared or not, the activities will be of a recreational or sports nature, first talk to your doctor, who will tell you what kind of running you should do. But in any case - run, from a heart attack, from colds and just for fun, to feel stronger, healthier and faster and you will definitely set your personal record!

Jogging speed.

Mostly ordinary people without special training engage in recreational running. For them, the main thing is not achieving some results, winning competitions, but taking care of their health. Jogging is a slow run that minimizes the work of the musculoskeletal system and the risk of injury. Athletes also do the same running during training during rehabilitation after injuries, as well as during physical exercise. The speed when jogging is approximately 6-10 km/h and does not differ much between men and women.

The average running speed of an ordinary person.

When identifying an ordinary untrained person, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  1. Child's running speed.
  2. Running speed of an adult man.
  3. Woman's running speed.

If we are talking about a child running, then in this case there is no need to take into account who is running - a boy or a girl, since their speed is almost the same and is approximately 8 - 10 km/h. This is due to the fact that children, regardless of their gender, have the same development of the muscular system of the musculoskeletal system. They also have the same amount of lactic acid and pulse rate after exercise.

If we are talking about an adult running, then the average speed will be slightly different. This is due to the fact that females have a subcutaneous fat ratio that is 10% higher than that of males, which makes it significantly more difficult for the weaker half of humanity to increase their speed. In addition, there is a difference in the development of elastic and soft muscles. Thus, a woman’s running speed is 11–14 km/h, a man’s is 15–20 km/h. You can more accurately determine the speed at which a person runs at a distance of 100 m. Of course, not everyone is able to run it. Elderly people or those who are overweight or have some kind of disease will run it more slowly than an ordinary healthy person, whose speed will be 14-16 seconds for women and 12-15 seconds. in men. But this indicator is not unambiguous. If an ordinary untrained person runs every day, his result may improve first by hundredths of a second, and then by tenths. Of course, at the beginning the leg muscles will hurt, but if you train constantly, the pain will go away, and the speed of the race will increase every month. But at the same time, you need to monitor not only your speed, but also how you feel during the run and after it. Even if you feel slightly unwell, you should consult a doctor who will recommend you one or another jogging system.

Many people are interested in knowing how fast a person can run. In order not to engage in speculative calculations, one should turn to the world of sports, namely athletics. It is worth paying attention to the sprinters. Usain Bolt competes in this discipline and is shown in the 100 m race. His records at various distances are recorded in the competition protocols.

Who is Usain Bolt

Perhaps many people, even those far from the world of sports, have heard this name. And this is not surprising, because... Usain Bolt, whose top speed is 44.72 km/h, is considered the fastest man on the planet. from Jamaica who runs sprint distances. He showed his best results in the 100-meter dash and set several world records. To date, Usain Bolt has reached the top step of the Olympic podium 6 times. In addition, he won the world championships 8 times.

Biography and sports career

Usain Bolt was born on August 21, 1986 in the small Jamaican town of Sherwood Content. He studied in the most ordinary primary and secondary schools. As a child, the future world sports star was seriously interested in cricket. However, during the competition, an athletics coach noticed him and saw great speed potential in him. He advised Usain to start running. The boy listened to an experienced coach and devoted himself to athletics.

Bolt won his first world title at the World Junior Championships in Kingston at a distance of 200 m. He ran this distance in 20.61 seconds. Two years later, he set a world junior record for this distance - 19.93 seconds.

Since 2008, Usain Bolt has consistently competed at world-class competitions and retains the title of the best athlete in the world and the fastest man on earth. He has won victories in Beijing (2008) and London (2012), and at the World Athletics Championships in 2009, 2011 and 2013. The athlete competes at distances of 100 m and 200 m. In addition, he also participates in the 4 x 100 m relay race as part of the Jamaican national team.

top scores

Bolt had not run the 100m before the 2008 Beijing Olympics. His debut brought him world fame, a gold medal and the first world record - 9.69 seconds. From that moment on, the Jamaican athlete was talked about as an extraordinary phenomenon in the world of athletics.

A year later, Bolt improved his result by 0.11 seconds: at the World Championships in Germany, he covered his “crown” distance in 9.58 seconds.

In addition, Bolt continues to perform successfully at a distance of 200 m. He set a world record at the 2008 Olympic Games - 19.3 seconds, and at the 2009 World Championships he improved it by 0.11 seconds - 19.19 seconds. This result remains unsurpassed to this day.

Recently, another unofficial record was set by Usain Bolt. The maximum indoor speed was achieved by him. As a result, the sprinter covered 100 m in 9.98 seconds. He is the first athlete to run this distance in under 10 seconds indoors.

What is the reason for this phenomenal success?

All participants, and especially Olympic winners, undergo very strict anti-doping control. Based on the results of these checks, it was established that Usain Bolt does not take prohibited drugs. Maximum speed is achieved due to the structural features of the body. After winning the Olympics, the Jamaican athlete took part in a number of studies.

The runner is extremely tall for a sprinter (1.96 m), so he can take long steps - up to 2.85 m. The average is 2.44 m. He covers the distance in 40-42 steps. His opponents have to move their feet more often. On average, 100 meters take 45-47 steps. However, with such growth, slow-twitch muscle fibers are usually developed, which gives endurance. However, Bolt has 2/3 fast twitch muscle fibers, which allows him to achieve high speed. The average runner takes 254 steps per minute (4.23 bpm), and Usain Bolt's top speed is 264 bpm (4.4 bpm). More than half of the time Bolt was in the flight phase, that is, his feet did not touch the ground. Another important factor is the absence of serious injuries, thanks to which the Jamaican can build up his form. All these factors allow him to win the title of the fastest man on the planet.

So what is the speed?

The maximum recorded speed of Usain Bolt at a distance of 100 m is 9.58 seconds. That is, the average pace is 37.58 km/h. However, everyone knows that a sprint can be divided into phases: starting acceleration, running along the distance, finishing. Bolt showed his maximum speed in the section between 60 and 80 m. He covered this section in less than 2 seconds (1.61 seconds). Thus, the maximum speed reached 44.72 km/h (or 12.42 m/s). After that, he began to noticeably slow down. The researchers do not rule out that the result could have been even better if the sprinter had run the last 20 meters at full strength. So, the maximum speed of runner Usain Bolt is 44.72 km/h.

However, neither the athlete himself nor athletics researchers doubt that this is not the limit of human capabilities. It is possible that after some time the barrier of 9.5 seconds will be left behind.

The topic of this latest post is jogging. How to run correctly, what is useful and harmful about running, what does the technique look like, what is the speed and calorie burning, what muscles are involved - these and other […]

The topic of this latest post is jogging. How to run correctly, how running is useful and harmful, what the technique looks like, what is the speed and calorie burning, what muscles are used - these and other nuances are revealed in the text.

Jogging technique

Correct technique protects against joint injury. Jogging is easy to learn because the movements are natural to humans. The technique is to push off with your best whole foot, instead of using just the toe or just the heel. Medium size steps, small. Make rhythmic movements back and forth with your arms bent at right angles on the sides of your body. The body is as straight as possible, with a slight slope forward. When running, you need to breathe deeply and freely at a calm pace. If you have a pain in your side or shortness of breath, you need to slow down the pace.

Jogging speed

It is believed that the optimal speed for jogging is 8 km/h. According to other sources - 7-9 km/h. You can test yourself this way: if you can breathe through your nose and talk while running and there is no discomfort or shortness of breath, then your speed is within normal limits. When you need to breathe through your mouth, you need to slow down a little. The speed can be any, but you need to monitor your heart rate - the maximum heart rate when running is 120 beats per minute. You can go beyond this barrier a little, but for some it is dangerous. Jogging involves moving at a speed slightly faster than normal walking.

The benefits and harms of jogging

Jogging improves the condition of the nervous and endocrine systems. Moving for more than 30 minutes causes a surge of endorphins and a feeling of happiness. Thanks to running, the heart and digestive tract work better, blood pressure is normalized, and the figure becomes athletic. Exercise is a weapon against excess weight and stress. The harm of running lies in the shock load on the legs, the risk of damage to the soleus and calf muscles, knees, and spine. To minimize the harm from running, buy softly shock-absorbing shoes.

In most cases, jogging brings great benefits and positive changes in life. How to run correctly and distribute the load, how much time to spend jogging, at what speed to run - these frameworks may differ for each person. It is important to adapt the sport to your needs and body characteristics, to set your own records.

How many calories are burned when jogging?

Interesting facts about calorie consumption when jogging:

  • with a weight of 70 kg and a speed of 8 km/h - 340 kcal are consumed in 30 minutes (600 kcal will be burned in 60 minutes);
  • 2 hours of continuous running will burn up to 1100 kcal;
  • the average calorie burn for beginners in running is up to 600 kcal per hour;
  • with interval running (100 m walking + 400 m jogging + 300 m sprinting) - 200 kcal are burned in 60 minutes;
  • interval training for a woman weighing 60 kg (alternating walking with slow running) - forces the body to burn up to 260 kcal per hour (with a weight of 80 kg a man will burn up to 320 kcal);
  • continuous running of a woman weighing 60 kg at a speed of 11 km/h burns up to 620 kcal (men 80 kg - up to 850 kcal) per hour.

Fat burning is only possible with proper nutrition and heart rate control when running.

What muscles work when jogging?

When a person runs, muscles that are important for the beauty of the body are activated:

  • gluteal muscles - form beautiful buttocks, hold the body upright;
  • posterior thigh muscles - regulate the bending of the legs at the knees, located at the back of the thighs in 4 bundles;
  • calves - stabilize the body position, raise the legs, and are located on the shins;
  • iliacus muscles - responsible for bending the leg; these muscles should not hurt when running;
  • intercostal muscles - tension of the intercostal muscles occurs during increased inhalation and exhalation;
  • quadriceps (this is the anterior quadriceps femoral muscle) - are significantly involved in bending the legs, moving the knee and hip joints, and are located on the front of the hips.

When running, the muscles of the foot, biceps of the arm and rectus abdominis also work well.

Running hour

Let's look at what an hour of running does. Just 60 minutes of jogging relieves stress, distracts you from everyday problems, and helps you change your surroundings. If you run for exactly an hour, you can burn about 600 kcal, which means you can lose a certain amount of excess weight. It is reliably known that in 60 minutes of moderate running you will burn significantly more calories than in 30 minutes of exactly the same activity. And all because fat burning begins after 30-40 minutes of intense physical work at a pulse of 120-145 beats per minute. If you run 3-4 times a week for 60 minutes, and at the same time eat right, you can achieve your weight loss goal.

Run every day

Not everyone can run every day; in most cases it is not necessary. You should exercise 3-5 times a week so that the body has time to recover and does not become overworked. Daily running is accessible and useful to professionals and well-trained people. This activity is not for people with zero or poor training. Without fanaticism, you can run even every day, but you need to monitor your condition and listen to your body. At first, it is advisable to take rest breaks, and when the body adapts to the load, switch to daily training.

Jogging after 60 years

Running is an activity not only for the young and old, but also for the elderly. It is important to understand that a person at 60 years old must have an appropriate state of health and the body must be accustomed to such loads. If you have illnesses, you should not start any sports activities without consulting a doctor. For running to be a natural activity at age 60, you need to start much earlier or start with light loads, Nordic walking, and various health-improving exercises. Running prolongs life, reduces cholesterol, burns fat, and improves the health of the body.

Jogging in the morning

Morning running is a cardio workout on an empty stomach. Before running, warming up is encouraged. Getting rid of depression, prolonging youth, preventing diseases, replenishing energy reserves - this is what running in the morning gives, the benefits of training are obvious. If you choose the morning, then you should train with caution so as not to harm your heart. Morning running speeds up metabolism, activates fat burning, helps cleanse the body, works a lot of muscles, trains endurance, invigorates, disciplines and improves the quality of life.

Running in the evenings

Some people like to run in the morning and afternoon, while others like to run in the evening. It’s easier to run in the evening, since you don’t have to force yourself to get up early and everyone can find time. Training relieves stress after a working day, burns calories, cleanses the body, and improves sleep. If it is convenient for you to run in the evenings, then do it for your health; time does not affect the effectiveness of exercise. Running at night will help improve the health of people with sedentary jobs. Running in the evenings is pleasant and useful, as training allows you to diversify your life, lose weight and increase mobility.

Contraindications for jogging

You should not run at any pace if you have the following disorders:

  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis of the legs;
  • Heart arythmy;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney diseases;
  • after a stroke and heart attack;
  • spondyloarthrosis, radiculitis;
  • some gynecological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • eye diseases associated with retinal detachment;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • heart disease;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • exacerbation of any disease, viral infections.

In case of serious and/or chronic diseases, any decision in the field of sports should be agreed with a doctor.

If running is not contraindicated for you, then run in the mornings or evenings, whenever and wherever you want. Running is also beneficial for older people, but they need to look at their health status and consult with doctors more often. Daily running is acceptable, but not suitable for beginners. In just an hour of running at a speed of 10 km/h, the body burns approximately 8.4 kcal for every kilogram of weight (500-600 kcal).

We are often amazed at the speed of a kangaroo, ostrich or cheetah. How fast are we, what is the average speed of a person when walking and running? All these indicators depend on various factors and require an individual approach to determine.

In contact with


A person moves mainly by walking or running. Their types depend on factors such as dynamics and tempo. Based on this, the following main types of walking can be determined:

  • Walking. We do this kind of walking while walking. It is characterized by an imposing, slow pace, short steps at low speed, the average pedestrian speed does not exceed 4 km/h. The number of steps in one minute ranges from 50 to 70. A pedestrian’s pulse varies around 70–0 beats/min. The walk can hardly be called health-improving, because it does not carry any special physical or cardio load. The exceptions are people with musculoskeletal disorders or the elderly. Their movement at a slow pace is already an achievement. Most often, a person with such a gait rests during a leisurely walk.
  • Walking at an average pace is characterized by more wide gait. From 70 to 90 steps are performed per minute. The average pedestrian speed is 4–6 km/h.
  • Wellness. Characterized by a more accelerated pace. A person's walking speed can reach 7 km/h. The frequency of steps is from 70 to 120 per minute. The name of this species suggests that it has a healing effect. When moving at this pace, the heart rate increases, which improves the functioning of all organs throughout the body. At the pace of a healthy walk, a person hurries to the designated place.
  • Sports. Its principle is to strive for maximum speed of movement, observing the principles and technique of walking, i.e., without switching to running. Necessary exclude the flight phase when moving. One of the feet should be in constant contact with the surface. This option requires good physical health, because you can walk even faster than run. A professional “walker” can reach speeds of up to 16 km/h. During competitions, the heart rate rises to 180 beats/min. WITH Sports walking is especially useful for women, because it helps improve their figure.

Important! During movement, body stability increases compared to a standing position. This explains why standing is more difficult than walking.

How much does a pedestrian walk in a day?

The distance a pedestrian travels in one day depends on the circumstances and lifestyle of the individual. Some people have sedentary work, while others have dynamic work. Doctors recommend taking at least 10 thousand steps a day.

If you don’t have the time or the ability to travel long distances, you can try walking to work or, for example, get up one stop earlier, then walk to work, and do the same on the way home. It's becoming very popular now." nordic walking" It involves moving at an accelerated pace with the help of special sticks.

Human stride length

The average gait length depends on factors such as gender, height, race, weight, gait (manner), and can range from 30 cm to 1 meter. But the average length has been determined: for a man it is 0.76 m, and the average length of a woman’s step is 0.67 m.

Each person's step is approximately the same size. There is a formula for determining the average stride length depending on height.

Length.W = P:4 + 0.37

where: L.W – step length (m);

Thus, the average step of a person 1.79 m tall is:

Length.W = 1.79: 4 + 0.37 = 0.82 m

In practice, the length of a person's step can be measured empirically. To do this, you need to measure out a section 10 meters long and walk along it, counting the number of steps. Then divide 10 m by this amount, and we get the length of one.

Let's say a pedestrian took 13 steps in 10 meters. We get:

Length.W = 10: 13 = 0.77 m

Important! In the Soviet Union, the average step length was determined. It was 1.5 meters in two, or 3 meters in four steps.


During running, almost the same body movements are performed as when walking, but there is a flight phase (moments when the legs do not rest on the surface), and leaning on two legs at the same time is excluded.

As you run, the gravity of the earth is rhythmically overcome and your blood flow resonates with your running.

This allows all capillaries to be filled with blood as much as possible, due to which the functioning of the entire body improves A.

Based on the distance, running is divided into the following types:

  • Run in place. Its effectiveness is significantly lower than classic running, but its clear advantage is the ability to perform it under any conditions. No rough terrain or stadium needed, one square meter is enough.
  • Sprinting does not require much endurance, but it is important maximum dedication of the athlete to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.
  • The average distance is from 600 meters to 3 km. It is impossible to run a long distance at top speed. Therefore, the tempo is chosen to be slightly above average.
  • The long distance is defined from 2 miles to marathon 42 km. It is better to jog for such a distance.

Human running speed:

  • Light running is not much different from walking. Travel speed is 5–6 km/h. This pace is suitable for people with musculoskeletal disorders, overweight and the elderly.
  • Average running pace is most often used for morning jog non-professional athletes. Its speed is 7–8 km/h.
  • Jogging is used to improve the health of the body. The speed reaches 12 kilometers per hour. You can run at this pace for medium or long distances. During movement, it moves a large volume of blood, which helps strengthen the heart muscle and saturate the whole body with blood. Jogging has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and immune systems.
  • Sprinting involves development of maximum speed with complete dedication. Of course, it is impossible to run at a fast pace for a long time, so it is used only for short distances up to 200 meters.

Attention! The maximum speed a runner can reach is 44.72 kilometers per hour. This result was shown by the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt.

Definition of speed