A set of exercises on a step platform. DIY step platform. Exercises on a step platform How to replace a step platform at home

Despite the growing popularity of strength training, the group direction of step aerobics does not lose fans of rhythmic and intense exercise. This direction involves training on a specially designed step platform. In different clubs you can find all sorts of platform options - from old models to the most modern and expensive ones. Basically, what distinguishes one platform from another is the parameters: dimensions, height adjustment, and most importantly, convenience and safety.

How to choose a step platform?

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to is safety, which concerns not only beginners, but also advanced aerobics lovers. Since the training is not limited to the usual basic steps on the platform, and modern step aerobics over the years is increasingly reminiscent of choreography, especially a good non-slip coating is important, which will reduce the possibility of injury due to carelessness at a high rate of load. Manufacturers of modern step aerobics platforms have increasingly begun to produce rubberized surfaces that provide better grip between the sole and the platform, unlike cheap plastic predecessors.
  2. The second, but no less important indicator of the quality of the platform is stands for height adjustment. To begin with, the legs of the platform must be well attached to the step; for this it is better to choose legs with latches, this ensures both safety and convenience. Thus, placing your foot on the edge of the platform, the structure will not fall apart, unlike conventional collapsible supports.
  3. It is also important to choose a platform with rubberized supports (height supports). Otherwise, the plastic surface will slide on the floor, and this is dangerous when performing exercises, and of course – inconvenient. Even the most expensive brands of platforms miss such nuances, because of this, clubs put rubber mats under the step, and this is a big disadvantage, since the mats take up more space.

What types of step platforms are there - the most popular models in fitness clubs

  1. Reconfigurable platforms. The height of the step platform has three levels - 15, 20, 25 cm. The supports are rearranged depending on the desired height, that is, only two supports are adjustable to different heights. These platforms are available in lengths from 90 to 109 cm, and widths from 35 to 41 cm.
  2. Collapsible. The height of such platforms is regulated by special supports in the form of a square, placed on top of each other, the number of which is unlimited. The height of the platform itself starts from 10 cm, and with additional supports you can make it any height. The advantage of such platforms is that they can be used for strength exercises, such as a bench for pressing and jumping. But the security of such platforms is worse than that of the former. The width of collapsible step platforms varies depending on the manufacturer's design: from 69 to 110 cm in length, from 30 to 40 cm in width.

The best step platform manufacturers

How to replace a step platform at home

In fact, replacing a high-quality step platform at home is quite difficult. Judging by the length, width and height of the step, it is unlikely that there will be available equipment of such high strength. But you can save money by ordering it from a workshop, or making it yourself, a wooden platform, like the first aerobics platforms. You can make the product with legs or monolithic, choosing the optimal parameters for yourself. The strength of the wood will ensure safety and durability of use.

Useful video about choosing a step platform

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A step platform is a sports equipment that is a small bench with an adjustable height level. This platform is intended not only for step aerobics, but also for strength and cardio exercises. Most often, this sports equipment is made of special plastic and has a corrugated surface that prevents slipping during exercise.

The step platform is a truly versatile fitness equipment. You can do aerobics with it, perform strength and plyometric exercises, complicate and simplify classic exercises. In general, using this equipment will help you create an effective set of exercises for losing weight and strengthening the muscles of the whole body, especially the legs and buttocks.

2. You will need a step platform during strength exercises with dumbbells, which require a bench to perform. For example, if you perform a dumbbell chest press on the floor, you will not be able to lower your elbows low enough, which means the exercise will not be performed with sufficient amplitude and efficiency:

Or, for example, to perform a Bulgarian lunge you also need a step platform:

3. Some exercises are easier to do with an emphasis on the step platform than with emphasis on the floor. For example, push-ups and planks. Therefore, the step platform will be useful for those who are just learning to do push-ups or want to simplify any exercises that rely on their hands.

4. The platform can be used to perform plyometric exercises, in which you need to jump onto some hill. Usually a special stand is used for jumping, but you can also jump onto a step platform (the main thing is that it is stable!):

5. This is an almost ideal exercise for training the lower body. Moreover, with the step you will work specifically on reducing the volume of the hips, forming slender, toned legs.

6. The step platform is useful for performing various modifications of classic exercises. This will help you great diversify your workouts:

As you can see, everyone can find a use for the step platform in home fitness. This functional equipment will really come in handy when performing both strength and cardio exercises.. And if, in addition to everything else, you love step aerobics, then it’s definitely worth purchasing a platform for home exercises.

Benefits of the step platform:

  • If you have a platform, you can do step aerobics at home - this is a very effective low-impact type of training for weight loss.
  • The step platform is convenient for performing strength exercises with dumbbells - it replaces a sports bench.
  • The step platform will help you complicate any cardio workout by adding more intense jumping exercises to it. (selection of exercises below).
  • Exercises with a step platform will give additional stress to the muscles of the buttocks and legs, which is especially important for girls.
  • A step platform will simplify many exercises that focus on your arms: doing push-ups and standing in a plank position on a small hill is much easier.

How to choose a step platform?

Since the fashion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle is only gaining momentum every year, the choice of sports equipment in stores is truly enormous. How to choose a step platform for training at home and what to look for when buying? There are several criteria that are important to keep in mind when purchasing a step platform. Let's look at them in more detail.

1. Length and width of the step platform

  • Length: from 80 cm (so that you can place your feet shoulder-width apart)
  • Width: 35-41 cm (your foot length + a few centimeters)

In the inexpensive price segment there are step platforms that are shorter in length. For example, model StarFit SP102, its dimensions are 72 x 36.5:

With such a length of surface, it will be uncomfortable to exercise, you will not feel freedom of movement and even risk falling. Therefore, it is better not to purchase platforms with a short length.

Choose the width based on your foot size. For example, the length of the foot in size 38 is 25 cm. Plus add a few centimeters that fall on the sneakers, and a little reserve space in front and behind for comfortable activities. Accordingly, the width of the step platform should be at least 35 cm.

2. Height and number of levels

The height of the step platform is 10-25 cm, it has several levels. Each level adds 5 cm. Usually there are two-level and three-level step platforms. According to studies, each level provides an additional 12% of the load. An example of a two-level and three-level step platform (models StarFit SP102 and StarFit SP201):

For beginners, a height of 10 cm is enough for training - the minimum level of the step platform. Advanced people can practice at a level of 20-25 cm.

3. Strength and shock-absorbing qualities

Typically, the characteristics of a step platform indicate Weight Limit, which can support the surface (100-130 kg). Moreover, it is worth considering not only your own weight, but also the weight of dumbbells and barbells if you plan to exercise with them. Check the projectile for strength: the surface should not spring or sag when jumping. High-quality, durable step platforms weigh at least 8 kg.

As a rule, more expensive platforms have plastic that has better shock-absorbing characteristics, thanks to which the impact of the feet on the surface is absorbed. The health of your joints and spine depends on this, so you should not neglect this parameter.

4. Surface

For the safety of your activities, pay attention to whether there is rubber cover on the surface of the steppe. On budget projectiles, manufacturers can limit themselves to a ribbed surface, but it is better to give preference to rubber-coated platforms. The supports of the step platform must also be stable and not slip.

5. Design of supports

There are 2 types of step platforms: Rdismountable and reconfigurable. As a rule, collapsible platforms have a length of 20 cm, and platforms with legs rise to 25 cm. For example, compare the StarFit SP-201 and Reebok RSP-16150 models:

In the first case, you can additionally purchase supports if you need to increase the height of the projectile. However, it is safer to use reconfigurable supports, since the removable parts may simply fly apart when jumping. This is how it works reconfigurable platform :

We do not recommend constructing step platforms at home. Firstly, from manufacturers of sports goods they are made of special plastic, which absorbs the shock load at the moment the foot comes into contact with the surface of the platform. This helps keep your joints and spine healthy. Secondly, the step platform must be stable and have a rubberized surface, and this is also difficult to do at home.

Also try not to purchase a used step platform. There is a risk that there will be kinks and cracks on the surface that you will not notice behind the rubberized coating.

Let's look at examples of step platform models.

Step platforms up to 2500 rubles

Step platforms from 2500 to 5000 rubles

Step platforms from 5000 to 8000 rubles

Reebok Step Platforms

Reebok step platforms are more expensive, but they are also of the best quality. If you have the financial opportunity, it is better to purchase a Reebok step platform. Firstly, Reebok platforms are comfortable and safe to work with. Secondly, their service life is quite long.

Deck platforms

If you are not limited on funds, you can purchase a so-called deck platform, which can be an excellent alternative to a sports bench due to its sliding design.

20 exercises on the step platform in GIFs!

We offer you 20 ready-made exercises on the step platform that will help you lose weight, strengthen muscles, tighten the body and get rid of problem areas.

4. Squat with dumbbell press up

5. Reverse lunges with dumbbells

9. Push-ups

16. Jumping Lunge

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Shortcircuits with Marsha.

Lesson plan with step platform for beginners

We perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 30-second break. We repeat each round in 2 circles. Rest 1.5 minutes between circles.

First round:

  • Reverse lunge with dumbbells (optional without dumbbells)

Second round:

Lesson plan with step platform for advanced

We perform each exercise for 40 seconds, then take a 20-second break. We repeat each round in 2 circles. Rest 1 minute between circles.

First round:

  • Platform push-ups

Second round:

Exercises on the step platform: precautions

1. Always do step training in sneakers. Choose shoes with a non-slip surface and good foot support.

2. Do not wear wide, loose pants while exercising with the step platform to avoid falling.

3. Before performing the exercises, make sure that the step platform does not slide on the floor while performing the exercises.

4. Also make sure that the step platform is firmly installed and secured. Avoid jumping onto the platform if you are not sure of its stability.

5. While performing the exercises, keep your back straight, place your foot completely on the platform, and the knee of the supporting leg should not go beyond the line of the toe.

6. If you have problems with leg joints or varicose veins, then exclude jumping from your workouts. You can do the exercises suggested above, performing a normal step instead of a jump, where possible.

7. Each step platform has restrictions on the weight of the practitioner. Pay attention to this when training with additional weight (barbell, dumbbells).

8. If you are just starting to practice, it is recommended to set the height of the apparatus to the minimum level (10 cm). However, if you plan to do push-ups, planks and other exercises with your hands resting on a step platform, then the higher the platform, the easier it will be to perform the exercise.

Top 5 videos for weight loss with step platform

We offer you 5 great videos with a step platform that will help you lose weight, tighten your body and tone your muscles. In some videos, in addition to the step platform, you will also need dumbbells. Instead of dumbbells, you can use bottles of water or sand.

1. FitnessBlender: Fat Burning Cardio Step Workout (12 minutes)

2. Shelly Dose: HIIT + Weights Step Workout (30 minutes)

3. FitnessType: Cardio & Strength Step Up Workout (40 minutes)

4. GymRa: Fat Burning Total-Body Cardio Step Workout (35 minutes)

5. Mike Donavanik: Plyometrics Full Body Step Workout (10 minutes)

If you already have a step platform, but are planning update your fitness equipment , then we recommend reading the following articles.

Beautiful posture, healthy, excellent well-being - all this will give you step aerobics. It develops the body's endurance. And for people who work at the computer all day, step aerobics is just a godsend.

Step aerobics can be done in the morning instead of regular exercises or in the evenings to relieve fatigue.

What is step aerobics?

The founder of step dance was bodybuilding champion Gina Miller.

Step aerobics(in translation step means “step”) - these are moving exercises that are performed on a special platform. Exercises on a step platform are a combination of some elements of oriental gymnastics, dance movements, as well as simple raising and lowering of arms and legs to the music.

This is an excellent option for those who want to look younger and get rid of extra pounds(on average, 400 calories are burned in one session), strengthen the muscles of the body (muscles of the thighs, buttocks, legs). It also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. The main thing in step aerobics is systematic and precise execution of exercises.

Before starting classes, prepare yourself a bottle of water. Eating is prohibited for 2-3 hours after classes. As for the uniform for the lesson, sports pants, shorts, leggings are suitable, it is better to take a T-shirt from natural fabric, and wear sneakers (moccasins) on your feet. The first lesson will show you what you will be comfortable wearing during training.

Pros of step aerobics

Step aerobics has many benefits.

  1. Minimum financial costs, if you cannot buy a platform in a store, then it is quite possible to replace it with an ordinary low bench, the main thing is that it is not made of slippery material.
  2. At home for practicing you will need absolutely a little space, even a balcony will do.
  3. Class time is 3 hours per week.

Here are a few simple exercises that are ideal for doing at home:

All movements are performed to rhythmic music.

Simple step. Warm-up

  • Stand up straight, lift your chin a little, straighten your shoulders.
  • The arms are bent, lowered along the body. Feet shoulder width apart. We begin to walk in place. We try to keep the step springy. When things get going, we raise our hands. If you started doing the exercise with your left leg, your right hand should rise to meet it. We always try to maintain good posture.
  • We perform for 5-7 minutes.
  • This exercise is aimed at strengthening the calf muscles and thighs. Thanks to this exercise, your gait will become easier.
  • You can make the exercise more difficult by using a wide elastic band. Place it on your hips and gradually lower it. Now, to take simple steps, you need to put in a lot more effort.
  • Remember, the lower your elastic band is, the greater the load on your legs.

Side step

The second exercise is to use the extension step.

  • Start it on the floor. First we take springy side steps, and then increase the rhythm. Then we move on to “light” side steps. They are slower. Try to do the exercise in time with the music.
  • This exercise will take you 3-5 minutes.

Overwhelm steps»

These are steps without a bench.

  • We start with a springy step, then take two sliding steps, and pull the heel towards the buttocks.
  • We continue to warm up the leg muscles. We pull the knee towards the chest every 2-3 additional steps.
  • After this, we take the starting position and look at the first exercise, where we used a simple step. We take two steps at a time, then one large step to the side, first with the left, and after the next four steps with the right foot.
  • The time can be increased from 5 to 10 minutes.

Keep in mind that you won’t succeed in everything right away, but don’t worry, a little training and everything will work out, the body itself will remember the movements ( all step aerobics classes are for coordination, and it is unique for all people, so the rhythm of classes depends only on you).

Step aerobics with a bench (platform) at home

There are several exercises with a bench. You can stand facing the bench, sideways, left, right or behind.

Simple exercise

  • Stand in front of a bench, place your hands on your waist. We take two steps to the bench, then 1 step to the bench. We jump forward from the bench and start doing the exercise on the other side.
  • There is no need to immediately walk at an accelerated pace, it is better to gradually increase it.
  • Make the movements more difficult by increasing the height of the bench or slightly speeding up the pace. To make the exercise easier, choose different music, from slower to faster rhythms. You can add dance moves to the steps in front of the bench. And remember, step is positive, not exhausting physical activity.

A fun exercise - jumping off a bench

  • Stand sideways to the bench. Next, we take one step away from the bench, then jump in the same direction. Let's change the sequence.
  • It is very important: in order for the load on the muscles to be greater, when jumping to the side, you need to squat a little. This exercise improves coordination and dexterity.
  • Hands remain at the waist. Only the steps are executed. And you need to do them as quickly as you can.
  • Perform for 3-5 minutes.

Technique "transition"»

  • This exercise is very simple, you simply move from the starting position, standing in front of the bench, to a similar one behind it. The speed of execution depends on your physical fitness.
  • When moving to a bench, you can put one leg or both. You can also combine transitions with raising your arms when turning or lunging forward with either your left or right foot.

Forming an ideal body is not so easy, but it is possible with the help of an effective and efficient sport - aerobics. It combines rhythmic sets of exercises, muscle pumping and intense movements, which are performed with the correct breathing technique. Step aerobics can be considered the most popular today.

Step aerobics is rhythmic aerobics in the form of a dance, carried out on special simulators - step platforms. All exercises are simple to perform, and the intensity of the exercises is adjusted to suit your level of physical fitness and capabilities. The effectiveness of aerobics and step aerobics has been proven by many women who managed not only to lose weight with the help of this exercise machine, but also to pump up a beautiful body and improve their well-being. The influence of the stepper, which muscles work:

  • prevention of joint diseases, assistant in the treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • support of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system;
  • weight loss and elimination of extra centimeters in problem areas;
  • formation of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back, chest and legs, recovery from knee injuries;
  • improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

There are some rules that will make training easier and tell you which muscles the stepper machine trains:

  • The platform for step aerobics serves the entire foot, not just the toe, so you need to stand on it completely. That is why the size of the step platform is selected to suit the individual characteristics of the body;
  • fitness movements are rhythmic, but without jerks and sharp turns;
  • climbing a step for fitness should be carried out through intense muscle work, while the back should not strain. However, your back must be kept straight to maintain stability;
  • The fitness step serves for a variety of exercises, so you don’t need to focus on one for more than one minute;
  • Half an hour before class, it would be a good idea to drink clean water, which you should drink in small sips. One glass will be enough.


The disadvantages of step aerobics are some contraindications to such activities. After all, the step board for aerobics is designed for rhythmic intense exercise, which can put a lot of stress on the heart. That is why those who have pathologies in the functioning of the cardiac system should refrain from exercising. Contraindications include:

  • persistent high blood pressure;
  • disturbances in the frequency, rhythm and contraction of the heart, poor blood supply and pain in the chest area;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • various diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system.

If you have no health problems, a preliminary consultation with your doctor gave a positive answer, you can safely go to step aerobics classes.

To find out which muscles work on the stepper machine, you need to try at least one lesson. You need to take care of comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement and avoid various injuries, as well as shoes that will not only be comfortable, but also optimal for physical activity.

It is recommended for unprepared people to start with 20 minutes of intense exercise so that the muscles that swing on the stepper do not become overstrained, because it is better not to know what unpleasant sensations they cause the next day. Starting with small loads, you will gradually come to your norm, increasing the training time to an hour.

For a comfortable workout, the optimal height of the step platform is selected, which can be adjusted during training and improving your achievements.

Features of the classes

During step aerobics classes, exercises are performed that resemble going up and down stairs. You can find out by using step machines which muscles work. Basically, the load is placed on the buttocks, thighs, legs, and the heart muscle, which is involved in the aerobics process, is also trained.

A set of step aerobics exercises can correct your figure, remove excess fat, tighten sagging skin, giving the body energy, vigor, strength and a positive charge for the whole working day. A step platform is used as the main equipment, a photo of which can be viewed in advance on the Internet. The dimensions of the step platform for fitness start from the minimum: 1.5 cm length and 40 cm width. The optimal height of the step platform that is used is selected individually, based on the age, initial weight and physical fitness of the person.

To make it easier to perform rhythmic exercises, use music. She should have a maximum BRM of 140. What is this BRM in step aerobics? This is a clearly defined pace that must comply with the rules of work in this area of ​​the sport. Thanks to music, the mood is set, and working on the muscles becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

Exercises at home

For beginners, it is best to use a fitness club in the initial stages of training, because there are specially trained trainers who will help coordinate the work, select the optimal load, and suggest some nuances of performing the exercises. You can choose individual lessons or study with a group, but on the condition that you will be given enough attention and time to eliminate errors and shortcomings that arose at first.

You can start training on a step machine, a photo of which you’ve probably seen, 2 times a week, gradually increasing it to 4-5 times. You can use video lessons to practice at home.

To practice at home, you will need a step platform, which you can make with your own hands from a photo on the Internet or replace it with something at hand.

It’s not worth buying expensive equipment for a beginner right away, even if you are determined to do step aerobics. First you need to choose the optimal sizes, and you can check how and which muscles work using a ministepper.

Before you make a step platform with your own hands, you need to think through all the nuances at home. You need to first think about the safety of the step board, which you will do yourself. The surface of the platform should not put you in danger and slide, so you need to make it rubberized and embossed. For the covering, you can use drape fabric and rubber pads, which will prevent the simulator from moving and will also fix the sole of the shoe. The legs of the step platform should also be rubberized.

You can create a step platform with your own hands even from a stool or a small bench. Or you can make a step board with your own hands from several wooden boards, nails and glue. There are many videos on the network that show step-by-step steps for making it, which will be simple and understandable even for women.

A low sports bench with which you can perform many exercises - this is what a step platform looks like. Convenient sports equipment allows you to expand the types of load on different muscle groups, perform step aerobics movements and strength training.

The benefits of step aerobics

Simple dance movements, typical of simple aerobics, become an effective cardio load when performed on the step. Thanks to the availability and compactness of equipment, you can train both in the fitness room and at home.

Among the positive effects of step aerobics, the following stand out:

  1. Intense movements in the joints serve as a good prevention of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis.
  2. Compared to aerobic gymnastics without equipment, using a step platform turns every session into an intense workout for the cardiovascular system.
  3. It’s easy to burn about 500 kcal in 1 hour. To do this, you need to perform accessible and simple movements, without being distracted by learning new ones.
  4. With venous insufficiency, the abdominal muscles on the legs work several times more intensely than when walking or even classical aerobics. This serves to prevent the transition of its initial stages to varicose veins and its complications.
  5. During step training, several muscle groups are actively developed at once. The complex effect helps to correct the shape of the buttocks, tighten the stomach and strengthen the leg muscles. The most difficult areas to work out (outer, back, inner thighs) with increased intensity of movements can be easily brought to normal without additional effort.
  6. Step aerobics is less traumatic than jumping and running, at the same intensity of the load. This is facilitated by the special design of the platform.

Features of selecting a step platform

When purchasing a simulator, you need to pay attention to its dimensions:

  • length - at least 80 cm;
  • width - 35-41 cm, can be selected individually;
  • height - adjustable in several levels (10-20 cm).

When determining the width of the top board, you need to start from the length of your own feet, shod in sneakers. To this value you need to add a few centimeters for stability.

The length of inexpensive models is less than 80 cm. This is inconvenient during exercise and can lead to injury if you step onto the edge unsuccessfully.

Particular attention should be paid to the material the platform is made of: plastic must be impact-resistant and designed for a load of 100-130 kg. With lower values, the machine may crack when performing jumps or strength exercises with weights. When choosing a step, you need to evaluate the elasticity of the board: jump on it several times. The simulator should be slightly springy.

It is advisable to choose a trainer with a corrugated rubberized lining on the surface. This will make step training especially comfortable, as it will not allow your feet to slip.

How to make a step machine with your own hands?

The simplest option is a platform with a fixed height. For beginners, 10 cm from the floor to the top plane of the board is enough. The easiest way to make a step platform with your own hands is from wood. Required:

  • board 5 cm thick with parameters 80x40 cm;
  • bars 5x10 cm;
  • hacksaw, sandpaper;
  • thin rubber sheet for pads;
  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws at least 7 cm long.

Saw the bars into 40 cm pieces. Sand all the edges of the board for the top of the platform and the bars for its legs. Assemble the product by attaching the bars to the bottom of the board with self-tapping screws. The legs should be installed directly along the edge of the end sides of the upper platform. This will allow her not to roll over when she steps onto the edge.

To make the surfaces non-slip and exercises with the step platform safe, you need to glue a rubber strip to the upper surface. You can buy rubber mats for the front door or use part of an old car mat. Small pieces of the same material should be attached to the bottom of the legs.

To get a simulator with a changeable height, the easiest way is to use pieces of the same block. Holes are drilled in them and wooden dowels are placed on glue so that a 5 cm long end remains on top. Holes are also made for the dowels in the lower part of the legs. If necessary, the height of the step can be quickly increased by the thickness of the bar (5 cm).

Step platform exercises for beginners

Beginners need to master steps without changing the leading foot and with it changing. When performing exercises of the first type, all ligaments in the approach are performed starting from the same leg. In the second case, the ligaments are performed alternating the right and left legs. An example of exercises with a step platform for beginners would be:

  1. Basic step (the link is performed in 4 counts). I.p. standing, facing the machine. Take a step forward and step into the middle of the platform with your right foot, while rising, place your other leg, then take a step back with your right and place your left again. The next link starts again with the right one.
  2. The previous version is performed in the same way, but the feet are placed on the very edges of the board.
  3. Overlapping step. Step your right foot onto the left edge of the machine. Lift your left foot off the floor and touch your buttock with your heel as you lift it. Lower yourself onto the left, place the right limb, and start the next ligament with the left.
  4. Variation of the previous one with knee lift. When moving up, the leg that remains behind is brought forward. At the same time, the knee is strongly bent and raised towards the chest. Another option is to move your straightened leg forward.
  5. Touching the floor. Stand on the middle of the platform. Lower your leg in a step back, touch the floor and rise into a standing position. Repeat with the other leg.
  6. Retraction. Step onto the edge of the step machine, as when performing an overlapping step (step 3). The leg that remains behind rises back with a strong straightened swing (as when performing the “Swallow”). Simultaneously with the movement of the leg, the arms are carried forward and upward, then returned to the position. and the beginning of a new ligament on the other leg.
  7. Taking to the side. Step to the middle, the free leg is swung to the side, arms to the sides. As you lower, put your foot down and start the next sequence with the other leg.

Beginners need to remember to maintain the correct body position: knees slightly bent, back straight, gaze forward. The muscles of the buttocks and abdomen should be slightly tense and toned.

Exercises for advanced athletes

As you gain proficiency in performing simple steps, you can add jumping variations. You can do them like this:

  1. From and. p. for the basic step, step forward to the middle of the board. When rising to the highest point, perform a low jump on the supporting leg. At this moment, the free one bends at the knee, lower it and place it against the supporting one and jump on it, bending the other one. Get down on the floor. Ligaments are performed without changing limbs.
  2. Take a step to the middle. At the highest point of the lift, jump to change legs and lower to the floor. Perform with alternating legs.
  3. Standing in the middle, lower one leg to the floor to the side and squat on the supporting leg. Rise up, placing the free one. Repeat without changing 15-20 times, then change legs and perform in the other direction.
  4. Lunges on a step platform. Standing on the machine, take a wide step back and down and bend your knees to a right angle between the thigh and shin. Rise up, placing your leg, and repeat with a change of limb. If desired, you can perform it with weights (dumbbells). The exercise can also be done from the floor, walking with a lunge and climbing onto the step machine.

Exercises for advanced exercisers are performed in different versions, with weights and the inclusion of dance movements or turns around the platform. Having mastered relatively slow exercises, you can try running with step ups.