Cricket in England. Cricket betting: from beginner to professional Cricket rules summary

Cricket is a game that has some popularity in some countries. Studying the rules of this game will be useful for those who have decided to expand their sports horizons or have a desire to develop this sport in the domestic space.


The match must be played on a large oval field with clear markings. In the center of the site there is a rectangular area called the pitch (length - 20 m, width - 3 m). It serves to serve the ball to the batter.

The pitch is divided by several lines (crises). There are the following types of crises:

  • Popping (marks the boundaries for taking the batsman through the run-out);
  • A pair of return creases (placed on both sides of the pitch along its entire length);
  • The bowling crease serves to mark the serving area.

The gate is a structure of three pegs stuck into the ground with two crossbars. Protecting this device is an important point in defense. The height of the gate is 0.72 m, width – 0.3 m.

Playing composition and positions

The main goal in cricket is to score more runs than the opposing team. Points are earned by running between points before the end of the match or taking the opponent out of the game with a run-out. The team that plays with the bats is called the batting team.

Two teams of 11 people play on the field. The field team must have all its players in the game. The batting team plays with two members (batsmen), whose task is to hit the ball after the bowler delivers. The batsmen must then change positions without being out.

Names of positions in cricket:

  • Bowler - the player who serves the ball;
  • The batsman opposite him is a striker;
  • The second batsman is called a non-striker;
  • The match participant located behind the wicket is the wicketkeeper.

Game specifics

Cricket has its own specific terminology. Basic terms and explanations:

  • Over – a series of 6 serves in one direction;
  • Innings is the period of the game during which the field team can earn 10 eliminations of batsmen or play the number of overs determined by the regulations;
  • The wicket is an important element of cricket. If it is destroyed, the striker is eliminated from the game.

Cricket test matches last up to 5 days for 6 hours daily.

Batsman Eliminated

Apart from destroying the wicket, a batsman can be removed from the game in the following ways:

  • If a fielder catches the ball before it lands, the striker is out by knockout;
  • When a batsman touches the ball with his hands without the permission of the fielding team;
  • If a player tries to throw away the ball while it is in play with any part of his body.

Game process

The game begins with the placement of participants. One batsman is placed on the edges of the pitch behind the popping crease but before the bowling crease. The bowler is positioned behind the bowling crease and delivers deliveries to the other end of the pitch. The whit-kipper is placed behind the striker's wicket. His duty is to catch the ball if the striker misses or refuses to hit.

The remaining players on the field team can be located anywhere on the court behind the pitch. The bowler delivers the ball over his shoulder while moving. If the bowler takes over the popping crease during the delivery, the batsmen can play as if the ball was batted.

The ball after serving must reach the striker at waist level. Once the striker hits the ball, he and his partner can run to the other ends of the pitch to change positions. Upon successful completion of the maneuver, a wound is declared and a point is counted. If one of the batsmen is eliminated, no points are awarded. The striker is not required to run after batting the ball. In his zone, he is protected from most eliminations, this is worth taking into account.

Runs can be scored by runs until the batsman is taken out of the game, as per the rules. If the ball is hit out of bounds and touches the surface, 4 runs are scored. Without the ball bouncing, the team loses 6 runs.

Uniforms and equipment

  • The bat is a wooden device with a handle, flat on one side and convex on the other.
  • The size and composition of a cricket ball is similar to its baseball counterpart, but it is formed from two hemispheres held together by a seam.
  • A gate is a set of wooden crossbars (4 pcs.) and columns (6 pcs.).
  • Equipment for players consists of trousers, a shirt and spiked shoes.

Catcher and Shortstop: Shadow Key Players

An important role in a baseball team is played by players in two different positions....

Cricket is a team game using bats and ball. The history of this game goes back several centuries. The first documentary mentions of the prototypes of cricket date back to the beginning of the 16th century - at that time there were reports of a game in which participants hit the ball with curved bats resembling clubs. The earliest information about a game called "crackette" dates back to 1598. There is no consensus on the origin of cricket. Researchers believe that the roots of this game may be English or Flemish. There is also no consensus on the etymology of the word “cricket”. According to one hypothesis, the name of the game comes from the Old English noun cricc (cryce), meaning a stick or crutch.

It is believed that cricket was originally a child's game; adults began to take an interest in cricket in the early 17th century. Over the next century, cricket rapidly grew in popularity in the south-east of England. From those times, reports have been preserved of meetings between teams consisting of eleven players. Apparently, the first professional cricketers appeared at this time. In the 18th century, cricket became national English sport. A large role in this rapid growth in popularity was played by the fact that the amount of bets on the results of meetings was not strictly limited. Wealthy citizens formed their own “teams.” The games attracted crowds of spectators to the sports fields.

In 1760, the technique of serving changed radically: if previously the ball rolled along the surface of the playing field or flew over it in a low-level flight, then in 1760 cricketers began to practice throws with a high trajectory. In order to hit balls on a rebound, it was necessary to change the shape of the bat: the modern straight bat replaced the old device, which vaguely resembled a hockey stick.

The club was opened in 1787 Marylebone, which was destined to become the world's most famous cricket club. Over the next few centuries, Marylebone Club served as the governing and coordinating body of English and international cricket. The club's home field was the playground opened by Thomas Lord. The club first set about standardizing and codifying the rules of the game, and in 1788 the first set of cricket rules was published. However, these rules were not universally accepted, and changes and clarifications soon followed. At the beginning of the 19th century, the weight of the ball (from 156 to 163 grams) and the width of the bat were standardized, and the powers of the referees were expanded. Batsmen (players who hit the ball) began to use protective equipment - covering their legs with pads.

During this period, county clubs began to appear, the first of which was the County Club. In addition to club cricket, at this time there was another format of teams: wealthy Englishmen formed national teams that traveled around the country and held meetings with county clubs and Marylebone teams. The development of the railway network in the second half of the 19th century contributed to the further popularization of cricket: cricketers had the opportunity to reduce travel time, and the number of spectators increased rapidly.

One of the most unusual episodes in the history of English and world cricket occurred in August 1882. The teams of England and Australia met at the famous London cricket ground, The Oval. The British were confidently in the lead, but the Australians managed to snatch victory from their opponents. The disappointment of the spectators knew no bounds, and the British press called the game the English team worst ever. One of the periodicals, the Sporting Times, went further than others, publishing an obituary that spoke of the death of the beloved English cricketer, who died on August 29, 1882 at the Oval. The Sporting Times reported that the deceased's body would be cremated and the ashes sent to Australia.

English cricket clubs planned revenge: the English team's trip to Australia was scheduled for the second half of 1882 - early 1883. The English delegation was led by Francis Bligh, who was tasked with restoring English cricket to its lost glory. The England team played three matches. After losing the first match, the English won the other two, and Bligh brought home a symbolic urn containing the ashes of English cricket. This was the beginning of the famous Ashes tournament, which is held between the teams of Great Britain and Australia.

In the 19th century, two more sets of game rules appeared. The second of them, published in 1884, regulated the number of team members (eleven players). At this time, the throwing technique changed: the ball began to be thrown from behind the back over the shoulder. In 1890 the first County Championship. Cricket has gained fame outside the UK - in North America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The period from the early 1890s to the First World War is often referred to as the golden age of cricket. During these years, such outstanding players as William Gilbert Grace (WG Grace), Wilfred Rhodes, C.B. Fry and Victor Trumper took to the field.

The career of English cricket legend William Gilbert Grace began in 1865. From 1869 he played as part of the Marylebone Club. Grace is considered one of the most famous reformers of the game, who shaped its modern appearance. He achieved equally high results in throwing, batting technique and fielding. Grace is considered one of the most famous Englishmen Victorian era. He captained England and Gloucestershire and played in first-class cricket for 44 seasons (!!!). Such matches last at least three days and are played between teams of the highest level. One of the varieties of first-class cricket is test cricket(test cricket). The term "Test cricket" refers to international competitions in which teams that have received Test status by decision of the International Cricket Council (ICC) are now allowed to participate. Grace took part in Test matches from 1880 onwards; in the 1880s he played 22 times for England. It is believed that one of Grace's most significant achievements is the improvement of his batting technique.

The International Cricket Council was created in 1909. Initially, it included representatives of three states - Great Britain, South Africa and Australia. At first the council was called Imperial Cricket Conference and accepted only those states whose teams played Test cricket. Nowadays, the International Cricket Council includes 104 countries. Leading positions in world cricket are held by athletes from Australia, India and South Africa.

The Marylebone Club has partially ceded its coordinating functions and powers to the International Council, but it is still one of the most prestigious clubs, as evidenced by the fact that numerous candidates for membership in the club have to wait about 18 years for their turn. Marylebone is known for its conservatism - until the late 90s of the last century, club members refused to accept women into their ranks. At the beginning of the 21st century, the number of countries whose teams play first-class cricket has increased. New tournament formats like Twenty20 are helping to popularize the game.

As mentioned above, nowadays there are two types of international cricket: Test and one-day. You can classify a match as one or another type at a glance at the uniform of the players: in test matches the teams wear white uniforms, in one-day matches they wear multi-colored uniforms. The most significant difference is the length of the match, with Test matches lasting over five days for about six hours a day.

Cricket is played on a grass pitch. The size and shape of the playing area are not regulated - it can be round, square or oval. Most often, a cricket field is a circle with a diameter of 130-150 meters. In the center of the field there is a pitch line - a strip twenty meters long and three meters wide, at both ends of which there are wickets. Each of the two wickets consists of three pegs arranged in a line, on which two crossbars lie, its height is 72 cm. A batsman's line (popping crease) is drawn in front of the wicket. Return creases lines are drawn perpendicular to it to the right and left of the gate.

The team consists of eleven players. Before the start of the match, the teams draw lots to determine the order of serving and batting. Then nine players of the serving team take their places on the field according to the captain's instructions, the tenth - the bowler - goes to the service line and throws the ball. His task is to hit the wicket with the ball. The eleventh player takes a position behind the wicket and needs to catch the ball. If the opponent manages to hit the ball, the fielders must return it to the wicket as quickly as possible.

One batsman from the batting team takes a position in front of the wicket opposite the bowler. Another batsman is at the opposite wicket. The receiving batsman needs, firstly, to protect the wicket by hitting the ball. When the ball is hit, the batsman can run to the opposite wicket. He must reach it before the opposing fielders hit the wicket with the ball. The second batsman hurries in the opposite direction, changing places with him. Each run scores a point for the batting team. If the ball hits the wicket while one of the batsmen has not yet reached the wicket (that is, has not crossed the batsman's line), he is out of the game. Sometimes the batsman manages to send the ball out of bounds. If the ball goes out of bounds on a bounce, the batsman's team gets four runs, if it flies away without touching the ground, the team gets six points.

When throwing, the bowler must not step behind the batsman's line. The ball is made of cork and covered with red leather. Bowlers try to use a seam on the surface of the ball: if it is down when it hits the ground, the bounce becomes less predictable. The bowler spins the ball in the hope that the batsman will strike prematurely and the ball will be easy to catch. Depending on individual technique, a bowler may take several steps or take a long run-up before throwing the ball. The best bowlers can throw the ball at speeds of up to 140 km/h, so batsmen use shin and knee guards.

Six deliveries are called an over. After completing an over, the bowler gives up his place to another player, while the direction of delivery is reversed. Team members are divided into those whose strength is serving, and those who are better at hitting the ball. It is believed that with an optimal ratio, the first should be four or five, the last - five or six. Additionally, one player usually specializes in receiving balls.

The batting team needs to score as many points as possible, the serving team needs to “knock out” all the opposing batsmen from the game. The batsman leaves the field if he failed to defend the wicket (and at least one wicket post fell to the ground), if he hit the ball with his bat before the ball bounced off the ground, if the batsman hit the ball twice, if the ball he hit caught by a fielder of the batting team if he hits the wicket with his bat if his foot prevents the ball from hitting the wicket. The next player replaces the batsman who leaves the field. The order in which players enter is determined by the captain.

This continues until all the players on the batting team have played. This alternate appearance of the members of the batting team is called an innings. In some cases, the innings ends before all players have played. This happens when the batting team wins the match, the captain decides to end the innings for tactical reasons, or the weather prevents the game from continuing. At the end of the innings, the teams change roles. Depending on the format of the match, one game may consist of one or two innings for each team.

As a rule, there are two referees on the field. One of them stands behind the wicket on the bowler's side. Arbitrators determine whether the playing conditions are acceptable; they have the power to pause and postpone the meeting, for example if there is insufficient lighting. Test matches are supervised by three referees. The score of each team is presented in the form of two numbers, one of which indicates the number of runs, the other - the number of batsmen "knocked out". For example, a score of 84/4 means that the team managed to score 84 runs while losing four wickets.

Cricket is a little-known sport, but in terms of betting volume it is not inferior to baseball or handball. India, where it is the No. 1 game, is home to more than a billion people who bet on their favorite teams. In addition, the discipline is widespread in England, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Victory– who will win the fight. A draw is possible in the game (by score or time), but bookmakers do not add this outcome to the list. If the result is a draw, the transaction is settled as a return (with a coefficient of 1.0).

Victory in the tournament– 12-20 teams participate in the competition, which makes it easier to predict the champion.

Total– number of wides, run-outs and runs.

Additional bets– the best bowler and batsman of the match, bets on the performance of individual players, total runs in an over, score after 6 overs and others.

Features of cricket betting

Before betting on cricket, understand the features, rules and terminology of the game.

Play live, slowly thinking about your bets, because matches last from 3-4 hours to 5 days.

Cricket sensations happen regularly. Odds for outsiders are underestimated, so use a betting strategy on equal teams.

The discipline is not popular in the USA and Japan, where professional bettors predominate. As a rule, bets are made by amateurs who do not consider betting as a way to make money, which leads to line loads.

Event Analysis

When matches stretch out to 5 days, the main role is given to endurance, rather than technique and tactics. The form of teams and individual athletes influences the results most of all, so study the statistics of specific performers and the team as a whole. Also during this time the weather changes, which makes adjustments to the outcome.

Competitions have different formats, which differ in rules and duration. When analyzing, consider what type of matches the team plays in.

The game of the national teams is different at home and in away matches. It's one thing for India to travel to neighboring Pakistan, which has a similar climate. And another thing, if she has to travel to South Africa, the athletes will need time to adapt. Remember about team fatigue, analyze the motivation of your opponents and the weather forecast.

Useful Resources

  1. Wikipedia - rules, terms and formats of the game.
  2. – news, live broadcasts, useful publications.
  3. – statistics, tournament tables, rankings of teams and athletes.

How to bet on cricket?

Let's look at an example of a bet in BC 1xBet:

  1. In the line on the left, open the sport Cricket. To avoid searching for a discipline on the list for a long time, use the search.
  2. Select the tournament you are interested in and then select the match.
  3. Decide on the outcome, for example, the victory of the guests. Click on the appropriate coefficient.

Modern cricket originates from a game that captivated the British back in the 16th century. Today it is officially included in the list of national sports of England. The island state in the past had a significant influence on the development and way of life of its colonies, so cricket is also popular in former British dependent countries: Australia, Pakistan, South Africa, India and others.

Fast passage

Cricket theory

The game is a competition between two teams, each of which includes 11 people. The competition takes place on an oval grass field, where participants take turns hitting the ball with a bat, trying to score the maximum number of points, while opponents try to stop them.

The main roles in the team are occupied by the bowler (server) and the batsman (batter). The latter’s task is to send the ball as far as possible from the opponent in order to have time to cross the field during this time. The style of play and rules are a bit like cricket.

Different cricket championships and tournaments may differ significantly in rules, number of participants and format of the game. The Cricket World Cup final is held every 4 years. Before this, playoff tournaments and quarters and half finals are held. The leader in the championship is Australia, which has won the Cup 5 times, then India, the national teams of Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

So that betters do not fall into a stupor after reading further sections of the article on the description of betting on cricket, we will immediately consider some concepts associated with this sport.

Pitch- a rectangular earthen area on a grass cricket field.

Wickets– wooden devices along the narrow edges of a pitch of three columns and two lintels (bales).

Wounds- points, but the runner is the player who runs for the batsman in case of his inability to make a run.

Innings- a move in a match.

Over– a set of 6 deliveries produced by a bowler. After one over, the server is replaced by another.

Test match– a format of the game when the match is limited by time, and not by the number of overs.

ODI– a one-day international match with a limited number of overs.

Twenty 20– a modernized form of ODI with a maximum commercial approach and a limit of 20 overs per innings.

Plunket Shield- New Zealand Cricket Cup.

Cricket: types of bets

Bookmakers operating in the Russian Federation most often cover only the most important and prestigious cricket tournaments. For example, the World Cup or the English County Championship. That’s why bettors focus on them first. 1xBet offers a fairly extensive cricket line at the moment, namely:

  • Indian Premier League.
  • 2nd ODI match.
  • ODI series.
  • 4th Test of India vs Australia.
  • ICC Intercontinental Cup.
  • New Zealand vs South Africa third test.
  • A series of tests.
  • 2nd series of Twenty Tests and the rest of the series.
  • Plunket Shield New Zealand.

Main cricket bets:

  1. Who will win the toss?

Everything is simple here and at the same time, only the better’s luck will play a role. A draw is held between the teams to determine which team will be the first to enter the field, that is, who will bat first.

  1. To the winner.

Selecting the team that will win the match. Statistics from previous head-to-head matches will help you place a correct bet on this event, as well as an assessment of the opponents’ main players: bowlers and batsmen, and their comparison with each other.

  1. For the best player of the meeting.

Most often, this title goes to the team member whose efforts lead to the victory. Here it is important to analyze the leaders of the represented clubs, their current form and motivation.

It is necessary to select from the proposed options a group of participants (of 2 or 3 people) that will bring more points to their team. This bet seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, in any team playing cricket, there are well-coordinated teams of players, and they earn points for the entire team. And also special bets, such as: anyone will score more points or a race between players.

  1. To total.

A bet on the total number of points (runs) earned by opponents. Bookmakers also offer bets on individual totals for each team or on 6-pointers, run-outs, and the number of runs before the wicket is destroyed.

  1. For the best bowler/batsman.

Individual forecast for players, the one who scores the most points in the match will win. "Best batsman" or "Best bowler" by name in each team.

The bookmaker may offer the handicapper to bet on the team's handicap in two positions at once - on downed wickets and on runs. At least such a bold forecast can be seen on.

  1. Exact score and even/odd.

Such narrow bets are designed for gamblers who are confident in their instincts, because it is extremely difficult for the average person to predict such an outcome.

Cricket betting: features

Cricket is not a betting sport that lends itself to the expression “beginners luck.” The more knowledge a bettor has about it, the higher the probability of winning. Too complex rules turn off most betting fans, but the most persistent ones, ready to delve into all the intricacies of cricket, can make good money on the exotic sport.

The format of the competition has a serious impact on the forecasts. Each team gravitates towards its favorite sport, in which it demonstrates the best results.

Professionals prefer to bet on live cricket. The game goes on for quite a long time and does not require lightning-fast decisions from bettors. There is an opportunity to think, look and make a forecast based on your personal impressions.

In cricket, as a rule, there are no clearly defined underdogs, so the loss of the match favorite is, in principle, a sensation. Accordingly, the odds for a team to win do not differ much.

The sport is not popular among professional bettors; mostly loyal fans bet on their favorite teams. This circumstance leads to good line loads and allows knowledgeable players to make considerable profits.

Weather conditions are very important in cricket and must be taken into account when betting on the game. It is because of the weather that most often limited overs matches, such as world championships, are canceled or abandoned.

Cricket Betting Strategies

Any little thing can affect the outcome of a cricket match, so before the game, do not miss any information about the teams, squads, main players, field and weather. If you come across strange information about an upcoming meeting or conflicting facts, refuse to bet on the fight. There have been cases of match fixing in cricket and this could be one of them.

Particular attention should be paid to the location of the competition. Usually teams perform much stronger at home than away. Climate and terrain are of great importance. If, for example, the Pakistani national team goes to visit neighboring India, fans can expect good results from it, but in England it will be difficult for the team to adapt and show the maximum of their capabilities.

As already mentioned, the weather directly affects the outcome of some bets. This primarily concerns forecasts for totals. On a foggy and cloudy day, the performance will be much lower, but on a calm, sunny day, batsmen will be able to play to the best of their ability.

Place a bet on cricket on the bookmaker's website

If you are serious about making money from cricket, it makes sense to register with one of the official bookmakers in the Russian Federation that operate under a license to provide betting services. There you will find a rich list, adequate odds and regularly posted lines for any tournaments. But the main thing is the guarantee of your deposits, fairness of decisions and trouble-free withdrawal of winnings from your account. Our website presents the best licensed bookmakers in Russia with registration in the First Center for Accounting for Internet Betting (about TsUPIS in).

After registering and verifying your profile on the bookmaker’s website, go to the “Cricket” category, where we find the nearest championship or selection. Clicking on a match will display the main page with bets and odds.

Entry into the transaction coupon is carried out by clicking on the bet position. Specifying the amount and clicking the “Make a bet” button will confirm the conclusion of the transaction with the bookmaker.

Cricket is a fascinating sport that lends itself easily to analytics. Knowledge of the main points and features of the game will help patient betters get a decent profit and always be in the black.

  • Cricket is a team non-contact sport that is part of the family of games that use a bat and ball. Cricket originated in the 16th century in the south of England. By the end of the 18th century, the game became one of the national sports. The expansion of the British Empire contributed to the spread of the game throughout the world. The first test matches between national teams were held in the middle of the 19th century. A cricket match involves a competition between two teams, each represented by eleven athletes. The game takes place on a grass field shaped like an ellipse. In the center of the field there is a rectangular earthen area - a pitch. The pitch is 22 yards or just over 20 meters long and 10 feet or 3 meters wide. There are wooden gates at the ends of the pitch. The playing areas at the ends of the pitch are separated from its main space by special stripes, krizas.

    Teams take turns hitting the ball and playing on the field, trying to score the maximum number of points or, accordingly, prevent the opponent from doing so. Depending on the format of the game, a team may hit the ball once or twice in a row. In cricket, there are two main game roles - a bowler who serves the ball and a batsman who repels the ball with a bat. The wicket keeper plays a key role in some game episodes. Moves in cricket are called innings. The athletes of the team playing in the field are dispersed throughout the field, while the opponents are represented by only two batsmen. During each innings, the bowler of the fielding team throws the ball across the entire length of the pitch to the opposing batsman. The batsman attempts to return the throw in such a way that the ball reaches the boundaries of the field or flies far enough away from the opponents to allow the batsman to run to the other end of the pitch. If successful and subject to certain other conditions, the batsman’s team earns points, runs (English run - “run”). At the same time, fulfilling certain game conditions - catching the ball by the opponent before touching the ground, destroying the batsman's wicket, etc. - takes the batsman out of the game. The innings continues until ten batsmen of the batting team are out, after which the teams switch roles. Bowlers replace each other after six innings, a set of which is called an over.

    There are several generally accepted formats for professional cricket matches. Different formats may differ significantly from each other in some respects, such as duration. Short games consist of only 20 overs, which equates to around 3.5 hours of playing time, while Test matches between top teams can last up to five days of six-hour clashes. Changing the rules of the game is the responsibility of Marylebone Cricket Club, the world's largest cricket brand. Global regulation of cricket is carried out by the International Cricket Council, which currently unites 106 members, only 10 of which have full status.