Where will the winter hunting tournament take place? The "winter hunting" tournament begins. How successful was the format of the Tournament?

Warface. INDIVIDUAL TOURNAMENT “ABSOLUTE POWER”. The next goal of “Absolute Power” has been achieved, and we are announcing the imminent launch of an international individual tournament with a cash prize pool. Any participant in the gaming event will be able to compete in the championship. If you haven't unlocked Absolute Power yet, hurry up!


The mechanics of the competition will seem familiar to the participants of the previous individual tournament “Winter Hunt”, but there will be differences. This time the matches will be held in the “Battle Royale” mode.

Qualifying competitions will take place on the main servers - “Alpha”, “Bravo” and “Charlie”. The five strongest participants from each stage will move up the tournament bracket. And when the number of players decreases, they will move to the tournament server and their battles will be seen by millions live!


In the final, the guys will meet three champions from Europe and two from the United States of America. The first matches of the tournament will begin in February 2018.

The prize fund of the competition is formed by the participants of the “Absolute Power” game event. The final amount will be known closer to the start of the competition.

The top 50 participants in the tournament will receive a cash prize. And everyone else will receive incentive gifts!

Registration for the tournament will open in February 2018. Follow the news on the Warface website and in the official communities of the project. We will definitely announce the start of accepting applications!

1. General information on the “Winter Hunt” tournament.

1.1. Game version: Russian version of Warface.

1.3. Tournament map: Siberia.

1.4. All players who have reached rank 26 and purchased access to the “Winter Hunt” operation are allowed to participate in the Tournament.

1.5. All tournament matches take place on the Alpha, Bravo and Charlie servers.

2. Permitted weapons and equipment.

2.1. It is allowed to use any weapon and ammunition available in the game.

3.3. Disrespectful attitude towards Tournament participants, judges and tournament organizers is prohibited.

3.4. Incorrect public statements about the game, organizers and participants of the Tournament are prohibited.

3.7. Intentional use of any in-game errors, as well as errors in related software, is prohibited.

4. Disciplinary sanctions.

4.1. For violation of clause 3.1 - disqualification of the player, blocking of the account.

4.2. For violation of clauses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 - disqualification of the player.

4.3. For violation of paragraphs. 3.1-3.7 the judge determines the punishment at his own discretion, depending on the severity of the violation.

4.4. For violation of paragraphs. 3.1-3.7 the administration reserves the right to permanently disqualify the offender from participating in tournaments.

5. Other points.

5.1. If you "fly" into the room and fail to connect, the player has the opportunity to re-join the game.

5.2. Players are given 5 minutes to get ready. If after the specified time the player does not have time to enter the room, then he is given a technical defeat.

5.3. A player blocked at the time of registration is not allowed to participate in the Tournament.

5.4. The organizers reserve the right to request photographs of the player and his passport from the match venue (computer club/training base), or a link to the live broadcast of his game. If photos or link are not provided, the player will be disqualified.

5.5. The organizers reserve the right to change the “nicknames” of the players participating in the Tournament.

5.6. Killing a referee by a player or killing a player by a referee is not punishable.

6. Procedure for considering appeals.

6.1. All claims regarding the results of the match must be made within 5 minutes after the end of the match. The complaint is submitted to the judge through Personal Messages.

6.2. When filing an allegation of foul play, the specific player, time, reason and reason for suspicion must be identified. A player can ask a judge to analyze video files for the presence of prohibited software on an opponent, and the maximum allowed number of players to be checked is three. Players can send all protests and complaints by email [email protected].

6.3. The competition referee has the right, at his discretion, to apply one or more penalties to the players or limit himself to a warning.

6.4. Discussing the final decision of any situation made by the referee may result in the disqualification of the player.

7. Additional conditions.

7.1. All players must be online half an hour before the start of their match in the Tournament.

7.2. All players must have Do Not Disturb turned off and have free space on their friends list.

7.3. Before the start of the match, the judge independently sends friend invitations to the match participants, creates a room and sends invitations.

7.4. If you have not received a friend invitation from the judge at the appointed time, expect the judge to contact you in any case.

7.5. Before the start of a match, players are prohibited from pressing the "Ready" button until they receive instructions to do so from the referee.

7.6. All players who took 1st to 5th places in the final table are required to take a screenshot of the final screen and provide it to the judge upon his first request.

"Winter Hunt"

8. The tournament is a system of knockout matches (play-offs).

8.1. The number of tournament participants is not limited.

9. Format of matches.

9.1. 5 minutes before the start of the match, the referee sends a friend invitation to the players participating in the match.

9.2. The Judge creates a room with Free Join and Allow Joining disabled.

9.3. The game is attended by 15 people and a match referee.

9.4. The winners are the players who took the first 5 places in the final table.

10. Tournament schedule.

10.1. The schedule is not fixed: each participant will see the date and time of their match in their profile on the website esports.mail.ru.

10.2. Tournament schedule is subject to change. Players will be informed additionally about any changes.

10.3. The results of the draw and the Tournament grid will be published the day before the Tournament.

11. In non-standard situations or situations not described in the current version of the regulations, the administration has the right to solve the problem at its own discretion.

12 . The organizers reserve the right to make adjustments to the regulations during the Tournament.

The “Winter Hunt” Tournament lasted for a whole month, from March 13 to April 13, which some watched with excitement, constantly visiting the official resources of the game or taking part in the qualifying round, while others managed not to notice that such an event and was carried out at all. The qualifying stage lasted from March 13 to 22: everyone could take part in the “race of sixteen” by simply creating a character on a special server. After which the player could get everything he needed from the Managers for a nominal fee.

As a result of the qualifying tournament, a top of 16 groups was formed, which had to declare their teams on the official forum of the game within the allotted time, indicating the name of the team and its composition. Many were very surprised by the Antikait team, because... The guys were not only able to complete the 25th difficulty level of Lumisaar, but were also the only ones who completely completed the maximum available difficulty of the adventure. Long training sessions, the next qualifying rounds - and here it is, the day of the Final, at the end of which these very favorites of fate, so confidently marching towards victory, took third place.

This may seem strange, but the top places were taken by the players of the Thread of Fate server: the first and second were members of the South Park guild, the third were members of the Golden Horde guild.

Therefore, we became interested in what led the guys to success, and what factors hindered them at certain stages of their progress to the finals. I was able to communicate with representatives of all winning teams.

Titan Killers


On the tournament server I had the nickname Mikasa. Well, the first difficulty was to keep Vitali from destroying his opponents right at the preliminaries. There were still difficulties with gathering a party, but we were able to “get together,” so to speak. And it was not difficult to get into the top 16, we just trained and came out. Every day we gathered for 1-2 hours, we didn’t spend much. I found Lumisaar the most difficult - there Vital Cromwell constantly died like a clown. This was the whole difficulty. He tore and threw, sometimes it ended badly for us, because... he did not see allies and enemies. He crushed everything in his path, getting it to everyone.

Please do not cut messages from Vitali

Our leader and “master” is, of course, Vitalya Cromwell, the first is her name, the second is her nickname. He was at the origins of the creation of this game, his experience varies from 10 to 12 years. His deputy Staf (winner of the Circle of Equals) aka-Chipsik. Military doctor and just a good person Avo. RICHARD CHEESE is the person who simply takes out morality and buffs it to us. The legendary healer priest Zakrim and the autistic clown GremJack (I've been playing since 1.0.).

In general, the Tournament was not particularly memorable, except that Ova (Volodya) from the Golden Horde (League) guild took third place, this is hilarious. All 4 parties in the Final were with Niti. Three parties from South Park and one from Z.O. At first I didn’t really understand that we had won. There were almost no emotions. Well, then I just found it funny.

In fact, all the players in Ova's party are strong, there were great chances to win, but it seems they were just unlucky. But what can you do? They probably should have spent more time on this island during training.


The impressions from the Tournament were good, but at the beginning of the tournament we didn’t feel very good, and for a long time we couldn’t pass Lumisaar normally. But then, with the next stages, we picked up speed and with each stage we went better and better. I remember it with long training sessions and small feeds from our leader Vitalik. Sometimes he tried to say something smart and serious, but nothing came out and it only came out funny. And his death on the 1st boss of Lumisaar, on which he poured 120 units of elemental defense instead of 250. And we only found out about this on the third day.

To get to the top 16, we trained a week almost every day for about 2 hours. We trained very little for the top 8, and then for the semifinals and finals we trained for about 3 hours in the evenings. At Utiny Reach it wasn’t very good, but further on after Izumrudny Reach everything went better. In general, it took a long time to accelerate, but then we got there quite well.

In the final we flew very late, when 2 parties had almost spent their attempts. In training, we showed a better time than these Patkas, so I was determined to fight with Ova’s Patka, whom I considered my main competitor. After we had passed for a good amount of time, I was a little happy and then concentrated on passing the island. And after the results became known, it seemed funny that Ova’s party took 3rd place, although I thought that they would be top 1. Well, now I’m just in a good mood

The fact that 4 teams from Nitka ended up in the finals does not surprise me; Nitka has been in the final stage of major tournaments for many years now. And in some - even in first place. It would be nice to allow Nitka to participate in the MChD - this would resolve many issues



The path was quite easy, reaching the top 4 was no problem at all for an adequate party. The only thing I remember is how the Zargov party reached the top 8, beating all the parties for a second.

The most difficult island was ZTK, the easiest was Emerald, and it was very disheartening to go through 40 minutes of the 23rd Lumisaar.

We had some people from the party on Nitka, but some of the people left before the tournament, and we had to find people we knew from Nitka (who are now playing free), we’ve been playing everything +/- for a long time.

Vital Cromwell's nickname appears in the application submission thread. But it seems that this person was also with the Titan Killer team. Tell me how it happened?

Yes, this is us on Lumisaare, the 21st compass using only dolls, and then I just giggled and created an archer with the nickname VitalyaCromwell to go through the 23rd, and there was a 100% chance of coming out with replacements already.

In the finals, I wanted to fly away as quickly as possible and forget about the tournament already, because the temperature was high and I was very tired at work during the day. Now I’m trying to reassure my acquaintances and friends who did not get a normal place at the tournament and are dismoralized about this.

The islands were searched every other day for about 2-3 hours. We had a person from +4 Moscow time, and people had work/study, so there was usually not enough time.

It was from the moment of the top 16, when passage was limited to 20 compasses, and the game was already held in a truly competitive format for speed–I liked the tournament as much as possible, but going through Lumisaar for 40 minutes was a bit boring. I will participate in such OFC tournaments; I have attended all such events before.

No one else from my party, except me, wants to communicate, and everyone is a little dismoral about the format in which the final prizes are given out.



The tournament was not bad, I liked it. And the whole group too. We'll be looking forward to the next one.

Our party was hindered by the fact that we were not as diligent in searching this disgusting island. Plus minor mistakes led to bad results. We were superior to any group in terms of damage, but when it came to tactics, we had some problems. And they lost only because of tactics. We could have at least won second place at the last attempt, but the most ridiculous deaths led to a negative result.

All were good in their own way, but some got lost if we quickly passed the island - that is, not as usual. The slightest deviation from the standard speed could lead to a fatal error. Perique is the best tank, the hero is the best bard. I can definitely say for them. We flew with the same group that flew here before the tournament.

It was a pleasure to hunt Plyos and Lumisaar. The rest of the islands are disgusting. We flew to Izumrudny once and as quickly as possible tried to simply forget the name of this island.


The impressions were quite good. However, the tournament turned out to be too narrowly focused. Not many groups decided to take part in principle. Small number of viewers on streams.

I can identify two main reasons: we overestimated our own strengths and underestimated the strength of our opponents. During the qualifying and intermediate competitions, the team was given the false impression that we did not need tactics and were able to complete the islands in the best time due to the large amount of damage. At the same time, the most experienced players in our group showed a disdainful attitude towards their opponents. Which ultimately, in my opinion, was the reason for the defeat. The team that took first place did a great job. Lagging behind us in the qualifiers and the quarterfinals, they caught up with us in the semifinals. And they overtook us in the Final. This suggests that, unlike us, they drew conclusions, worked on their mistakes and deservedly received better results. We, due to an overestimation of our own strengths, decided to put everything on the line and try to repeat the passage of the Titan Killer group without training. We had 2 attempts at this. Both were unsuccessful. Although we could very well, in my opinion, borrow some elements of the opponents' tactics, we improved the result enough to get second place.
But the bets were placed. Decision is made. And the bets didn't work. Therefore third place.

Not enough time has passed to talk further about the change in team interaction. The sharp reaction after the last attempt was caused, in my opinion, by the urgency of the moment. I hope that with time everything will return to normal. At least I don't feel any resentment toward anyone in the group about it.

I really liked the format of the event, but I would like to see more interest on the part of the players in future similar tournaments and the results of work on mistakes on the part of the management. I definitely plan to participate in similar events in the future.


Your own stupidity. Excessive arrogance. Poor preparation. I think these are the three main components that prevented us from winning. But overall my impression of the Tournament is not bad. But the streams, of course, didn’t have much of an effect on the competition itself. Each team had its own unique strategy (especially in the finals). But from the stream it was easy to watch and do the same. And this will make your task easier.

The result of the Final influenced the further interaction of the team. I'll try to refrain from answering this in more detail.

But if there are more similar events, then I think, of course, we will take part.

As you can see, everyone’s opinions and feelings after the Final are very diverse. We hope that the negative emotions will subside and the guys will be able to return to their previous effective interaction without losses.

As for the management side, it was interesting to know the opinion about the completed competition “behind the scenes”. Therefore we turned to Evgeniy Zaitsev , whom players know under the forum nickname Aerril, in order to try to see the Tournament through the eyes of a developer.

How successful was the format of the Tournament and why?

How successful it is, I would rather ask the players, our goal is solely to entertain them, to offer something new. It seems to me that the PvE tournament managed this, it was something new, it was good because it was non-standard and showed a different side of possible competitions.

I believe that difficult PvE is in no way inferior to any team PvP, it is no less difficult, requiring the same teamwork and reaction, if not better. If you look at the recordings of the tournament, you will see that the slightest mistake was punishable by a group wipe; nerves are at the limit at such moments, it is at least psychologically very difficult. The PvP tournament goes faster, but here the stress lasted up to 6 hours, the players often took breaks, which is understandable.

What problems arose during the Tournament?

Considering that this was a new experience, I expected a lot of problems, but strangely enough, there were none. There was a small problem towards the end of the qualifying games, minor technical problems, but it took no more than 15 minutes to fix them, after which there were no more problems of this kind.

Much more interesting are the mistakes made in the organization. We can already say that the 6-hour time frame was not the best decision. In the future it will be reduced to 2-3 hours. For greater entertainment and ease of conduct.

There were also some issues with effects for streamers. They were designed for PvP, and a number of important elements for PvE were not taken into account; they had to be edited literally on the fly. Every streamer knew the important rule “Don’t fall into the astral plane, you will waste the death of the group” - looking at the streams, you can see this “mantra” from them.

Were there any violations, if possible?an example of such (in case of a positive answer) during the Tournament.

To my surprise, no. The position was initially this: you are being watched at the tournament, and there will be disqualification if you violate it. In addition, all teams were given a proposal: “You can ask directly in the PM whether this or that idea of ​​yours for a non-standard passage is a bug or not.” Many people took advantage of this and found out whether it was possible to pass the island one way or another. But I must admit that this helped almost no one, because... All teams acted in the same way, plus or minus, it was preparation and teamwork that decided, not new ideas. Such moments were decided only if the gap was 5-10 seconds.

Will a similar experience be repeated with the Tournament, but in other formats? (note: Raid adventures, Test of Blood, similarity to the Mausoleum of Sparks, etc., etc.)

Of course, we will alternate PvP and PvE tournaments so that people play in different areas. Very often, those who play PvP are not interested in PvE, and vice versa. To each his own. The PvE tournament, I'm sure, has found its audience.
As for whether the activity will change, I can’t say yet; I would like more variety, but it also carries technical limitations and difficulties that are unacceptable when holding a large tournament with such a prize fund. I can only say that the next tournament will have a different set of islands, but I’m not ready to answer yet whether there will be other activity.

Well, we are expecting new interesting competitions, and I would like to say to all participants of the “Winter Hunt”: do not be upset, because any defeat is a unique experience that everyone will interpret in their own way. We really hope that this experience will be useful to you in the future!

The first matches of the Winter Hunt tournament began today. We hope you are properly prepared for the battles, because a record amount is at stake - 57,533,250 credits! Read the Tournament Details section carefully so you don't miss anything.

Tournament details

The tournament competitions will be held in the "Survival" mode on the "Siberia" map daily from 18:00 to 22:00 Moscow time on weekdays and from 18:00 to 23:00 Moscow time on weekends.

  • The date and time of your match can be found on the tournament page, as well as in the letter that will be sent to you by email.
  • The matches will take place on the game servers "Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charlie".
  • Don't forget to turn off Do Not Disturb mode in the game in advance so that the judge can be added as a friend.
  • If you took one of the first five places in the match, be sure to send a screenshot of the final screen to [email protected] . You should write to the same email if you want to file a protest against unfair play.
  • Tournament referees will be present at the matches. Each of them has a nickname with the word “Judge”, for example “Judge001”, and a special “Esports Master” badge.

Out of the fifteen participants in the match, the players who take the first five lines of the table will advance to the next round. The remaining 10 are eliminated. When the number of participants is reduced, the characters will be copied to the tournament server. This will be reported separately.