What is casein for? Casein protein. Casein Absorption Rate

Lane Norton defends casein, an ingredient found in cheese, glue and even plastic. Should YOU take it in supplement form? You will be the judge in this trial!

If casein protein went to the gym, it would probably be whey's assistant in the bench press. He was in her shadow for a long time. Casein has been figuratively compared to Frank Columbo, and whey has been compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Today everything will be different.

Casein protein

Casein protein, like whey, is obtained from cow's milk. Roughly speaking, 80% of the protein contained in milk is casein, and 20% is whey. Casein is an insoluble compound (i.e., it is the solid part of milk protein).

You may have heard of casein in the context of calcium caseinate, which is formed by the interaction of calcium ions.

Due to its jelly-like consistency, casein is used not only in sports supplements, but is also used for the production of binders and fillers, and is also one of the main ingredients in cheese making. It should also be added that the binding properties of casein are used in the production of adhesives and plastics.

But don’t run for a tube of Moment glue. Casein-based sports supplements are a valuable source of protein.

Casein's ability to quickly gel and thicken makes it a unique ingredient for making a variety of sports supplements. Once in the digestive system, casein coagulates under the influence of gastric juice. Its absorption slows down, which ensures a uniform and continuous release of casein amino acids. (- these are the “building blocks” that make up protein.)

Simply put, this means that the muscles are “recharged” over a long period of time.

The low rate of digestion has another advantage - the rate of protein breakdown and amino acid oxidation (consumption of amino acids as an energy source) is reduced. Casein gives you a feeling of fullness. You will feel like you are about to eat a big meal.

Comparison of casein and whey

Compared to , casein is a double-edged sword. Its advantages include the fact that the slow absorption of casein extends both the supply of amino acids to muscle tissue and the presence of a positive nitrogen balance in the body. (A positive nitrogen balance is the basis for muscle growth.)

However, the slow release of amino acids from casein leads to a decrease in the maximum anabolic response in the body. In other words, casein does not stimulate muscle protein synthesis as effectively as whey. If you compare casein gram for gram with whey, then due to slow absorption it has less anabolic properties (worse growth of muscle mass).

Moreover, casein protein contains less (8%) compared to whey (11%). Leucine is an amino acid responsible for the maximum anabolic response after protein intake. Essentially, leucine signals the body about the need for protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy.

While writing my PhD thesis, I discovered that the anabolic response to food is closely related to its leucine content. Casein has less anabolic properties compared to whey due to its lower leucine content.

Combination of casein with whey protein

As already mentioned, the maximum anabolic response of casein is less than that of whey. But it ensures the supply of amino acids to the body over a longer period of time. The combination of casein with a rapidly digestible protein (for example, whey) gives the maximum synergistic effect, i.e. a combination of the benefits of both types of protein. This way, you get a high concentration of leucine along with a constant supply of amino acids to your muscles.

Consumption of protein mixtures allows you to get the maximum benefit from casein and compensate for some of its shortcomings. Alternatively, you can combine casein with fast-digesting or free form leucine - the effect will be the same.

Taking casein

Casein, like whey, can be used to prepare various smoothies both in the morning and in the evening. However, due to the slow absorption of casein and the prolonged release of amino acids, it is often resorted to when a person plans to go without food for a long time.

Thus, many people consume casein at night, hoping that the poorly digestible protein will be able to prevent the process of catabolism (muscle breakdown). There is no reliable scientific evidence supporting the advisability of taking casein at night. However, scientists have found that taking casein in the evening reduces the rate of protein breakdown - this has certain benefits in terms of gaining muscle mass.

The dosage of casein intake depends on a number of factors: body weight, total protein intake and combination with other protein sources.

If you use casein in its pure form (without other sports supplements), then it is advisable to increase the dose in order to speed up anabolism in the body. For a 200 pound male bodybuilder looking to increase muscle mass, I recommend taking 40-50 grams of casein protein per day (in its pure form).

Casein selection

As a general rule, I recommend purchasing sports supplements from manufacturers who can provide laboratory results for their products. This ensures that the information on the packaging matches its contents.

It should also be noted that many companies sell protein mixtures consisting of both casein and whey. Due to the high cost of such mixtures, I would like to once again emphasize that a casein-whey cocktail can be prepared by yourself at home. Just don't add an alcoholic drink to it. (If you still decide, use vodka.)

Precautionary measures

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to casein protein. Side effects appear: upset stomach, pain, diarrhea, vomiting and/or other gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, consuming casein in large quantities can cause mild gastrointestinal upset even in people who are not prone to allergies. Casein thickens in the stomach. With large doses, this leads to bloating and unpleasant sensations - which others will certainly notice.

What is the moral? Casein should not be consumed by allergy sufferers (or by people who have been told not to take it by their doctor). Also, if you don't want to turn into the Marshmallow Man (from the movie "Ghostbusters"), you shouldn't ingest large quantities of casein.


Casein protein tends to work the night shift. It is taken before bedtime; At night he works, and in the morning he disappears, when the serum is released.

From today everything is different.

Use casein if you need a long-lasting source of protein. Use it if you don't want your muscles to starve. Combine it with whey to combine the benefits of both types of protein.

– one of the most common proteins in bodybuilding, a multi-component protein that is the result of enzymatic curdling of milk. Casein takes longer to digest than all other types of protein; when it enters the stomach, a clot is formed from it, which takes a long time to digest and provides the athlete’s body with amino acids for a long time. Casein protein also tends to slow down the digestion of other types of protein and suppress appetite. Compared to other proteins, casein has a slight anabolic effect, but its advantage is the long-term supply of amino acids to the muscles, so athletes often take it before bed.

Casein for weight gain

Casein will be less effective at gaining muscle mass than other types of protein, so purchasing this type will be wise if you have a sufficient amount of whey protein (preferred for mass gain). If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then it is best to take casein protein at night, this way you will slow down the catabolic processes and protect your muscles from the effects of the stress hormone cortisol. While you sleep, you will go 8 hours without food, anabolic processes will slow down, so you need strong anti-catabolic protection. It is more effective to take whey protein during the day.

Using casein protein for weight loss

Take casein protein if your goal is to eliminate hunger. Casein when cut is a means of preserving muscles. If you want to maintain muscle mass but reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat, then taking whey protein during the day and casein an hour before bed will be most effective. When losing weight, it is recommended to take casein protein 2-4 times a day - in the morning, before training, between meals and an hour before bedtime. It is very important for those athletes who are allergic to whey or egg protein.

How to take casein protein

It is recommended to take 30-40g of casein at a time (you need to dissolve it in water, milk or juice). Regular casein without sweeteners will have a curd-like taste; you can diversify it by adding fruit, jam or cocoa to your cocktail. For preparation you should use a shaker or mixer.

It is best to buy casein protein from well-known manufacturers who value their reputation. You can also buy casein from not very popular sports nutrition companies if they provide laboratory results of their products. Some manufacturers produce mixed protein mixtures with different protein sources; most of these supplements are sold at an inflated price; casein is more profitable to buy separately.

Do not take more than 40g of casein protein at one time. Eating this protein in large quantities may cause stomach upset. Some people may be allergic to casein; signs of an allergy may include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal problems; athletes with allergies are better off using other types of protein.

Casein protein helps athletes grow muscle mass and improve strength. It is especially useful for those people who are allergic to whey or egg protein. Casein is also useful for weight loss, it suppresses appetite and helps maintain muscles during drying. It is easily digested and absorbed, so it is very often used in dietary nutrition. This protein is highly valued because of its almost complete spectrum of amino acids; casein is able to satisfy all the needs of the body and muscle tissue of an athlete; it lacks only one amino acid - glycol, which is replaceable and is perfectly synthesized by the body.

Making casein is not a complicated process, and therefore many companies produce this protein, which is not always of high quality. It is worth buying such sports complexes from companies with many years of experience and a well-deserved reputation. Casein protein, like any other protein, is not harmful in itself, but some athletes may take it in too large doses. If you do not follow all recommendations for the use of products, then you risk ruining your health - the kidneys and liver will suffer from excess protein. It is worth remembering that a natural athlete needs 1.5-2g of protein per 1 kg of weight for growth and progression; professional athletes who take additional pharmacology consume 3-4g of protein.

In 5th place micellar casein located MRM 100%- a protein of slow and gradual absorption, has a unique amino acid composition and has an excellent anti-catabolic effect. The supplement contains biologically active enzymes that help the athlete’s body effectively digest and absorb amino acids.

Fourth place ranked among the best casein proteins Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition, this supplement is sold in 3 flavors - vanilla, chocolate and cookies-cream. This complex consists of the purest micellar casein; one serving of the supplement contains 24 grams of protein. Taking this protein helps maintain an anabolic environment in the body.

In third place is Casein from MusclePharm., which is 80% protein. Excellent at stimulating muscle growth, most effective for combating catabolism at night. The supplement includes a complex of enzymes and probiotics that help better absorb the product.

Honorary second place occupied the complex Elite Casein by Dymatize, which contains 24g of protein per serving of the product. Dymatize Casein is a high-quality protein that is an excellent source of amino acids and will help you build the muscle mass you want.

Leader in Supplements complex recognized Gold Standard 100% Casein from an American manufacturer Optimum Nutrition. One scoop contains 34 grams of protein, of which 24 grams are pure casein. ON is one of the best casein proteins on the sports supplement market and is a good source of protein for inhibiting catabolism and promoting muscle growth.

Casein is a protein supplement that provides the athlete’s muscles with building material for long-term growth and prevents catabolism.

It is impossible to imagine adequate nutrition for an athlete without special nutritional supplements. And it is better to give preference to natural preparations of natural origin.

What is casein?

Full-fat cottage cheese contains up to 22% casein

Casein (also known as caseinogen) is a milk protein formed by the curdling of milk by special enzymes. Of all the proteins in dairy products, casein accounts for 80%.

Refers to complex, complete proteins. It contains all types of essential acids vital to the human body. In the stomach, under the influence of enzymes, casein forms a dense clot, which slowly breaks down, releasing calcium and phosphorus.

It comes in the form of a white powder, which is used to make protein shakes. Sold as part of ready-made mixtures for cocktails and protein supplements. Pure casein without a pronounced aroma, cottage cheese taste. Cocktails with casein, as a rule, contain flavorings, sweeteners, and sometimes dyes.

How does it work during training?

Losing weight using casein is quite possible

Casein is a slow-breaking protein, so there is no point in taking it after workouts. It will not be absorbed quickly enough to replenish the amino acid levels needed by the muscles. Fast-acting proteins, such as whey, will be more relevant at this time.

Before training, casein is only appropriate during a weight loss diet, so that due to insufficient nutrition, the muscles do not suffer from intense exercise.

Reception when gaining weight

When gaining muscle mass, casein should be taken only at night - to slow down catabolism and provide the muscles with a supply of protein. This will prevent the destructive effects of cortisol.

When burning weight

Due to the fact that casein occupies the stomach for a long time, it has the effect of reducing appetite, which makes life much easier during a weight loss diet. It gives a feeling of fullness for about 7 hours, which saves you from night hunger, while the body is supplied with a sufficient amount of protein. In addition, it allows you to preserve muscle mass and increases the release of heat by your body, thereby speeding up metabolism and the process of burning subcutaneous and. 10 g of casein contains only 36 kcal, so it does not add excess fat.

Why does an athlete need it?

Taking casein reduces the need to eat tons of foods

To achieve the desired results, be it gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance during training, or quickly burning fat, an athlete’s diet must contain a high amount of protein products, because protein is a necessary building material for muscle tissue.

To avoid having to eat kilograms of meat, eggs and cottage cheese, which, in addition to proteins, also contain fats and carbohydrates, it is wiser to supplement the diet with protein supplements. The diet should contain both fast-acting proteins, which provide high anabolism, and slow ones, which provide long-term muscle nutrition.

Anabolism (from the Greek ἀναβολή, “rise”) or plastic metabolism is a set of chemical processes that constitute one of the aspects of metabolism in the body, aimed at the formation of cells and tissues.

Source Wikipedia

Why is consuming casein beneficial for an athlete?

  • Saturation of the body with essential amino acids
  • Strengthens the skeletal system thanks to the high calcium content
  • Reduced hunger
  • Protection against muscle breakdown (catabolism) at night
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Replenishes the lack of protein in the diet during a diet.

Types of casein protein

Casein protein comes in three types:

  1. Casein hydrolysate. It is obtained through the process of hydrolysis, during which amino acid bonds are destroyed, and the rate of protein absorption increases.
  2. Micellar casein. It is obtained by ultra- or microfiltration of milk, in which casein is separated from whey, fat and lactose. The natural structure of the protein is preserved. It is absorbed more easily than caseinate, but over a longer period of time (up to 10 hours). Solubility in liquid is low, the cocktail turns out thick and mushy.
  3. Caseinate. It is a mixture of protein and calcium, sodium and potassium salts. The protein content in this mixture is not less than 90%. Caseinate easily dissolves in liquid, so it is very often used in industrial cocktails.

How to take casein protein

Take casein in the form of a cocktail from the required amount of powder dissolved in a glass of milk. For taste, you can add a spoon of cocoa, a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon. It is best to mix using a shaker.

The dosage depends on the purpose for which the protein is taken.

  • At the stage of weight gain - 40 g of casein before bed.
  • During the drying period, take 15-20 g at night and between main meals, with water or up to 4 times a day.
  • If you have to skip a meal, the protein dose will be 35-40 g.
  • To enhance anabolism after training, casein can be taken in tandem with whey protein in a 1:2 ratio (one part casein to two parts whey)

These figures are approximate; a more accurate dosage is calculated based on the athlete’s body weight and the amount of protein supplied with food.

What can you combine with?

Casein can be consumed in its pure form. But sometimes the best effect will be from combining it with other, more quickly digestible products, such as whey protein. In this combination, the benefits of these products are mutually enhanced. The deficiency of casein, such as low anabolic effect, is eliminated. A similar result can be achieved by combining casein protein with leucine or (amino acid complex).

What foods contain casein?

Most casein is found in dairy products. Content as a percentage of the total amount of proteins in the product:

  • cow and goat milk – 80%
  • hard cheeses – 30%
  • soft cheeses – 28%
  • pickled cheeses – 26%
  • fat cottage cheese – 22%
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 18%
  • sour cream (fat) – 15%
  • curdled milk, kefir – 15%
  • bio-yogurts and curd cheeses – 9%
  • sweet yoghurts – 6%

What are the differences between casein and other types of protein?

The main “rival” of casein is whey protein. Their “rivalry” begins in a sports nutrition store, when the buyer has a dilemma about what to take. The main differences are in the rate of protein absorption. Casein takes a long time to digest; studies have shown that after taking casein, a high concentration of amino acids remained in the blood of subjects for 5 hours.

Side effects from taking

Side effects with moderate use are quite rare and temporary. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance (allergy) and serious diseases of the digestive system.


Allergy to casein is a common phenomenon. It manifests itself in childhood and goes away during adulthood in 85% of allergy sufferers. And yet, if a person is intolerant to dairy products, then he is allergic to casein.

Allergy symptoms:

  • Skin rashes
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes
  • Breathing becomes difficult

There is no cure for casein allergy; antihistamines and corticosteroids only relieve symptoms. Therefore, an allergy sufferer should refrain from consuming dairy proteins.

Effect on the human body

Casein protein itself does not have a negative effect on the body. Essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, which it is rich in, are beneficial for all people. However, everything is good in moderation. Considering that casein is absorbed slowly, it puts an increased burden on the digestive system. Excessive consumption may result in discomfort in the stomach (feeling of heaviness), bloating, nausea, and vomiting. With prolonged abuse, there is a risk of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Effect on potency

Proteins of animal origin do not have a negative effect on sexual function, unlike protein, which can increase estrogen levels. Therefore, you need to choose pure milk casein, without the admixture of soy protein.

What to look for when buying casein protein? A good product should not contain:

  • No synthetic additives, only natural dairy raw materials
  • Vegetable fats
  • No salt

There should be no mold smell. The consistency of a homogeneous powder, without lumps.

Preference should be given to micellar casein without unnecessary additives, from a reliable manufacturer. The pursuit of a cheap product can lead to the purchase of a fake or a product of poor quality, the benefits of which are very doubtful.

Always remember that a quality product cannot be cheap

Casein protein is an indispensable component of sports nutrition for an athlete. It provides uniform, long-lasting nutrition for muscles and bones, and prevents catabolism at night. It is also very effective in reducing appetite while burning weight; in this regard, it can be useful not only for athletes, but also for people who want to lose weight and have difficulty with hunger.

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Be sure to read about it

Greetings, lovers of sports and an active lifestyle. Today I will talk about casein protein, which is used to burn fat. This supplement is classified as a slow protein, as it is absorbed gradually. Casein protein is ideal for weight loss. It reduces appetite and protects muscles from destruction.

I will tell you how to use the supplement correctly so that it brings only benefits and how to choose a quality product.

Casein is a multicomponent protein found in milk. It is extracted from whey during enzymatic curdling. The spherical lumps that appear during souring are casein.

In addition to casein protein, the sports supplement contains gluten (), which is transformed into amino acids in the body. Its advantage is that it does not contain lactose and hormones. Sports nutrition is used to nourish muscles and accelerate fat burning.

Once in the stomach, the powder is digested for a long time, gradually releasing the necessary amino acids. Casein reduces appetite and protects muscles from destruction. For this reason, the additive is used during the drying period.

What products contain

Casein is included in the following products:

  • Milk (cow, goat) – up to 80% protein.
  • Cheeses (hard, soft, in brine) – from 25 to 30%.
  • Cottage cheese - from 18 to 22%.
  • Sour cream, kefir – 15%.
  • Natural yogurt – 9%.
  • Dessert made from curd mass – 9%.
  • Yogurt with additives – up to 6%.

However, the protein concentration in these products is much lower than in sports nutrition. Therefore, use them together with the supplement, and not instead of it.

Benefits and harm to the body

If you play sports, then you need protein (especially if you have a poor diet and lack of proteins).

Casein benefits:

  • A high concentration of amino acids that are needed to build body cells and preserve muscles.
  • and muscle mass gain.
  • Decreased appetite, accelerated calorie burning, provided you follow a diet and reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet.
  • Gradual saturation of the body with useful substances, since casein proteins are absorbed more slowly.
  • Casein is suitable for athletes who are allergic to egg and whey proteins.
  • A large amount of calcium, which strengthens bone tissue.

In addition, casein-based supplements are relatively inexpensive.

This supplement is dangerous only if consumed in excess, then the functioning of the liver and kidneys is disrupted. In rare cases, an allergy to the components of the supplement may occur.


Sports nutrition based on casein protein should not be taken unless you are allergic to its components. Athletes who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver or kidneys need to adhere to the dosage. In such cases, the likelihood of adverse reactions increases, then it is better to abandon casein or reduce the dose.

Possible side effects

When taking casein protein, athletes may experience the following negative reactions:

  • Redness, rash, itching on the skin.
  • Nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea and other stomach disorders.

Similar symptoms occur with casein allergy or overdose.

To understand how your body reacts to casein protein, perform a sensitivity test. To do this, take 10 g of powder, and then monitor your health throughout the day.

Which is better: whey protein or casein protein?

Whey protein quickly saturates the body with proteins, and casein protein evenly saturates it with amino acids. The first, but is not able to preserve it, and the second protects muscles from destruction, but has almost no effect on their growth.

Therefore, I advise combining both types of proteins to simultaneously reduce fat and build muscle. Casein is suitable for a woman who wants to lose weight. To gain muscle mass, it is preferable for a man to take whey isolate.

Types of casein

Types of casein protein, which differ in the way they are produced:

  • Calcium and sodium caseinate. To obtain milk proteins, acids are used that act on milk. This is an affordable option, but such additives do not dissolve well in liquids. The cocktail has an unpleasant taste, a specific aroma, and sometimes causes discomfort in the stomach.
  • Micellar. This type of protein is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk; it is produced without heating, so the structure of the protein does not change. The final product does not contain fats, carbohydrates, and tastes good. However, its cost is high.

Each type of casein has its pros and cons. However, the decision to choose a product is up to you.


This type of protein is considered safe and effective. To make sure of this, I will list its features:

  • Absorbed within 12 hours, which is useful for weight loss.
  • Maintains amino acid levels in the body, protecting muscles from breakdown.
  • It dissolves well in liquid.
  • Pleasant to the taste.

In addition, micellar protein relieves hunger for a long time and is easy to use.

Which type is better

As you already understand, when losing weight, it is better to take micellar protein. This product accelerates fat burning, suppresses appetite, and saturates the body with beneficial substances for 12 hours that protect muscles from destruction. It is more convenient to use than calcium and sodium caseinate. Additionally, the latter supplements contain lactose as they are not as deeply purified as micellar casein. This product is ideal for girls and women who want to lose weight.

There are many factors to consider when choosing casein protein for fat loss. The product must be safe, easy to use, long absorbed and saturate the muscles with amino acids. In addition, pay attention to the sports nutrition manufacturer.

What to pay attention to

The range of casein-based sports nutrition is large, so it’s easy to get confused and choose the wrong product. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Cleaning method. Give preference to micellar protein, it retains its natural structure.
  • Degree of purification. Choose a product with a minimum content of fat (up to 4 g) and carbohydrates (up to 1.5 g).
  • Ease of use. Buy micellar casein, which dissolves quickly in water.
  • Speed ​​of absorption. Give preference to a product that is digested more slowly.
  • Manufacturer. Before purchasing a supplement, study the ratings of trusted manufacturers who guarantee the quality of the product.

By following these rules, you will not make a mistake in your choice.

How to take it correctly

Beginners do not know how to drink casein protein. If you purchased the supplement for the first time, then first of all carefully read the instructions. After all, the dosage often differs from different manufacturers. In addition, the time of use and dose of the powder depend on the goals (weight loss, weight gain).

The supplement is taken only during a diet. After all, if you take a cocktail and at the same time absorb simple carbohydrates and fats, then it will be of no use. Then the fat layer will only increase.

Dissolve the powder in water, milk or juice. I believe that a water cocktail is better because milk or juice based drinks have more calories. To prepare, use a shaker or mixer. Next, a video will be presented that shows how to properly prepare protein shakes.

Follow the rules for taking casein protein to get the most benefits from it.

Dosage and time of administration

Casein protein helps satisfy hunger, so it is best to consume it during the day and evening during hours when you crave unhealthy high-calorie foods.

During the day, drink a cocktail, for example, 1 – 2 hours after training or before exercise. This drink will completely replace one meal. And at night, take the supplement 1.5 – 2 hours before bedtime. This interval is necessary, since 1 serving of the cocktail contains 100 - 120 kcal, which will negatively affect fat burning. A single serving of protein is 15–20 g per 220 ml of liquid. Take up to 40 g of powder per day.

Follow the dosage to avoid adverse reactions.

Duration of admission

Take casein at home for 1 – 2 months, then take a break. However, long-term use is possible if the athlete feels well. If adverse reactions occur (allergies, digestive disorders), discard casein protein and consult a trainer.

Rating of the best casein proteins

To ensure you purchase a quality product, check out the top casein protein supplements:

  • Gold Standard 100% Casein from Optimum Nutrition. One serving contains 24 g of pure protein.
  • Elite Casein by Dymatise. Casein content – ​​24 g per 1 dose.
  • Casein from MusclePharm. One cocktail contains 28 g of protein.
  • Casein Pro from Universal Nutrition. One scoop contains 24 g of casein.
  • Micellar Casein from California Gold Nutrition. Each serving contains 30 g of protein.

The price of these supplements is not low, but the quality is good.

Casein is a calcium-rich protein or otherwise a protein that has anti-catabolic properties. It is one of the most important nutritional supplements for professional athletes and bodybuilders.

The path to an ideal physique and overall health of the body begins, as we know, with proper nutrition. With regular physical activity, the body begins to experience a greatly increasing need for protein. It is not always possible to satisfy it only with the help of ordinary food products. This is where protein supplements come to the rescue.

Many people are familiar with whey protein, but few know that casein can be even more valuable in many situations. This article will help you fill your lack of knowledge about casein protein supplements. We will tell you what casein is, how it is produced, what advantages it has over whey protein, and to whom it is recommended.

What is casein?

Casein is the main protein component of animal milk ( it accounts for about 80% of the total milk proteins). Its main advantage is considered to be extremely slow digestion. The most important source of casein proteins for humans is cow's and goat's milk.

Casein is heterogeneous in its composition. There are four factions, designated as alpha-s1-, alpha-s2-, beta- and K-casein. The ratio of the various fractions may vary depending on the source from which the casein was obtained. ( Further in the article, by the term “casein”, used in the singular, we will mean all four types of casein proteins.)

A characteristic feature of casein is its extreme low solubility in acidic medium (in particular at a pH corresponding to the acidity of the stomach). Its slow digestion and absorption is associated precisely with the ability to coagulate ( those. roll) when exposed to stomach acid. The resulting coagulum precipitates and provides a slow but steady supply of amino acids into the blood. It is for this reason that casein provides a longer-lasting anti-catabolic effect than fast-digesting proteins such as whey.

Benefits of Casein

Casein protein has many benefits, and they become especially obvious for those who strictly adhere to their training regimen. Great interest in casein and the correlation between its consumption and observed muscle hypertrophy arose after the publication of research results comparing the effects of natural milk and soy on the body. These studies showed that Dairy proteins are significantly superior to soy proteins in their ability to promote muscle growth . Not only casein, but also other proteins contained in milk, in particular whey and albumin, can stimulate the formation of muscle protein. This occurs due to the activation of a regulatory protein called “target of rapamycin” (mTOR). An important factor here is the fact that milk proteins are complete ( those. contains all essential amino acids) .

Although casein is certainly very important as an effective stimulator of muscle protein synthesis, its main advantage is its ability to provide a steady rate of absorption of amino acids into the blood. This differs from whey protein, which, after ingestion, gives a rapid but short-term increase in the content of amino acids in the blood. With this in mind, casein may be more beneficial for people who require a protein supplement that provides several hours of nutrition for the body, rather than the quick satiation that whey, for example, provides. The prolonged anti-catabolic effect of casein makes it the best option for consumption before a long forced break without food. A casein dietary supplement taken in the evening guarantees a positive nitrogen balance for the entire period of night sleep. However, it is useful to use this dietary supplement not only in the evening, but also at any other time of the day, including before and after training ( We will discuss this issue in more detail a little later.) .

Another characteristic feature of casein is its high calcium content. The latter is an important macronutrient necessary to maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, some researchers suggest it may help reduce body fat in overweight people. If you are unable to meet your body's daily calcium needs with regular foods, we recommend that you start taking dietary supplements that include casein proteins.

The main advantages of casein:
stimulates muscle protein synthesis by activating the mTOR mechanism;
is a source of complete protein;
Provides anti-catabolic effects over a longer period of time than whey protein;
is able to suppress appetite, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
is a rich source of calcium.

People who need to quickly increase their protein intake may benefit most from casein supplements. These include:
bodybuilders and athletes involved in strength sports;
those who engage in restorative physical education;
everyone who feels a lack of protein in their diet.

Casein production

The source of casein protein is fresh mammalian milk. The technological process of isolating casein from milk includes the following sequence of operations: acidification, filtration, enzymatic hydrolysis, salting out. Casein powder has a creamy color and a mild taste/smell. The shelf life of unopened packaging is two years ( when stored at room temperature) .

Hydrolyzed and micellar casein

To make it more clear to you what the difference is between these forms of casein protein, it is necessary to say a few words about protein in general and the process of its absorption by the body. Proteins consist of a huge number of amino acids connected to each other by peptide bonds. During the process of hydrolysis, these bonds are cleaved, which leads to the formation of shorter fragments - peptides, and then free amino acids. If hydrolysis occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, and not in a test tube, then at the next stage the amino acids begin to be absorbed, entering the blood through the walls of the stomach or small intestine.

Hydrolyzed casein is produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of the original protein. This is necessary to increase the rate of its absorption by the body. The increase in the rate of protein digestion, absorption of amino acids and delivery to muscle tissue is a consequence of the fact that the protein has already, in fact, been pre-digested, dividing it into smaller peptide fragments.

Micellar casein is essentially a whole, undenatured form of casein. In nature, most of the casein protein exists in the form of micelles, which are colloidal particles. The biological role of casein micelles is to bind insoluble calcium phosphate complexes ( More than 90% of the calcium contained in skim milk is bound to casein micelles) . This is why casein dietary supplements are a valuable source of calcium.

How to use?

Many people, especially young and very active people, find it convenient that this dietary supplement can be consumed, as they say, “on the run”: simply add a serving of casein powder to water or other liquid ( approximately 200 ml water for every 25 g protein powder) and mix using a spoon/blender/shaker. The drink, it should be noted, will be a little thicker than whey protein.

The ability of casein protein to coagulate under the influence of high temperature somewhat limits the imagination of those who like to be creative in the kitchen. However, there is still plenty of room for culinary experiments. Try making, for example, “protein pudding.” It can be an excellent alternative to the liquid form of casein nutritional supplement for those who are tired of the traditional protein shake.

When should I take it?

Dietary supplements that include casein can be taken almost any time you feel that your diet is lacking protein. It is especially useful if there is a long break between meals. To enhance the effect, casein protein can be combined with whey protein. If you are looking for the best post-workout nutrition for your body, try a combination of whey and casein in a 2:1 ratio.

Whey or casein?

Whey protein is easily soluble in the acidic environment of the stomach, as a result of which it causes a rapid increase in the concentration of amino acids in the blood. Casein, under the influence of stomach acid, coagulates and precipitates, which leads to its slow digestion. Moreover, both are capable of stimulating muscle protein synthesis by activating a mechanism involving the target of rapamycin (mTOR).

Whey protein is still more effective as a stimulator of muscle protein formation. Does this mean you should give up casein in favor of whey? No. Casein is a powerful supplement to whey, enhancing its anabolic response to exercise. There is no need to pose an “either/or” question: in the “battle” for an ideal physique, both casein and whey are your reliable allies, and the greatest benefit will come not from one or the other, but from their combination.


Can I take casein supplements if I have a milk allergy?
Unfortunately, casein is not safe to eat if you have an allergic reaction to milk. It, however, like other proteins contained in milk, is a known allergen.

Is it possible to use casein supplements if you are lactose intolerant?
Yes. The milk protein casein has nothing in common with lactose ( lactose is a disaccharide contained in milk or, in other words, milk sugar).

How much casein should you consume daily?
It all depends on your lifestyle, metabolic characteristics and, of course, your goals. Beginners can be advised to start with 2 g of protein per kilogram of muscle mass.

Is casein suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, casein is suitable for those who abstain from consuming animal protein.

Is it possible to just drink cow's milk instead of buying expensive casein supplements?
Of course. But in fact, consuming casein supplements turns out to be more profitable in terms of cost per gram of protein.