What is the best way for boxers to run? Boxing run: choosing running shoes. Palm clap push-ups


Boxing training is unthinkable without work on the road - jogging. There are especially many references to the grueling running training of old-school boxers. Max Schmeling, preparing for his first fight with Joe Louis, ran 15 km a day. One of Jack Dempsey’s opponents, who was nicknamed the Bonebreaker from Manassa for a reason, hoped to work in retreat and counter-attacks throughout the battle, so he ran for several kilometers backwards. Mohammed Ali wore leather boots (high boots) for additional weight, which from the point of view of modern sports science was not worth doing. Why? Let's talk about shoes separately.

Once upon a time, I didn’t really care what I ran in. I could race on asphalt, dirt, sand in thin sneakers or massive hiking shoes, without thinking about the loads and microtraumas of the foot. But now I understand that this approach was wrong - due to ignorance. Moreover, when studying the experience of foreign boxing gyms, one cannot help but notice a large assortment of equipment and equipment - for almost every exercise there is a separate device. The scientific approach triumphs. Actually, this is how I came to the firm conviction of promoting a discriminating attitude towards equipment.

Technologies? used in Kalinji sports shoes


It is good and high-quality sneakers that will make your street training not only effective, but also comfortable. An important point when choosing shoes is shock absorption characteristics. Remember when buying: you are not buying shoes for everyday wear, but exclusively for running training. This is their purpose. By the way, it is best to try on sneakers in the evening, when the foot is slightly enlarged.

For myself, I took Kalinji Ekiden 200 running shoes (Decathlon). I compared them with shoes from Sportmaster, but I couldn’t find an analogue to them either in price or in equipment. I run with a heel-to-toe stance, so I was looking for budget options with acceptable cushioning. The heel of the Ekiden 200 has a hollow element that softens the impact of the heel on the ground. The presence of a nice item is indicated by the marking on the Circular System sole.

Additionally, the sneakers have an In-Bar cushioning system in the toe area. Otherwise, the sneakers are a budget model, made in accordance with the general requirements for running shoes. The sneakers are light and really pleasant to run in.

Below are photos of sneakers, and after that there is a block with useful tips on choosing shoes. At the end of the article there are reviews of the sneakers, which will be added as the shoes are used.

The "Circular System" designation indicates the presence of a hollow element in the heel area, which softens the impact of the heel on the ground.

It is important that running shoes have good shock absorption characteristics.

In-Bar toe cushioning system

The sneakers look really good from the outside


Lacing your running shoes correctly will not only help you avoid unwanted injuries, but will also make your workout more comfortable. An additional secret lock on your sneakers will help you with this - look at the photo below:

Additional lock for lacing

And the video shows how to properly tie the laces of running shoes:

  • Moisture accumulates in sneakers, despite the ventilation system, so after each workout you need to dry your shoes in a well-ventilated area. Never place your sneakers on/under a hot radiator. Due to exposure to temperature, shoes become brittle.
  • Do not machine wash your running shoes. The shoes won't last long. Proper care involves washing with a regular cloth and soapy water. If you don't wash your sneakers, dirt can become permanently absorbed into the fabric.
  • Various sources indicate the service life of sports shoes. Some say that it is best to change sneakers after 600 km, others indicate the 1,500 km mark.

Run and get healthier!

It is a whole way of life, and not just a type of combat sport. Every boxer must be in good general physical shape. To do this, it is important to regularly visit the gym, since strength exercises develop stamina, endurance, striking power and performance in a fighter. Good general physical shape is an undoubted advantage over an opponent in terms of strength. During training, it does not matter which muscle groups you train, the whole body must be trained in boxing. As a rule, in general physical training there is no sparring; here the main task is to develop your body and spirit. Despite this, basic physical activity is aerobic in nature. Such physical activities include: running, abdominal exercises, training arm endurance, working on apparatus, exercises on parallel bars and horizontal bars. There are several basic exercises that significantly improve a fighter’s overall physical fitness.

The first and main aerobic exercise for a fighter is. Although at first glance it may seem that running is the simplest thing that can be done in training, you just need to put on a tracksuit and sneakers, but in fact, this is far from the case. Running techniques in boxing differ from generally accepted concepts of running. For a boxer, running should bring the greatest possible benefit. Thus, during training it is common to use several main types of running: stair running, interval running, cross-country and cross-country with weights. Cross-country is designed to maintain the general physical fitness of a boxer, and cross-country with weights is designed to develop endurance. In addition, weights are also used, as a rule, they are ordinary dumbbells. When a boxer trains with dumbbells while running, his forearm muscles are trained and due to this, his punching power increases. For a novice boxer, in this case, it is important not to rush to extremes, you need to start with short distances and gradually increase the load.

The next important control is the interval method, better known as burst running. It allows you to get used to the interrupted and uneven pace and speed. This method is very useful for boxers, since in the ring you often have to change your style of behavior. The essence of ragged running is that the fighter runs evenly, at low speed, and every 20-25 seconds the pace of running sharply accelerates by 10 seconds. This method trains endurance and regulates breathing while running up the stairs. Running on sand or rough terrain can give similar results.

It is important to note that perhaps the best and most versatile training device for a boxer is a jump rope. First of all, because it is convenient to carry it with you always and everywhere. In addition, the jump rope perfectly develops coordination and muscles. The jumping technique is also quite varied and largely depends on the physical fitness and general skills of the boxer. Training with a jump rope can be simple jumps with a forward rotation of the rope, jumps with a double rotation of the rope, or jumps with a backward or cross rotation of the rope. It is important to gradually increase the frequency and complexity of jumps. The minimum number of regular jumps for a professional is 240 times/min. The biggest advantage for a fighter using jump rope, as opposed to training on the uneven bars, is that with it you can jump whenever and wherever you want.

Modern requirements for boxers are quite stringent and require serious physical training from the fighter. Here, push-ups play a significant role. So, you can do push-ups both from the floor and using a horizontal bar or parallel bars. When doing push-ups, a boxer primarily develops the chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. Push-ups using your fists also train your muscles perfectly. They are able to make a fighter’s fists straight and the knuckles on his fists harder. Push-ups with clapping hands are considered more difficult. Gradually, you can increase the complexity and number of approaches when doing push-ups, for example, clap your palms on your chest and above your head. But the most difficult push-up method is considered to be a push-up with clapping your hands behind your back. Such push-ups perfectly develop a fighter’s body, and also increase arm endurance and explosive power.

Dips or machines train the shoulder girdle, chest muscles, triceps and deltoid muscles. In addition, when doing push-ups on the uneven bars, you can use weights, which are usually barbells weighing 15-20 kg. By doing push-ups from the horizontal bar, you will train the same muscles as during push-ups from the uneven bars. But it is also important to remember that boxing has nothing to do with athleticism, that is, building muscle mass by any available means is impossible. Because due to overload of the body and especially non-strike muscles, a boxer may lose the speed of the blow and his blow will become viscous. The general physical training of a fighter must be combined with relaxing training. Thanks to such relaxing training, the boxer does not lose his speed qualities, and the boxer’s muscles are elastic.

What follows is a generally accepted program aimed at developing the fighter’s physical fitness. Using such a program, a boxer will be able to improve his physical performance before direct training, using a punching bag, bag, sparring, etc.

Warm up. Simple running at intervals of 10-15 minutes, alternately rotating your arms forward and backward for several minutes, bending over and touching your toes in a sitting position, as well as turning your torso to the right and left with your arms extended to the sides.

Jumping rope. Jumping rope is considered more effective. It is recommended to do them for 10-20 minutes, alternating the difficulty of the jumps. After completing the exercise, you can rest for a few minutes.

Neck exercises. While lying on your back, you need to raise your head, making circular movements and up and down movements.

It is important to remember that this program does not have to be mastered right away. Speed ​​is not what matters here. You must first accustom your body to stress. A modern boxer is not just an athlete who masters a combined form of fighting, but also a professional who is skilled in his field, has high endurance, and is capable of fighting at a high pace and at different distances.

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Taken from the Internet. The original source was not found.

Champion training is the best that exists in the world of boxing theory and methodology. If the fights of the best boxers can serve as an excellent teaching aid on boxing tactics, then the training programs of champions are excellent teaching aids on the general and special physical training of a boxer. Of course, not everyone can become a world boxing champion. But any boxer - from beginner to master - can afford to train as dedicatedly and persistently as the best of the best - the world professional boxing champions.

The article “Training of Champions” presents individual training programs for world stars of the professional ring: Dempsey, Tani, Ali, Foreman, Norton, Bruno, Tyson, Holyfield, Lewis, Bird, Valuev, Jones, Tarver, Vargas, Wright, De La Hoya, Mayorga , Morales, Benn, Eubank, Hamed, Barrera, Tszyu, Hatton, etc.

Training mode Jack Dempsey while preparing for the fight with Willard:
Rise at 6 am
Run 7-10 miles (11-16 km)
Hot and cold shower
Breakfast, meat and vegetables
Sprints, a few miles
Training in the gym, sparring (everyone who paid $2 could see it)

Gene Tunney said that he ran 10 miles several times a week, a lot of walking and exercise, plus work in the boxing gym was enough to keep the "modern boxer" (1927) in good shape. Fleischer writes: "It is well known that modern fighters do not train as hard. This is probably one of the main reasons why longtime boxing fans insist that modern fighters are no match for the best fighters of the past."

In order to go a distance of 40 or more rounds and throw as many or more punches per round as fighters in today's fights, plus withstand much tougher conditions when no one stopped fights due to closed eyes and torn ears, boxers performed a huge amount of work and we trained almost all day. Bob Fitzsimmons ran 30-kilometer marathons; The day before the match with Fitz, Corbett ran 13 km in the morning, 6 in the afternoon, did an hour of shadow boxing, played two games of handball and worked out for an hour in the gym. To maintain a good pace, the cross-country racers ran behind the galloping horse.

As now, with long breaks between fights, fighters gained weight, only they worked much harder to lose weight and get into shape. For example, for the fight with Jack Johnson, which was supposed to last 45 rounds, Willard trained from November to April, dropping from 320 (Valuev’s weight), according to Fleischer.
With the transition to “short” fights, training methods changed. The training became less strenuous, with Tunney and Dempsey running "only" 10 miles a day, but they did not gain excess weight between fights. While running, it was recommended to carry a cane or squeeze tennis balls to develop the hands. Cross-country athletes usually ran with a coach; Tunney, for example, had Olympic marathon winner Johnny Hayes as his physical training coach. Fighters usually did interval work and hurdles were also very common. After cross-country, the standard exercises were pull-ups and/or simple tree climbing.

The fighters engaged in traditional hard physical labor to develop strength and endurance: they cut wood, carried logs, Dempsey dug ditches before the fight with Willard, Benny Leonard plowed a field on a farm, and Fitzsimmons worked as a blacksmith.
Traditional work was going on in the hall
stretching, shadowboxing using a resistance band, jump rope (Johnny Dundee, for example, jumped 2,000 times without a single failure, and heavyweight Jeffries jumped 1,500-2,500 times in each training session), trapping on a pneumatic bag, working on a bag (Dempsey's bag weighed 100 pounds , 45 kg, like standard bags now), sparring (in preparation for the fight, Dempsey sparred 10-20 rounds a day), medicine ball exercises, floor exercises
push-ups, press, etc.
In order to avoid cuts, the fighters wiped their faces with saline solution or alcohol (Philadelphia Jack O'Brien wiped his face with alcohol at least 20 times a day). In addition, the sparring was without helmets and the fighters worked a lot on close combat and trained to enter the close range correctly , avoiding cuts from head collisions.

Daily regime Muhammad Ali

What time did you get up in the morning? Very early, around half past five in the morning, we went for a run.
Have you stretched before your morning run? Yes a little.
How long did you usually run?
About 6 miles, which took about 40 minutes (I always run in combat boots).
What did you do after the run? A few exercises, stretching, and home to shower.
What did you eat for breakfast? Natural products, orange juice and water.
What did you do after breakfast? I was always busy with meetings and communicating with the press. I loved communicating with people.
What time did you arrive at the gym? At 12.30.
What time did you leave the hall? At 15.30.
What did you do after training? Massage, then shower. Then, perhaps, I spoke with television journalists, “went out in public,” then ate.
What did you have for lunch? I always ate well: chicken, steak, green beans, potatoes, fruit, juice and water.
What did you do after lunch? I liked to go for a walk and watch TV.
For dinner, chicken, steak, vegetables and fruits, juice, water.
What time did you go to bed? Depending on how I feel.
Which exercise did you like best?
Shadow boxing and jump rope work. In general, I really enjoyed working in the gym.
How many days a week did you train? Six days.

Muhammad Ali training program

bending to the sides
body turns
Jumping on your toes to warm up (15 minutes total)
work on movements and speed of strikes: 5 rounds of three minutes (after each round a break of 30 seconds)
6 rounds of three minutes, work on endurance and combinatorics of strikes (after each round there is a break of 30 seconds)
increasing sparring time as the training cycle progresses
total execution time 15 minutes (total number of repetitions of all exercises 300)
lifting the body from a lying position with alternating lifting of the knees ("riding a bicycle")
lifting the body from a lying position
leg raises
WORK 9 minutes (after exercise, rest 1 minute)
20 minutes (when working with a skipping rope, Ali always moved around the hall: forward, backward, in a circle, mixing different movements, never jumping in one place). Dundee says standing in one place is bad for the heart.
1 minute, at an easy pace or half step with simultaneous execution of strikes
Ali never used weights in his training

Daily regime George Foreman

Rise: at 4.15 am.
Have you stretched before your morning run? Yes, I did stretching exercises for all the pelvic muscles.
How long did you usually run? Approximately 3-8 miles, depending on the stage of the training program.
He comes to the hall at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Leaves at 15.30.
Goes to bed at 10.30 pm.
Which exercise did you like best? I loved all the exercises.
How many days a week did you train? For six days, Sunday was a day off.

George Foreman training program

20 minutes of stretching exercises for all muscles of the body
3-9 rounds for three minutes (after each round a break of 30 seconds), after every three rounds change partner
3 rounds of three minutes (after each round there is a break of 30 seconds)
250-300 body lifts from a lying position
250 leg raises
stretching exercises (30 minutes in total)
shower and rest

Daily regime Ken Norton

When did you get up? 4.15 am.
Did you stretch before running? Yes, full stretch.
How long did you run? From 3 to 8 miles, depending on the stage of preparation for the battle.
What did you do after the run? I lay down for 15 minutes, then shower and eat.
What did you eat for breakfast? 9 eggs, 7 pieces of bacon, 8 pieces of toast, a bowl of cereal, 2 glasses of orange juice and two glasses of milk.
What did you do after breakfast? I would go for a 3 mile walk, come home and sleep.
When did you come to the hall? At one P.M.
When did you leave the hall? At 3.30.
What did you do after training? I gave my body a rest and relaxed.
What did you have for lunch? I ate around 5:30. Two large steaks, beans and lots of vegetables.
What did you do after lunch? I loved watching films, as well as recordings of my future opponent's fights.
When did you go to bed? At 10.30.
What was your favorite exercise?
How many days a week did you train?
6 days, Sunday closed.
Did you have a job before you won the world title?

Ken Norton training program

20 minutes of stretching of all parts of the body Shadowboxing
3 rounds Sparring
3-9 rounds with 3 sparring partners, depending on the stage of preparation. Pear
3 rounds Pneumatic bulb
3 rounds Pneumobag on stretch marks
3 rounds Shadowboxing
3 rounds of floor exercises
250-300 body lifts
250 leg raises
stretching (30 minutes total) End of workout
Shower, rest

Training program Frank Bruno

Frank was up at 6am for his 6:30am run.
Before his run, he did a full stretch, which took about 15 minutes. I usually ran 5-6 miles. The route included several hills, I accelerated up and slowed down at the top.
After running, I always jumped rope for 6 minutes, followed by stretching and calisthenics. Next, George Francis made me jump into a pond.
For breakfast I ate fruit juice, cereal, fruit and yogurt, and drank a lot of water. After breakfast I went for a walk and then went to bed. I also participated in charity events and promotions. Next, I had a midday snack.
Around 2:30 I went for a pre-workout massage.
He left the hall at 5.30. I always finished with a massage, then a shower, and went home for dinner.
For lunch I always ate healthy, nutritious food: chicken, rice, vegetables, pasta, fruit, lots of water. It is very important to have a balanced diet.
After lunch I liked to go for a walk, then I watched TV or read. I also love music.
Went to bed at 10.
I trained 5 days a week, plus a light jog on Saturday morning. I had a day off on Sunday.
- Did you have a job before you won the world champion title?
- Some. I worked as a bartender at a bingo hall.
Frank Bruno's workout:
Warm up. - 15-20 minutes of stretching of all parts of the body
A fight with a shadow. - 3 rounds, work on combinations
Pear. - 4 rounds (Frank sometimes replaced the punching bag with sparring)
Paws. - 3 rounds, practicing combinations or learning new ones
Pneumatic bulb. - 3 rounds
Exercise bike. - 18 minutes (listening to the player)
Exercise equipment. - Seated chest press, from the shoulders, fast pace
- Cable trainer, arm abduction, fast pace
- Light weights, high reps at a fast pace
- Cable trainer, seated chest row
- Seated shoulder press, fast pace
Abdominal exercises. - 100 tilts
- 3 x 20 leg raises with medicine ball
- 3 x 20 medicine ball abdominal drops
- Raising the body with standing up
Neck. - Frank hangs weights on a special head strap, then raises and lowers his head.
End of training.
- Walk around, drink water, get a massage.

Daily regime Mike Tyson

Monday - Saturday are "working" days, weekends are days off.
So, the daily training regimen:
5 a.m.: Wake up and run three miles.
6 am: Mike returned home, took a shower and went to bed to get some sleep
10 a.m.: wake up, breakfast steak and pasta (Italian pasta) and fruit juice (orange)
12 noon: Mike goes to the ring and does 10 rounds of sparring.
2 pm: for lunch, same as for breakfast
4pm: Ring work including bag work, heavy bag last, shadow boxing and exercise bike
5 pm: Mike did 2,000 sit-ups, 500-800 dips, 500 push-ups, 500 reps of 30kg shrugs, followed by 10 minutes on the neck. Exercises up to the neck were done for 10 approaches - respectively 200 lifts, 25-40 on uneven bars, 50 push-ups, 25-40 on uneven bars, 50 shrugs, and then again.
<Шраги (shrugs) - это упражнение на развитее трапецивидных мышц. Выглядит как пожимание плечами. Делают со штангой, гантелялми, на блоке">
<Хотя: как отметил, Ramon, если взять все упражнения выше, то Тайсон делал 2000+500+500+500=3500 повторений, плюс 10 минут на шею. Рекорд по подъемам туловища за час - 2201, установлен 3 июня этого года, до этого рекордсменом был какой-то индус с результатом в 1448 раз">
7 pm: for dinner what is for lunch (Mike is not a foodie)
8 pm: exercise bike again, 30 minutes.
9-30: TV and crib
Mike did this in 10 quick cycles: 200 squats, 25-40 get-ups, 50 presses, 25-40 get-ups, 50 shrugs. And so 10 times. And also 10 minutes of neck swaying.
At this rate, by the age of 20, he was already able to do 2,000 squats in 2 hours.
Mike carried out neck training, in principle, like that of wrestlers, that is, more precisely, he used one of the elements of wrestling training, since in wrestling there are several types of neck exercises. Mike did a bridge without arms with a steady swing on his head.
Mike used a variety of training bags: for example, a small teardrop-shaped bag with sand that oscillated in front of Mike and he had to make constant inclines to avoid touching the slip-bag.
Mike hit the heavy bag last, the bag constantly swayed (if it stopped, then Mike swayed it), that is, without stopping it, he punches certain series, hits hard, quickly, as expected, very quickly returns his hands and immediately after the series makes body dodges , all this in constant movement around the pear.
Rooney: Mike's punching power was developed by hitting heavy bags for a long time, before turning pro he was hitting a 350 pound bag 84 inches high, but he injured his hand a few weeks later and we never used that bag again.
(Cas said that the weight of the bag increased and Mike’s striking power grew)
Everyone knows that Mike used a digital strike designation system in training and in battles. This system was developed by Cus D'Amato. Its essence is that the boxer works like an automaton, he does not need time to think about names, only numbers, and the boxer becomes a machine. When Damato trained Puerto Rican Jose Torres, he developed a striking training tool called the Willie Bag, after Willie Pastrano, whom Torres defeated in a title fight. Willie was made from five mattresses wrapped around a frame. On the front of the mattresses, a profile of a person was drawn, on which the zones that were the target for strikes were indicated; the zones have a digital designation:
1-left hook to the jaw
2 right hook to the jaw
3-left uppercut
4-right uppercut
5-left hook to the body
6-right hook to the body
7-jab to the head
8-jab to the body
It should be noted that these numbers indicated zones, not strikes. That is, 2 - can be either a right hook, a right straight or a cross, etc.
Cus recorded his commands with combinations of numbers on tape, and the fighter listened to them and threw combinations. During a fight, the coach could always easily tell the boxer how to hit, quickly and effectively. For example: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1.
Rooney is in command of the parade:
This mode is given for Mike, who was trained by Cass and Rooney.
Under Rooney, Mike didn’t particularly work with iron; he did strength exercises three times a week and usually after training.
Rooney said: Mike never touched the scale (iron) when I was with him. If he worked with them he would become much slower, you can't get faster hands than Ali by working with weights.
After Rooney, Mike worked with iron regularly. He does the bench press very quickly, one might say explosively.
Squats are also smooth without pauses.
I also read somewhere, I don’t know whether to believe it, that Tyson’s brother was about 196 cm tall and his father was also very tall. Cus knew about this and forced young Mike to run with 50 pounds on his back in the morning, because he did not want Tyson to grow, because he believed that his style and height were perfect for each other" Shuba.

Mike Tyson's post-prison daily routine

Rise: at 9 o'clock in the morning.
stretching before your morning run? No never.
Runs 5-7 kilometers over rough terrain.
He comes to the hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Leaves at 4.
Goes to bed at 9.30 pm.
Favorite exercise - I really like practicing punches and sparring.
How many days a week does he train? Six.

Mike Tyson's post-prison training program

4 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)
FEET WORK 6 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)
in the weeks leading up to the fight, Mike devotes more time directly to sparring, gradually increasing the number of rounds from 3 to 12 for three minutes each (a break of 30 seconds between rounds)
9 minutes, followed by a 30 second break
20 minutes (at the end of the exercise there is a 1 minute break)
HEAVY BAG 6 rounds of 3 minutes (30 seconds break after each round)
5 minutes (after work break 30 seconds)
5 sets of 20 push-ups (30 seconds break between sets) 15 sets of 20 sit-ups and; lying position (30 seconds break between sets)
massage, shower, drink water

Much can be written about the benefits of running for the health of any person. The human body is designed in such a way that it constantly needs movement. In the process of movement, the circulatory system transforms nutrients into all cells of the human body. When running, blood circulation increases, tissues and organs are enriched with oxygen.

Running is greatA very effective and useful physical exercise, during which the main part of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus is involved, and the joints also receive the necessary load.

Running helps cleanse the body. Blood moves through the vessels in an intense flow and collects everything unnecessary and waste, and through sweat it is all removed from the body. MSlow, long running helps normalize lipid metabolism and reduces bad cholesterol levels.

Running develops personal qualities, strengthens self-control, fosters determination and willpower, It's also a good endurance workout. And endurance, as you know, is the most important quality of a boxer. Running will also help train a boxer's speed and lungs, which will at least not hurt in a fight. To receiveTo achieve maximum benefit for boxers, running is carried out using the following methods: cross-country, interval (ragged) running, running with weights.

Cross-country or cross-country running is a planned route with various descents and ascents along which the race is carried out. For boxing, cross-country is mainly used for warming up and maintaining general physical condition. When racing, the main thing is not to overdo it; it is better to increase the load gradually. If you do not yet have good aerobic fitness, then it is not recommended to run long distances while increasing your speed to the maximum. It is best to start with small distances and gradually increase the distance and reduce the time it takes to complete the distance. Also, during the cross-country, in the middle of the route, it is possible to make a stop and shadowbox. This will help break up the monotony of running.

Intervaly, it is also called ragged running, consists in the fact that the boxer, throughout the entire distance, at a certain moment makes a sharp increase in speed, and then returns to the main pace. An example of such a run is that a boxer runs at maximum speed for 8-20 seconds, then continues moving as usual for 5-7 minutes. The number of such repetitions should be from 3 to 15 times, depending on preparedness. The number of such trainingsshould not exceed 2 times a week.Suchrunning helps to train various uneven speeds and the pace of their work, just like in the ring itself, when you need to constantly change the style of your behavior. When you carry out active attacks, and after a couple of seconds retreat to recuperate.

Running with weightsowners. Weights are special cuffs made of fabric with weights on the outside, the weight of which can be changed. They are worn on the arms or legs and serve as a convenient additional load in training. This type of running includes regular dumbbells in your hands, as well as special weights for your legs or arms. Running with weights especially trains endurance and leg muscles (in the case of arm weights, also, to a certain extent, the muscles of the arms themselves)

Need to sayHowever, it is preferable to use dumbbells as hand weights. By squeezing the dumbbell, you simultaneously train the muscles of the forearm, which significantly affects the force of the blow. But at the same time, running is a little more comfortable with special hand weights.

Before working with leg weights, special attention should be paid to warming up. We need to prepare our legs for the stress ahead. Therefore, it is necessary to wait 5-10 minutes beforeRun a short warm-up from a set of school physical education exercises. Having warmed up well, you can start running.

Once every 5-6 workouts, you need to increase the weight of the weights, as well as the distance or time to overcome it.

I continue to write articles about running, comparing its pros and cons with the pros and cons of other sports. Today we'll talk about running and boxing. What are the pros and cons of these two sports compared to each other?


As I wrote earlier, to start running, all you need is cheap sneakers, shorts, a T-shirt and desire. However, if you delve deeper into running, then everything becomes not so clear.

In order to be constantly motivated for running training, you need to regularly participate in amateur competitions. And for this you need to spend money on entry fees, travel and accommodation in the city. In which you take part in competitions.

In addition, cheap running shoes usually don't last long, and it's difficult to find truly comfortable, high-quality running shoes for little money. Therefore, it is not uncommon to spend several thousand rubles on good sneakers.

If we talk about running in winter, then in addition to sneakers, you also need to have thermal underwear, a windbreaker, sweatpants, etc. In general, if you approach this issue more carefully, you will still have to invest money in running. Although if you just like to run for yourself, then really, to buy running gear without any frills, a couple of thousand rubles is enough.

As for boxing, the main attribute here is, of course, gloves. In order not to knock off hands and injure opponents, without boxing gloves not enough.

You also need to purchase a helmet, bandages and a mouthguard. If we consider budget options, then everything is not that expensive. Besides. If you can do running on your own and anywhere, then for boxing you need to either buy a punching bag and practice at home, or it is best to go to a section, for which you will also have to pay.

Conclusion: running at an amateur level requires virtually no expenses. However, if you want to improve your level or just regularly compete in running competitions, then you will have to fork out extra money. Boxing, even at the amateur level, requires investment, but also small.

Benefit for health

Running perfectly trains the cardiovascular system and lungs. Cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the legs and core muscles.

The disadvantage of running is the lack of exercise for the arms.

Boxing perfectly trains coordination, strength endurance, and strengthens muscles, although the legs also receive less load than the arms. Although running is included in the basic training of boxers, therefore, a comprehensive training of the whole body is available.

The problem with boxing is, first of all, that it is a contact and injury-prone sport. Even wearing a helmet will not protect you from a concussion.

However, from a self-defense point of view, it is undoubtedly more effective than running. Although from which side you look. If you need to defend yourself from a crowd, then it is better to run well than to fight well, unless you are talking about a threat to your loved ones.

Conclusion: In terms of health benefits, running has an advantage. Due to this. That running is an aerobic form of exercise. It has a positive effect on the heart and other internal organs. Boxing also trains the heart, but to a lesser extent. But it develops muscles well and is more effective from a self-defense point of view.

As a result, we can say that for those who want to have good health, a strong heart, while receiving an even load and not getting serious injuries, then you should run. If you want to develop in terms of strength and agility, and be able to defend yourself and others, then boxing is for you.