Medicines in bodybuilding. Pharmaceutical preparations in bodybuilding and fitness for weight, for cutting, accelerating the basal metabolism, method of application, courses. How to Get the Most Out of Clenbuterol

What pharmaceutical doping is useful for bodybuilders? It's time to figure this out and get acquainted with effective legal drugs for quick achievements in sports.

Pharmacy doping is not a replacement for steroids. But such drugs are safe for health, they can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, they effectively affect the athlete and help achieve impressive results.

Types of pharmaceutical doping

1. Anabolizers. These are pharmaceutical products that accelerate metabolic processes in the body and change the nitrogen balance. Such drugs help accelerate the growth of muscle mass and help increase strength.

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the following drugs from this group:

  • Glutamic acid;
  • Methionine;
  • Alvezin;
  • Potassium orotate;
  • Safinor;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Liv-52;
  • Ecdisten.
2. Enzymes. They are also called enzymes. Thanks to enzymes, it becomes possible to accelerate chemical reactions in the athlete’s body. This group includes the following pharmaceutical products:
  • Festal;
  • Cytochrome C - Cytomac;
  • Karsil.

Glutamic acid in bodybuilding

The drug belongs to one of the types of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding - it is an anabolic agent. This is a real fuel for the brain, removes ammonia from the body. In bodybuilding, these tablets are taken in order to accelerate the synthesis of amino acids in muscle tissue. This is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system. It is especially important to take glutamic acid during a steroid cycle, as well as if there are respiratory infections in the body. As for the dosage, it is optimal to take a couple of tablets per day after eating. The duration of the course is up to 20 days.

Methionine - pharmaceutical doping

In addition to the fact that you can buy this amino acid in a pharmacy, it is found in abundance in healthy cottage cheese. Thanks to this remedy, it is possible to speed up metabolism. As a result, muscle tissue grows quickly.

This essential acid contains sulfur. This product performs many important functions for the body. This includes the production of immune cells and the functioning of the nervous system. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain a healthy liver.

The pharmaceutical preparation of methionine has a lipotropic effect. With its help, the synthesis of phospholipids increases, cholesterol in the blood decreases, neutral fatty deposits in the liver decrease, and the functionality of this organ improves. The drug can be used as a moderate antidepressant.

Alvezin - a type of pharmaceutical doping

An injectable drug, part of one of the types of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding, is used intravenously. As a result, amino acids instantly enter the circulatory system. This is an excellent assistant for drying and when the athlete is extremely tired. A pronounced anabolic must be taken in certain dosages - overdoses are excluded, otherwise negative health consequences are possible.

Taking potassium orotate for bodybuilding

Pharmacy doping, a mild anabolic steroid, enhances protein synthesis. The drug does not belong to non-steroidal anabolic drugs. With its help, appetite increases and metabolism increases. This means it’s time to stop eating fatty foods - switch to protein foods.

Pharmaceutical doping Safinor

This is an excellent replacement for steroids in bodybuilding. Athletes use the drug when the body adapts to rapidly increasing weight. Thanks to Safinor, the athlete has time to rest while the internal organs and muscles get used to carrying excess weight. Helps the psyche get used to excess weight. The same applies to the central nervous system. The drug is contraindicated for high blood pressure.

L-carnitine - pharmaceutical preparation

This supplement is an excellent stimulator of energy metabolism in the cell. With the help of this transport, fatty acids are sent to mitochondria. Here they are processed into energy. With the help of this product, you can easily tolerate a diet and quickly get rid of excess weight. When you gain weight, your performance increases. By taking the drug, you improve the digestion of food - especially for protein. Carnitine provides a positive nitrogen balance. Dosage - a teaspoon three times a day. Dilute the dose with water or tea, or juice. The duration of the course is twenty-five days.

Liv-52 and bodybuilding

Another drug that belongs to one of the types of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding. The production of this product is established in India. Excellent protection for the liver from the negative effects of other drugs. This is a choleretic agent. An excellent antioxidant. Removes free radicals from the body.

Ecdisten - a type of pharmaceutical doping

The pharmaceutical drug has an effect on the muscles similar to steroids, although the effect is two to three times lower. For beginners this is a great choice. Experienced bodybuilders also take the drug in higher dosages. Does not cause side effects such as acne and does not burden the liver. It is appropriate to use this product with protein-carbon additives. Goes well with vitamins B and C.

Taking Citrochome S - Cytomac in bodybuilding

This is simply an indispensable tool for improving tissue respiration and oxidation in cells. The dosage in the initial period is a pair of tablets every two and a half hours - for fifty days. It is appropriate to take this drug a week before the competition.

Festal pharmaceutical drug for bodybuilders

An indispensable remedy for improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Helps in the treatment of damaged liver cells. The same goes for the pancreas. The course of treatment is from 15 to 20 days. Take a couple of tablets in the morning, lunch and evening.

Pharmacy doping Karsil

The drug belongs to one of the types of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding. This is an enzyme that is successfully used to restore liver cells. An excellent protector against the negative effects of other means. Thanks to pharmaceutical doping, appetite improves, intestinal function improves and body weight increases. The dosage is 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is from twenty to twenty-five days.

All of the above drugs are very useful for bodybuilders. Glutamine will help restore weakened immunity. Methionine and Liv-52, as well as Karsil and Festal will protect the liver and restore its functionality. Potassium Orotate is simply irreplaceable during a steroid cycle; Safinor is useful for optimizing the heart and psyche for new loads. To stimulate energy metabolism, Carnitine will be an excellent assistant.

Find out more about pharmaceutical drugs that bodybuilders use in this video:

Hello dear bodybuilders. Today, on my way home, I went to the pharmacy. And, looking at the pile of medications surrounding me, I suddenly remembered that once upon a time, back at the dawn of bodybuilding and bodybuilding in the Soviet Union, when there was no sports nutrition, domestic athletes widely used pharmacological agents to increase the results of their training. And, to our credit, it is quite effective.

Modern bodybuilding, of course, has everything necessary to achieve maximum performance, however, the trend has persisted, although far from widespread. And many professionals even prefer to resort to medications for pre-competition drying.

But the pharmacy is not famous for its professionals alone! Pharmaceutical drugs for gaining muscle mass, of course, are not as effective as sports nutrition, but the difference in price is significant - courses of this kind cost no more than 12-15 dollars a month. By the way, this is why training with the use of drugs is called “budget bodybuilding.”

When you find out which pharmaceutical tablets will be useful to you and quite effective in your training, you will 100% agree with this name. And I’m sure a lot will surprise you, since the effect of some drugs will be almost identical to popular and expensive sports nutritional supplements.

I won’t torment your curiosity any longer, and right now I’ll tell you and show you the correct “tablets.”


If you do not take vitamins into account, the most popular pharmaceutical drugs in bodybuilding remain Riboxin and Asparkam. Why? Now you'll find out.

Let's start with Asparkam. The main active ingredients here are potassium and magnesium, rapid transportation and absorption, which is carried out with the help of aspartate. All this together has a positive effect on performance, its increase, and therefore the rate of muscle mass growth. And magnesium plays an important role in protein synthesis, and also serves as a kind of energy booster. These properties, again, help you achieve more effective muscle building.

During the drying process, when the body loses a lot of fluid, Asparkam just compensates for the loss of potassium and magnesium. At the same time, it increases endurance and, in fact, eliminates cramps that are possible when an athlete’s body is dehydrated in preparation for competitions.

The regimen for taking this drug for beginners corresponds to that indicated in the instructions: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. In the process, as a rule, the dose is increased, sometimes reaching 10 tablets at a time. You should take these tablets only in the morning and at lunchtime. It is not recommended in the evening because the potassium and magnesium they contain are poorly absorbed by the sleeping body. Courses, as a rule, last from 4 to 6 weeks, although in any case you should consult with both a trainer and a doctor, preferably a sports doctor.


Now Riboxin. This drug, like no other, strengthens the cardiovascular system, makes the heart beat more forcefully, thereby increasing blood flow to the muscle fibers. Also known for it. It is also important that “Riboxin” makes the heart work more confidently, without disrupting the rhythm, which is quite possible with high loads in strength training. This pharmaceutical drug accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue cells. But in order for the recovery processes to really proceed at an accelerated pace, it should be taken in combination with potassium orotate.

Potassium orotate, in turn, also strengthens the cardiovascular system and triggers anabolic processes in the body, which promotes speedy recovery after strength training.

Mildronate and Agapurin

In pharmacy, or budget, bodybuilding, other drugs are also quite widespread. For example, Mildronate, which increases performance by essentially blocking fatigue syndrome. Its pharmacological form is usually in capsules.

They take it at approximately 15-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight, but it is strictly forbidden to start using it without consulting a doctor.

To speed up blood circulation, and therefore blood flow to the muscles, which is mega-important in strength training, you can only take Agapurin very carefully.

As a rule, this is used by already experienced athletes, and only after consulting a doctor, as side effects are also possible.


An excellent remedy is Leuzea. Moreover, there is even a sports supplement of the same name “Levzeya-P”. This remedy is completely natural, since Leuzea is the name of the plant from which it is produced.

It perfectly accelerates protein synthesis in the body and promotes the accumulation of protein in muscles, and not only. At the same time, it increases activity and endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation. Agree, useful qualities for bodybuilding.

Another tincture that is useful to us is Manchurian aralia.

First of all, it affects the increase in the level of anabolism, in fact, being its stimulant. The dosage regimen is as follows: 30 drops before breakfast and an hour before training.

I’m sure many have heard about the Golden Root. Its correct name is Rhodiola rosea.

A tincture from it, in addition to all the benefits, improves energy metabolism in muscle tissue, and therefore increases their endurance and strength.

Reviews about the tinctures are extremely positive, therefore, even if you are a supporter of sports nutrition, taking them will not only be useful, but also useful.


Well, what's a pharmacy without vitamins? What would a workout be without them? Naturally, you will definitely need them!

Vitamin C. You generally have to swallow handfuls of it! Did you know that during the stress that your body experiences throughout your workout, especially with heavy loads, you lose almost all of this vitamin - up to 85%? So stock up on it thoroughly, and eat at least 1g per day, and preferably 5g.

B vitamins. If the body lacks B1, then fatigue is catastrophic. That is, first of all, B1 (thiamine) is energy. B12, that is, cyanocobalamin, is a stimulator of anabolic processes, which means it accelerates protein synthesis and its accumulation in muscles and their recovery. B6, or pyridoxine, has a positive effect on metabolism, that is, metabolism.

The regimen for taking B vitamins involves their circular use. 1 day – 1 vitamin. The pharmacological form is injections, and B6 and B12 will make your butt ache.

What else?

Naturally, the list of drugs is far from limited to those listed. For example, they also take Diabeton MV, which enhances the production of insulin in the body. Naturally, this allows you to gain the desired weight faster.

Tamoxifen perfectly increases muscle density and is especially valuable in the pre-competition period, that is, during cutting, as it also promotes fat burning.

Another effective one is Saltos.

Its effect is that it increases body temperature by only 1 degree, but this is enough for fat to become a source of energy during training.

Harm and benefit

It is unrealistic to list everything that one way or another can be useful in bodybuilding and is sold in pharmacies. The action of many of them is similar to steroids, but the drugs described are not steroids. Hence the higher quality result, albeit not in such a short time.

Believe me, those who resort to chemistry are shaking over their muscles, because if the water that, in fact, formed them begins to leave them, then little will remain of their former muscles.

The described pharmaceutical tablets, although they are a product of the chemical industry, will help you build real muscle mass. This is also evidenced by many reviews not only from ordinary athletes, but also from real professionals.

However, to say that this can become an equivalent alternative to sports nutrition is not chemicals, but proteins, bcaa, etc. impossible. Firstly, these are still medications aimed at treatment. Sports nutrition purposefully works to improve and increase bodybuilding performance - this is obvious.

Secondly, “tablets”, in addition to the active, active substance, contain a bunch of completely unnecessary, useless impurities and additives. And in order to achieve real results, the dosages of these drugs are ultimately required to be considerable. And all this “sodium” will be deposited on the walls of the stomach and circulate in the body, interfering with its normal processes.

Sports nutrition, in fact, consists only of the necessary elements, and their content per 1 gram of product is maximum. And we don’t have to talk about efficiency at all - that goes without saying.

Draw your own conclusions. But if you still decide to resort to the pharmacy version of bodybuilding, under no circumstances proceed with its implementation without consulting a doctor or trainer. Pay attention to the compatibility of drugs, and if you feel discomfort, immediately reduce the dosage. Well, I think you can guess about proper nutrition. Take care of your health.

Hello. Today we will talk about substances that help you effectively achieve your training goals, and they are available without a prescription at any pharmacy. This is pharmaceutical doping. Nowadays it is customary to perceive the word “doping” with a negative connotation, but drugs of this type do not have serious side effects, while they help in building an ideal body and improve the condition of the body. It is enough to choose medications, their dosages and combinations wisely.

Any drug or biological supplement that increases strength, endurance, helps gain muscle mass or melt fat deposits can be called doping. You don’t need to look for them in specialized sports nutrition stores, these are. But these are not magic pills that will work for you. They help achieve the desired results with regular training.

Can pharmaceutical drugs replace steroids?

First, let's find out how steroids work. 

  • – artificial analogues of male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The principle of their work in bodybuilding is to enhance protein synthesis in skeletal muscles, accelerate metabolism, and disrupt protein breakdown processes. Due to this, the following effects are observed:
  • Increased strength, endurance and performance.
  • Reduction of fat layer.
  • An increase in blood oxygen concentration due to an increase in red blood cell mass.
  • Strengthening bones.

But the positive effects come with many side effects. Mood swings, skin rashes, severe disruption of the cardiovascular system, sexual dysfunction and sterility are possible. Agree, such a health risk does not always justify the results.

Pharmaceutical drugs used in sports improve the functioning of all body systems. Due to this, anabolic processes are enhanced, the blood is better saturated with oxygen, digestion and removal of toxins are improved. They help the body adapt to regular physical activity and recover faster after it. They have side effects, but not as pronounced as anabolic steroids.

This type of doping does not have a targeted effect on muscle tissue, so it is impossible to achieve a quick and significant result, as when taking steroids. But their lower effectiveness is more than compensated by the absence of serious side effects and a positive effect on the entire body.

Should non-professionals take pharmaceuticals?

Any product from the pharmaceutical industry can be harmful if used incorrectly. If you do not have a clear goal to improve your performance, you exercise irregularly and do not follow the principles of proper nutrition, then taking medications will not be justified. 

Before using any type of medicinal supplement, novice athletes should make sure that there are no contraindications and consult a doctor. A set of drugs is selected.

Benefits and harms

  • Pharmacy supplements are a group of drugs with different pharmacological effects. Among the main positive actions are:
  • Improving blood circulation, increasing blood flow to the muscles.
  • Acceleration of metabolism.
  • Positive effect on anabolic processes.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Removal of toxins from the intestines.
  • Improving the functioning of the liver and digestive tract.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Stimulation of intracellular energy metabolism.
  • Replenishment of glycogen stores in muscles.

Strengthening energy potential.

Drugs cause harm if you ignore the instructions and use them contrary to contraindications. It is necessary to take a break between courses of administration so that the body’s sensitivity to additives does not decrease.

Any, even the most harmless medicine, is in some cases prohibited for use. Medicines used in bodybuilding are excluded. Common contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Severe renal dysfunction.
  • Metabolic diseases.
  • For drugs that improve blood circulation - disorders of the blood coagulation system, pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

These are just some cases when taking medications from this group is contraindicated. Each drug has instructions that will outline all the negative effects.

Side effects

With increased sensitivity or incorrect dosage, side effects may develop such as:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Stomach upsets.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Decrease in the number of blood cells (platelets, erythrocytes, leukocytes).
  • Nervous system disorders: irritability, insomnia, lethargy.

Side effects are also described in detail in the instructions for each individual drug.

The best pharmacy supplements for an athlete

The list of drugs that can improve physical performance is huge, so it is worth highlighting only those that have stood the test of time and have many positive reviews.

  • Potassium orotate. Orotic acid is a precursor of nucleic acids involved in protein synthesis. It has an anabolic effect, improves appetite, and promotes rapid recovery of the body. Take 1 tablet (0.5 g) 3-4 times a day, course duration is 3.5 weeks.
  • Riboxin. The precursor of the body's main energy substrate is ATP. Improves blood supply to the myocardium, increases energy potential. Favorite by athletes, because has a pronounced antihypoxic effect, protects the heart muscle from extreme stress. Daily dosage – 1.5 -2.5 g, divided into three doses.
  • Glutamic acid. It has high metabolic activity in the nervous system, has detoxification properties (binds and removes ammonia). Participates in protein synthesis by muscle tissue. 
  • Dosage – 2 tablets per day after meals for 20 days.
  • Carnitine. Stimulator of energy metabolism in mitochondria. Improves fat burning processes, stimulating weight loss, and promotes protein absorption. Available in the form of a 20% solution. To obtain the proper result, you should drink carnitine for a month, a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Adaptogens. These include tinctures of medicinal herbs (eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass). Help the body cope with physical activity. Dosage according to instructions.

Sports magazines, magazines, and books talking about pharmaceutical doping give a general idea of ​​how a bodybuilder can improve his performance using medications. A variety of pharmaceutical products have been used, from ginseng and leuzea extracts to drugs that affect metabolism and heart function. Let's look at different options, see if they are dangerous and what results should be expected. It is necessary to remember: the use of pharmaceutical doping is associated with certain dangers, so before starting the course you should consult with a trainer or a qualified doctor.

Relevance of the issue

It is worth recognizing that not all athletes approve of pharmaceutical doping courses in bodybuilding. Most people prefer natural methods and approaches. Such people avoid steroid drugs. Some people cut back a little, resorting to guaranteed safe remedies that are useful for recovery after exercise. These include amino acids, protein supplements, and gainers that are common in sports complexes. All these products can be easily purchased at any specialty food store. An alternative, sometimes more effective, but often more dangerous, is pharmaceutical products. Many drugs common in sports can be purchased freely - they are inexpensive and available without a doctor's prescription.

To ensure that a course of pharmaceutical doping does not harm human health, it is necessary to use only reliable, proven, safe products. Many compounds common in sports are harmless, but only if taken correctly and wisely. Before starting the program, you should study the accompanying documentation, find out about possible dosages and general recommendations. An even more responsible approach is to visit a doctor. Each of the drugs has contraindications and can provoke negative consequences of taking them.


This remedy can rightfully be called the basic one among doping agents practiced in bodybuilding. The medicinal composition contains magnesium and potassium compounds in forms that are easily absorbed by the body. Each of the minerals is included in the preparation in the form of aspartate. Both microelements are necessary for stable metabolism at the cellular level, especially important for muscle fibers. Due to adequate concentration, normal osmotic pressure is maintained. In medicine, this phenomenon is called the sodium-potassium pump. The main percentage of potassium occurs in the intracellular space, while sodium ions are located near structural units. The pump functions adequately if the cell has sufficient energy reserves, for which magnesium is responsible. As a metabolic cofactor, the element takes part in important enzymatic reactions.

Through aspartate, the drug “Asparkam”, used in pharmaceutical doping, improves the quality of movement of magnesium and potassium ions into cellular structures. The body as a whole reacts positively to therapy, resistance to physical activity and performance increase. Muscle mass increases faster. Magnesium is essential for protein metabolism and supplies energy reserves for chemical reactions, which means its intake guarantees increased efficiency in building muscle mass through strength training.

"Asparkam": features

This pharmaceutical doping agent in bodybuilding affects weight because it allows you to increase the volume of muscle fibers while getting rid of excess weight. The drug is used if extra pounds are associated with fluid accumulation or an increase in the proportion of adipose tissue in the body. To get rid of fiber, a cutting diet is recommended, which involves eating protein foods and regular intense workouts. To prevent poisoning, you need to drink a lot. Excess fluid carries the risk of removing magnesium and potassium from the body. Asparkam is used to avoid unwanted side effects, since the drug stabilizes the balance of microelements. If swelling is observed, fluid accumulates in the body, the course is supplemented with diuretics. The combined drug approach provides stable and quick results with minimal risk to the athlete’s health.

When planning to take pharmaceutical doping, you must read the instructions for Asparkam. The medication, as studies have shown, eliminates seizures. Taking it allows you to achieve an increased level of endurance. This is especially noticeable if training takes place in a warm room. The medication is sold in tablet form.

To achieve optimal effect, you need to take a couple of tablets three times daily. It is advisable to take the first portion in the morning, the second in the afternoon. Tests have shown that in the evening the body's ability to absorb magnesium and potassium compounds is worse. The duration of the program is selected individually.


This drug has also found use as a pharmaceutical doping. The substance belongs to the category of products that activate metabolism and have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and vascular system. The drug makes the heart contractions stronger, the ejection volume becomes larger, and there is a more pronounced flow of blood into the motor organ. The composition belongs to the class of effective against arrhythmia and is an anabolic. The quality of blood supply to muscle fibers becomes better. Energy metabolism is stabilized. Under the influence of “Riboxin”, metabolic processes in the heart muscle are activated, the activity of enzyme compounds is normalized, and tissue regeneration proceeds faster. If an athlete is faced with very heavy loads, the medication as a mono-doping will not give a pronounced positive effect - it is combined with potassium orotate. To some extent, the active ingredient of Riboxin replaces ATP.

"Potassium orotate"

Among drugs from the class of pharmaceutical dopings for weight gain, this relatively safe product will not be the least popular. It stimulates the endogenous biochemistry of the human body. Classified as a metabolic drug. It is sold in tablets and can be found in almost any pharmacy. To purchase it you do not need to have any prescriptions with you. On average, an athlete is recommended to take from one and a half to two grams per day. In fact, "Potassium Orotate" is a mineral salt present in the tissues of living bodies.

The drug, available to the modern athlete, strengthens the functioning of the heart and vascular system, has an anabolic effect and accelerates regeneration after intense exercise. Under the influence of compounds in the medication, diuresis increases and appetite improves. In order for the progress of therapy to be noticeable, it is necessary to include “Potassium Orotate” in the combined drug program. It is believed that the medication is beneficial for the human body, is well tolerated and does not provoke undesirable consequences when used adequately. The pharmaceutical product is used orally one hour before meals in the amount of one capsule.

Frequency of administration - up to four times daily. The duration of the program is 3-3.5 weeks.


When compiling a course of pharmaceutical doping for weight for his ward, it is likely that the coach will include Mildronate in it. The drug is one of the drugs that protect the cardiac system from overload. Taking it helps to increase the body’s performance, eliminate the manifestation of body and mental fatigue. Active ingredients stabilize metabolic processes and increase local immunity at the level of cellular structures. The doctor chooses the dosage, focusing on the characteristics of the person in need. For every kilogram, 15-20 mg is prescribed. You cannot use the medication at your own discretion, as there is a risk of side effects.

On average, athletes are advised to consume from a gram of medication to twice as much per day. The daily dose is divided into four equal portions. Duration of use is two weeks. After some time, you can repeat the course. The pause should be at least two, sometimes three weeks.


When choosing the right pharmaceutical doping for gaining muscle mass, you should take a closer look at this popular drug. The drug is available in tablets in pharmacies and is affordable. Intended for independent use, not combined with other medications. Its use helps improve vascular tone and make the blood more fluid, increasing the speed of its movement along the vascular beds. This is especially important in sports, since it allows you to achieve maximum efficiency in pumping muscle tissue. Usually prescribed to experienced athletes. The medicine is intended to be taken carefully in strict accordance with the instructions, otherwise there is a high risk of unwanted reactions of the body.

On training days, Agapurin should be used three times, a pair of capsules; on rest days, the portions should be halved, maintaining the same frequency. The duration of the program is 21 days. Then a four-week break and re-administration are required. Each capsule should be taken with at least a glass of liquid.

Maral root

Extracts of this plant, which have found application as pharmaceutical doping, are a replacement for synthetic medicinal components, which are not to everyone’s taste. If a person prefers to use only natural herbal remedies and wants to increase the effectiveness of his sports activities, it is worth taking a closer look at various natural compositions made from Leuzea. The plant lives in the eastern Siberian regions, in the west of this part of the country, in the Altai mountains. It is found in Central Asian lands. The main effect on the human body is observed due to phytoexidons, compounds similar to steroids, but safer when used adequately. The active components identified in Leuzea have the qualities of anabolic steroids. Under their influence, the saturation of protein generation processes increases not only in muscle fibers, but also in cardiac, renal, and liver tissues.

Presented at pharmaceutical points of sale, an effective replacement for steroids is pharmaceutical doping with maral root extracts. The drug helps increase the body's endurance and resistance to physical stress, and increases intellectual performance. Long-term use of the extract strengthens the blood vessels and improves the quality of blood flow. At the same time, the heart rate decreases slightly. In addition to extracts, there are food supplements containing beneficial components. The most reliable product is Levzeya P. One capsule contains 0.85 g of the active component ecdisthene. The price per package is 700-2000 rubles.


A variety of this plant, called Manchurian, also took its place among drugs belonging to the category of pharmaceutical doping. It acts as a replacement for steroids due to its ability to provoke hypoglycemia, that is, a state of decreased glucose concentration in the circulatory system. Extracts of this plant are more effective than independent RA adaptogens. Hypoglycemia initiates the production of growth hormone, which is why aralia is considered an anabolic. Taking medicines made from raw materials from this herb improves appetite and leads to weight gain. The drug is classified as an anabolic stimulant. Tinctures prepared from plant materials are available in almost any pharmacy.

The optimal dose is 20-30 drops in the morning on an empty stomach. The dose is repeated an hour before training.

Vitamin complexes

Since doping control in bodybuilding does not allow the use of a number of medications before competitions, and for some the ban is also imposed on everyday training, you must first carefully study the rules and the list of permitted compounds. However, no one prohibits taking vitamins - such products are considered safe and effective. There are many complex drugs. The simplest and most basic is “Complivit”. The pharmaceutical product is intended for use three capsules daily immediately after meals.

Vitamins: self-administration

In addition to complex foods, you can include in your daily routine the vitamin compounds that your body needs most. To assess the need for a specific substance, it is recommended to take a blood test and consult a doctor, and also take into account the biochemical role of the compound. For example, thiamine is necessary for the functioning of all major systems that ensure the vitality of the body. It is important for the heart, blood vessels, digestive tract and nerve cells. The compound stimulates tissue growth and development, stabilizes energy reserves. If this substance is insufficient, a person becomes irritable, loses appetite, gets tired quickly, and often gets sick.

No less important is cyanocobalamin. As you know, pharmaceutical doping for gaining weight and increasing the body’s ability to cope with stress is largely achieved through proteins, and this vitamin activates their generation in the body. Under the influence of cyanocobalamin, proteins accumulate in tissues. The compound is classified as an anabolic steroid.

Pyridoxine is important for metabolic processes, it stabilizes nerve cells, and vitamin C is an antioxidant, indispensable for metabolic reactions.

How to use?

When studying the range of pharmaceutical doping products intended for building strength, muscle mass, and endurance, it is worth taking a closer look at B vitamins. They are presented in solutions for injection. The ampoule contains 1 ml of substance. The course is created by a doctor. It is prohibited to use different compounds on the same day. The doctor will select the appropriate sequence and pauses between applications. It is necessary to observe cyclicity. Mostly vitamins are injected into a vein. Manipulations may be accompanied by severe pain.

"Diabeton MV"

This product can be purchased at most modern pharmacies. No prescription required. The medication belongs to the category of anabolic steroids and is one of the most powerful representatives of this group available to the average person. To some extent, it is a replacement for steroids common in pharmaceutical doping. Bodybuilding requires the athlete to have a strong, intense metabolism. The use of "Diabeton MV" makes it possible to increase the severity of this process by stimulating the secretory qualities of the pancreas. Initially, the drug was developed for diabetics; it is for this disease that it is prescribed by doctors: usually as an element of a multicomponent drug course. In sports it is used to increase the activity of metabolic processes. Particularly relevant during the changing seasons. The effectiveness of use is close to the injection of insulin, the overall effect on the body is comparable to methandrostenolone. Proper use helps to increase weight in short periods of time.

"Diabeton MV" is sold in tablet form. Each capsule contains 30 mg of active ingredients. When selecting a pharmaceutical doping program for endurance and weight gain, a trainer may recommend first taking 30 mg daily for a month and a half, sometimes two, then doubling the volume. It is prohibited to use the drug if the athlete is taking other medications.

Technical aspects

"Diabeton MV" is taken daily consistently, at the same time - with the morning meal. The anabolic effect is due to the stimulation of insulin generation by the body. To increase the effectiveness of the program, you need to eat six times a day or more often, reducing the concentration of lipids, increasing the protein saturation of the diet. The period of use of the medicinal composition is not combined with a low-calorie diet. With such a combination, the risk of negative effects increases. The risk of hypoglycemia increases.


The medication belongs to the category of antiestrogens. It is considered a pharmaceutical doping for running, greater body endurance, and metabolism. Bodybuilders take Tamoxifen to increase testosterone levels in the body - this hormone inhibits estrogen. The medicine is intended for complex use. It is used in long-term programs - from six weeks to an unlimited period. The use of the composition during the drying period is especially widespread, since the active ingredients accelerate metabolic processes, and this leads to fat burning.

Some people's bodies tend to accumulate fluid during an anabolic steroid program. To reduce negative side effects, you need to use Tamoxifen regularly. An equally significant effect for athletes is an increase in muscle density due to the influence of active compounds. However, incorrect or excessive use can provoke adverse reactions, so Tamoxifen is used after consulting a doctor and trainer, and having studied the accompanying instructions.


Among other drugs from the class of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding, “Saltos” is used almost more often than most. The medication is similar to Clenbuterol. It belongs to the class of fat burners and is distinguished by its increased effectiveness on the human body. Sold in most pharmacies, you do not need to present a doctor's prescription to purchase it. Consuming the capsule increases body temperature by one degree. Consequently, lipid accumulations are mobilized from the depot and converted into energy reserves.

Use sometimes leads to side effects. Hands may tremble, some become nervous and irritated. Usually “Saltos” is used three times a day in portions of 3-5 capsules. The exact amount is calculated based on the bodybuilder’s weight: for every 25 kg of weight you need to take one capsule. The duration of the program is six weeks. It is recommended to regularly repeat the courses, maintaining a one and a half month pause between them.

"Calcium glycerophosphate"

If you ask a trainer to recommend a pharmacy for muscle development, it is likely that the professional will suggest this particular remedy. It is quite simple, affordable, available in most pharmacies and sold without a prescription. Initially, the drug was developed as an effective drug for the prevention and treatment of rickets, dystrophy, and fatigue. It has become widespread in sports due to its ability to activate the absorption of protein fractions supplied with food. At the same time, the quality of metabolic processes increases. There is an increase in appetite.

During the period of using calcium glycerophosphate tablets, it is necessary to review the diet, eliminate fats, and focus on protein-enriched foods. The optimal effect is achieved by course application. There are no analogues of the drug. The dosage per day is calculated based on weight: 8 kg - 0.1 g, that is, per 80 kg the use of one gram of medicine is indicated. The daily dose is divided into five servings. It is advisable to take the medication in the morning a couple of hours before the first workout. The duration of the program is from one and a half to two months.


When clarifying the relevance of pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding, it is worth taking a closer look at this drug. In terms of its effect on the human body, it is quite close to Mildronate, but is more accessible to the general population due to its low price. Active ingredients stabilize the flow of oxygen through the blood to cellular structures, while maintaining their potential. The drug prevents the formation of free radicals. Against the background of its use, the body becomes more resilient. Correct consumption increases the athlete’s ability to cope with stress, which means more intense training becomes possible.

To some extent, products containing creatine are an analogue of Trimetazidine, but their effect on the body is not identical. Trimetazidine can be combined with other medicinal compounds and special sports nutrition.


Perhaps every athlete, even beginners, has heard about such pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding. The medication is designed to increase blood flow in the brain, corrects deficiencies in this process, and improves blood flow in the body. The main ingredient that provides a pronounced effect is apovincamine. The medication has a positive effect on metabolism, and the effect is local, fixed in the brain tissue. Local blood vessels expand, the flow of oxygen and beneficial components to the cells is activated, glucose utilization becomes more intense, and at the same time resistance to hypoxia increases. The drug initiates the metabolism of serotonin and norepinephrine, prevents platelet aggregation, and makes the blood thinner. Studies have shown that Vinpocetine has a positive effect on both brain and muscle tissue. The latter receive more oxygen and beneficial ingredients.

The medicine is intended for oral use. Single dose - 5-30 mg. The optimal time is half an hour before the start of classes. There are no side effects noted.


When considering pharmaceutical doping in bodybuilding, it is worth paying attention to this drug. The active ingredient inhibits gluconeogenesis, which normally occurs in liver cells, and prevents the absorption of glucose in the intestinal tract. Under the influence of the product, sugar utilization in muscle cells becomes better. The transformation of glucose into glycogen accelerates. The athlete's appetite worsens - this allows him to stabilize his weight. No hypoglycemic effect was detected. Before starting the course, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Metformin can provoke negative consequences of taking it, so you should be careful. The drug has many contraindications that must be taken into account, otherwise you can harm yourself.

"Rhodiola rosea extract"

The plant is known as goldenseal. It grows in the Far Eastern regions, in the East of Siberia, in the Altai Territory. Active ingredients: rhodosin, rhodioliside. The medicine, made from natural raw materials, affects muscle tissue and stabilizes metabolic energy processes. The use of the drug increases the athlete’s endurance and makes it easier to gain muscle mass. Contractile proteins, as studies have shown, become more active, and mitochondria become somewhat larger. Extracts and tinctures prepared from the rhizomes of the plant are consumed twice or thrice a day. The optimal dose is up to 25 drops. It is advisable to take the product before meals.

What else do you have?

The list of pharmaceutical dopings for drying also includes:

  • "Pentoxifylline."
  • "Ecdysterone."
  • "Tincture of Eleutherococcus."

Many trainers advise using Bemitil. The drug "Neurorubin" has a good reputation. Sometimes Zithromak is useful.

Many celebrities have lost their medals and titles once it was discovered that their bodies contained foreign substances. There are still many questions and doubts among leading experts about whether doping can be used. To answer this question, you should find out what it is and what it is used for.

Doping - what is it?

Doping is the use of prohibited substances of natural or synthetic origin that allow one to achieve the best results in sports. Taking the drugs helps to temporarily increase the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems, increases muscle mass due to protein synthesis. Such drugs are on the special list of the World Anti-Doping Agency. Their use leads to unwanted side effects and is harmful to human health.

How does doping work?

The most popular type are anabolic steroid hormones. Such doping drugs contain testosterone, which is produced by male reproductive cells. With the help of anabolic steroids, physical strength, muscle volume and endurance increase. After certain strength limits have been reached with the help of drugs, they raise the capabilities of the human body to a new level with renewed vigor.

Doping in sports - pros and cons

For an athlete, what is important is the result that he can achieve through hard training. Therefore, all possible means are often used to achieve high results. It would be a mistake to hypocritically declare a desire to keep athletes healthy. And only sports doping allows an athlete to maintain the body’s performance under enormous physical exertion.

Experts have differing opinions on whether doping can be used. Scientists who spoke in favor say that:

  1. Allowing the use of doping will make sports safe, and there will be a desire to develop safer and more effective drugs.
  2. Legalizing doping will help prevent drug overdoses and harm to athletes.

Scientists who opposed it say that:

  1. Allowing doping could lead to clean athletes also taking it and the integrity of the sport could be destroyed.
  2. Athletes who take doping put themselves at great risk: cardiovascular disease, drug addiction, serious liver damage, gender reassignment, aggression.
  3. Doping makes sport unattractive and no longer distinguishes it from any other commercial activity.
  4. The use of doping leads to unfair sport, violates the very concept of equality between athletes, and success in this case is achieved not through hard training, but through the body’s chemical reaction to the substance.

Types of doping

There are the following types of doping in sports:

  1. Stimulants. Helps increase efficiency, blood pressure, cardiac activity, and disrupts thermoregulation.
  2. Analgesics. They have an effect on the central nervous system, increase, and the athlete with an injury is not able to understand its severity, which leads to even greater damage.
  3. Beta blockers. They help reduce heart rate, have a calming effect, improve coordination, and are used where serious physical activity is not needed.
  4. Diuretics. Helps you lose weight quickly. Such drugs are taken in order to improve and before doping control, in order to quickly remove prohibited drugs from the body.
  5. Erythropoietin helps increase endurance.
  6. A growth hormone promotes accelerated growth of muscle mass, reduction of fat, accelerated wound healing, and strengthened immunity.
  7. Insulin. Used in strength sports.
  8. Anabolic steroid. They help increase muscle mass up to ten kilograms per month, increase strength, endurance, productivity, and reduce body fat.
  9. Gene doping. This is the transfer of foreign genetic material or cells into the athlete's body. Many times stronger than all other drugs that once existed.

Doping for athletes

Doping in sports dates back to the times of the USSR. In those days, doctors created all kinds of drugs to improve the physical endurance of athletes. A list of popular medications gradually emerged:

  1. Erythropoietin is a prohibited doping for athletes.
  2. Anabolic steroids in the form of testosterone, stanozolol, nandrolone, methenolone.
  3. Blood transfusion – autohemotransfusion and blood transfusion.
  4. Stimulants in the form of cocaine, ephedrine, ecstasy, amphetamines.

Brain doping

Doping for chess players is represented by drugs that improve brain function and mental activity, these are simulators and nootropics, the former have a powerful but short-term effect, the latter have a cumulative effect and are suitable for long-term stimulation. In the first and second cases, the drugs help:

  • stimulation of blood flow in the brain;
  • improving the quality of nutrition of brain cells;
  • eliminating oxygen starvation;
  • improving cognitive abilities;
  • improving memory and attention.

Endurance doping

Chemical or natural doping helps achieve your goals. Chemical doping for running is used in the form of analeptics, growth hormones, diuretics and anabolic steroids. Natural components are represented by beets, shellfish, leuzea, St. John's wort. Each of the above helps:

  • improving endurance and performance;
  • getting rid of fatigue;
  • increasing tone;
  • stimulation of muscle tissue growth;
  • removal of fluid.

Doping for muscle building

Doping agents help build muscle mass, improve strength performance and burn subcutaneous fat. Pharmacy doping in bodybuilding is represented by the following drugs:

  1. Hypoxene increases endurance by 15%, relieves shortness of breath, improves the utilization of oxygen in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it is a kind of doping for the heart.
  2. Pentoxifylline lowers blood viscosity and dilates blood vessels. Contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. The drug is available according to a doctor's prescription.
  3. Schisandra improves the tone of the central nervous system, improves digestion and sleep quality.
  4. Potassium orotate is involved in the creation of protein molecules and helps build muscles.

Doping for strength

One of the important factors in achieving high sports results is physical strength. For this, athletes use auxiliary drugs:

  1. Actoprotector, increases stability, has a positive effect on the nervous system, cardio-respiratory system and muscle tissue.
  2. Amino acids assist in protein synthesis.
  3. "Branch chain amino acids". The effect of doping is manifested in an increase in energy by 10%, restoration of glycogen in the muscles.
  4. L-carnitine increases endurance, relieves fatigue, pain, burns excess fat.
  5. Produces methionine and prevents the body from becoming dehydrated.

Why is doping harmful?

Doping also affects the psychological sphere, causing aggression, a thirst for victory and achieving goals. But due to the fact that anabolic agents are derivatives of male hormones, they suppress the functioning of the endocrine system of the male reproductive system, which leads to:

  • reduction of testicles and their hormonal activity;
  • reduction in fertilizing ability to complete infertility;
  • deposition of fat cells in places that are characteristic of the female body;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

In women, male pattern hair loss and pilosis occurs on the head, hair appears on the face, chest, and abdomen, the voice becomes rough and low, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the uterus atrophies, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands and reproductive function increases. The harm of doping in men and women is manifested in increased cholesterol levels, the appearance of atherosclerosis, the development of ischemia, and liver damage.

How to dope?

If you want to do doping at home at no extra cost, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Energy drink. It tones and stimulates. Brew three tea bags in 200 ml of water with boiling water. After ten minutes, pour the solution into a plastic half-liter bottle, fill the rest with cold water. Add 20 tablets of ascorbic acid, shake, place in the freezer. During each workout, take the drink in small portions.
  2. Drink without caffeine. Take a bottle, pour half a liter of mineral water into it, dissolve a few tablespoons of honey in it, add the juice of one lemon, 0.15-0.30 g, 10-20 drops of adaptogen alcohol tincture. This drink will fill you with energy, additionally stimulate and motivate you.

Doping - interesting facts

Doping first became known during the Olympic Games in 1960. The use of illegal drugs is considered the most important problem in modern sports and many interesting facts are associated with it:

  1. During archery competitions, athletes take the same drugs that surgeons use during operations to prevent their hands from shaking.
  2. During doping control, a pregnancy test is considered a mandatory condition for female athletes, as scientists have learned that this situation can increase some physical capabilities.
  3. In the 1990s of the last century, scientists took blood from athletes, froze it, and then infused it on the eve of the competition. This helped improve blood circulation and increase endurance. However, no one could detect traces of illegal drugs.
  4. At the end of the twentieth century, it was proven that almost all athletes in the weightlifting category won thanks to the use of doping drugs.

Athletes convicted of doping

The history of world sports remembers the athletes who were caught doping: