Program for the first workout. Training program for beginners - a step-by-step introduction to the iron game. How long to rest between sets

If you exercise without warming up, you greatly increase the risk of injury and reduce the effectiveness of your workout. In addition, this is how you form the wrong habits.

Warm-up is a mandatory element of training. You can easily get your muscles into working condition by following a simple procedure:

  1. Use a massage roller. Such rollers help to thoroughly warm up the muscles of the whole body. Here Lifehacker explained in detail what these tools are and how to use them.
  2. Do cardio for five minutes: Briskly walk uphill, exercise on an elliptical trainer or exercise bike. If you are overweight, you should not run - take care of your knees.
  3. Be sure to do joint warm-up and dynamic stretching. you will find a video of a good warm-up.

After this, you will be warmed up enough to begin the lesson.

How to create a training program

When you come to the gym, you should already have a clear action plan: what exercises you will do, what muscle groups you will work.

There are a huge number of training programs, but beginners without a coach should not try complex options. To begin with, it is better to limit yourself to sequentially working all muscles.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, thighs and abs. If you're going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, in the first workout, work out the biceps, back, hips and abs, and in the second - triceps, chest, shoulders and buttocks.

Here are some exercises with machines and free weights for different muscle groups.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

Using this simulator, you can move the emphasis on different muscle groups by simply changing the position of your legs on the platform:

  1. Legs at the top of the platform - emphasis on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
  2. Feet at the bottom of the platform - emphasis on quadriceps.
  3. Narrow leg stance - emphasis on the outer thigh.
  4. Wide stance of the legs - emphasis on the inner thigh.

Leg abduction in the simulator

This exercise works great on the buttocks. Walk your leg back until your shin is parallel to the floor, but do not extend your knees completely. To better work the muscles, lower your leg to its original position slowly.


This is a basic exercise with a huge number of variations: with a wide stance or on one leg, with a barbell or with dumbbells, from an elevation or with a jump. Lifehacker analyzes in detail the technique of performing squats, and there are several options for squats and other exercises for the hips.

Another exercise with a lot of variations. Lunges can be done with your own weight, with a barbell or with dumbbells, moving around the room or on the spot.

As you lunge, make sure your front knee is directly above your heel. By slightly tilting your body forward, you will shift the emphasis to the buttocks.

This basic exercise works not only the muscles of the hips and buttocks, but also the extensor muscles of the back and trapezius. Start with classic deadlifts, but don't use too much weight.

Here is a video with the technique of performing the exercise:

To add variety to your workouts, explore other glute workouts as well.

Back exercises

This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles. It warms you up perfectly and prepares you for an important basic exercise - the deadlift.

If you want to pump up your back muscles, and not your legs, start doing the exercise from a position where your body is in a straight line with the machine. Then lift your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and moving your arms back. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.

The key point in this exercise: you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, fix your back and squeeze your shoulder blades. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

This exercise also helps to effectively pump up your back muscles. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

Chest exercises

Bench press

This basic exercise involves the pectoral muscles, triceps, and deltoids. The emphasis can be shifted by changing the grip: bench press with a narrow grip loads the triceps more, and with a wide grip the chest. Also, the emphasis on the chest shifts if you take the barbell with a reverse grip, that is, with your palms facing you.

The video explains the technique of performing the exercise:

This machine allows you to perform exercises that only work the pectoral muscles. Do not straighten your arms completely at the extreme points, perform the exercise smoothly.

Dips with forward bend

If you can't do dips without help yet, use an expander or a special exercise machine for support. To place the emphasis on your chest, tilt your body forward.

The technique of performing the exercise can be seen in the video:

In this you can find chest exercises in pictures.

Triceps Exercises

Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides. If shoulder mobility allows, lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.

Extension of arms on a block

This exercise can be performed with a regular or rope handle. The back is straight, the elbows are located close to the body and do not move.

Exercises for biceps

Standing barbell curl

This is a basic exercise that helps to work your biceps well. Here is a video with the technique of performing the exercise:

Unlike the previous exercise, when lifting the dumbbells, you should rotate your wrists, as this provides additional stress to the biceps. At the bottom, the hands should look at each other, and during the rise, turn towards the body.

Shoulder exercises

Standing chest press

Before this exercise, you should do a dynamic shoulder stretch: pick up a stick or expander and move your straight arms behind your back several times, and then forward again. Do not bend your elbows while stretching. The closer you place your hands, the more effective the stretch will be.

While pressing, move the barbell behind your head. If it stays forward, it will put a lot of stress on the lower back.

When performing the exercise, your elbows should be slightly bent. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders - this can cause impingement syndrome (inflammation of the rotator cuff).

Bent-over dumbbell raises

The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Hand movements are similar to the previous exercise.

In this section you will find an analysis of the technique of performing other shoulder exercises.

Ab exercises

Elevated leg crunches

Abdominal exercise with legs elevated

By placing your feet on an elevation, you will eliminate unnecessary stress on the iliopsoas muscles and harm to the lower back. If you want to make the exercise more challenging, pick up a medicine ball.

The plank perfectly works all the core muscles. To complicate it, you can place your feet on an unstable support: in loops or on, as shown in the photo.

Hanging Leg Raise

In a simpler version, you only need to pull your knees towards your chest.

If this is easy, try lifting your legs straight to the horizontal bar.

How to choose the appropriate weight and number of repetitions

Take such a weight that you can perform the exercise 5-8 times. The last repetitions should be performed with effort. If you can easily do all eight reps, then the selected weight is too light for you.

Perform three sets of 5–10 reps. Rest between sets should be 1–2 minutes, between exercises - 2–3 minutes.

If you are doing exercises without weights, you will need to do more repetitions to properly engage the muscles. For these exercises, perform three sets of 20 repetitions.

After training

After training, be sure to stretch: you need to relax the muscles that worked. In you can find exercises for stretching different muscle groups, and - exercises with expander bands.

From the very first training, you need to pay attention to your nutrition. From this you will learn what to eat before and after training to speed up your progress and not harm your body.

Don't be shy, listen to your body and have fun.

Many beginners want everything at once - you will be smarter! Learn the correct exercise technique to avoid making mistakes in the gym.

All newbies go through mistakes in the gym. You have the opportunity to avoid them by learning from others.

Firstly, your training system must be properly structured, preferably with a coach. Secondly, don't grab heavy weights right away. Thirdly, try to do the exercises correctly from the beginning.

Of course, you want to become like Schwarzenegger in six months, but you don’t have to “live” in the gym for this. Don't forget that your muscles also want to rest - don't make yourself look like a disabled person. Because one day the body won’t be able to handle it!

It's time to learn how to properly perform the most common exercises. Copying them incorrectly will not only be useless, but will also traumatize you. If you remember all the tips, you will avoid many troubles in your sports life.

So where should a gym newbie start? - There are a great many gyms, there are even more videos on the Internet, and it seems that your brain is about to explode from excess information. Let's go in order

1. Choosing a gym

Yes, we are starting our journey small. Nowadays, before going to the gym, every new client has the opportunity to have a free first introductory session. Arrange in advance with the fitness club that you will come and see the gym. You should arrive at a time when you will be studying yourself in the future, i.e. during rush hour. Assess the number of visitors at this time, the cleanliness of the hall, the condition of the exercise equipment, and the cleanliness of the locker rooms. And most importantly, how well the room is ventilated and what kind of coaching staff is in the room.

2. Decide on a goal

Walking aimlessly to the gym is not a good idea. The gym is not a place for dating or a waste of time. State your goal clearly, for example:

  • lose 10 kg
  • gain muscle mass
  • work out the relief
  • become strong and resilient.

The format of your gym workout will depend on your goal.

3. Trial lesson with a trainer

Do not hesitate to ask for an introductory lesson, to show how the exercise equipment works, what kind of warm-up is best to do before starting classes. To have information with you about starting training, get acquainted with a number of warm-up exercises. After an introductory tour of the club and learning the safety rules, tell the coach about your goal. Find out if he can help you achieve it. You shouldn’t immediately rush to pump up your biceps in every possible way.

4. Rules of behavior in the gym

In gyms there are a number of unspoken rules of appropriate behavior among visitors:

  • come with a change of shoes and a clean uniform (so that you don’t smell bad)
  • do not use perfumes or colognes before going to the gym
  • Use your own towel or the one provided in the hall. You can use it to wipe down the exercise machine after yourself.
  • do not use exercise equipment between sets
  • ask permission to use the machine while another gym member is resting
  • Don't stare at other gym members
  • put dumbbells and barbells back in place after use
  • ask the trainer on duty if you don’t know how the simulator works
  • Clear the machine after you by removing the plates from the leg press machine or Smith machine.

To put all the points together, in short - respect other athletes in your gym. These are common rules of decency and respect.

5. Maintain a gym schedule

For beginners and advanced athletes, it is important to follow a training schedule to achieve your goal. The training program is again created together with the trainer and based on your goal.

How to train as a beginner without a trainer

A beginner shouldn’t start training in the gym without a trainer, especially if you don’t have an understanding of how the machines work, what set of exercises you should do at the beginning and what kind of training you need. Invest in 2-3 personal sessions with a trainer; thanks to training with a trainer, you will better understand the principles of building training programs.

In order to get a head start on something, learn the technique of performing basic exercises that do not require large exercise machines or complex equipment.

Where to start for a newbie in the gym

Starting a workout in the gym is from simple to complex. You shouldn’t rush to get acquainted with all the complex simulators and try to customize them for yourself. While there is no understanding of how muscles work and develop in simple exercises, complex exercises in the iron apparatus will not bring the desired result.

You can build a training program for a beginner in the gym using simple equipment, such as: dumbbells, kettlebell, barbell, medicine ball, rubber band.

In the article we tell you how you can pump up all muscle groups with a simple piece of equipment; any beginner can master such a workout!

Full body workout program with dumbbells

Full body workout with dumbbells


Basic exercises in the gym for beginners

Any workout at the gym can include a number of basic exercises. Here are 3 basic exercises for beginners in the gym:

Push ups

When doing push-ups, do not bend in the lower back and lower your pelvis. This will only reduce the load on the chest muscles and bring it down on the spine.

Start with push-ups (a Smith machine can help with this). Supported push-ups are also convenient for entry-level girls.

High support push-ups with mid-arm position


You can squat with your own weight, as well as with additional equipment: with a barbell, with dumbbells, with rubber, on one leg, in a Smith machine, Bulgarian squats, deep squats.

When squatting with a barbell, you must always keep your back straight so that the spinal discs do not become displaced. You also don't need to hang too many disks on it. You need to start squatting with the correct technique without additional equipment; if you understand that it’s easy, take a body bar or a short barbell. To begin with, this type of squats is the best, the likelihood of injury is very low.

Before you start a bodybuilding workout program for beginners at the gym, there are a few things you should know that will help you build muscle mass and strength later on.

Beginners are those guys who have never engaged in physical exercises with weights, who have no idea how to properly perform this or that exercise, and most importantly, their level of physical fitness is zero. This is what we will build on.

Don’t expect miracles; you won’t be able to build decent muscle mass and strength quickly. Using illegal drugs () at this stage is simply pointless, so be patient and you are guaranteed success.

Due to the fact that your strength indicators are small, and the human body by nature can lift much more weight, the recovery time after training will also not be long. Therefore, it is advisable to load three times a week your body looks like this, it will be something like this: 1 day - legs, back, abs, 2 day - chest, shoulders, arms, rest between workouts one day, of course, if your job does not allow you to train so often, you can increase the rest time up to two days, while the intensity of training can also be slightly increased.

This training program is suitable for all beginner athletes (provided there are no contraindications to strength training). She will help:

  • Build muscles
  • Increase force
  • Strengthen the muscle corset
  • Learn the correct exercise technique
  • Feel the work of the main muscle groups

Below is an approximate ordered list of exercises for all beginners in gym, which make up a single training program.


  • wide grip 4x8



After completing 1 week of training, change the number of sets and repetitions (from 3x12 to 4x8, from 4x8 to 5x6, from 5x6 to 3x12) primarily in basic exercises(barbell squats and bench press), change isolated ones as desired (we do them for our own “pleasure”, without excessive tension).

The first number is approaches, the second is repetitions, rest according to how you feel, you should begin to get used to fatigue, feel your body, in any case, no more than 2-3 minutes, since after a while your muscles will begin to get colder, and you can injure yourself injury.

New to the gym

The above training program for beginners is only approximate; deviations in certain areas are possible. exercises, the main thing is to always have basic exercises, such as the bench press and squats with a barbell. Follow this program 1-2 years, then you can move on to a more advanced training program for muscle growth.

Not in this program, since it is a rather traumatic exercise for beginners, due to the fact that your muscle corset I have not yet adapted to the strength loads in the gym.

Tips for a beginner in the gym

Don't expect a quick muscle response (their growth)

At the initial stage, you form the basis on which your further training will be built, and, consequently, your progress in bodybuilding. Do not strive to increase the working weight in the exercises, for the first two to three years, hone the technique of performing the exercises, the emphasis should always be on basic exercises, such as deadlifts, bench presses, squats with a barbell, they will help you at the initial stage of the training process , start construction processes rough muscle mass in your body.

Do not forget, also, that building a beautiful, athletic figure occurs not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen; read about this in the article on proper nutrition when exercising in the gym.

Watch your exercise technique

By performing with the correct technique, you will not only be able to pump up your muscles in the shortest possible time, but also avoid injuries, which can be easily “earned” in the gym.

For frequent, common mistakes when performing basic exercises: barbell squats on the shoulders - a round back, knees fall forward and bend inward, in deadlift- also a round back and excessive bending in the spine in the extension stage (after straightening, athletes arch their backs back), in the horizontal bench press- lifting the buttocks off the bench, violation of the trajectory of the bar, jerks in movements.

A beginner performs a bench press

Increase your caloric intake

Muscle mass will not grow if your body does not have an excess of calories, that is, fuel is needed in order to start the processes of protein synthesis. For example, it is necessary to create a positive nitrogen balance by saturating yourself with protein foods.

Choose high-quality and healthy foods. The daily calorie content of food can be gained from different foods, both harmful and healthy.

Give preference to high-quality proteins (high biological value), unsaturated fatty acids (), and complex carbohydrates. If you are not at risk of obesity, you can treat yourself to sweet foods. and, try to consume from fruits and vegetables.

Restoring the body is paramount

Despite proper training and proper nutrition, it will be impossible to build muscles if you are constantly overtired, do not get enough sleep, and periodically experience severe stress at work/at home. In this case, the most you can earn is overtraining, when all growth of strength and muscle mass stops; after all, the body experiences processes of catabolism, not anabolism.

In order to recover fully, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • sleep 8-10 hours
  • eat regularly (don't feel hungry)
  • stock up on quality protein(2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of weight)
  • Be less nervous, abstract from stress to a minimum
  • get rid of bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, drugs)

Training at the initial level is a unique opportunity to improve your body’s health, strengthen bone apparatus, making muscles, ligaments and tendons strong and resilient.

Train wisely, and never forget that everything that comes quickly is for weaklings, we will achieve slowly, but extremely effective steps towards your goal - a beautiful, muscular and athletic body.

Today we have on the agenda a very important topic for all beginners who have just arrived or are about to join the gym. And, of course, the first question that you can get from someone who has just come to the gym is what training program to choose. And in this article we will discuss this in detail and give a specific training program that is suitable for all beginners during the first 3-4 months of visiting the gym.

But first it should be noted that in addition to the training program, it is very important to follow correct diet! We'll even rank nutrition as the number one priority in bodybuilding! Therefore, after reading this article, we definitely recommend that you read the article on. If your goal, on the contrary, is to lose weight, then the nutritional plan will be different, and you can familiarize yourself with it in this article:.

But the training program for beginners will be the same in any case for the first 3 months. This is necessary so that the body gets used to the loads and gradually adapts to the training process. So, let's go.

The first step is to choose a gym for training. If the reader has already purchased a gym membership, then you can move on to the next point in the article, although it will still be useful to read some recommendations, I think.

The first thing I would like to note is that it is necessary choose the gym in which you will be comfortable working out. You know, it happens that you don’t like a certain gym and that’s it... Therefore, before you buy a gym membership, first walk through it and look at everything, or even some fitness centers have free first lesson, which will very well help to better evaluate the hall.

Now regarding the equipment in the gym. Of course, the most basic thing we need is a dumbbell row (it is desirable that it be as complete as possible and in 1kg increments), benches with adjustable angles and a power frame. We don’t need a variety of simulators now. The only thing you really need is the overhead pull-down. Because Not all beginners can perform pull-ups cleanly and correctly, then this simulator will be a good addition.

That is, at the initial stage there is no need to chase a large number of simulators. Of course, if there are a lot of them, then this is only a plus for the gym, but at the initial stage it is important for us to focus on working with free weights, or, as they often say, doing the base.

Also another tip - try to find a gym near your home. Believe me, this will be a big plus, tested from your own experience. Therefore, the closer the hall is, the better.

Well, now let's move on to the training program itself.

We will train according to the 2+1 scheme in the first week and 1+2 in the second week. This means that in first week we will have 2 basic hard workouts and one light, and in second week 2 light and one heavy. Personally, I myself trained according to this scheme when I first started training, and got very good results. Therefore, I will give you only verified information based on my own experience, because... This information is the most useful in my opinion.

So, the weekly training plan is as follows:

First week:

  • Mon: Heavy basic training
  • VT: Rest
  • SR: Easy workout
  • TH: Rest
  • PT: Rest
  • SB: Hard basic training
  • Sun: Rest

Second week:

  • Mon: Rest
  • ET: Easy workout
  • SR: Rest
  • CT: Hard basic training
  • PT: Rest
  • SB: Easy workout
  • Sun: Rest

That is, in this mode we've been training for exactly a month. At the end of the training month we do complete rest for 5-7 days (see how you feel). After rest, we also continue the monthly training cycle and then also take a rest for 5-7 days. And then we repeat the cycle again - the last one.

And that under this program we will train for about 4 months (in total over time with all rest after each month).

After this, each person can choose a more specialized (depending on goals) training program.

Okay, we have drawn up a training plan for 4 months, now we move on to the training itself and the selection of exercises.

Selection of exercises for the training plan.

On first week we will have heavy chest and back workouts, and light training - legs.

So, the exercise plan for the first week.

Monday, chest workout.


1. Bench press: 1x15 – warm-up, 3x12 – working.

2. Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees: 1x15 – warm-up, 2x12 – working.

3. Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees: 2x12 – working.

The next training session is easy, on Wednesday. On it we will work on the shoulders. It is called easy because we perform all approaches not to failure and with light weight..

In the exercises, I do not indicate working approaches and warm-ups, because... the whole workout is essentially like one big warm-up.

During a light workout, our task is to maintain muscle tone and not load the CNS (central nervous system).

Wednesday, easy shoulder workout.


1. Dumbbell swings to the sides: 2x15

2. Bent-over dumbbell swings for the rear deltoid: 2x15


Now according to the plan we have a hard training session on Saturday. On it we will work on the back.

Saturday, back training.


1. Hyperextension (all approaches are a warm-up): 3x15

2. Vertical block rows: 1x15 – warm-up, 3x12 – working.

3. Dumbbell row with one hand: 1x15 - warm-up, 3x12 - working.

We're done with the first week. Now let's move on to next week.

Exercise plan for the second week.

Tuesday, easy chest workout. (don’t forget that here we take light weights and don’t work to failure. The whole workout is like a big warm-up)


1. Dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30 degrees: 2x15

2. Dumbbell flyes on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees: 2x15

3. Ab crunches lying on a horizontal bench: 3x15

On Thursday we have leg training.

Squats are not included in this program. We believe that it is better for beginner athletes not to do them in the first 4 months, because... At the initial stage, the task is to prepare the whole body for heavy training in the future.

Thursday, leg workout.


1. Lying leg curls in the machine: 2x20 – warm-up, 2x15 – working.

2. Leg extensions while sitting in a machine: 2x20 – warm-up, 2x15 – working.

3. Standing calf raises with dumbbells: 3xMax – working.

Saturday, We have a light back workout.


1. Hyperextension: 3x15

2. Vertical block thrust: 2x15

3. Horizontal block thrust: 2x15

At this point, the microcycle of 2 weeks ends and a new one begins for another 2 weeks. After (after a month of training) coming complete rest for 5-7 days And two two-week microcycles are repeated again (new month of training). Then also rest for 5-7 days And last month of training.

As a result, the entire training program lasts approximately 4 months.

I also want to note an important point. During training Be sure to drink water between sets! It is very important. Drink as much water as your body requires, so take more water with you and let the excess remain, then drink it at home if necessary. I usually take a 2 liter bottle of water with me and drink about 1.5 liters per workout, sometimes a little more.

And the most important thing - don't forget about nutrition! I would put nutrition first in importance in bodybuilding. If you eat incorrectly, you may not even hope for results. I’m telling you this from my personal experience, and from the experience of other athletes (not even in bodybuilding) No matter who you ask, they will all tell you the same thing - nutrition is the key to success!

This training program is suitable for the vast majority of beginners who have just joined the gym. Personally, I followed this exact program when I first started training, and it gave very good results! Therefore, I can confidently recommend this option to all beginning athletes.

This concludes the article. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. Thank you all for your attention!

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dmitry Marchenko

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Most beginners, when they come to the gym, often start doing heavy basic exercises without having a sufficient level of training for this. On the other hand, there are those who from the very beginning accustom themselves to training on machines, without paying due attention to free weights. However, these two categories of novice athletes are united by incorrectly constructed training programs, which they often write for themselves. In this article we will analyze the best training programs in the gym for beginner athletes.

Training goals

Before starting to draw up any program, it is necessary, first of all, to decide on the goals that the future program should achieve. Training goals can be both physical body parameters (strength, endurance) and external ones (muscle mass, relief, weight loss, etc.). At the same time, physical parameters are trained mainly through strength exercises, and external parameters require not only a special training regimen, but also compliance with the correct diet. This is their key difference. It is a mistaken opinion that only with the help of training programs can you increase muscle mass, improve your appearance, or ensure effective burning of excess fat.

At the initial stage of training, your training goals will not be particularly important, but after completing the basic stage of training, you will have an idea of ​​​​what programs to use and what parameters to work on improving. Therefore, the stage of defining training goals is key.

Introductory stage of training

This stage is a must-have for any novice athlete. The fact is that at first neither the muscles nor the cardio-respiratory system of the body are fully prepared for serious stress. In addition, you yourself are unlikely to know the limit of your physical capabilities. Therefore, the introductory stage of training includes work on all major muscle groups in minimal intensity and minimal volume.

The total duration of the introductory stage is 4 weeks.

Workout #1 (Monday)

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 2 15
Standing biceps curl 2 15
Push-ups (from the floor or parallel bars) 2 maximum
Wide grip pull-ups 2 maximum
2 15-20

Workout #2 (Wednesday)

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 2 15
Sitting chest row 2 15
Leg press 2 15
Standing arm extension on a block 2 15
Bending arms on a block while standing 2 15

Workout #3 (Friday)

Basic stage of training

At this stage, we will have to train according to split schemes, that is, on each training day we will specifically train two specific muscle groups. Basic period training is more intense and voluminous, and also provides greater load on the main muscle groups.

The basic stage of training will include 2 training programs - one is intended for beginners at an intermediate level, the other for beginners at a lower intermediate level.

Below the middle level This is understood as a level of fitness at which an athlete can perform basic exercises with his own weight - pull-ups and push-ups, at least in an average number of repetitions (at least 6-8).

Below average is understood as a level of fitness at which the athlete cannot perform exercises with his own weight (pull-ups, dips) or performs them in a small number of repetitions (less than 6).

The total duration of the basic stage is 8 weeks.

Training frequency - 3 times a week.

Basic complex for beginners of the INTERMEDIATE level

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Wide grip pull-ups 3 maximum
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 12
Bent-over barbell row 3 12
Crossovers on the upper blocks 3 15
One-arm dumbbell row 3 15
2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15
Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated dumbbell press 3 12
3 15
Leg press 3 12
3 15
3 12

Workout #3 (Friday): Biceps + Triceps + Abs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Barbell curl 3 12
Dips 3 maximum
Close-grip pull-ups 3 maximum
Close grip bench press 3 12
"Hammer" standing 3 15
Standing arm extension on a block 3 15
Twisting with body rotations 2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15

Basic complex for beginner athletes of BELOW INTERMEDIATE level

Workout #1 (Monday): Chest + Back + Abs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Upper pulley to chest 3 12
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 12
Bent-over barbell row 3 12
Crossovers on the upper blocks 3 15
3 15
Twisting with body rotations 2 15

Workout #2 (Wednesday): Shoulders + Legs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated dumbbell press 3 12
3 15
Leg press 3 12
3 15