Mass or relief? Choosing a training program. Mass, or relief: what to choose at the beginning Mass, relief and strength

MASS OR RELIEF: WHERE TO START? Find out where to start training, proven tips in practice that will help you make the right choice - mass or relief first! Many newcomers, when they come to the gym, think for a long time about whether to first gain muscle mass and volume or improve their definition in order to have an athletic figure with well-defined muscle groups. Without knowing the important points of training, most likely, the wrong path will be chosen, which will reduce motivation for training and can lead to complete abandonment so that this does not happen. let's look at 3 ways of training. MORE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE BOMB BODY - 1. FIRST RELIEF, AND THEN MASS This training option involves first reducing the fat layer and only then increasing muscle volume. On average every 1 kg. lost fat carries 0.4-0.5 kg. lost muscles, in other words, at the end of the road you can become thin without fat, but also without muscles. To do this, use a simple formula: - for women: your height is 112, for example, if you are 165 cm tall. – 112 = 53 kg, if your weight is above 53 kg, then you have chosen the right training scheme, in which first relief, and then quality mass, if 53 kg. and less then this scheme cannot be used. - for men: in principle the same, only the formula is your height - 100, if a man is 180 cm tall - 100 = 80 kg. weighs, then you don’t need to lose weight at the beginning; if you weigh more, then this training scheme is just right. 2. FIRST MASS, AND THEN RELIEF From the formula described above, it is immediately clear that this training method is suitable for those whose weight is lower than the number calculated by the formula. Usually it is men who gain weight, women less often, with the exception of rounding the buttocks and creating athletic legs. Therefore, this training method can be called in a historical manner - gladiatorial, and the first - the Cleopatra method;). Remember that a fat mass gain of around 0.4-0.5 kg is considered normal. per 1 kg. pure muscle mass if you gain more fat. then pay attention to your diet. MORE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE BOMB BODY - 3. MASS AND RELIEF AT THE SAME TIME There is also such a scenario, only it works effectively for beginners in the gym and only for the first 6 months of training, then if you train in this manner, you mainly maintain your shape and gradually slow down your growth. Remember that everyone has their own genetic maximum, then sports nutrition comes into play and that anabolic steroids are not advisable. This happens due to the fact that an untrained body receives severe stress due to physical activity; for it this is a new and not at all comfortable state; in order to eliminate it, our body begins to concentrate its efforts as much as possible to remove this discomfort. This manifests itself in the form of accelerated recovery of damaged muscle fibers, when the site of a micro muscle tear is overgrown with denser muscle fibers to prevent re-rupture. This effect is achieved with proper nutrition, which you can learn about here. CONCLUSION Let's highlight the main points of solving the problem of mass or relief, so as not to go down the wrong path: 1. If the weight is equal to or less after calculating the above formula, then first you need to choose a method of gaining weight, if, on the contrary, it is more, then you should first work on the relief. 2. If you are a “newbie” in sports, then work for the first 6 months simultaneously on relief and mass, and then calculate your weight based on the formula, after which you switch to the first or second training method. 3. These calculations are averaged, our body is a unique system, so look in the mirror, it will not deceive. I wish everyone to feel pleasure from training and get great results! MORE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE BOMB BODY -

What is the difference between training for strength, mass and relief?

Often when discussing training programs, concepts such as strength training and mass training come up. It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand this question, much less answer what he is striving for: to be a powerlifter or a bodybuilder. Let's look at these concepts and the differences in conducting classes in each area.

So, mass training aims to increase the maximum content of non-contractile proteins and metabolic reserves in muscle tissue. These terms mean glycogen, creatine phosphate, myoglobin and others. In the process of increasing the concentration of these substances, the volume of sarcoplasm of the muscle fiber, namely its non-contractile part, increases. For this reason, in the science of bodybuilding, building muscle mass in this way is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This area of ​​activity includes bodybuilders.

In turn, training aimed at increasing the strength of muscle tissue selects fast muscle fibers as the object of influence. This type of fiber is most predisposed to increasing the strength of muscle tissue due to increase. The actual contractile apparatus of a muscle cell is called “myofibril”, and therefore an increase in strength characteristics in the tissue is called myofibrillar hypertrophy. With an increase in the density of the actual contractile apparatus of muscle cells with a slight increase in mass, strength indicators increase significantly. Representatives of this trend are powerlifters.

It is difficult to choose a narrowly focused activity that promotes the growth of only strength or only mass. According to experts, the strength of a muscle is directly proportional to its cross-section. In other words, different types of training will not play a key role in increasing one of the indicators being pursued.

Below you can see the table of differences between the principles and exercises of training for strength and weight:

Parameter type Type of training program
To ground For strength
Diet Nutrition aimed at gaining muscle mass. The diet differs depending on your goals. If the goal is to stay in the same weight category, the diet is more strict; if not, the diet is standard for gaining muscle mass.
Nutritional supplements Protein, BCAA, gainer, creatine, pre-workout complex, testosterone boosters. Creatine, pre-workout complex, protein, gainer, BCAAs, stimulants.
Types of exercises Training program of basic and isolation exercises. Basic exercise training program.
Breaks between sets Short, no more than 3 minutes. Up to 5 minutes for complete restoration of creatine phosphate depot.
Exercise speed Slow or moderately fast. Moderately fast or fast (needs to be changed from workout to workout so that the body does not have time to adapt).
Number of repetitions per approach The frequency tends to vary depending on the individual, but the average is 6-12. 1-6 - the frequency changes, the same as in mass training.
Training frequency From 1 to 5 times a week depending on the goals and program. From 3 to 5 per week depending on goals and program.
Duration of training No longer than 1 hour. Up to 2 hours.
Including aerobic exercise Frequent activation. Rare inclusion.

Hello friends! Today there will be a short, but no less interesting and important post! Now we will look at how not only to gain a couple of tens of kilograms of muscle mass, but also to have excellent muscle shape. We will also touch on mistakes that can lead to an unesthetic physique, as well as how the mass and relief of muscles differ from their shape.

When it comes to the beautiful shape of your muscles, you MUST pay attention to the technique of doing the exercises. This should be done for two reasons:

  1. The load may go to other muscles or muscle bundles.
  2. The load may be unevenly distributed along the working muscle.

This can lead to the formation of an unaesthetic, disproportionate physique.

What influences the beautiful shape of muscles?

Here we need to talk about only two factors:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Exercise technique.

Many will disagree with me and say that steroids can also determine the shape of a muscle. This is not true. Steroids can indeed change the volume of a muscle, but they cannot change the shape of the entire muscle.

Does genetics really determine muscle shape? Yes, definitely! Your muscle length, thickness, etc. is indeed determined by genetics, BUT TECHNIQUE REVEALS their form, or, on the contrary, destroys them if you have problems with and correct execution of the exercises.

As skinny armchair experts and fat women like to say: “Whatever constitution is given by nature, that’s what you’ll have to walk with!” You can’t go against nature!” There is also an opinion that the main thing is mass (especially for a man), and everything else is gloss, smack of metrosexuality with admixtures of homosexuality.

You're wrong, guys. If you are a bodybuilder, then your form will be decisive! In a bodybuilding competition, being the biggest and heaviest does not guarantee victory.

Mass is great, but it’s just material that you’ve built up and still needs to work with. Create your sculpture. Model yourself as an ideally built athlete, in YOUR opinion.

This is all great, but what to do if you are unlucky with genetics and nature tried to violate your desire to become an amazingly built athlete?

How to correct muscle shape

OK. Everything is clear, but how exactly can you influence the shape of your muscles and smooth out the consequences of not very good genetics?

You can correct the flaws by choosing the right training program. We will not change the shape of the muscle, but we can develop its bundles (parts) in different ways. For example, we can easily shift the load from the long head of the biceps to the short head.

I'm talking specifically about emphasizing the load. Don’t think about what I mean, if you have flat biceps, then you need to bomb it at every workout until your arms tell you to live for a long time. No. Accenting is practically jewelry work.

Your technique must be perfect! You must feel which muscle you are contracting, you must think about it, imagine how the movement is carried out. That's why I don't recommend focusing on every muscle group until you've gained at least 10-15 kg of lean muscle mass. You simply won't be able to feel what you're cutting.

Usually, beginners make several tough mistakes that prevent them from building a truly great body with perfectly shaped muscles.

The first mistake is related to the weight on the apparatus. Usually, in order to show off their super powerful biceps, they use TOO MUCH WEIGHT. Naturally, there is no question of any, let alone ideal, technique.

The second mistake is basic IGNORANCE. Simply a lack of knowledge about the biomechanics of movements of a certain muscle or muscle group.

A lot of technical errors are associated with a decrease in control over the weight being lifted at some point in the amplitude.

Common mistakes in technology

  • Hunch your back in any back rows. This takes the load from the back and working muscles and transfers it to the spine, for which it will not thank you. Keep your back straight;
  • lowering the barbell too quickly (throwing the weight down). For example, you lower the barbell very quickly when doing biceps curls. This puts a lot of stress on the elbow joints and ligaments;
  • reduction of amplitude in exercises (truncated amplitude). Although in some cases it may be advisable, it often happens because at the bottom point of the movement (bottom phase) the muscle is anatomically weaker and therefore there is a desire not to lower the barbell all the way (for example, in the same biceps curl). If you repeat this mistake regularly, your lower biceps will lag behind;
  • non-symmetrical arrangement of the limbs when performing exercises (one arm lower or higher, legs at different distances, etc.);
  • bouncing the barbell away from the chest during bench presses. This means that at the bottom of the amplitude you have no control over the barbell. You must keep the weight under control at all points of the amplitude;
  • too strong jerking movements in basic exercises. Uneven, multidirectional load can easily lead to injury to joints and ligaments;
  • tilting the body back when you perform a seated dumbbell or barbell press (for the shoulders). So the load moves from the deltas to the chest;

If you recognize these mistakes and also make them, then correct them as soon as possible, because... This will ruin your efforts to build great muscle shape.


  1. Control of the weight being lifted should be in all areas of the range of motion (do not take a weight that is not liftable for you).
  2. At the initial stages, do not use a truncated amplitude.
  3. Take a photo and analyze your physique. Only visual analysis will give you a clear understanding of what works and where you went wrong.

OK it's all over Now. I hope you found the article useful. Watch the shape of your muscles so that you don’t look like a sack full of potatoes, but harmonious, proportional and amazing.

All the best to you, friends.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

I often receive letters with the following content: “how can I train on the relief" It’s immediately obvious that a person doesn’t understand how to do terrain training, but how for weight gain. Therefore, now I will explain what kind of training these are, and what is the difference between the trainings.

Let’s immediately understand that it is impossible to train some muscles for relief (for example, biceps) and others train muscles for mass. Muscles of the whole body or gain weight, and gaining muscle mass goes along with the gain of fat mass.

Or the whole body loses weight. Weight loss occurs mainly due to the fat layer. But if an athlete overdoes the work on the relief, then the muscles begin to lose weight.

What factors influence training to gain weight?

and for working on terrain?

These points should in principle be applied in any training session.

  • Correctly selected set of exercises. There will be different training programs for different goals.
  • For gaining muscle mass these will be basic exercises, such as, and They are performed one exercise per workout no more than 8 times per set. That is. I completed the deadlift and went home. During this period, it is advisable to move less and sleep more.
  • and of course add caloric intake.
  • The main point of nutrition for mass: you must take in more calories than you expend.

Mass gain.

1. Only the base! Why? Doesn’t a separate load on small muscle groups, for example the arms, give an increase in strength to this muscle?

1. basic exercises develop almost all muscle groups. Arms are trained with bench press and deadlift. Moreover, the biceps and shoulders grow well from the deadlift, and the chest and arms from the bench press.

Using this method, you can lift significant weights quite quickly (a year). For example, a deadlift of 180 - 200 kilograms will not allow your biceps and shoulders to remain small. You can do isolated exercises, for example, lifting a barbell for biceps.

But in order to have noticeable biceps growth, you need to use the same technique with hard and light days. You will spend about 30 minutes on this exercise, and then you need to train the triceps separately - 30 minutes, shoulders 30, chest even more than 30, lats, quadriceps, hamstrings, etc.

Add up this time and see how long it takes to train. In principle, bodybuilders who use anabolic steroids can afford to train this way. With chemistry, the body becomes five times stronger and you can train up to 3 hours a day and even 3 hours twice a day.

It is not recommended for an ordinary person who is not on chemicals to lift weights for more than an hour, even for more than 40 minutes. But in 40 minutes, slowly, you can perform one basic exercise that will train a lot of muscles at once.

If you noticed, it is proposed to do not 5 basic exercises per workout, but two, one in a heavy version, the other in an easy version. This is quite possible.

2. Heavy basic training puts a tremendous strain on the central nervous system. After such training, the state is far from athletic and not before training, and recovery can last longer than 2 - 3 days (sleepy state, loss of appetite), what to do in this case?

3. Nothing like that, you just need to not look at the trained guys who do 180 bench presses. And set your working weights according to your strengths and start immediately not with 5 working approaches, but with 2 and increase the load (both weight and approaches gradually).

The body gradually gets used to the stress, and it does not become for you colossal.

And recovery after such a workout lasts not 2-3 days, but 5, plus hyper-recovery on days 7-10.

With any set of training, there should be two days of rest. These two days (complete rest from any type of stress) are rest for the central nervous system. The central nervous system also gets tired of sending signals to muscles for their work.

After two days of rest she recovers. And after the end of the training cycle, the athlete rests for a week or two. Including in order to restore the central nervous system.

The concept of more serious weight. The concept is very broad. Is it a large weight in kg (for example, 150 kg), or is it a weight that is difficult for an athlete, no matter whether it is 50 kg or 150?

The concept of a more serious weight is, of course, not 50 kg, but at least 100 kg in the bench press.

4. Warm-up, why so many (up to 5 approaches). The author writes about the pulse. Have you tried training a person using the 5 warm-up + 5 work schedule? What is the effect, do the muscles get tired even during the warm-up?

Warm up. It occurs in small increments. And it’s better to warm up properly than not warm up. Otherwise injury. And of course, we are not talking about squats with a weight of 50 kg. We are talking about solid scales of 100 and above.

When a person is able to lift such weights. His muscles do not get tired during warm-up, but only warm up. When squatting 50 kg. Of course, you don’t need to do 5 warm-up sets. It is enough to do one or two approaches with a weight of 20 and 30 kg.

Have you tried training a person using the 5 warm-up + 5 work schedule?

Yes, of course, that’s the only way we train. Our guys, training according to this scheme, became very strong.

One squeezes 180 kg at a time, the other 170. And another guy, after a couple of years of such training, fulfilled the standards and became a master of sportsmanship, now he is training further to fulfill the master’s degree.

Accordingly, when training “on relief”:

You need to take in fewer calories than you burn.

The training tactics will be completely different. You need to do everything to lose fat. Perform 4 - 5 (preferably basic, with light weight) exercises per workout; the weight of these exercises will be much lighter than when working on weight. You will repeat the exercise 12 - 15 times.

They lose the most energy. Any type of aerobic exercise should be included in the exercise routine. The best thing .

Set aside a separate workout just for running (or aerobic exercise). There is no need to combine strength training and aerobic activity on the same day.

The calorie intake, of course, needs to be reduced at first. Why at first?

Relief is a fat-free body.

Because when your mice get used to large, volumetric loads, all the extra calories will be burned by the muscles.

Those. you can avoid dietary restrictions and still remain toned.

For example, I have a skier friend. He eats a lot. but at the same time he moves a lot.

Well-trained muscles absorb a lot of energy. And therefore, as long as a person follows the correct program, he is not threatened with obesity.

With the help of this notebook you will know what to do in training, remember all the approaches, repetitions, working weights. A correctly composed set of exercises will show how much time to rest between approaches, and in addition to the training days, the complex will show the necessary rest days.

So, let's summarize.

For any training we need a training diary in which your training is completely scheduled

To work on mass, we do heavy basic exercises. One exercise per workout. We increase our calorie intake and spend more time on sleep and rest.

To train for relief, we use 4–5 exercises in one workout. We separately include aerobic exercise in the complex (the most effective). It is best to train up to 5 times a week for an hour each session. 3 times a week strength training, and 2 times aerobic exercise (running)

Just gradually move on to training 5 times a week.

And there must be two days of rest without any stress at all.

We reduce the calorie intake, but still eat well. We just reduce the amount of food we eat a little (it is preferable to eat plant fiber).

Diet alone, without physical activity, will do nothing.

At the end of the workout, do it for 5 minutes and close it. Mandatory for everyone.

Find out where to start training, proven tips in practice that will help you make the right choice - mass or relief first!

Many newcomers, when they come to the gym, think for a long time about whether to first gain muscle mass and volume or improve their definition in order to have an athletic figure with well-defined muscle groups.

Without knowing the important points of training, most likely, the wrong path will be chosen, which will reduce motivation for training and can lead to complete abandonment so that this does not happen. let's look at 3 ways of training.


This training option involves first reducing body fat and only then increasing muscle volume. On average every 1 kg. lost fat carries 0.4-0.5 kg. lost muscles, in other words, at the end of the road you can become thin without, but also without muscles.

To do this, use a simple formula:

- for women: your height is 112, for example, if you are 165 cm tall. – 112 = 53 kg, if your weight is above 53 kg, then you have chosen the right training scheme, in which first relief, and then quality mass, if 53 kg. and less then this scheme cannot be used.

- for men: in principle, the same thing, only the formula is your height - 100, if a man is 180 cm tall - 100 = 80 kg. weighs, then you don’t need to lose weight at the beginning; if you weigh more, then this training scheme is just right.


From the formula described above, it is immediately clear that this training method is suitable for those whose weight is below the number calculated by the formula. Usually it is men who gain weight, women less often, with the exception of rounding out and creating athletic legs.

Therefore, this training method can be called in a historical manner - gladiatorial, and the first - the Cleopatra method;). Remember that a fat mass gain of around 0.4-0.5 kg is considered normal. per 1 kg. pure muscle mass if you gain more fat. then pay attention to your diet.


There is also such a scenario, only it works effectively for beginners in the gym and only for the first 6 months of training, then if you train in this manner, you mainly maintain your shape and gradually slow down your growth. Remember that everyone has their own genetic maximum, then sports nutrition comes into play and that anabolic steroids are not advisable.

This happens due to the fact that an untrained body receives severe stress due to physical activity; for it this is a new and not at all comfortable state; in order to eliminate it, our body begins to concentrate its efforts as much as possible to remove this discomfort. This manifests itself in the form of damaged muscle fibers, when the site of a micro muscle tear is overgrown with denser muscle fibers to prevent re-rupture.


Let's highlight the main points of solving the problem of mass or relief, so as not to go down the wrong path:

1.If the weight is equal to or less after calculating the above formula, then you first need to choose a method of gaining weight, if, on the contrary, it is more, then you should first work on the relief.

2. If you are a “newbie” in sports, then work for the first 6 months simultaneously on relief and mass, and then calculate your weight based on the formula, after which you switch to the first or second training method.

3. These calculations are averaged, our body is a unique system, so look in the mirror, it will not deceive.

I wish everyone to feel pleasure from training and get great results!