Glutamine complex. L-glutamine: a beneficial amino acid for the intestines. How much to take glutamine

Should I take the amino acid glutamine? If yes, then how much and with what? Let's analyze a number of studies to answer these questions.

Athletes are divided on glutamine. Some talk about its benefits for muscle growth, while others consider it useless. Let's analyze the scientific facts to find out what glutamine really is and how to take it.

What is glutamine?

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the animal body. It can be found in muscle tissue, plasma and almost all foods of animal origin. On average, glutamine makes up 5% of all amino acids in meat, dairy products and eggs. This may not seem like much, but glutamine is important for many physiological processes.

Note that important does not mean irreplaceable. Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid. This means that under normal conditions the human body synthesizes glutamine, but it is not enough to meet the daily requirement, especially in cases of stress.

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Biological role of glutamine

Glutamine is synthesized in the human body when the non-essential amino acid glutamate (glutamic acid) is broken down into parts, each of which combines with a nitrogen-containing ammonia molecule. In other words, glutamine is a nitrogen sponge that absorbs and detoxifies ammonia, then transports it in a non-toxic form to tissues where the nitrogen is used for cell growth, regeneration and other biochemical processes. About 30–35% of the nitrogen obtained from the breakdown of amino acids is transported throughout the body in the form of glutamine.

About 70% of glutamine is synthesized in skeletal muscles, from where it moves to the small intestine, kidneys and white blood cells.

The intensity of synthesis and the amount of glutamine in the body decreases during pregnancy, illness, diet, growth and development, and stress. In these cases, the use of glutamine as a dietary supplement is appropriate and desirable.

Benefits of glutamine for the body

Glutamine, like other alpha amino acids, regulates the synthesis and breakdown of protein molecules. In addition, it affects the metabolism of amino acids, glucose formation, water transport and transmission of nerve impulses, supports the barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract and immunity.

The kidneys are the main consumer of glutamine. They use ammonia molecules, which are released as a result of the breakdown of glutamine, to maintain the body's acid-base balance. Wherever there is ammonia, there is glutamine. Intensive training and a high-protein diet disrupt the acid-base balance, and the kidneys need more glutamine to restore it. Research has found that after just four days of a high-protein, high-fat diet, glutamine levels in plasma and muscle tissue dropped by 25%.

If the body does not have time to synthesize enough glutamine, a deficiency occurs, which manifests itself in muscle wasting, loss of strength and increased susceptibility to infections.

To avoid this, it is important to know how to take glutamine.

The effect of glutamine on performance and physical fitness

For mild dehydration, the use of glutamine in combination with electrolyte drinks and glucose increases physical performance and restores water and electrolyte balance. Moreover, taking glutamine leads to an increase in the secretion of growth hormone during grueling training.

An increase in extracellular glutamine concentration also activates the mTOR signaling mechanism responsible for muscle growth. However, glutamine will bring maximum benefits if additional conditions are met. For example, in the presence of other amino acids, in particular leucine, and sufficient cellular hydration.

In one study, a group of bodybuilding athletes took 4 grams of glutamine daily for 8 weeks in combination with creatine in a loading and maintenance regimen. As a result, they gained more lean muscle mass than athletes who took only creatine.

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What types of glutamine are there?

In addition to dosage, when choosing a glutamine-containing sports supplement, pay attention to the transport system. If you buy powder, capsules, or tablets, the free form of L-glutamine will work best. However, remember that L-glutamine is unstable and avoid commercial drinks or protein bars that contain it.

If you still prefer protein shakes or bars, then look for glutamine in their composition in the form of peptide molecules. It may be labeled as L-alanyl-L-glutamine, glycyl-L-glutamine hydrate, or glutamine peptides. Such compounds consist of 65–70% glutamine. That is, for every 10 grams of glutamine peptide there are 6.5–7 grams of glutamine. Keep this in mind when deciding how to take glutamine.

Whatever form you take glutamine in, up to 90% of the dose is inactivated during the first pass. Only a small part of glutamine bypasses the liver barrier and is absorbed by cells; the rest is eliminated by enterocytes and immune cells in the intestine.

Avoid sports nutrition containing N-acetyl-L-glutamine (not to be confused with N-acetyl glucosamine) or alpha-ketoisocaproyl-glutamine (also known as aKIC-glutamine). These compounds may be stable, but research suggests they are a poor transport system for glutamine and provide no benefit.

What to combine glutamine with

Take glutamine with sodium and other electrolytes. Glutamine transport occurs through sodium-dependent mechanisms; Moreover, this combination increases cell volume and improves the absorption of water and minerals. In turn, hydration promotes muscle hypertrophy, so taking glutamine with calcium helps increase endurance and muscle mass. On the contrary, dehydration inhibits the mTOR signaling mechanism responsible for muscle growth.

Let's look at other substances that are suitable for combination with glutamine


The combination of glutamine and BCAA improves muscle growth and endurance for two reasons. Firstly, the concentration of nitrogenous compounds, and therefore glutamine, in the blood directly affects the metabolism of BCAA. Secondly, extracellular glutamine activates the mTOR signaling mechanism only in the presence of amino acids, primarily leucine.


Glutamine transports citrulline between tissues, which is necessary for the synthesis of arginine and nitric oxide. The combined intake of glutamine with citrulline increases the latter's ability to synthesize nitric oxide, resulting in more oxygen and nutrients being supplied to the skeletal muscles. And these are mandatory conditions for high-quality muscle recovery and growth.

Alpha ketoglutarate (aKG)

Like glutamine, alpha-ketoglurate is a breakdown product of glutamate. Depending on the dosage, this compound can slow the breakdown of glutamine, activate mTOR signaling and the powerful antioxidant glutathione.

Glucose or N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)

Lack of glucose negatively affects glutamine absorption, cell growth and viability. NAG supplementation is particularly beneficial for athletes following a low-carbohydrate diet. It restores the absorption and metabolism of glutamine, which stimulates cell repair and growth.

How to take glutamine

Let's start the instructions with a reminder that when taken orally, glutamine is absorbed by only 30%. Therefore, the daily dose should be high - at least 20-30 grams. It needs to be divided into small portions to increase and maintain plasma glutamine concentrations. It is preferable to take glutamine with foods rich in carbohydrates.

When it comes to amino acids, glutamine is at the top of the list. This biological substance is the most important amino acid, which is involved in anabolic processes and is the main building block of not only muscle cells, but also other tissues of the body. Glutamine has the strongest effect on the human immune system.

What kind of amino acid is this, what is L-glutamine used for, benefits and harms

This is one of the proteins that is included in the protein molecule. Of course, in sports, the most important effect on the body will be its anabolic properties, but in addition to the creation of new cells, glutamine also contributes to:

  • Improving mental processes.
  • It is a powerful anti-catabolic agent.
  • Promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Affects the improvement of the digestion process.
  • Reduces the effects of stress factors.
  • Increases the synthesis of growth hormone.
  • Participates in the detoxification process as an auxiliary synergist of other substances (toxins and heavy metal salts).
  • Reduces the negative effects of ammonia and promotes its elimination.
  • Removes the effect.
  • Reduces the accumulation of fat cells, both under the skin and in the liver.

What foods contain glutamine?

Glutamine is found in beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, as well as cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley. Small amounts of glutamine are found in vegetables.

Why do athletes need glutamine?

In sports, this amino acid plays an important anabolic role, and is also an energy booster and prevents. This amino acid will be a relevant supplement to the diet of athletes of any sport. Bodybuilders and weightlifters use glutamic acid at all stages of preparation for competitions. Take the supplement either alone or in combination with other sports nutrition.

Glutamine is a powerful anabolic agent, as it directly participates in the synthesis of growth hormone, as well as protein in muscle tissue. The anti-catabolic effect is due to the obstruction of the destruction of protein structures. After an intense workout, muscles recover faster. Another powerful effect of glutamine is to block the action of cortisol in muscle cells, which is associated with protein breakdown.

The amino acid promotes the synthesis of glycogen in the muscles and thereby provides the athlete with energy during the training process and after training.

It is important to use glutamine after training to minimize the catabolic effect.

Side effects of the amino acid glutamine

If the dose of glutamine is not exceeded, side effects do not occur. If you consume glutamine in excess of the dose, indigestion, acute diarrhea, and dryness of the oral mucosa are possible.


Glutamic acid should be taken with caution by people who do not engage in sports or heavy physical activity, since glutamine is not consumed in their body and there is a high probability that the amino acid is in excess. Therefore, taking supplements with this substance can cause an overdose and is pointless. Glutamine is also contraindicated for those who have kidney problems, anemia, and people with increased excitability.

The effect of L-glutamine on weight loss

Glutamine is able to reduce the accumulation of fat cells in the body, as well as provide energy to the athlete throughout the entire workout, thereby increasing performance and, accordingly, increasing the effectiveness of the workout. Thus, a person has more energy to burn calories. Glutamine can be combined with and to produce a powerful anabolic effect.

How to take glutamine for bodybuilding

Since glutamine is completely harmless, its amount can vary widely. Recommended dose of glutamine, which should be consumed before and after training, is 15 grams. This amount is enough to reduce the effects of stress and create a powerful anabolic effect. This dosage allows you to save the required amount of glycogen.

What sports nutrition can L-glutamine be combined with?

This amino acid can be taken with any other sports nutrition supplement. Glutamine is one of the most common ingredients in various supplements. It is found in amino acid complexes and post-workout supplements.

Top 3 producers of L-glutamine

  1. L-Glutamine from MyProtein is a first-class product from an English manufacturer who cares about its consumers, because their products even pay attention to packaging. One serving contains 5 grams of glutamine. The manufacturer recommends mixing the amino acid with 150 grams of water. The supplement should be taken before and after training, and any time on rest days.
  1. 100% L-Glutamine from Biotech- another high-quality product in powder form from an American sports nutrition company, whose production is also based in Europe. The recommended dose of glutamine is 5 grams. You need to take one teaspoon of the supplement before and after training.
  1. L-Glutamine Mega Caps from Olimp- a relatively inexpensive glutamine from a manufacturer that has proven itself well since the inception of the brand. This is an encapsulated glutamic acid that should be taken one capsule (1400 mg) after training and before bed.


So, glutamine is an amino acid that is found in the body in large quantities, however, athletes, due to the highest losses of the amino acid, need constant additional nutrition. That is why glutamic acid is almost the basic ingredient of various sports supplements. With the optimal amount of amino acid, the athlete receives energy, strengthens the immune system and forms powerful muscles! The main thing when taking sports nutrition is not to exceed the dose of glutamine and analyze the amount of this amino acid obtained from other supplements and food.

L-glutamine is an amino acid that belongs to a number of conditionally essential ones. In the human body it is considered one of the most common.

L-glutamine is an amino acid that belongs to a number of conditionally essential ones. In the human body it is considered one of the most common. In proteins that are of animal origin, glutamine is also a priority. If you pay attention to the composition of whey proteins, you will notice that they always contain a high percentage of this amino molecule. It also regularly enters our body with the food we eat.

It is conditionally essential for the reason that, in addition to being obtained from food, glutamine, under normal conditions for the body (calm and comfort), can be synthesized from other amino acids, such as isoleucine, glutamic acid, and leucine. But as soon as the body is exposed to stress resulting from a painful condition, physical and also nervous exhaustion, high-intensity training, it cannot produce L-glutamine in sufficient quantities. And when it is deficient under such conditions, the work of growing cells is significantly disrupted. This is why this amino molecule is classified as essential.

Every person is periodically exposed to stress factors, and how effectively the body can deal with them depends on the level of quality of life, as well as the state of health. Poor nutritional regimen, negative environmental influences, emotional distress, heavy work schedule - these are all factors that increase the likelihood of exhaustion.

Heavy training is an additional source of stress, during which there is both a load on the body (physical) and a load on the human central nervous system. As a reaction to stress, the body begins to increase the formation of L-glutamine in the skeletal muscles, which is then released into the blood and provides all human systems and organs with consumable plastic material. With insufficient intake from food, a deficiency of this important amino molecule occurs in the body.

Immunity significantly deteriorates and weakens, and the body’s adaptive functions deteriorate. If the body does not receive a sufficient amount of glutamine with food, then it begins to actively destroy muscle to consume its own reserves. The highest degree of this condition is characterized by immunosuppression, impaired functioning of internal organs, as well as severe muscle wasting. By consuming glutamine in supplement form, the risk of developing a deficiency condition will be eliminated. The best conditions will be created for increasing results in sports and for active life.

Properties of L-glutamine:

Has an anti-catabolic effect. Under the influence of glutamine, the stress hormone called cortisol is suppressed. When sufficiently supplied to the body, this component will reduce muscle breakdown, which is very important for people during a diet or illness.

Promotes muscle growth and improves the process of protein synthesis. In addition to influencing anabolic processes, glutamine also has a positive effect on the level of cellular hydration, and this is an important growth factor. For this reason, L-glutamine is often called a cell volumizer (cell volume enhancer).

Provides ammonia detoxification in the brain as well as liver detoxification. Transports ammonia (in a non-toxic form) for its further utilization by the liver and kidneys. Glutamine, in addition, takes part in the synthesis of antioxidant substances that protect the liver from toxic effects.

Immunomodulatory effect. Glutamine is the main building material for the cells that line the intestinal walls. In the human body, the intestine ranks first in the number of immunocompetent cells. For this reason, glutamine is actively used in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as to speed up postoperative recovery.

Has a positive effect on the synthesis of ATP and glycogen. Thanks to glutamine, a normal amount of glucose is maintained in the bloodstream. The body can also use this nutrient as a direct source of ATP at the same level as glucose. It is thanks to this feature that glutamine is so popular in sports.

Provides accelerated fat burning. With the additional use of glutamine in the body, insulin resistance decreases, which has a positive effect on the rate of muscle mass gain, as well as on the process of burning fat cells. It is important to take glutamine while on a low-carbohydrate diet because physical activity with reduced glucose levels causes glutamine deficiency to develop.

It affects the increase in the natural production in the body of such an important hormone as growth hormone, the increased synthesis of which occurs precisely when a person falls asleep (in the first hours), as well as during and after training.L-glutamine is identified by competitive athletes as a particularly important supplement. It is present in the diet of many famous athletes.

Glutamine (or glutamine) is a natural amino acid, one of the components of protein. Glutamine is considered one of the most effective sports supplements.

The word Glutamine is of Latin origin, so the two pronunciations are equally correct. Glutamine is called the best source of nitrogen compared to other amino acids. Glutamic acid traps excess ammonia, which inhibits higher brain functions.

Glutamine affects glutamic acid levels. If there is not enough glutamine in the diet, then the brain does not receive glutamic acid in full.

But which is better: glutamine or glutamic acid? In terms of chemical characteristics, these elements are very similar. For athletes, glutamine and glutamic acid are not related supplements.

Glutamic acid is used for the purpose of psychostimulation, stimulation and increased energy during training. Modified glutamine is used as a means for growth, restoration of strength after physical exertion and increased immunity.

What it is?

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Its share among other amino acids reaches 25%, and in muscle tissue – 60%. When the body suffers illness or injury, it requires a specific protein.

L-glutamine acts as a messenger: it removes protein from where it is in excess and supplies it to where it is needed.

Glutamine synthesizes other amino acids in the body. Half of all amino acids synthesized in muscles are formed directly from glutamine. Muscle tissue is supplied with amino acids produced by this element. A large amount of accumulated glutamine in the body contributes to the accelerated recovery of the athlete’s muscles.

The amino acid glutamine delivers additional nitrogen atoms to amino acids and the DNA foundation, which is necessary for the growth of muscle tissue and strengthening the immune system.

Glutamine enters the muscles when the cells' need for nitrogen increases, which is important in the process of protein metabolism. This is why athletes need a constant positive nitrogen balance in the body. More than 35% of the nitrogen that penetrates muscle tissue is provided by glutamine.

What is it for?

The range of uses of glutamine as a nutrient is quite wide. With a lack of this substance in the body, immunity decreases and gastrointestinal disorders appear. Glutamine levels affect the production of the antioxidant glutathione and the body's resistance to free radicals.

Benefits of Glutamine:

  • responsible for memory and attentiveness;
  • takes part in the natural elimination of ammonia;
  • prevents the entry of toxic substances into the liver;
  • prevents muscle tissue catabolism;
  • synthesizes protein;
  • improves the digestion process;
  • eliminates the stress factor;
  • increases the intensity of growth hormone production.

For athletes

Amino acid is an important component of athletes’ nutrition. Glutamine is used in bodybuilding as an anabolic, energetic and anti-catabolic agent. Long-term exposure causes microtrauma to the muscles and reduces the concentration of amino acids. The use of the l-glutamine supplement compensates for the body's current need for the amino acid and replenishes its reserves.

Glutamine is required by athletes for recovery after intense exercise.

The amino acid prevents the destruction of the protein structure. Stimulating the production of growth hormone with glutamine promotes muscle gain. It retains moisture in the tissues, as a result of which the volume and relief of the muscles are maintained.

For weight loss

The use of amino acids is popular among those who want to lose weight. Glutamine is a simple non-carbohydrate source of energy during a period of rapid food reduction. It cleanses and protects the liver from fats created by metabolism. But the benefits of glutamine for weight loss are controversial.

For a person weighing 100 kg to lose 150 kcal, you need to take 75 g of amino acid.

In medicine

Why is glutamine needed in medicine?

  • During rehabilitation after surgery. After surgery, glutamine levels are needed for muscle preservation, wound healing and immune strength. The use of the supplement normalizes the concentration of other amino acids, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns, and helps the body recover after surgery.
  • Danger to the immune system. Amino acid is the main source of energy for the immune system, the need for which increases during stress, injury or injury. Glutamine is used in the treatment of AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome. The amino acid is used in the treatment of cancer. Glutamine supplementation protects against the negative effects of chemotherapy and increases the effectiveness of anti-cancer medications.
  • Liver diseases. The amino acid slows down the process of fatty liver and helps in the treatment of cirrhosis in the early stages.
  • Fighting alcohol and drug addiction. L-glutamine, in combination with other amino acids, reduces pathological cravings for alcohol and drugs, and also alleviates hangover symptoms.
  • Intestinal disorder. The amino acid helps restore the integrity of the intestinal epithelium, which protects the bloodstream from harmful substances. Glutamine helps combat the increase in bacterial environment in the intestines and reduces inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • For mental instability. The use of the supplement is recommended to restore emotional balance, which softens fluctuations in mental activity during excitement and apathy.

How to use

The advantage of the additive is that it is harmless, so there are no strict restrictions in the instructions. The optimal dose is 10 g per day or 2 teaspoons of l-glutamine. This portion should be taken twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. If the intensity of the exercise is low, then you can limit yourself to 5 g of the supplement per day.

Many athletes, when calculating the required portion of the supplement, take into account their weight category. How to take l-glutamine in relation to your weight:

  • 45 kilograms – 9 grams;
  • 57 kilograms – 11 grams;
  • 68 kilograms – 14 grams;
  • 90 kilograms – 18 grams;
  • 113 kilograms – 23 grams.

Those who want to achieve impressive results immediately, independently increase the dose of the amino acid to 40 g. Be careful. Despite the low percentage of side effects from an overdose of the drug, it is better to consult a doctor.

How to take an amino acid supplement correctly:

  • Glumatin should be taken on an empty stomach 2 times a day, 5 g.
  • A portion is taken half an hour before the start of training in combination with creatine. If there is no training ahead, then the supplement is taken in the morning along with creatine.
  • The second portion is taken before bedtime. The combination of evening intake of l-glutamine with BCAAs will increase the production of growth hormone during the sleep stage.

Consider all contraindications specified in the instructions. This also applies to the possibility of using amino acids while taking certain drugs and medications. The product should only be purchased in specialized sports nutrition stores.


Pure glutamine powder is the easiest and most economical way to supplement. The daily dose ranges from 4 to 20 g per day. A powdered supplement is easier to measure with a measuring spoon.

There are 2 methods of taking l-glutamine powder. The powder is diluted with water, juice or milk. Or a simplified version - when the amino acid powder is simply poured into the mouth and washed down with water.

How to take glutamine powder correctly:

  • The water or juice to dissolve the powder should be at room temperature. Dissolved glutamine should be taken in slow sips;
  • The daily norm is divided into morning and evening glutamine intake. This scheme will ensure maximum absorption of the product. The use of the supplement does not depend on the time of training.
  • The prepared drink should be drunk immediately, without leaving it for the next appointment. When it is infused, part of the amino acid is destroyed.

Do not exceed the optimal dosage of the substance established by the trainer.

In capsules

Glutamine capsules are a convenient way to use protein amino acids. Capsules are simply washed down with water under any conditions. One capsule contains about 5 g of dry additive in a gelatin shell. The capsule dissolves instantly and glutamine enters the bloodstream.

Due to its fast action, you should drink glutamine in capsule form right before starting a workout and immediately after exercise. Each athlete is prescribed an individual dose of the drug based on weight, load and diet.

The daily norm is divided into 2 doses: before and after training.

You should not take l-glutamine capsules with juices or fruit drinks. The absorption of the amino acid may be slowed down by the sugar present in these drinks.

The disadvantage of a capsule supplement is that it is not always possible to measure dry powder exactly down to 1 g. For this purpose, you need to print the gelatin coating, pour out the powder and measure the required amount of amino acid on a scale.

Joint reception

With sodium

Glutamine in bodybuilding is used by athletes simultaneously with sodium or other electrolytes. Sodium-dependent mechanisms are involved in amino acid transport.

Benefits of the combination of l-glutamine and sodium electrolyte:

  • increase in cellular volume;
  • cellular hydration as an important factor in muscle hypertrophy;
  • absorption of fluid and mineral electrolytes that are lost during intense training.

Better absorption of glutamine is ensured by mixing it with BCAA and creatine.

With creatine

Glutamine is the most effective combination of protein elements. This combination helps achieve proper muscle contraction and build muscle cells. Creatine and glutamine are taken in one dose. You can add a pre-workout supplement or testosterone booster to the mixture.

Regimen for taking creatine and l-glutamine:

  • The daily requirement of creatine is divided into 2 parts;
  • The first dose of a creatine supplement should be taken 30 minutes before the start of your workout.
  • After 20 minutes, you need to take half the amount of glutamine;
  • To make creatine better absorbed, drink it with glucose-containing drinks (compote or sweet tea);
  • At the end of the workout, the second part of the dose of creatine is consumed, and after 20 minutes - the remaining half of the amino acid glutamine.

Let's see what other supplements you can combine l-glutamine with.

With BCAAs

The combination of l-glutamine and BCAAs brings progress in physical endurance and muscle growth. The concentration of nitrogen in glutamine affects the metabolic processes of BCAA amino acids. The presence of BCAAs causes the activation of the mTOR mechanism to depend on extracellular l-glutamine.

With Citrulline

The combination of citrulline and glutamine increases the ability to stimulate nitric oxide production. This improves trophism and oxygenation of skeletal muscles.

With glucose

(N-acetylglucosamine). When there is a lack of glucose levels in the body, glutamine is poorly absorbed. This negatively affects cell growth and viability.

With arginine

Affects the production of growth hormone, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat, accelerates the anabolic process and improves mood. But this is still only at the stage of theoretical speculation. In practice, the effectiveness of arginine in bodybuilding has not been proven. Some athletes claim that this combination improves training results due to the 100% compatibility of arginine and glutamine.

What products contain

Animal products rich in glutamine:

  • chicken meat;
  • fish;
  • mutton;
  • beef.

Among products of plant origin, the concentration of amino acids is high in:

  • spinach;
  • beans;
  • peas.

Fermented milk products are also rich in l-glutamine:

  • hard cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

Which foods have the highest levels of glutamine (per 100 g):

  • vegetable juices;
  • fermentation products (miso);
  • chicken – 3.6 g;
  • hard cheeses – 4.6 g;
  • soybean – 6 g;
  • chicken egg – 2.7 g;
  • cod – 2.6 g;
  • beef – 2.8 g.

Glutamine in products in combination with a ready-made supplement will help replenish the athlete’s amino acid reserves as much as possible.

Today, the sports nutrition market is overcrowded with a large number of products whose names are unknown to potential buyers. First of all, this is L-glutamine, which has gained great popularity in just a few years. This article will help the reader learn more about this sports nutrition, its effect on the human body, beneficial properties and methods of use.

What is it about?

Many people are at a loss when they see sports nutrition on store shelves called L-glutamine. What it is? In fact, it is an essential amino acid that is part of protein. It accumulates in all human muscles and blood, due to which, when the need arises, access to L-glutamine is instantaneous. From the outside, this amino acid enters the body with foods that contain a lot of protein. These include beef and chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs. In addition, some vegetables are rich in L-glutamine: spinach, parsley, beets and cabbage. This amino acid is also found in large quantities in legumes.

The importance of L-glutamine in human life

Cell growth and fuel for the immune system is what L-glutamine is needed for in the human body in the first place. There is evidence that during times of stress, nervous or caused by intense training, the level of L-glutamine in the blood drops significantly, resulting in a weakened immune system. Also, strength training leads to depletion of essential acid reserves in the muscles, causing the body to destroy the protein structure of cells.

There is another evidence base, which is based on research from sports nutrition manufacturers, but does not have official confirmation from the world's leading scientists in the field of biology and physiology. Here, L-glutamine is credited with participating in vital processes: the production of growth hormone, improving brain function, cleansing the body, improving the synthesis and removal of metabolic products.

Theoretical benefits in sports

Taking L-glutamine is primarily recommended for athletes to quickly gain muscle mass, with the obligatory intake of 5-8 grams of the active substance immediately after training. Manufacturers guarantee instant cell growth and a corresponding increase in muscle mass. Even though essential acid tends to accumulate in muscles and blood, there is always a limit that initiates the removal of excess products naturally. As a result, many athletes have questions about the dosage, which has nothing to do with age or weight.

Essential acid is credited with suppressing cortisol, although not a single research institute has proven this fact. But there are many scientific works confirming the stopping of the process of muscle tissue catabolism in the presence of L-glutamine. Based on this, we can conclude that the essential amino acid will be of interest to athletes who are cutting, when they need to expel excess fat from the body and remove water without losing muscle tissue.

Myths and legends in the media

There are reviews from athletes that raise doubts among many professionals. For example, some athletes complain that after stopping taking L-glutamine, they began to feel very tired after training and often get sick, naturally linking the amino acid with the immune system. In fact, it is thousands of times more difficult to infect an athlete than a person who is not involved in sports.

A decrease in productivity often occurs due to burning in the muscles. This is due to the release of lactic acid as one of the metabolic derivatives. L-glutamine can normalize the acid balance in muscles. Reviews in the media on this matter are quite controversial. After all, some manufacturers pointed out this feature of the essential amino acid, while other manufacturers left this property without attention.

Standard dosage regimen

Another point that L-glutamine should be given attention to is how to take it correctly and safely. The daily intake of an essential amino acid that must be supplied to the body is limited differently by all manufacturers and is no more than 8 grams. Considering that all manufacturers recommend taking L-glutamine twice a day - after training and at night, the daily dosage should be divided into two equal portions.

Athletes taking supplemental sports nutrition will be interested in its compatibility with essential amino acids. Firstly, amino acids cannot be taken with proteins due to the latter’s lower digestibility; the amino acid will take a very long time to reach its destination. But taking other amino acids and creatine will only be beneficial. If you need to take protein, you can do this only 10-15 minutes after consuming L-glutamine.

Product positioning on the market

The government positions L-glutamine in a very interesting way. In the pharmacy it is offered in the form of a biologically active supplement (BAA), located on the same shelf with ginseng root and Riga balsam. Pharmacists' recommendations for taking the drug are quite interesting:

  • stimulates metabolism, increasing it by 20-30%;
  • protects the immune system from external factors and is recommended as a preventative against colds, which must be taken during the season of the spread of infectious diseases;
  • retains strength when overworked.

It is recommended to use this pharmaceutical dietary supplement twice a day, 5 grams with food at breakfast and dinner. The only thing that confuses us is the price, which is almost twice as much as the cost of the most expensive product from a very famous brand.

Professional sports nutrition market

Judging by numerous reviews, L-glutamine is produced by all manufacturers using the same technology, and the difference between competitors' products is only in the composition, which has a significant impact on the price of the product. The priority is the percentage of pure substance, which ranges from 90-99%. The remaining components are flavoring agents that give sports nutrition its taste. An important factor is the presence of fructose in the mixture, which plays a transport role, delivering L-glutamine directly into the blood. Without fructose, the athlete will have to sweeten the water when taking the amino acid or purchase a sweet juice.

L-glutamine is represented on the sports nutrition market by many manufacturers. Professionals recommend paying attention to products from BSN, Dymatize, Scirtec Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, Universal, MHP and MRM. The list of worthy brands goes on, but many serious manufacturers indicate the dosage in teaspoons on the product label, which is unacceptable on the Russian market.

Release form - which is better?

On the sports nutrition market you can find L-glutamine in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. Of course, the choice is up to the buyer which product to choose, but there are points that few people pay attention to before purchasing. After all, it is very convenient to put a tablet or capsule in your mouth and wash it down with water, without thinking about where to get the container for the powder and how to stir the created solution. However, many people overlook the digestibility of the product, which should be almost instantaneous after training. Only the powder form can cope with this task.

Many athletes are interested in how to take L-glutamine powder. Here's how you like it. Some prefer to create a solution by mixing the amino acid with 100-150 ml of water. Others put the powder directly into their mouth with a measuring spoon, washing it down with water. L-glutamine tastes a little sour, but this does not bother anyone, since it is still acceptable compared to other sports nutrition.

Unanswered questions?

Does an athlete really need L-glutamine? Its use can be replaced with meat and dairy products. In essence, the statement is true, but less than one gram of essential amino acid enters the body from one meal. Accordingly, for the eight grams the body needs, the athlete will have to eat eight complex meals with a high content of L-glutamine. It is clear that such pleasure will cost several times more than purchasing a can of sports nutrition.

There is no point in consuming an essential amino acid for athletes who use complex proteins and nutritional substitutes in their diet. If you look at the full list of components in the mixture, you can find the dosage of L-glutamine, which on average is 2 grams per serving. Professional athletes recommend taking a closer look at the labels on the protein bar, which is also rich in essential amino acids.

Passion in overdoses

There are a lot of reviews in the media about the side effects that L-glutamine causes in an overdose. To date, there is not a single scientific confirmation of the dangers of an essential amino acid when exceeding the norm. But there are many conclusions from research institutes on the dosage of drug consumption. Thus, it has been established that the daily norm for a healthy person weighing 80 kg should not exceed 15 grams in total. If the recommendations are not followed and a larger dosage is used, the human body will reject the excess and eliminate it naturally.

Essentially, this regimen applies to all amino acids and creatine that professional athletes use to achieve their goals. Accordingly, beginners should not trust anonymous reviews in the media, and if in doubt, it is recommended to give preference to the scientific works of famous doctors (though they are all in English).


As it turns out, L-glutamine has been on the market for decades. And if the amino acid was initially positioned by pharmacies as a dietary supplement, at the moment, thanks to sports nutrition manufacturers, it is in the top in popularity, sharing shelves with BCAA and creatine.

Buyers have many questions about sports nutrition manufacturers who act uncoordinated and describe their products the way they like, attributing to them magical properties that do not have scientific confirmation. This action by sellers raises doubts about the usefulness of L-glutamine in sports.