In the process of physical culture and sports activities. Physical culture and sports organizations: classification, factors of development and activity. Feedback and memory

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Modern types of physical education and sports activities


1 Classification of modern physical culture and sports activities

1.1 Martial arts

1.2 Athletic gymnastics

2. Reasons for the formation of modern sports

4. Professional qualities of a coach-teacher in modern sports




Physical Culture part of universal human culture

Physical culture is an organic part of universal human culture, its special independent area. At the same time, this is a specific process and result of human activity, a means and method of physical improvement of the individual. Physical culture influences the vital aspects of an individual, received in the form of inclinations that are transmitted genetically and develop during life under the influence of upbringing, activity and the environment. Physical culture satisfies social needs in communication, play, entertainment, and in some forms of personal self-expression through socially active useful activities.

Sport - a phenomenon of cultural life

Sport is part of physical culture. In it, a person strives to expand the boundaries of his capabilities, this is a huge world of emotions generated by successes and failures, the most popular spectacle, an effective means of educating and self-education of a person, it contains the most complex process of interhuman relations. Sport is actually a competitive activity and special preparation for it. He lives by certain rules and norms of behavior. It clearly manifests the desire to win, to achieve high results, requiring the mobilization of a person’s physical, mental and moral qualities. Therefore, they often talk about the athletic character of people who successfully demonstrate themselves in competitions. Satisfying many human needs, sports become a physical and spiritual necessity.

By mastering and actively using a variety of physical exercises, a person improves his physical condition and preparedness, and improves physically. Physical perfection reflects such a degree of physical possibility of a gay person, her plastic freedom, which allows her to most fully realize her essential strengths, successfully take part in the types of social and labor activities necessary for society and desirable for her, strengthen her adaptive capabilities and growth on this basis of social recoil. The degree of physical perfection is determined by how solid a basis it represents for further development, to what extent it is “open” to new qualitative changes and creates conditions for transferring the personality to a different, more perfect quality.

Physical improvement can rightfully be considered as a dynamic state that characterizes the individual’s desire for holistic development through a chosen sport or physical education and sports activity. This ensures a choice of means that most fully corresponds to her multifunctional and socio-psychological characteristics, the disclosure and development of her individuality. That is why physical perfection is not just a desirable quality of a future specialist, but a necessary element of his personal structure.

Physical education and sports activities, in which students are involved, are one of the effective mechanisms for merging public and personal interests, forming socially necessary individual needs. Its specific core is relationships that develop the physical and spiritual spheres of the individual, enriching it with norms, ideals, and value orientations. In this case, social experience is transformed into personality properties and its essential forces are transformed into an external result. The holistic nature of such activity makes it a powerful means of increasing the social activity of an individual.

1 Classification of modern physical culture and sports activities

The development of the field of physical culture and sports is associated with a constant increase in its species diversity, the emergence of new types of physical education and sports activities, the increasing popularity of traditional sports, and the updating of the list of sports and disciplines. physical improvement personality sport

Study of the process of formation of modern sports

Brief description of new, modern sports

One of the trends characterizing the modern domestic physical culture and sports movement is the emergence of new modern sports. A special factor in this regard is the inclusion of a number of them (curling, baseball, beach volleyball and other sports) in the program of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.

The development of modern sports involves the development of special knowledge necessary for use in personal and professional development, self-improvement, and organization of a healthy lifestyle. During the classes, sports and professionally applied physical training is used to gain individual experience in physical education and sports activities, to increase the level of functional and motor abilities.

Modern sports include:

Eastern martial arts;

Athletic gymnastics;




Cycling BMX - cross-country cycling;

Cynological sport;


Beach volleyball;


Rollersport and skateboarding;


Dance sport;





These are just some of the modern sports. Let's briefly analyze each.

1.1 Martial arts

Martial arts- the oldest direction in non-traditional sports, which has several styles, ranging from a complex of health-improving gymnastics to martial arts. Some styles of martial arts are included in the education system in schools and some universities in China and Japan. Eastern martial arts combines various types of exercises that can be performed with or without weapons, with or without a partner. In all martial arts there are solid and powerful movements, speed of reaction, flexibility, and reactive movements. The list of sports currently included in the Russian state physical education programs includes the following types of martial arts: aikido; judo; different versions of karate.

1.2 Athletic gymnastics

Athletic gymnastics- a brilliant invention of mankind, like building the human body through physical exercise with weights. A new round of popularity for this sport came in the 20th century.

Hydroaerobics- performing physical exercises in water is an effective means of increasing the level of physical fitness for people with different physical development and almost any age. “The structure of classes, dosages of physical activity, and musical accompaniment can be the same as during rhythmic gymnastics classes. However, water resistance complicates movements, and overcoming it leads to faster development of strength and various muscle groups than on land.” Systematic exercise in water normalizes the activity of the nervous system, relieves excessive excitability, and improves sleep.

Yoga- the word "yoga" translated from the ancient Indian language means "union, union, connection, unity, harmony." "Materialist philosophers interpret this term as unity, harmony of the physical and psychological state of a person, as the harmony of complete physical health and spiritual beauty of a person. Exercises based on an understanding of not only physical, but also spiritual, moral rules for improving the individual - this is the system "Yoga. There are a great variety of its varieties, sections, exercises. The most important for understanding at the initial stage of mastering yoga are the basic breathing exercises and the philosophical basis of yoga." Yoga is not just taking various intricate poses and relaxing, but a truly complex technique of controlling the body and focusing attention on it.

Stretching- stretching, includes a set of poses that help increase the elasticity of various muscle groups. To perform stretching exercises correctly, you should adhere to the following requirements: before performing the exercise, you need to know what specific muscle group it helps to stretch; all movements must be within certain limits of the individual range of joint mobility; first, “light stretching” should be used; when the joint is in the extreme extended, bent, abducted or adducted position, it is not indicated, stretch the ligaments and muscles only due to static pressure, while being stationary; while performing the exercises, breathe calmly and rhythmically; if acute pain occurs, stop performing the exercise." This type of gymnastics is widely used as an aid in various sports.

Shaping- an effective means for promoting health and improving the physique of people of all ages. It combines aerobics and athletic gymnastics exercises. When doing shaping, the intensity of physical activity is dosed strictly individually. Shaping is characterized by strict medical control over the state of physical development and functional readiness using modern electronic equipment. It is becoming widespread among the population.

Cycling BMX- cross-country cycling is a type of cyclo-cross performed on special class bicycles (BMX cross-country bicycles). It is carried out at specialized sports facilities - indoor and outdoor BMX velodromes. The BMX cycling track with a combination of obstacles and turns has a length of 270 to 400 m. For international competitions, the length of the track is 300-400 m."

Canine sport- types of sports united by the Russian League of Cynologists. They include complex and applied types of canine sports. Such as: a dog overcoming a course with obstacles for time and cleanliness; the dog overcoming barriers for time and purity; compulsory and voluntary exercise programs to music with service and decorative breeds of dogs; canine applied all-around; sledding sports (on skis, sleighs, backgammon, carts, carts), dog racing (towing). Canine sport competitions are held in both individual and team competitions. Facilities for canine sports include outdoor facilities (circular running tracks, sports and training grounds for canine sports) and indoor facilities (gyms) used in a comprehensive manner for various types and disciplines of canine sports.

Naturban- downhill sledding (single-seater for women and men, double-seater for men) along a natural slope with a frozen ice track. The length of the route, slopes, and the number of turns are determined by location.

Beach volleyball- a sports game similar to volleyball, played on an open sandy court. A specific requirement for the structure is the presence of a layer of sand at least 30 cm thick.

Paintball- an applied sport, a team game, with shooting from special pneumatic markers that shoot gelatin balls with mineral dye. Teams of players starting from their bases strive to capture the enemy flag and hit as many players of the opposing team as possible. The location of the game is an open area with a system of installed artificial shelters. With simplified rules, the game is carried out in the same way as a physical education and recreational activity.

Rollersport and skateboarding- roller skating and roller boarding. Rollersport includes both mass physical education and health activities and sports disciplines: roller skating hockey; freestyle on roller skates and roller boards; figure skating; speed running on roller skates. For freestyle, special devices are used: ramps, springboards, roller coasters, etc. Complexes of structures for roller skating and skateboarding include mainly two types of structures: roller skating rinks, currently under construction in Moscow, and skateparks, which have become widespread abroad. Skatepark is a complex with a developed set of sports facilities for roller skating and skateboarding, including both indoor and outdoor facilities: various types of playgrounds, paths, straight inclined tracks, inclined curved tracks. The composition of the structures of various skateparks, their dimensions are determined by location and vary over a wide range.

Snowboard- sliding along a natural snowy slope on a special board (winter Olympic sport). Snowboard trails are equipped on natural and artificial slopes. The parameters of the tracks are determined based on the requirements of the competition rules, taking into account local conditions.

Dance sport- a sport based on the performance of certain European and Latin American dances. Mastery of the school of choreography is assessed when dance pairs perform figures, a list of which is determined for each dance and class of athletes. Competitions of various levels are held between sports dance pairs of various classes according to the European, Latin American dance programs or the 10 dance program. Training and competitions take place in the dance hall. Competitions at the highest levels are held in a showroom with stationary spectator seats.

Floorball- a sports game similar to hockey, where a special ball is used instead of a puck. The main venue is the gym. A team consists of 5 field players and a goalkeeper. The recommended size of the playing field is 40x20 m. Playing in smaller halls with a reduced number of field players is allowed. It is possible to play the game on open flat structures.

Powerlifting- a strength sport, the essence of which is to overcome the weight of the heaviest weight possible. This sport is also called powerlifting. This is due to the fact that it includes three exercises as competitive disciplines: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a barbell press lying on a horizontal bench, and a barbell row - which together determine the qualifications of the athlete. In powerlifting, unlike bodybuilding, strength indicators are important, not body beauty.

Streetball- street basketball. Appeared in the 50s. XX century in poor neighborhoods of the USA. Two teams of three play on a court the size of half a basketball court, shooting the ball into the same hoop. There are 4 players in the team (3 main and 1 reserve).

Bowling- a sports game of bowls, which originated from the game of skittles. The goal of the game is to knock down the pins placed in a special way at the end of the flat track using as few balls as possible. There are many types of bowling in the world: 5-pin bowling differs from 10-pin bowling not only in the number of pins, but also, for example, in the number of throws in each frame, as well as the different playing value of the pins, candlepin bowling differs primarily in the shape of the pins, which resemble candles. The most common variant in the world is 10-pin bowling, in which the pins are set in a triangle.

Parkour- the art of moving and overcoming obstacles. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures (used during various events and competitions). Many people who practice it perceive it as a lifestyle. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed by many associations and individuals in many countries.

There are well-known traditional, emerging sports included in the recommended general nomenclature of new, modern and emerging sports:

- billiards- a collective name for several board games with different rules, as well as a special table on which the game takes place. A characteristic feature of all billiard games is the movement of balls using a cue;

- water polo is a team ball sport in which two teams try to score a goal against the opponent. The game takes place in a pool of water;

- golf- a sports game in which individual participants or teams compete by driving a small ball into special holes using sticks, trying to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of hits.

2. Reasons for the formation of modern sports

In the study of the process of formation of new sports, in our opinion, it is advisable to highlight two aspects:

1. Identification of factors influencing the process of formation of a modern sport.

2. Definition and characteristics of the stages of development of a new sport.

The conducted research suggests that the effectiveness of the process of establishing a new (modern) sport is determined by a complex of the following interrelated factors:

1. State support.

2. Olympic perspective.

3. Public administration.

4. Natural accessibility.

5. Social accessibility.

6. Public opinion.

7. Sponsorship attractiveness.

8. Competition.

9. Methodological and personnel support.

10. International cooperation.

11. Human factor.

The significance of the factor of state support for the development of new sports is largely decisive, since it determines many aspects of the financial, legal, regulatory and personnel support of this process. There is no doubt that state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, the content of which is currently being widely discussed, should provide the opportunity to meet the needs of the population in various types of physical culture and sports activities.

The social significance of any new sport is largely determined by the presence of its “Olympic prospect”, which is realized in two aspects:

Inclusion (or prospect of inclusion) of a sport in the program of the Olympic Games;

The prospect of winning prizes at official international competitions, and above all at the Olympiads.

An important component of the process of formation of a modern sport seems to be the formation of the structure and mechanisms of public management, i.e. systems for the functioning of public organizations that manage the development of the sport both centrally (national federation) and locally (regional branches and federations).

There is no doubt that the success of the development of a number of sports is due to the factor of natural accessibility, that is, the presence of natural and climatic conditions. The existing base of sports facilities can also be attributed to this factor.

It seems that “this factor is of the greatest importance for ensuring mass participation in the sport.” At the same time, winning high awards in the international arena in a certain period of time can be ensured by targeted training of a rather limited contingent of highly qualified athletes.

The public opinion factor largely determines the influence of factors of social accessibility, competition and sponsorship attractiveness. This factor is ensured by the activities of the media in two aspects:

Formation of the image of the sport;

Revealing the essence of competitive wrestling.

The emergence of a new sport is largely determined by the influence of the factor of sponsorship attractiveness, which can be understood as the degree of interest of potential sponsors and investors in investing in its development.

The competition factor assumes an indirect impact of traditionally popular sports on the process of formation of non-traditional ones.

The emergence and development of a new sport, as a rule, is closely related to international sports cooperation. In this regard, the manifestation of the factor of international cooperation is largely determined by the presence of constructive support from international sports federations, as well as foreign sports associations, clubs and other organizations.

The human factor in modern management theory is considered as one of the important factors for the effective functioning of any system. There is no doubt that the success of the process of establishing a new sport is largely determined by the professional knowledge and skills of the people involved in it, as well as their personal qualities.

The problem of determining the stages of formation of new modern sports undoubtedly requires a comprehensive socio-economic study. An important component of the latter, apparently, is a generalization of practical experience in this area.

Effective methodological and personnel support for practicing a new sport, on the one hand, satisfies the requirement of preserving the health of those involved, on the other hand, it is the basis for the training of highly qualified athletes.

The formation of a new sport is a multidimensional process of interconnected activities of state and public bodies governing physical culture and sports. At the same time, the national federation should play a leading role in determining the strategy of the sport.

In different sports, the process of their formation has undoubted specificity. At the same time, identifying the general patterns of this process will make it possible to mutually enrich the strategies for the development of new modern sports.

3. The orientation of modern types of physical education and sports activities

Every person who cares about their physical and spiritual condition, and especially a future specialist in the field of physical education, should know the whole variety of physical exercise systems for developing a culture of movement and body correction, be able to navigate when choosing a certain type of gymnastics or strength sport, taking into account individual characteristics, age, gender, physical fitness and functional state of the body of schoolchildren, be able to properly organize and conduct such classes in a secondary school or children's holiday camps.

In order to correctly compose a gymnastics complex, determine the magnitude of the load and impact on the children’s body, knowledge of such subjects as: anatomy, physiology, hygiene of physical education, theories and methods of physical education and sports, as well as theoretical knowledge and technical skills of special disciplines is required (sports and outdoor games, gymnastics, athletics).

In the process of organizing and conducting practical classes, such traditional teaching methods are used as: flow-based, serial-flow, interval and "circular" training methods. The use of these methods makes it possible to provide a complex effect on the body of those involved. To maintain interest in classes, the teacher must follow a certain strategy for teaching and mastering dance and complex programs in accordance with the motor experience, preparedness and age of the students. For this purpose, specific methods are used: the complication method, the musical interpretation method, the similarity method, the block method and others.

In order to control the quality of exercises performed by those involved, various methods are used to obtain information about the results of the actions performed. This is corrective information about the biomechanical characteristics of movement and evaluative information, which always has a positive connotation, activating students.

General and individual comments should be given in a friendly manner.

The focus of modern types of physical culture is the basis that unites all its other components.

The criteria by which one can judge the formation of a person’s physical culture are objective and subjective indicators. Based on them, it is possible to identify the essential properties and extent of manifestation of physical culture in activity. These include:

The degree of formation of the need for physical culture and ways to satisfy it;

Intensity of participation in physical culture and sports activities (time spent, regularity);

The nature of the complexity and creative level of this activity;

Expressiveness of emotional-volitional and moral manifestations of personality in physical culture and sports activities (independence, perseverance, determination, self-control, collectivism, patriotism, hard work, responsibility, discipline);

Degree of satisfaction and attitude towards the activities performed;

Manifestation of initiative, self-organization, self-education, self-education and self-improvement in physical culture;

Level of physical perfection and attitude towards it;

Possession of the means, methods, abilities and skills necessary for physical improvement;

Systematicity, depth and flexibility of mastering scientific and practical knowledge in physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activities;

The breadth of the range and regularity of the use of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience in physical culture and sports activities in organizing a healthy lifestyle, in educational and professional activities.

Thus, the formation of a person’s physical culture can be judged by how and in what specific form personal attitudes towards physical culture and its values ​​are manifested. The complex system of an individual’s needs and abilities appears here as a measure of mastering the physical culture of society and a measure of creative self-expression in it.

In accordance with the criteria, a number of levels of manifestation of a person’s physical culture can be distinguished .

The pre-nominal level develops spontaneously. The reasons for it lie in the sphere of consciousness in relation to students and are associated with dissatisfaction with the program offered by teachers, the content of classes and extracurricular activities, its semantic and general cultural potential; complicated interpersonal relationships with the teacher. Students have no need for cognitive activity, and knowledge is manifested at the level of familiarity with the educational material. The connection between physical culture and the formation of the future specialist’s personality and the process of his professional training is denied. A negative or indifferent attitude dominates in the motivational sphere. During classes, such students are passive and reject extracurricular activities. Their level of physical ability may vary.

The nominal level is characterized by an indifferent attitude of students to physical culture and the spontaneous use of its individual means and methods under the influence of classmates, leisure time, emotional impressions of a sports spectacle, television or film information. Knowledge is limited, unsystematic; The meaning of classes is seen only in strengthening health, partly in physical development. Practical skills are limited to the simplest elements - morning exercises (occasionally), certain types of hardening, active rest; the focus is personal. Sometimes students at this level can take part in some types of physical education and sports activities of a reproductive nature at the request of the teacher. The level of health and physical fitness of such students varies widely. In the post-graduate period, they do not show initiative in taking care of their health and physical condition.

The basis of the potential level is a positively conscious attitude of students towards physical education for the purpose of self-improvement and professional activity. They have the necessary knowledge, beliefs, practical skills and abilities that allow them to competently perform a variety of physical education and sports activities under the supervision and with the advisory assistance of teachers and experienced comrades. Cognitive activity is manifested both in the field of sports entertainment and in the development of popular science literature.

Self-direction. Great importance is attached to emotional communication and self-expression during classes. They use partial physical self-education, guided by personal motives. They are active in public physical education activities only when prompted from outside (teachers, the public, the dean’s office). After graduating from university, they show physical education and sports activity only when they find themselves in a favorable environment.

The creative level is typical for students who are convinced of the value and necessity of using physical education for the development and realization of individual capabilities. These students have a thorough knowledge of physical education, they possess the skills and abilities of physical self-improvement, organizing a healthy lifestyle, using physical education means for rehabilitation under high neuro-emotional stress and after illnesses; They creatively introduce physical education into professional activities and family life. After graduating from university, they show initiative in many areas of life.

The boundaries of the selected levels are movable. They indicate the presence of contradictions, the main one of which is the discrepancy between modern requirements for the professional and personal development of a future specialist and his real level. And this is the driving force behind the development of his physical culture.

4. Professional qualities of a coach-teacher in modern sports

To effectively organize the educational and training process, it is necessary to have practical experience :

Analysis of plans and the process of conducting physical education, health and mass sports activities with various age groups, development of proposals for their improvement;

Defining the goals and objectives, planning, conducting, analyzing and evaluating physical education and sports activities with different age groups of the population; - observation, analysis and self-analysis of physical culture and sports events and classes with different age groups of the population, discussion of individual classes in dialogue with fellow students, the head of teaching practice, teachers, coaches, development of proposals for their improvement and correction;

Maintaining documentation that ensures the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events and classes and the effective operation of training places and sports facilities;

Depending on the age, gender, and preparedness of those involved, formulate the goals and objectives of physical education and sports activities;

Plan lessons, educational and training sessions, and other forms of classes, taking into account the medical-biological, sanitary-hygienic, psychological-pedagogical foundations of physical education, sports, health, recreational activities, as well as the age, gender and other characteristics of those involved;

Organize and conduct physical education and sports classes with various contingents of students, use a variety of forms of classes, taking into account the age, morpho-functional and individual mental characteristics of those involved, the level of their physical and sports readiness, and health status;

Use tools and methods in classes that are adequate to the assigned tasks, evaluate the effectiveness of the tools and training methods used;

Using a set of tests, assess the level of general and special performance of students and, based on this, make adjustments to the training process;

Use technical means and equipment to increase the effectiveness of physical education and sports activities;

Determine the causes of typical mistakes in people involved in physical culture and sports activities, determine methods and means to eliminate them, create conditions for self-analysis and self-improvement;

Be able to use a set of methods and means to develop students’ ideas and needs for a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene skills, prevention and control of the condition of their body;

The material of the discipline is based on the knowledge previously acquired by students in such training courses as “Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports Training”, “Anatomy”, “Physiology”, “Psychology”, “Hygiene”, “Sports Medicine”, etc.

Fundamentals of theory and methods of teaching classes;

History of origin and development;

Operating principles and design of basic equipment for classes and operating rules;

Safety precautions during classes; - medical, biological and mental factors that determine the level of skill;


Today, many qualitative changes are taking place in the sports and fitness industry, which can undoubtedly affect the future development of this area. These changes, in our opinion, include the following:

A healthy lifestyle is becoming an integral feature for many;

Managers and specialists in the sports and recreation sector believe that the key factor for success in their activities is the quality of the services provided;

The technological revolution and scientific and technical information lead to changes in the sport itself, in the training of athletes and in the conduct of physical training classes. These include computers, the latest simulators, even a robot partner in certain sports;

Group classes are increasingly being replaced by individual programs.

Undoubtedly, the trends that appeared in sports in the 80s and 90s will continue to appear in subsequent years, especially in the first years of the 21st century. The aging or growth of the elderly population in most countries, including Russia, will seriously affect the popularity of sports, the attendance of sports competitions and their perception by television viewers at the beginning of the new era. Most likely, people will be more drawn to recreational sports and outdoor games. The emergence of beach volleyball and the stunning growth of its popularity is a clear confirmation of this. And if for the 90s of the XX century. characteristic is the desire to go to one’s own home, this will inevitably have an effect at the beginning of the 21st century. on the organizational structure of sports and health clubs: from large and complex - to small, specialized clubs, with high technological equipment and high quality of services provided.

Almost 10 years ago, our famous philosopher N.N. The visitor asked the question: is the actual level of understanding of sports high in our society today? Answering this question, he emphasized that “if we evaluate the level of understanding of sport as a social phenomenon achieved to date in the field of philosophical and sociological research, then it is no longer possible to express satisfaction.”

In our opinion, in the near future we should focus our attention on an objective understanding by the population, government and political parties of the role of sports in our society and its legal consolidation in the relevant legislative acts.


1. Bryankin S.V. Structure and functions of modern sport. 1982. - 71 p.

2. Volkov N.I. Endurance records: past, present, future // Theor. and practical physical cult. 1994, no. 10.

3. Isaev A.A. Olympic pedagogy: experience in modeling psychological and pedagogical technologies of children's and youth sports. - M.: FiS, 1998. - 240 p.

4. Kuzin V.V. Current state and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in Russia // Theor. and practical physical cult. 1996, no. 9, p. 55-57.

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Health is the greatest value. Every person wants to be healthy and strong. Children's health is especially relevant nowadays. Sports extracurricular activities allow teachers to fulfill state orders.

Scientists have found that 20% of a baby’s physical condition is determined by hereditary factors, as well as environmental influences. About 10% is the result of the functioning of the healthcare system, and the remaining half depends on the person - on his lifestyle.

Children spend most of their time at school, so strengthening their mental and physical health is not only the task of parents, but also the task of teachers.

The activities of the sports organization are aimed at developing in the younger generation the correct idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, as well as carrying out activities aimed at preventing colds.

Purpose of activity

The sports direction of extracurricular activities is a type of work of the class teacher. The health of a nation is a measure of the quality of life of any country. The cultural, intellectual, economic, and national security of the country is characterized by the health of children. School is a social environment in which a child will have to deal with various psychological difficulties.

Various types of sports activities have a beneficial effect on the physical condition of children and their emotional state. Particularly relevant is the issue related to the hardening and improvement of children in small schools.

Sports activity is an opportunity to cope with the following problems:

  • conduct a systematic analysis of pedagogical work aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the psychological and physical condition of children;
  • create a comfortable developmental environment based on an individually differentiated approach to different categories of schoolchildren with mandatory consideration of moral and mental health and individual characteristics.

Objectives of the activity

Currently, the main task of teachers is to develop a system of activities aimed at developing in children a positive attitude towards their health.

Sports activity is an opportunity to solve the following problems:

The importance of extracurricular activities

Currently, sports activity is a way to improve the legal and regulatory conditions for creating and maintaining the health of schoolchildren. It helps to popularize tourism, sports,

The success of sports events offered to children outside of school hours depends on the interest of teachers.

How should such an activity be designed? The sports direction allows for the comprehensive development of schoolchildren and the use of mass forms for organizing their free time.

Features of schoolchildren's health

Sports activity is an important area in the work of any educational organization. In the modern interpretation, the health of schoolchildren implies a system of signs:

  • compliance of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, musculoskeletal systems;
  • adaptation of the body to new conditions;
  • high physical and mental performance

Annual medical examinations conducted within the educational institution reveal the main abnormalities in children:

  • visual impairment;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • vascular diseases;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

The main reason for the decline in health is a drop in living standards, constant stress, poor environmental conditions in the country, minimal physical activity, insufficient qualifications of teachers in health issues, and poor nutrition.

Contents of physical education and sports work

Nowadays there are significant changes in values ​​in the educational process. In addition to improving the quality of education, the issue of adapting and preserving the health of schoolchildren comes to the fore, as this is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO.

With the joint efforts of teachers, parents, and specialists who have theoretical knowledge of valeology, it is possible to instill in children the correct habits and skills and stimulate their physical activity.

When thinking through the forms of extracurricular activities, teachers ensure continuity between the educational and educational processes, which helps preserve health. The system of events can include:

Health program

Many educational institutions operate such a program, which consists of several sections:

  • increasing medical knowledge of teachers;
  • teaching children the rules of maintaining health during school and extracurricular hours;
  • working with parents;
  • celebrations

To achieve the intended goals, different forms of work are used by students, teaching staff, and the administration of the educational institution. Emotional play activities help to increase children's knowledge about ways to maintain health and proper nutrition.

Principles for the formation of extracurricular activities:

  • taking into account age characteristics;
  • based on the values ​​of the educational system of the educational institution;
  • a combination of collective and individual forms;
  • taking into account the inclinations and interests of schoolchildren.

When organizing extracurricular sports activities, teachers take into account the requests of parents, as well as legal representatives of schoolchildren, and the advice of a child psychologist.

When implementing the “Health” program, a health-saving educational atmosphere is created at school, which contributes not only to the preservation of health, but also to the growth of the creative potential of schoolchildren. The program was created with the goal of rational use of health-saving technologies in the education of children. It is focused on protecting and promoting health through various forms of extracurricular activities.

A promising area of ​​sports work is the organization of a school tourism society. In addition to getting to know the historical heritage of the region and country, children visiting the travel club will be able to form the right ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Federations, sports associations, professional leagues, youth sports schools, sports clubs, voluntary sports societies and fitness clubs are all organizations working in the field of physical education and sports. There are many such organizations in Russia that pursue specific goals, be it educational and training activities, physical education and health work with the population, or the organization of physical education and sports work to educate professional athletes. Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, introduction of the idea of ​​the importance of physical development into the mass consciousness, and education of a sports culture are becoming increasingly relevant in modern society. This is due to the fact that the life expectancy and quality of life of the population directly depend on the physical education and sports policy pursued in the country.

Legal aspect

In Russia, the activities of physical culture and sports organizations are regulated by Federal Law No. 329-FZ.

The focus and specialization of such entities are different, but they all have a legal nature. According to Article 10, the organizational and legal form of physical culture and sports organizations and their functioning are identical to the norms provided for commercial and non-profit organizations. Commercial companies operate for profit (for example, fitness clubs). Non-profit associations pursue other goals: introducing the population to a healthy lifestyle, popularizing certain sports areas, and the like. Membership of physical culture and sports organizations in sports associations of international level gives them rights and obligations corresponding to their status, but only if the latter do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. The effective work of such associations contributes to the rise of amateur and professional sports.


  • dissemination of physical education and sports among the population;
  • protection and promotion of the health of athletes and all persons involved in sports and training events;
  • providing the necessary conditions for the training process;
  • assistance to athletes and coaches in achieving high results in sports activities.

State physical education and sports organizations

To ensure educational and training processes, create a sports reserve and train professional athletes, special institutions are being created in the country. These include physical education and sports organizations and educational institutions. The educational and training process involves the preparation and conduct of events, including material support for participants during the competition (food, equipment, medical care). Training is carried out on the basis of standard educational and training programs developed based on the results of scientific and applied research in the field of physical education and sports. Also, government organizations carry out most management functions. The types of state FSO are listed below.

State FSO Government agencies

Federal governing bodies of physical education and sports

Ministry of Sports


Governing bodies of physical education and sports of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Sports committees (territorial, regional, republican), various ministries, departments, administrations.
Municipal governing bodies of physical education and sports Sports committees (city, rural), administration departments
Educational and scientific institutions in the field of physical education and sports Universities, institutes
Physical education and sports institutions that carry out additional educational and preparatory activities in the field of physical education and sports, as well as sports training centers. Children's sports schools, children's and youth sports schools of the Olympic reserve, UOR, etc.


Departmental, public and private organizations working in the field of physical education and sports are created with the aim of introducing the general population to a healthy lifestyle, as well as to create a reserve in sports and train professional athletes. Such organizations include federations, associations, sports clubs, fitness clubs and the like. The most important public physical culture and sports organization in Russia is the ROC.

The all-Russian public association ROC promotes the development of professional and mass sports, introduces and supports the principles of the Olympic movement in the country, represents Russia at international events held under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, approves the composition of participants from Russia and ensures the livelihoods of members of the delegation during the trip. The ROC is financed from its own sources, voluntary donations and funds from the federal budget. There are also organizations in the country responsible for the preparation and representation of the Paralympic and Deaflympic movements of Russia and the Special Olympics. These are the Russian Paralympic Committee (sports for people with disabilities), the Russian Deaflympic Committee (sports for people with hearing impairments) and the Special Olympics of Russia (sports for people with intellectual disabilities).

All-Russian, regional and local federations

In order to promote and develop a certain type(s) of sport, conduct sporting events and train athletes, federations at the all-Russian level are created. Organizations formed on the territory of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are considered regional physical culture and sports public organizations, and federations created on the territories of a city district, municipalities or intra-city municipality of Moscow and St. Petersburg are local sports federations. The responsibilities of all-Russian, local and regional sports federations are quite extensive. They involve active activities in organizing, conducting, monitoring, and improving sports areas for which a particular organization is responsible.

Sports federations of the all-Russian level have the right to hold championships, championships and cups of Russia, develop competition regulations, use the symbols of national teams, exercise control over the activities of judges and coaches, conduct their certification, form national teams of the Russian Federation, organize and conduct sports events of interregional, all-Russian and international level. The responsibilities of all-Russian sports federations include the development of one or another sports direction in the country, the formation of Russian national teams to participate in international competitions, making proposals for holding physical education and sports events, developing programs for the development of a certain sports discipline, conducting information work, organizing children's and youth competitions , anti-doping and anti-discrimination. Sports federations at the regional level have similar rights and responsibilities only at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Sports clubs

Legal entities and individuals have the right, at their place of residence or work, as well as on the basis of various sports associations (school, student, etc.), to create physical education and sports clubs that carry out physical education, training, competitive and educational activities. Their financing is carried out from their own funds and other sources not prohibited by law. The main activity of sports clubs is the organization of physical education, health and sports work with various groups of citizens.

There are different types of sports clubs:

  • at general educational organizations;
  • at educational organizations of professional and higher education;
  • at enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • fitness clubs;
  • clubs at institutions and organizations at the place of residence;
  • children's and teenagers' clubs;
  • clubs at institutions and organizations of adaptive physical education and sports.

Most of the population today works out in fitness clubs, which are found in many localities. These establishments began to open in Russia after perestroika. Nowadays this is a popular type of paid sports and recreational services, which allows not only to correct the figure, but also to achieve significant results in improving health and maintaining good health. The fitness industry offers a wide range of services to different groups of people. Experts note that the pace of development of such services in the world is second only to high technology. The key features of fitness are constant technical improvement, updating of training programs and the possibility of an individual approach to clients. If we compare Russia with other countries, the level of sports activity here is still low. In Russia, the fitness industry initially worked for the premium class, and only since 2005 did middle-class clubs appear, which, of course, increased the number of sports fans.

Physical education and health work

Developed countries have long established the dependence of the life expectancy of the population on state policy in the field of physical education and health work with citizens. Research shows that physical education and sports increase the body's resistance to various diseases and improve a person's general condition. Health-improving physical culture and sports organizations are designed to satisfy the population’s need for strengthening and maintaining health, rehabilitation and sports leisure activities. Similar services include:

  • educational and training process;
  • conducting physical education and sports classes;
  • organization of entertainment events in the field of sports;
  • providing the population with facilities that meet all requirements for sports;
  • provision of educational, information and advisory services, etc.

Physical education and sports classes include work in groups on general physical training and individual programs, organization of competitions and various types of leisure activities.

Organization and holding of physical education and sports events, as well as sports and entertainment events, involves holding various public holidays, evenings, concerts, meetings, and demonstration performances. The educational and training process is aimed at providing quality services to develop knowledge, skills and motor skills in a specific sports discipline. Information, consulting and educational services include the provision of general and detailed information about the services provided, testing, consultation with specialists, drawing up recommendations, as well as retraining and improving qualifications in the field of physical education and sports.

Health-improving physical culture and sports organizations differ in forms of ownership, activities, and composition of services. They are united by following consumer preferences and requirements for the quality of services provided.

Requirements for health services

Sports services should shape the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle among citizens, be environmentally friendly and safe. Comfort, aesthetics, timeliness, entertainment, awareness, social targeting of the services provided, as well as ethical staff must be ensured. The formation of a healthy lifestyle involves disseminating knowledge about the importance of exercise, the availability of sports services for the population, the use of various methods and types of activities aimed at strengthening and healing the body, supporting the health of citizens, training and medical consultation.

Social targeting ensures that services meet the expectations, and most importantly, the capabilities of various groups. All sports services must meet safety requirements and not cause damage to the life, health and property of consumers. To do this, the requirements of fire safety, sanitary hygiene standards, medical care and injury prevention must be taken into account. Sports facilities must have the necessary microclimate indicators, and the permissible level of harmful substances and noise must not be exceeded. There are certain requirements for adjacent areas, for cleaning these areas and interior spaces. Service personnel must have the necessary sports and professional qualifications, ensure the safety of consumers, know the procedure for acting in emergency situations, and have teaching, organizational and methodological skills.

Organization of physical education and sports events

Such events can have different directions: educational and training, propaganda and competitive. The conditions for their holding are determined by the organizers, who have the right:

  • stop and terminate events;
  • adjust time;
  • approve the results;
  • help ensure public order at events;
  • determine compensation payments to volunteers, judges, supervisors, as well as standards for providing them with things and equipment, food standards and living conditions;
  • establish additional requirements for spectators;
  • use the names of the event and its symbols;
  • place advertisements at the event location;
  • select equipment and equipment manufacturers;
  • cover events;
  • determine the types, procedure for application, execution and termination of sports sanctions.

The procedure for holding official physical education and sports events in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as international sports events, has its own characteristics and is regulated by Article 20 of Federal Law No. 329-FZ.

The organization of physical education, recreation and sports events necessarily includes the development of regulations on competitions, approval of the organizing committee and the preparation plan for the event. The plan resolves all issues related to the event: location, opening and closing scenario, appointment of a panel of judges, accommodation and meals for participants, advertising issues, provision of medical care and many other organizational issues. The outcome of the event depends on the clarity, thoughtfulness and literacy of the preparatory part.

Sports to the masses

State policy for the development of mass physical education and sports is being implemented by all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The main goal is to attract the population to regular sports and physical education. The organization of physical education and sports work takes place in all areas and affects various groups of the population. Competitive practice, various competitions, educational and training camps, seminars, conferences, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and so on are used. The organization of mass physical culture and sports events in the regions contributes to an increase in adherents of a healthy lifestyle, especially among the younger generation.

The issue of organizational work with remote rural settlements, which do not even have children's sports schools, remains relevant. Properly conducted work with the population contributes to:

  • strengthening the body;
  • development of key motor qualities;
  • forming the habit of doing physical exercise and sports;
  • cultivating certain moral qualities that will be useful in everyday life.

Forms of work with the population are classes in clubs and sections, hiking trips, sports competitions, physical education and sports festivals, and the like. And the more such events are held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the higher the percentage of the population that joins physical education and healthy lifestyle ideas.

Sports and fitness services

Currently, there are a large number of health-improving physical education and sports organizations in Russia. Sports and health services are provided in health centers, gyms, centers, studios, clubs and similar enterprises. Successful activities and an impeccable reputation guarantee the organization a stable flow of clients. The focus of health training mainly comes down to general physical training in accordance with the age and physical characteristics of the students, as well as hardening, swimming, health running and walking. Such services are gaining popularity in fitness centers. In particular, the “healthy spine” course is being introduced in many fitness clubs, since it is back problems that worry every second citizen of Russia today.

Depending on the combination of exercises and their pace, fitness classes are of a sporting or recreational nature. In the case of recovery, moderate aerobic exercise is assumed and an emphasis on developing flexibility and muscle strength. Sports and recreational activities are also carried out at enterprises, institutions and organizations where clubs for sports interests, sections, health schools and the like are opened. Mass sports and recreational events include various competitions, holidays, festivals, and sports competitions. Their implementation includes the development of action plans, their provisions and other organizational aspects.


A physical education and sports organization is an organization that pursues the goal of carrying out mass physical education and health work and (or) developing high-achievement sports. The development of both professional and mass sports is now of great importance. In the Russian Federation at this stage there is a huge number of physical education and sports organizations, the activities of which meet a specific mission: sports schools, clubs, physical education and health centers, fitness clubs, state committees, federations, and so on. Improving the work of these organizations is of paramount importance to maintain the health of the population, to attract the younger generation to sports, so that they prefer a healthy lifestyle to alcohol, smoking and other harmful habits. In countries where increased attention is paid to sports policy, where all conditions are created to involve the population in physical education and sports, life expectancy increases, and pressing social problems (drug addiction, crime, etc.) are solved. Of course, the popularization of mass sports in the country is a long-term task in which all members of society should take part. Experts note the rise of the sports movement in Russia, the increase in the number of people involved in physical education and sports. The ideal indicator by 2020, according to the government of the Russian Federation, would be to involve half of the state's population in sports, including eighty percent of children.

The emergence of physical exercise is historically determined by man’s desire to satisfy the need for movement and, naturally, for the development of physical qualities.

Borrowing motor actions from the field of labor and military activity in the first stages of its development (running, wrestling, throwing, archery, horse riding, etc.), sports deprived these actions of their labor or military-applied significance. Having become sports, they began to be performed not to achieve any external goals (production of a certain product of labor, victory over an enemy, catching game on a hunt), but for the sake of the feeling of satisfaction that was experienced when performing them and was accompanied by an emotionally charged consciousness of the perfection of their implementation itself. to yourself.

The main types of sports activities are always associated with certain motor actions - physical exercises. Their distinctive feature is a special focus on solving the problems of physical education (development and improvement of human physical qualities). At the same time, physical exercises contribute to the improvement of the moral and volitional qualities of the individual. In this regard, physical exercises have become a special subject of psychological research and study: without an accurate analysis of the psychological foundations - physical exercises - it is impossible to develop rational methods of education and sports training.

Sports activities is always a special activity in a particular sport. The sports qualities that are developed in its process depend on the characteristics of the given sport. In the process of training, an athlete tries, first of all, to develop those qualities that are necessary for a given sport, and develops others only insofar as they are the basis for his successful work in his sport.

Thus, a certain sports activity leads, on the one hand, to the formation of specific qualities and personality structures, and on the other, to the achievement of high sports results in a given sport or sports discipline.

The competitive activity of athletes is the main object of research in sports psychology and the practical application of psychological recommendations. In order for an athlete to achieve high sports results, it is necessary to know the characteristics of a particular sport and sports role and, accordingly, the requirements that are imposed on the athlete’s personality, his mental qualities and the level of their perfection.

Different authors include different components in the personality structure. In sports psychology, character in all the diversity of its manifestations, temperament and abilities are most often distinguished, with the leading role of such a component as orientation.

The main preparatory and training activity of an athlete is carried out in the conditions of sports training. It is the main form of athlete training, which is a specialized pedagogical process built on a system of exercises and aimed at managing the sports improvement of the athlete, conditioning his readiness to achieve the highest results.

The most important component in the athlete’s training system is competitions, which serve as the goal, means and method of training the athlete. Competitions are defined as a special area in which an athlete’s activities are carried out, allowing him to objectively compare certain abilities and ensure their maximum manifestation.

In the practice of sports, the concepts of “sports activity” and “competitive activity” are widely used. They are often used as synonyms, but the content and semantic meaning of each of them differ significantly from each other. Sports activity is characteristic of sports as a multifaceted social phenomenon, since it affects various spheres of human activity. Achieving maximum results is impossible without involving a large number of people of various professions in the field of sports. Sociologists, doctors, teachers, physiologists, engineers, specialists from the administrative apparatus, the arts, logistics and many others ensure the functioning of sports in the country. Moreover, the activities of these people are determined by the social and economic conditions of society.

Sports activity is an orderly organization of activities to ensure maximum health and improvement of a person in the field of sports. Its basic principles and forms are determined by the social conditions of the functioning of sport in society.

Competitive activity in relation to official competitions appears in its absolute meaning as competitive activity itself. And in this regard, this is a specific motor activity of a person, carried out, as a rule, in the conditions of official competitions at the limit of a person’s mental and physical strength, the ultimate goal of which is to establish socially significant and personal results. The actual competitive activity of athletes is carried out in competitions. Competition is an important factor in the knowledge of human capabilities and the formation of ethical relationships, as well as a form of communication between people or groups of people. The end result of competitive activity is a sports achievement, which is characterized by a quantitative or qualitative level of indicators in sports.

Sportsachievement is an indicator of sportsmanship and abilities of an athlete, expressed in specific results.

Sports and competitive activities, organization and holding of various kinds of competitions organically flow into the sports movement, since in all areas of the latter (mass public sports and elite sports) they play a significant role. Hence, the sports movement is a social movement, sports practice in the field of mass sports and elite sports.

  • 2.9.4. Nervous and humoral regulation of body activity
  • 2.9.5. Reflex nature and reflex mechanisms of motor activity
  • 2.9.6. Motor Skill Education
  • 2.10. Summary
  • Chapter 3. Health and physical education healthy lifestyle of students
  • 3.1. Human health as a value
  • 3.2. The relationship between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle
  • 3.3. The structure of students’ life activities and its reflection in their lifestyle
  • 3.4. Healthy lifestyle and its components
  • 3.4.6. Hardening
  • 3.8. conclusions
  • Chapter 4. Basics of Sports Training
  • 4.1. Athlete preparation: sections of sports training
  • 4.2. Principles of Sports Training
  • 4.3. Basic means and methods of sports training
  • 4.4. Planning and construction of sports training
  • 4.5. Correspondence of the content of the stages of sports training to the mechanisms of personal self-realization
  • Self-awareness
  • Competitive
  • 4.6. Forms of organizing sports training
  • 4.6.1. Educational and training sessions (training lessons)
  • 4.7. Physical qualities and their education
  • 4.8. Sports competitions are the main component of sports training
  • 4.9. Competitions and their types
  • Chapter 5. Mass sports and elite sports
  • 5.1. Goals and objectives of mass sports
  • 5.2. High performance sport
  • 5.3. International sports movement
  • 5.4. History of the Olympic Movement
  • 5.4.1 Olympic Games of Ancient Greece
  • 5.4.2. Revival of the modern Olympic Games
  • 5.4.3. Pierre De Coubertin and his contribution to the modern Olympic movement.
  • Chapter 6. Independent exercise
  • 6.1. The relevance of independent physical exercise
  • 6.2. Features of goal setting for independent studies
  • 6.3. Forms and organization of independent studies
  • 6.4. Construction of an independent training session
  • 6.5. Selection of physical exercise systems and sports for independent training sessions
  • 6.6. Organization, content and methodology of independent studies
  • 6.6.1. Means and methods of practicing your chosen sport
  • 6.6.2. Physical exercise system
  • 6.6.3. Energy consumption during physical activity of varying intensity
  • 6.6.4. Planning self-study
  • 6.7. Managing the self-study process
  • 6.8. Contents of self-study
  • 6.9. conclusions
  • Chapter 7. Medical supervision and self-control of those involved in physical exercises and sports
  • 7.2.1. Medical examination of those involved
  • 7.2.2. Medical support for physical education of students
  • 7.2.3. Medical and pedagogical observations of students during classes
  • 7.2.4. Prevention of injuries, diseases and negative reactions of the body during physical exercise and sports
  • 7.3. Methods for determining and assessing the state of the functional systems of the body and the fitness of those involved
  • 7.3.1. The cardiovascular system. Physical performance
  • 7.3.2. Respiratory system
  • 7.3.3. Neuromuscular system
  • 7.3.4. Musculoskeletal system
  • 7.3.5. Analyzers
  • 7.4. Self-control during exercise and sports
  • 7.4.1. Subjective and objective indicators of self-control
  • 7.4.2. Self-monitoring of physical development
  • 7.4.3. Self-monitoring of functional state
  • 7.4.4. Self-monitoring of physical fitness
  • 7.4.5. Self-monitoring of training
  • 7.4.6. Keeping a self-control diary
  • 7.4.7. Dynamics of functional state during training
  • 7.5. conclusions
  • Chapter 8. Physical education as an academic subject. Students and physical education and sports activities at the university
  • Chapter 8. Physical education as an academic subject. Students and physical education and sports activities at the university

    Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students

    Physical culture as an academic subject has a complex structure; it has a positive effect on the physiological systems of the body of students, contributes to the improvement of physical and moral-volitional qualities and psychological stability, stimulates the development of the neuro-emotional and mental sphere of students. It is a process of planned, systematic influence on the student under the responsible supervision and guidance of teachers, who are designed to give future specialists knowledge and form in them a deep understanding of the social significance of physical culture and sports in the conditions of industrial activity and, on this basis, to form the physical culture of the individual.

    The great educational opportunities of physical education are not realized on their own if the teaching process is not organized accordingly. Mass surveys and questionnaire surveys of student youth indicate that along with students who are truly passionate and regularly involved in physical education and sports, there is also a significant portion of students who do not use these means in their daily life.

    Physical education as an academic discipline at a university differs significantly in content, organization and conduct of training sessions from physical education lessons in high school.

    Since the 1994-95 academic year, a new physical education curriculum was introduced in universities, the content of which reflected the main directions of the reform of higher education in Russia, affirming the principles of the humanistic nature of education and the priority of universal values ​​of human life and health. The law states: “An educational institution creates conditions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the health of students.” 2

    To implement this direction in all higher educational institutions, in all specialties, the educational and professional programs include a cycle of 10 educational humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the amount of 1082 hours (philosophy, history, foreign language, physical education, psychology, pedagogy and other).

    Based on the Law, by resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of August 10, 1993 N773, the State educational standard of higher professional education was approved.

    In the requirements of the State Standard for the level of preparedness of persons who have completed training in all specialties, the list of knowledge and skills in physical education states:

    Understand the role of physical education in human development and specialist training;

    Know the basics of physical education and a healthy lifestyle;

    Possess a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities, self-determination in physical culture;

    Gain experience in using physical education and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals." 3

    The new physical education curriculum also reflects the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports” (adopted by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation on April 27, 1999).

    Therefore, in the list of disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, the academic discipline “Physical Education” is given special attention; in the curriculum, the largest number of teaching hours is allocated to it (408 hours). In addition, additional hours are allocated for so-called elective courses for classes of students' choice in sports sections outside of school hours. In general, this makes it possible to conduct training sessions with students at least 2 times a week for 2 hours during 4 years of study.

    The purpose of physical education of students is the formation of physical culture of the individual. To achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks that meet the requirements of the State Standard.

    One of the important social functions of physical education in the process of teaching students is the function associated with ensuring their educational and work activity and high professional performance after graduation. This is precisely what the curriculum is aimed at, which was a progressive step in the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality of a university graduate with a high degree of readiness for social and professional activities. The result of training should be the creation of sustainable motivation and the need for a healthy and productive lifestyle, physical self-improvement, and achieving the maximum level of physical fitness. Distinctive features of the curriculum are its broad general educational focus, the presence of methodological and practical classes and final certification. The professional orientation of the educational process in physical culture is included in all sections of the program, performing a connecting, coordinating and activating function.

    The need for further development of physical culture and sports among students is determined by the needs and personal rights of young people, age and individual characteristics of their development, constantly changing living conditions, and the “social order” of society for the training of highly qualified specialists. This order presupposes that future specialists must have general and professional culture, physical and mental health, high performance, and the ability to master and enrich the cultural potential of society. Good psychophysical development of the individual increases the biological capabilities of life, allows one to successfully withstand deteriorating environmental conditions, endure high mental and physical stress, and function effectively in normal and extreme conditions.

    However, we must always remember that physical education in its arsenal contains sharp means, which, if used incorrectly, can cultivate negative spiritual (moral, volitional, mental) qualities in students, therefore every teacher carefully controls this process during training sessions.

    In addition to purely educational activities, one of the important factors in this direction is the creation of sustainable motivation among students to fulfill the requirements of the professional-applied physical training section. For this purpose, the working educational cycle of physical education departments should include a mandatory annual medical examination, which, as the material progresses, includes an in-depth functional examination of the psychomotor and characterological qualities of the individual. The survey results are compared with the developed psychophysical models of civil engineers of various specialties, and then appropriate recommendations are given to bring the level of “professional health”, physical and psychophysical characteristics of students to the level of the model.

    Preserving and strengthening the health of students during their studies at a university and preparing them for professional activities is an important basis for higher education and the creative longevity of future specialists.

    In the totality of social measures that ensure the protection of the health of students, a certain place belongs to physical culture, which ensures high educational and labor activity of students and their high performance after graduation.

    Therefore, physical education has found its significant reflection in the curriculum of each university and in the State Standard of Requirements for Higher School Graduates.

    Physical culture is the only academic discipline that teaches students to maintain and strengthen their health, increase physical fitness, develop and improve the psychophysical abilities necessary in future professional activities.

    Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students;

    Basics of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle;

    Health systems and sports (theory, methodology and practice);

    Professional applied physical training of students.

    The priority areas of the content of training sessions are:

    Strengthening the educational and methodological aspects of the educational process;

    Taking into account the specifics of the qualification characteristics of students’ future professional activities;

    Democratic choice by students of means and organizational and methodological forms of implementing the curriculum;

    Development of the principle of “feedback” between teacher and student.

    The educational material is taught to students in theoretical, methodological, practical and educational training sessions (for details, see Chapter 13).

    Theoretical training sessions provide for students to master the volume of scientific, practical and special knowledge necessary to understand the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the individual, the ability to adaptively, creatively use them for personal and professional development, organize a healthy lifestyle when performing educational, professional, social and cultural activities activities.

    In the future, theoretical information is detailed and reinforced in practical training sessions, which gives the student the opportunity to choose ways to implement his physical activity not only during his studies at the university, but also allows him to equip him with knowledge for the subsequent period of life.

    Methodological and practical classes provide for students to master and independently reproduce the main sections of the theoretical and methodological part of the curriculum in the subject “Physical Education”.

    On educational and training sessions systems of special physical exercises are used, as well as exercises from various sports, vocational training exercises, recreational exercises, exercises on simulators. Their focus is related to providing the necessary physical activity; achieving and maintaining an optimal level of physical and functional fitness during the student’s training period; acquiring experience in improving and correcting individual physical development of functional and motor capabilities; with the development of vital skills; the formation of a stable motivational and value-based attitude towards physical education and sports activities.

    Organization of educational work in physical culture

    To carry out academic work, students are assigned to educational departments: basic, special and sports. Allocation to educational departments is carried out at the beginning of the academic year, taking into account gender, health status (medical report), physical development, physical and sports readiness, and interests of students.

    IN basic The educational department enrolls students assigned to the main and preparatory medical groups.

    IN special The educational department enrolls students assigned according to a medical examination to a special medical group. Study groups are staffed by gender and taking into account the level of functional state of students. Students who are exempt from practical training for long periods of time due to health reasons are enrolled in a special educational department to master the sections of the curriculum available to them. (See table)




    group characteristics

    Acceptable physical


    Persons without deviations in health, as well as persons with minor deviations in health, with sufficient physical development and physical fitness.

    Classes according to the physical education curriculum in full; classes in one of the sports sections; participation in competitions.


    Persons without deviations in health, as well as persons with minor deviations in health, with insufficient physical development and insufficient physical fitness.

    Classes according to the physical education curriculum, subject to a more gradual development of a complex of motor skills and abilities, especially those associated with increased demands. Additional classes to increase the level of physical fitness and physical development.


    Persons with permanent or temporary health conditions requiring limited physical activity are allowed to perform educational and production work.

    Classes according to special training programs


    1. In some cases, with severe dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system (paralysis, paresis, etc.) and significant health problems that prevent group classes in a university setting, students are sent for physical therapy classes to medical institutions.

    2. Transfer from one medical group to another is carried out after an additional medical examination based on the doctor’s conclusion and the decision of the physical education teacher.

    IN sports educational department - study groups for sports (systems of physical exercises), students of the second and senior years of the main medical group are enrolled who have shown good general physical and sports preparation and a desire to engage in depth in one of the sports, classes for which are organized at the university. In some cases, first-year students who have sufficient athletic preparedness in their chosen sport may be allowed to take classes in the sports department.

    Students of the sports educational department fulfill the mandatory requirements and standards (tests) established for the main department within the same time frame. Individual students of the sports department who have high sports qualifications can be transferred to an individual schedule of training in their chosen sport with the completion of mandatory credit requirements and tests in a timely manner.

    The number and sports profile of educational groups is determined by the Department of Physical Education, taking into account material and staffing capabilities.

    Pedagogical control and assessment of student performance

    To monitor and control the dynamics and physical fitness of students, it is recommended to conduct express tests (speed running, jumping, strength exercises, etc.) in all courses of study at the beginning and end of the academic year, which allow effectively assessing the level of development of basic physical qualities .

    Assessment of academic performance in the subject “Physical Education” is derived from current records and special testing of knowledge, skills and abilities. When assigning a grade, the degree of mastery of theoretical knowledge and the results of completing control exercises and standards provided for by the program are taken into account.

    Students who regularly attend training sessions and have received the necessary physical training are allowed to perform control exercises and standards. Control exercises and standards are performed only in competition conditions.

    Students, if for objective reasons they fail to complete certain control exercises and standards within the established time limits, by decision of the physical education teacher and the doctor’s conclusion, a test may be given, provided they regularly attend training sessions.

    Physical education teachers, together with doctors, determine other optimal periods for these students and create conditions for them to prepare and fulfill all the standards and requirements established by the program. The final grade is entered into the student’s record book in the form of a “pass”, and in the exam in the form of a differentiated score.

    The assessment of the performance of students assigned to the preparatory medical group is determined on a general basis, with the exception of the fulfillment of those standards that are contraindicated for them.

    Students assigned to a special medical group fulfill control requirements developed in accordance with the program by the physical education teacher, approved at a department meeting, in agreement with the doctor, taking into account the indications, contraindications and functional capabilities of the students. For fulfilling these requirements, the student is given a “credit” in the grade book at the end of each semester.

    Academic and extracurricular forms of physical education for students

    Physical education of students is carried out using various forms of educational and extracurricular activities throughout the entire period of study at the university.

    Training sessions are conducted in the form:

    Theoretical, practical, control classes;

    Elective practical classes (at the students' choice);

    Individual and individual-group additional classes (consultations);

    Independent studies according to instructions and under the supervision of a teacher.

    Extracurricular activities are organized and conducted in the form of:

    Performing physical exercises and recreational activities during the school day;

    Classes in sports clubs, sections, interest groups;

    Mass recreational, physical education and sports events.

    The interrelation of various forms of educational and extracurricular activities creates conditions that ensure that students use a scientifically based amount of physical activity (at least 6-8 hours per week) necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture.

    The purpose and objectives of physical culture and sports activities

    The task of higher education is to give the students' physical education movement a mass character, to create a scientifically based system of mass physical education and sports activities for students.

    Mass physical culture, as a complex multifunctional phenomenon in the life of the university staff, fulfills health-improving, educational, educational and socio-cultural tasks.

    Health objectives. The physical condition of people is a socially controlled process; it depends on many factors, both natural (heredity, climatic conditions, etc.) and socially determined (living conditions, production activities, etc.) In particular, with the help of appropriately organized mass events using physical exercise, sports, a reasonable regime of work and rest, balanced nutrition, etc. it is possible to change in a wide range the indicators of health, physical development and physical fitness of the participants.

    When holding mass recreational, physical education and sports events, a health-improving effect must be achieved, therefore the participation of medical workers among the organizers is mandatory.

    Educational tasks. With the rational organization of mass physical culture and sports events, participants are influenced in the direction of instilling in them an active life position, high morality, citizenship and patriotism, as well as a natural need to use physical exercise and sports and a healthy lifestyle in the process of their life.

    Educational objectives. The objective pattern of the increasing role of physical culture in human life has not yet been adequately reflected in society. Therefore, qualified specialists and public activists must conduct targeted activities to improve the physical education literacy of students. To achieve this, students, in addition to knowledge from the field of medicine, biology, pedagogy, theory and methods of physical education, need knowledge and practical skills in organizing and conducting mass, recreational, physical education and sports events, and sports competitions.

    In general, mass physical culture will effectively affect the development of students’ personality only if it is part of an integral system of educating students.

    Formation and needs of students in physical education and sports activities

    Traditionally, in physical education the main attention is focused on increasing the levels of physical and sports-technical preparedness of students. In practice, nurturing the need for physical culture and sports activities (FSA) is most often carried out spontaneously.

    The positive aspect of the formation of the need for FSD is associated with the presence of positive emotions. Pedagogical influences should be impressive, vivid, and memorable. Significant results can be obtained only if the influences correspond to the internal mood of those involved, and the goals are close, understandable and easily accessible. Participation in events should help eliminate the student’s sense of limitation in the FSD. This is achieved by having an adequate self-assessment of one’s own efforts. The teacher should show maximum tact in this case; one should not use direct comparisons of the existing negative attitude with the desired one, abuse the mentoring tone, etc.

    The criterion for the formed need for FSD should be considered such a level of development of self-awareness (motives, interests, values, orientations, attitudes) that actively directs practical activities towards achieving physical perfection, a healthy lifestyle, active FSD, and the formation of physical culture of the student’s personality.

    The following levels of development of the need for FSD can be distinguished:

    - passive when the need is weak or absent. The individual has only the simplest sanitary and hygienic knowledge, skills, and abilities, but they are not connected with the FSD. There may be cases of open hostility towards mass physical education and sports events;

    - situational, characterized by unstable interest in participating in the FSD. This interest can arise or disappear for various reasons. One’s own activity to participate in FSD is minimal; the individual is, as it were, “captive” of external circumstances. Participation in FSD is not linked in the mind with the goals of promoting health, organizing a healthy lifestyle, or preparing for professional activity;

    - active level, characterized by a fairly high level of participation in FSD and orientation towards the socio-biological and production requirements of society.

    A gradual increase in the level of formation of students’ interest and need for FSD is ensured subject to the following pedagogical conditions:

    1. Directed formation of social and individual motives that ensure a combination of personal interest with socially significant goals of activity. A person cannot be considered socially mature if FSD is directed only for his own pleasure, without connection with work and social activities.

    2. Professional orientation of students’ participation in the FSD, reflecting the general orientation of the educational process at the university and providing program-targeted training of a specialist.

    3. Identification of existing and development of new physical culture and sports interests of students as ways and means of self-realization and self-improvement.

    4. Students’ awareness of their motor abilities, ensuring the transition from external results of behavior to internal ones. The element of competition “with oneself” is an important indicator of the quality of mass physical education and sports events; this manifests students’ self-knowledge and self-expression in motor abilities.

    5. Differentiated and individual approaches that ensure the most effective interaction between organizers of mass events and students in solving the goals and objectives of the FSD.

    The work of M.Ya. Vilensky (1991) presents the results of a questionnaire survey of more than 2000 students, which made it possible to obtain material identifying a wide range of reasons that directly or indirectly influence the formation of the structure of free time, the place of physical culture and sports in this structure. The reasons were grouped according to the following criteria: 1) organizational nature, 2) material, 3) subjective-personal, 4) functional and health (Table 15.1-15.2.)

    Analysis of the material in Table 15.1 gives grounds for the assertion that, in general, from course to course the assessment of the reasons limiting students’ participation in physical education and sports activities becomes more pronounced. The most significant reasons are the personal organization of students and the conditions in which the activities take place.

    Table 15.1

    Influence of organizational reasons preventing students from participating in physical education and sports activities in their free time, %

    Poor training conditions

    Poor organization of events

    Excessive teacher demands

    Large travel time

    Lack of free time

    Frequent changes of teachers

    Monotonous forms of conducting classes (events)

    Excessive duration of events (classes)

    Inability to choose classes (events) based on interests

    Table 15.2

    Influence of subjective and personal reasons limiting students’ participation in physical education and sports activities, %

    Inability to organize your free time

    No desire, no interest

    Own passivity

    No contact with teacher

    Not sure about the need for classes

    No need for classes

    Classes do not affect the intellectual sphere

    Classes do not contribute to professional training

    It is characteristic that the male contingent is more inclined to look for the reasons for restrictions in the lack of desire and interest, the female contingent - in the inability to organize their free time. Of significant importance for all students are reasons related to the lack of need for classes and the importance of physical education and sports activities for the development of spiritual and intellectual abilities. Many students do not see the connection between activity in the field of physical education and future professional activities.

    In the process of educational work, the following can be distinguished: levels of development of physical culture and sports activity among students.

    At low level Situational and pragmatic motives for student participation in FSD prevail. Involvement in it satisfies the minimum needs of the individual. Interest not formed. The FSD fades as the external influence ceases. In the postgraduate period, specialists with this level of activity do not use physical education means in their lifestyle, or use them occasionally with mandatory external influence. The means and values ​​of physical culture are not used in the organization of professional work.

    To the average level we can include those who are closer to passive and are ready to take their positions on occasion, as well as those who are predisposed to activity, but are indifferent to the FSD. Students in this group are most susceptible to external influences. The formation of their needs and interests is more successful, the more firmly they assimilate the need to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in their professional activities. The inclusion of physical education in their lifestyle after graduation is observed in them, provided that they end up in a production team, an institution where there are good traditions of physical education and sports work.

    At high level Students have formed a conviction in the need for FSD for themselves personally. They actively influence those closest to them. This is manifested in the organization of one’s healthy lifestyle, and in organizational, instructor-pedagogical, refereeing, cognitive and other types of activity in the field of physical culture and sports. Upon graduation, such specialists actively engage in transformative activities at their place of work. As a rule, they are characterized by high social activity.

    Organizational forms of physical culture and sports activities

    Health Center

    The center is a structural unit of a higher educational institution, which includes as components the department of physical education, a sports club, medical, preventive and treatment services, the sector of sports facilities and resource provision, a health and sports camp, a research laboratory, commercial services serving sports - health-improving activities.

    The Center organizes its activities in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations and other regulatory documents of the university.

    The purpose of its activities is to create conditions and opportunities for improving the physical culture of students, staff and teaching staff, introducing a healthy lifestyle as an integral component of the general culture of a future specialist who is able to implement them in educational, social and professional activities and in the family.

    The practical activities of the Center are carried out in the following areas:

    Creating programs and conditions for physical education and sports for students, teachers, and university staff, improving the forms and content of classes taking into account the profile of the specialists being trained, the sports facilities, taking into account the wishes of members of the university staff and their families;

    Conducting year-round educational and training sessions, organizing active recreation for students, staff, teachers, and their families using various forms and means of physical education;

    Carrying out physical education, recreation and sports events (competitions, tourism, camps, etc.)

    Medical supervision and medical-pedagogical observations of students during classes, physical education and recreational activities and sports competitions;

    Conducting regular preventive medical examinations and creating a data bank on the state of health and physical development of students, staff, teachers in permanent pedagogical and medical advisory centers, developing scientifically based physical education programs and recommendations;

    Promotion of physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle, active recreation by a permanent information and propaganda service on the activities of the Center;

    Organization of commercial activities according to the profile of its functions.

    Sport Club

    Sports clubs of universities are created in the form of associations of organizational and legal forms of students, graduate students, teachers and staff with or without the formation of a legal entity.

    Sports clubs organize and conduct their work on voluntary membership, on the principles of democracy, in conditions of wide publicity, creative initiative, election of governing bodies and their reporting to the team.

    The main objectives of the club include:

    Involving students, graduate students, teachers, staff of higher education institutions and members of their families in systematic physical education and sports;

    Nurturing physical and moral-volitional qualities, promoting health and reducing morbidity, increasing the level of professional readiness, social activity of all members of the team of a higher educational institution;

    Development of mass sports and elite sports in the university staff;

    Organization and conduct of mass recreational, physical education and sports events;

    Creation of amateur sports associations, clubs, sections, teams in sports;

    Promotion of physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle, organization of meaningful leisure, involvement of the broad masses of athletes and athletes of higher education institutions in mass socio-political events;

    Cooperation with student sports organizations in Russia and foreign countries, establishing international connections among students;

    Carrying out production and economic activities, including entrepreneurial and foreign economic activities, providing paid services in the field of physical culture and sports.

    A sports club creates the necessary organizational and methodological conditions for practicing various forms and types of physical culture and sports in accordance with the traditions established in a higher educational institution, the profile of specialists, and the interests of team members.

    His practical activities, first of all, include the organization of mass sports competitions, competitions for the best organization of physical education, health and sports work among study groups, faculties, courses, departments and other departments of the university.

    Interaction between the administration, trade union organizations, the department of physical education, the sports club and the medical service of the university

    Practice has shown that joint physical education and sports activities of the university administration, the department of physical education, trade union organizations, sports clubs, administration of sports bases, and medical workers bring positive results only if the issues of their interaction are clearly regulated and implemented.

    The university administration provides physical education and sports organizations with the necessary premises, provides sports facilities during extracurricular hours, and provides financial assistance for the purchase of sports equipment, inventory, uniforms and holding physical education and sports events.

    In the organizational strengthening of the physical culture team at faculties, the daily assistance of dean's offices is of great importance. When necessary, the dean submits the most pressing issues of mass health, physical education and sports work at the faculty for consideration by the academic council of the faculty and seeks their solution. These include: approval of the work plan of the faculty sports council for organizing sports days and competitions for the best organization of physical education work, holding mass competitions in study groups, on courses and in the hostel, sports evenings and holidays.

    The medical service of the university (clinic, dispensary, medical office) provides constant monitoring of the health of students, staff and teachers participating in physical culture and sports activities, prevents injuries and various diseases, including occupational ones, and carries out rehabilitation of negative health phenomena engaged in and participants in mass recreational, physical education and sports events.

    Particularly close joint work unites the sports club with the department of physical education. The department carries out a continuous educational process that solves the problems of physical education, comprehensive physical education, health improvement and improvement of sports skills of students throughout their education, developing in them organizational and instructor (coaching) skills for conducting independent work in physical culture and sports at the university, at work, on vacation. The department uses its capabilities to train activists, instructors and sports judges, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards physical culture and sports among future specialists in the national economy.

    Being a structural educational unit of the university, the Department of Physical Education, in addition to organizing the educational process, is directly responsible for the implementation of a complex of scientific, educational, organizational, methodological, sports, physical education, medical and preventive measures at the university.

    Mass physical culture, sports and recreational work

    Mass physical culture, sports and recreational work is an important section of students’ physical education.

    Planning, organizing and carrying out this work, its education.

    Independent exercise, sports and tourism, as well as physical education and sports events, significantly expand the participation of students, graduate students, teachers and staff in health, physical education and sports events held at the university. When organizing and conducting independent studies, it is recommended to take into account the characteristics of the profession that students receive, the interests and requests of students, graduate students, teachers and staff.

    In higher educational institutions, new forms of organizing physical education and health work, organizing and conducting independent classes are constantly being created and improved, and amateur sports associations are being created.

    Such forms of organizing physical education and health work as physical education and sports clubs based on interests have become widespread; health groups, general physical training, special physical training; sport sections; individual self-study.

    Organized training sessions

    Educational and training sessions in all organizational forms are conducted in accordance with programs and methodological recommendations. Work programs and schedules of the educational process are developed with the help of teachers of the Department of Physical Education and provide for the preparation of students to fulfill the norms and requirements of the physical education curriculum for university students and solve other problems. Classes are conducted according to a schedule approved by the sports club by paid trainers and community trainers of the sports club. For those involved, individual plans are developed independently and consultations are carried out by physical education teachers and university medical workers who carry out medical supervision of those involved in physical education and sports.

    Sport sections. A large place in the life of the university’s physical culture team is occupied by educational and training work in various sports sections of the sports club. It is recommended to create sports sections primarily in those sports that best provide comprehensive physical training, increase the level of physical and mental performance of a person, and improve health. These are athletics, skiing, swimming, gymnastics, sports games, etc.

    Students, graduate students, teachers and staff assigned to the main medical group with a sports category are enrolled in sports sections. In some cases, persons who do not have a sports rank, but have sufficient versatile physical training and want to engage in one or another sport cultivated at the university, may be allowed to participate in sports sections.

    Classes are taught by physical education specialists with higher or secondary physical education. To conduct classes with groups of beginners, III and II sports categories, sports club coaches who have special course training and are qualified athletes in a given sport of at least I sports category are allowed.

    Individual self-study. In addition to group classes, individual independent exercise and sports are common among students and especially graduate students, teachers and staff. This form of recreational, physical education and sports work is used by those who, due to the nature of their studies and work activities, do not have the opportunity to attend group classes, or those who, due to the characteristics of their personal qualities, are more inclined to engage in physical exercises outside the group, individually.

    When conducting individual classes, the following requirements must be met: a medical examination by the attending physician or at the university health center before the start of classes and at least once a year; keeping a self-control diary; in all cases of undesirable deviations in well-being and health, as well as after illnesses, you must consult a doctor for permission to continue exercising.

    Individual lessons will be useful only when the students have mastered special methodological knowledge, skills and abilities in organized physical education classes.

    Mass physical culture and sports events

    In a higher education institution, mass physical culture and sports events occupy an important place. Firstly, they show the state of solving a wide range of problems in physical education, the development of student sports, the introduction of a healthy lifestyle, and finally, the educational purpose of sports. Secondly, they are a method of introducing students, graduate students, teachers and staff to physical culture and sports, increasing their level of physical fitness, developing useful motor skills and abilities, and stimulating interest in further physical exercise and sports. Thirdly, they create conditions for competitive gaming activities, taking into account the interests and preparedness of those involved. The accessibility of these events is ensured through a special selection of competitive exercises, elements of the sport or the sport as a whole, distances of a certain complexity and length, the weight of the equipment used, the number and intensity of the exercises performed.

    Sports competitions are one of the most common and effective types of organizing mass physical education and sports work.

    According to the nature of the test and the determination of results, all sports competitions are divided into personal, individual-team and team. According to the form of the competition, they can be: open and closed, full-time and correspondence, one-time and traditional, one-day and multi-day, official and friendly (training), classification. These forms can be used in combination.

    Practice has determined several systems for conducting sports competitions, determined by their rules and regulations. The choice of system depends on the objectives of a given sports competition, the timing of the event, the number of participants or teams, their preparedness and educational commitment, and the conditions of the material base.

    Memorial sports competitions are of great educational importance. Their main goal is to preserve the fighting and labor traditions of the Motherland. They are dedicated to certain historical, revolutionary or sports dates, to the memory of heroes and outstanding athletes, which contributes to the education of young people using their example. Memorial competitions require particularly careful preparation, appropriate design, ceremonies, rituals and paraphernalia and are held according to a special scenario.

    Planning and organization of mass physical culture and sports events

    The successful conduct of events depends on the level of planning and preparatory organizational work, which include: drawing up a calendar plan of events, developing regulations for competitions, drawing up cost estimates for each competition, forming an organizing committee, selecting a panel of judges and organizing its work, notifying about events and competitions (announcements , posters, information in the newspaper, radio, television, etc.), organizing the reception and processing of applications for participation in competitions from participating organizations and participants, drawing up a schedule (program, schedule) for competitions, developing a ritual for awarding winners, opening and closing competitions, preparation and rental of sports facilities, provision of medical care for competitions, checking the preparedness of places for sports competitions, sports equipment and equipment, determining measures for servicing competition participants and spectators, providing clear and timely information about the preparation of competitions, the results of athletes during competitions, preliminary results during individual and team sports competition, the final results of competitions (reports).

    The calendar plan should provide for the organization and implementation of:

    Mass recreational and physical education events covering as many students, graduate students, faculty and staff of the university as possible;

    Faculty and general institute sports competitions, sports competitions of dormitories and university staff, cross-country races, runs, relay races, days and weeks of sports, physical education holidays and evenings;

    Competitions in mass sports in order to improve the sports and technical results of student-athletes;

    Competitions or friendly and match meetings with teams of other universities or production teams in sports that are cultivated at the university and other events and sports competitions, taking into account the conditions available at the university for work on physical culture and sports;

    Sports evenings (traditional, sports and entertainment, final, etc.).

    The competition regulations are the main document regulating all the conditions for holding this competition. The regulations are governed by the organization conducting the competition, the chief judge of the competition and the panel of judges, participating teams, captains and team representatives, as well as all participants. The regulations on competitions cover the following sections: the name of the competition, their nature and features; goals and objectives of these competitions; management of competitions; composition of competition participants; dates and venue; competition program and test form; results assessment system; procedure and deadline for submitting applications; health care and safety; conditions for awarding the winners of individual and team championships; procedure for filing protests and their consideration.

    At all sports competitions and public events, regardless of their scale, medical personnel must be present to monitor the sanitary condition of the competition sites, serve participants and provide emergency medical care. Medical personnel are allocated by the polyclinic (health center) of the university, and a chief physician is appointed from among them, who is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief judge.

    During the preparation period for competitions, the panel of judges accepts applications from participating organizations only with a doctor’s visa (permission), certified by a seal, against each participant’s name.

    Organizers and referees of sporting events must take all measures to prevent accidents and personal injury. According to the competition rules, responsibility for taking measures to prevent sports injuries lies with the chief judge and the head of the organization conducting the competition.

    Sports judges at competitions of any scale must wear the prescribed uniform.

    Propaganda work during preparation, during and after the end of the competition is carried out in the following forms:

    Press coverage of the progress of preparations for competitions; production and distribution of posters, programs, invitation cards, leaflets; information on radio and television; organization of photo stands, etc.;

    Popularization of this sport through the opening ceremony (parade); extensive radio information during the competition; timely completion of summary tables; production of photomontages; broadcasting competitions on television, etc.;

    Timely summing up and ceremonial closing of the competition; presentation of certificates, diplomas, medals and prizes to competition winners; holding demonstration performances and a parade of competition winners; timely information in the press, on radio and television about the results of sports competitions.

    Regardless of the location of the competition (sports palace, sports hall, stadium, cross-country skiing track, etc.), sports facilities on the days of the competition should be brightly and colorfully decorated, which is one of the effective means of agitation and promotion of physical culture and sports, moral and patriotic education of athletes.

    Physical education and health work in student dormitories

    In various universities of the country, from 30 to 60% of the total number of students live in student dormitories. Organization of work on their physical education is a very important and at the same time complex matter, requiring the joint efforts of the rector's office, dean's offices of faculties, administration of dormitories and departments of physical education, on the one hand, and sports clubs, faculty sports councils, student councils in dormitories, on the other. .

    Physical education of students in a dormitory environment is an organic part of all educational work carried out at the university and requires the implementation of the following tasks.

    1. Creation of material conditions for the introduction of mass physical culture and sports into the life of the hostel, attracting the student body of the hostel to active physical education.

    2. Development of a culture of mental work, instilling hygiene skills, teaching the basics of physical exercise hygiene and hardening.

    3. Formation of habits for healthy leisure time and nurturing a sustainable interest in systematic physical exercise.

    4. Educating a wide range of students in the hostel and involving them in organizing and conducting sports and recreational activities.

    The effectiveness of physical education and health activities is largely determined by the attitude of the students themselves towards them, the direction of their physical education interests, requests and needs.

    To plan, coordinate and implement mass health-improving physical education and sports work, a physical education asset (physical education council) is created in the hostel. Its members include the chairmen of interest clubs, sports clubs, and the hostel council.

    In practice, the most widespread in the hostel are: complex sports competitions within the hostel; health days; health weeks; competitions between floors and rooms in physical education and health activities; sports competitions between dormitories; friendly meetings between dormitories; mass physical education events (runner's day, swimmer's day, etc.); many tour competitions within the hostel in individual sports.

    Student health and sports camps

    Student health and sports camps are created at universities to provide conditions for organizing active recreation, promoting health, improving physical fitness and sportsmanship of students, and introducing them to socially useful work. The camp makes it possible to widely introduce physical education, sports and tourism into the daily routine and, on this basis, significantly improve the work on physical education of students during the holidays and carry out recreational and sports activities in inextricable connection with the moral education of students.

    The implementation of these tasks is facilitated by the conditions in which students' camp life takes place - nature, a clear and healthy lifestyle, the mandatory inclusion of recreational and mass sports events, a developed system of student self-organization and self-service.

    Health and sports camps can be: summer, winter, year-round (for example, on the basis of a hostel, without interruption from studies), combined with practical training, as well as amateur, organized by a small group of students.

    The camps are created and equipped by the efforts and resources of higher educational institutions, on the basis of broad public initiative, initiative and self-service of the participants.

    Physical education and health work in the camp includes organizing the daily routine and nutrition; conducting morning hygienic exercises; organization of various types of hardening, walks, hikes and excursions; training in swimming and water rescue techniques; classes with students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons; holding sports festivals and demonstration performances of athletes.

    Student physical activity

    For the comprehensive development of social principles in the work of the physical education team of the university, the department of physical education and the sports club rely in their activities on the physical education activists, which include: chairmen of sports councils of faculties, physicists of groups and courses, chairmen of the bureau of sports sections, chairmen of the councils of physical education and sports clubs by interests, group leaders in all forms of educational and training sessions, captains of sports teams, representatives of sports teams.

    Sports councils of faculties and other departments of the university are elected at the general meeting of athletes and athletes of the faculty (division). From among its members, the council selects a chairman and a deputy, and distributes responsibilities among the remaining members of the council.

    Councils conduct mass recreational, sports and physical education events, sports competitions (spartakiads) for the championship of educational groups, courses and units; recruit sports teams to participate in the university sports day and other sports competitions; monitors the progress of student-athletes and provides them with all possible assistance. Sports councils organize competitions at faculties and departments for the best organization of work in physical culture and sports, conduct visual agitation and promotion of physical culture and sports, organize lectures, conversations, exhibitions, sports evenings and other events.

    Promotion of physical culture and sports at universities

    An important function of physical culture teams of higher educational institutions is to involve the largest possible number of students, graduate students, teachers and staff in regular physical education, sports and tourism, attracting them to active participation in mass recreational, physical education and sports events, establishing a healthy image in the university team life.

    A major role in its successful solution is played by correctly organized active promotion of physical culture and sports.

    Propaganda objectives:

    Increasing the level of physical education of students, graduate students, teachers and staff;

    Fostering the need to promote a healthy lifestyle, use of physical education means during work and rest;

    Activation of non-educational forms of physical education and health activities among students. Involving all members of the university staff to participate in mass recreational, physical education and sports events;

    Increasing the effectiveness of physical education classes and sports and recreational activities;

    Improving work on mass physical culture among undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and staff.

    With the help of various forms and means of propaganda, it is necessary to consistently cover the most important sections of physical education work at the university.

    The information presented must be scientifically sound and at the same time popular, designed for the student audience and other members of the university staff, taking into account an individual approach.

    Propaganda of physical culture and sports in a university should not be declarative, but very specific, thoughtful and interesting, convincing and witty, patient and intelligible, it should quickly respond to everything new to give additional impetus and dynamism to the work on mass physical culture at the university .

    The organization and conduct of propaganda work on physical culture and sports in universities is carried out by the agitation and propaganda sectors of sports clubs and sports councils of faculties with the qualified assistance of teachers of the Department of Physical Education.

    The implementation of the extracurricular section of the program through the joint efforts of the university administration, medical service, department of physical education and the sports community (sports club and trade union organization) contributes to solving problems aimed at developing a motivational and value orientation towards physical self-improvement, a healthy lifestyle, and increasing the level of sportsmanship of students.

    The activities of a sports club are of particular importance in solving this problem.

    Student sports clubs, with the active participation of departments of physical education, create sports sections and teams in educational groups, courses, faculties and at the university, work to replenish the ranks of athletes in the category, to train public physical education personnel, conduct mass recreational, physical education and sports events, hiking trips, rallies, sports evenings, holidays.

    However, when a sports club and the department of physical education work together, it is impossible to allow teachers of the department to replace the work of student sports activists, minor supervision and excessive regulation in its activities. This may entail dependency, the desire to shift organizational work onto the shoulders of teachers of the physical education department and ultimately have a negative impact on the initiative and independence of student sports activists.

    Thus, the development of student initiative and self-organization, the unification of student youth into groups, teams, teams, clubs to demonstrate their needs and abilities in freely chosen physical education and sports activities that meet their individual, group and collective needs, joint activities of the sports club with the administration, public organizations and the Department of Physical Education contributes to the improvement of students’ health, improving the sports skills of student-athletes, and expanding the mass participation of physical education work at the university.

    Control questions

    1. Requirements for physical culture of the State Standard of Higher Professional Education for university graduates.

    3. Academic and extracurricular forms of physical education for students.

    4. Physical education and sports activities at the university, its purpose and objectives.

    5. Organizational forms of physical culture and sports activities at the university.

    7. The role of the sports club in organizing and conducting mass recreational, physical education and sports activities at the university.

    8. Interaction between the university administration, the department of physical education, the sports club, the medical service and the trade union organization.

    9. Physical education events in the student dormitory.

    11. The main directions of activity of the student physical education activists.

    12. The role of promoting physical culture and sports activities at the university.

    1Sinyakov A.V. Self-control of an athlete. M., 1987. P.23.

    2 "Law of the Russian Federation on Education". Teacher's newspaper N28, dated August 4, 1992.

    3 "State educational standard of higher professional education." Official publication. State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education. Moscow, 1995. Page 38 and further for each professional area.