Prohormones in bodybuilding. Prohormones and their use in bodybuilding. Scientific findings on effectiveness

If you ask any professional bodybuilder if he takes steroids, he will answer: “What are you? Of course not!". And the point here is not so much to show that huge muscles are the result solely of work and proper nutrition. It’s just that steroid drugs are officially prohibited in many countries of the world, and publicly declaring that you are taking prohibited drugs means voluntarily admitting to violating the law and rules of sports ethics.

But pharmacological companies did not sit idle while bans on anabolic steroids were imposed, and released an alternative to them - prohormones. It cannot be said that these products are an innovation in the field of sports pharmacology. The term "prohormone" or "prosteroid" has been used in medicine since the mid-20th century. These are active substances - precursors of hormones. Prohormones themselves are not biologically active, but become so after entering the human body.

Unlike anabolic steroids, prosteroids act more gently and do not cause as many side effects. The duration of the course of prohormones is much shorter than the course of steroids and averages 1 month. During this time, the body’s hormonal levels do not have time to deplete, and accordingly, side effects, if they occur, are in a mild form.

The main reason for the appearance of prohormones is the legalization of sales. To achieve this, manufacturers are developing alternative drugs to steroids and freely releasing them onto the market. It will take a year or two before the state decides to blacklist a specific prosteroid, and during this time several new prohormones will appear. It's a kind of racing game, in which the clumsy state machine is always left behind.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the production of prosteroids is carried out by legal companies that, in principle, do not violate the law. Moreover, they produce fairly high-quality sports pharmaceuticals. Otherwise, prohormones would not be so popular among bodybuilders, and government agencies would not have to worry that a new dubious drug had appeared. But prosteroids have very good reviews even among professional strength athletes.

How to take prohormones?

Manufacturers recommend taking 2-3 prosteroids at the same time, which complement each other. On average, the course duration is 1-1.5 months. Despite the fact that active substances rarely disrupt hormonal levels, post-cycle therapy should be carried out to prevent side effects. The procedure lasts 2-3 weeks and involves taking medications to cleanse the liver and raise your own testosterone levels.

It is best to take prohormones in bundles recommended by the manufacturer. Although many bodybuilders testify that the use of prosteroids of different brands gives the best effect. There is no single regimen for taking prohormonal drugs. Some medications must be taken with meals, others an hour after meals. Each prosteroid comes with instructions that indicate the rules of use and dosage. It should be noted that taking one drug instead of a combination does not lead to tangible results.

Effect of the drug

The effectiveness of prohormones, just like steroids, is based on increasing the level of testosterone in the blood. As a result, the athlete's metabolism increases, metabolism and sex drive accelerate, bones and muscle fibers become stronger. But the most important thing is that sports results are growing.

Increased muscle mass

Transforming into essentially the same steroids in the athlete’s body, prohormones activate protein metabolism. Protein is the basis for the construction of new tissues, and, as is known, the growth of muscle fibers is based on the destruction of old fibers and the growth of new ones. The result is an increase in muscle mass. In addition to performing their main function, prosteroids contribute to the retention of phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and other components necessary for the body.

Increase in strength indicators

Gaining muscle mass increases strength. As a result, the athlete can train with more weight, forcing the muscles to work at their maximum, which in turn contributes to its growth. It turns out to be a cyclical effect.

Prohormones increase energy and allow the body to recover faster. This leads to the fact that the athlete trains with the mood and full dedication, and this is a significant contribution to increasing strength indicators.

Bodybuilders, fitness models and other athletes are constantly searching for the perfect sports nutrition. Steroids and pharmacological products are gradually fading into the background.

Now prohormones are gaining popularity - special substances that work like steroids, but have fewer side effects. Taking prohormones will not bring you any unpleasant surprises in the form of serious side effects, since the course lasts only a month. During this time, the body does not have time to suppress hormonal levels. With prohormones you can achieve good results, improve muscle definition, and gain muscle mass.

These products are produced legally by American companies, which can also be considered a plus. It is no secret that many steroid drugs are prohibited by law and manufacturers are forced to sell them on the black market. All this suggests that soon all athletes will switch to prohormones. Exceptionally good reviews only double this fact.


Prohormones, or as they are also called “designer steroids,” are substances contained in sports nutrition products that act like conventional steroids. They reveal their active formula after entering the human body. Prohormones are more natural in composition and do not cause significant harm to the body.


Epistane is a popular, powerful anabolic prohormone. The action is similar to Turinabol. Significantly increases strength, helps gain lean muscle mass, and reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone).

Tren is a powerful prohormone based on the interaction of the substance Trendione. During a course of treatment you can gain 8-10 kg of muscle mass. Tren is absolutely non-toxic to the liver and kidneys, increases blood circulation, and improves strength performance.

Mechabol is a prohormone that is structurally similar to testosterone. It will help you: gain muscle mass, increase muscle density, burn excess fat and improve hydrobalance in the body.

Halo – aimed at increasing testosterone levels and protein synthesis. Allows you to gain 4-5 kg ​​of muscle mass.

Msten (Methylstenbolone) – great for those who want to gain muscle mass effectively and quickly. This is a powerful prohormone, only professional athletes should take it and be sure to follow the course of therapy.

Trest is one of the prohormones for gaining overall muscle mass. Provides an increase in strength and energy. Keeps joints and ligaments in good condition. Requires compliance with PCT.

Advantages of prohormones over steroids

  • Minimal side effects;
  • Improved formula;
  • Legality;
  • Not converted to estrogen;

Side effects when taking prohormones are the same as when taking anabolic steroids, with the difference that their manifestations can be avoided or minimized. At the end of the course, conduct post-cycle PCT therapy. Do not increase the recommended dosage.

If you want to achieve impressive results, pump up your body, but have not yet taken sports nutrition products due to fear of taking pharmacological products or chemicals, then pay attention to prohormones. Perhaps this is what you are looking for.

Trusted manufacturers of prohormones:

  1. Brawn Nutrition;
  2. Olympus Labs;
  3. Trans-Formation Labs;
  4. Assault Labs.
02.02.2018 14:12

Prohormones are gaining popularity in the field of fitness and bodybuilding. Thanks to the use of drugs, athletes are able to achieve a positive effect when gaining weight. Reviews show that regular use of designer steroids does not cause negative consequences. The substances do not have pharmacological advantages over anabolic drugs. Now you know what it is.

Features of prohormones

Designer steroids are transformed into the main hormone when they enter the body. The human body has natural prohormones - proinsulin, thyroxine, which is converted into triiodothyronine. Experts and doctors say that there are no side effects from the drugs, and the human body perceives the substances as natural. The main difference between prohormones and simple anabolic steroids is that the substances are converted to their active form immediately and begin to act. Note that legal steroids are much more effective, but there is a possibility of negative effects on the body.

Estrogen and testosterone levels decline with age. The same can be said about prohormones. Clinical studies have shown that for women, 5 milligrams per day during menopause is sufficient, and for men, even 10 milligrams per day is ineffective. Regular training does not help the situation. Scientists continued to test the drugs, which ultimately led to an effective result. For men, a dosage of 20 milligrams per day is sufficient to achieve a positive result. Prohormones affect the growth of testosterone and estrogen. The drugs are used by women for hormonal therapy during menopause.

Types of prohormones

  • 4-androstenedione- a variant of the prohormone that is converted to testosterone. The conversion rate during use does not exceed 6%. This is a low figure. The drug has high androgenic activity and aromatization. This significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects. Designer steroids should not be taken with alcohol.
  • 4-androstenediol(4-AD) is a sports nutrition drug that converts into testosterone. A conversion rate of 15% is low. The difference from 4-androstenedione is that the drug is not converted to estrogens.
  • 19-norandrostenedione- when ingested, retabolil is formed, which is comparable in anabolic activity to testosterone. Prohormones are not converted to testosterone.
  • 19-norandrostenediol- when ingested, it is converted to nandrolone and has a higher conversion level than 19-norandrostenedione.
  • 1-AD- the substance is transformed into dihydrotestosterone. The prohormone has high anabolic and androgenic activity. When it enters the liver it becomes active.
  • 1.4AD- an option with high bioavailability. The drug has a 50 percent lower level of shock absorption compared to testosterone. Has androgenic activity.

Popular connections

Epistane- prohormone for gaining lean muscle mass. Removes water, gives muscles relief and rigidity. Does not aromatize, has moderate toxicity to the liver. Ideal for preparing for competitions and the summer season. The drug promotes rapid weight gain and reduces stress hormones. The mechanism of transformation is comparable to stanazolol.

Tren- a good prohormone for drying and gaining lean muscles. Burns subcutaneous fat, prevents catabolism. Can be taken in conjunction with fat burners to enhance fat loss and muscle retention. It does not have a negative effect on the liver, and during the course you can gain 5-7 kilograms of weight. Benefits - increases blood circulation, increases strength. Can be used after 40 years. The action is similar to trenbolone.

Msten- a drug similar in structure to testosterone. Used to gain total mass and strength. Does not aromatize, does not retain liquid. Gives muscles fullness and volume. Pairs well with the designer steroid Furuza (similar to Winstrol). In this way, it is possible to obtain high-quality muscles and strength indicators.

Trest is a prohormone for professional bodybuilders. The drug increases the athlete’s strength and leads to weight gain. It aromatizes and retains water, so it is suitable especially in winter, when you don’t need to look dry and sculpted. The action is similar to Deca Durabolin. Pairs well with Tren, as Tren is also great for bulking and is non-toxic to the liver.

Beast Plexx is a drug consisting of 4 prohormones. The composition includes: Epistan, Msten, Max LMG and P-Mag. Max LMG is similar in effect to nandrolone, and P-Mag is similar to turinabol. This way you get the most powerful stack. Together with this prohormone, it is necessary to take drugs to protect the liver (section - drugs to support the course).


  1. Prohormones are similar in action to steroids and are legal drugs;
  2. Used for drying and setting;
  3. Most do not convert to estrogen;
  4. Short course length - low side effects;

Side effects of designer steroids

Are designer steroids harmful to your health? This is a question many athletes ask before starting to use prohormones. Athletes attribute mythical properties to drugs. This is just a commercial move. When using the drugs, the degree of side effects is significantly lower than that of steroids, but they are not classified as harmless.

Most prohormones have moderate toxicity to the liver, so you need to use drugs to support the cycle. A mistake during use is to increase the dose to achieve a greater effect. Taking designer steroids to burn fat and gain weight requires follow-up therapy upon exit from the cycle - PCT drugs. Remember, increasing the dose of prohormones is not recommended, since they already work well in a similar way to steroids.

Sincerely, online sports nutrition store FitandPit.

Steroids - these are synthetic derivatives of the dough-ste-ro-na molecule, which contribute to the synthesis of organic tissue, the growth of strength indicators and, in general, a positive effect -vayu-sya on the sports-tiv-nyh ha-rak-te-ris-ti-kah of the athlete. But they are prohibited by means of a huge list of side effects , this is why testosterone boosters and pro-hormone boosters have become very popular. Bus-te-ry test-to-ste-ro-na are substances that stimulate the secretion of endo-gen-no-go test-to-ste-ro-na, and pro-gor-mo -we are the pre-six-ven-ki of hormones, from which they then syn-te-zi-ru-t. In fact, both types of drugs stimulate increased secretion of the endo-gene test-ste-ron. Or at least they should encourage it.

The prohormones of androgens are de-hydro-epi-an-dro-sterone, alphadione and alphadiol. By themselves, they weakly bind to the an-dro-gen-ny re-tsep-to-ra-mi, therefore they are capable of having a significant effect on me -those processes only after conversion into test-sterone or estradiol. It should be noted that prohormones work in an es-test-venous manner, however, they have a significant impact on the level of test-ste-ro-na they in an es-test-venous manner. Under certain conditions, they can only have an impact on the female body. For men, 95% of tes-to-ste-ro-na you-ra-ba-you-va-yut-sya tes-ti-ku-la-mi. However, within the framework of age-related therapy, they tried to use prohormones both to improve the condition of women and to improve the condition of men. And it was precisely as a result that these pre-pa-ra-you gained popularity among athletes.

Prohormones: effectiveness

Testosterone and estrogen levels are known to decline with age. In the same way, the level of prohormones decreases. And since prohormones are precursors to test-ste-ron and estrogen, it was decided to conduct a series of studies on the effectiveness of use prohormones to stimulate their levels . Effective-tiv-ny-mi do-za-mi de-gid-ro-epi-an-dro-ste-ro-na for women during the period me-no-pause-zy were 50 mg/day. Even doses of 100 mg/day turned out to be ineffective for men. Ineffective-for-yourself and a combination of de-hydr-ro-epi-an-dro-ste-ro-na and strong tr-ni-ro-vok. But it was possible to achieve a decrease in high-density lipoproteins, which increases the risk of developing heart diseases.

However, the scientists did not give up! It is known that testosterone promotes the growth of strength indicators, hypertrophy of muscle mass and the utilization of subcutaneous fat cells . But prohormones stimulate the growth of the test-ste-ro-na only in women, so it would be decided to increase the dosage . An increase in the level of tes-to-ste-ro-na in young men was recorded at dosages of de-hydro-epi-an-dro-ste-ro-na 200–300 mg/day. And, it would seem, you can start to rejoice, but that’s not the case! Pro-hor-mons stimulate the growth of not only test-ste-ro-na, but also estrogen, therefore, along with the increase in the level of test-ste-ro- Estrogen levels also increased. And, as you know, the relative level of hormones has a fundamental significance.