How to identify and pump up your abs at home comfortably. Pump up your abs at home - effective ways

Want to get your tummy ready for summer? Where to start pumping up your abs? The very first and most significant step towards the ideal 6-pack abs should be reducing the fat deposits in the abdominal area that hide the abdominal muscles. A proper diet and special effective exercises will strengthen these muscles and also bring the whole body into shape.

In the article, we talked about why you need to approach training comprehensively in order to get maximum results.

After just a few months of proper diet and training for the abdominal muscles, you will see good results, you just need to make up your mind and pump yourself up in all respects. The first step will help you quickly pump up your abs at home, even without training in the gym; more precisely, it will help you reveal them from under a layer of fat deposits.

1. Eat whole foods

The greatest success in getting rid of excess belly fat can be achieved by using foods that do not contain a ton of artificial ingredients and are not processed in any way. Fill your diet with food prepared at home, rather than semi-finished and ready-made foods. Buy whole, fresh foods and cook for yourself as often as time and lifestyle allow.

  • Eat a lot of vegetables - the more varied the assortment, the better. Try to cook most dishes with vegetables.
  • Buy meat that is minimally processed and hormone-free. They are given to animals to make them bigger and fatter, but they can even be dangerous for people.
  • Choose whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal instead of those made with white flour.
  • Make a big pot of healthy vegetable soup at the beginning of the week so you don't have to cook for yourself every day.
  • Don't forget the importance of healthy fats when losing weight: olive oil, avocado, nuts and fish are excellent sources of these fats.
  • Eat regularly and don't skip meals. If you skip meals, your metabolism slows down and your body doesn't burn excess fat. That’s why follow this recommendation, as it is important and this is the easiest way to pump up your abs at home.

2. Don't eat unhealthy carbohydrates

Refined sugars and starches lead to weight gain and body fat. Processed sugar, flour, potatoes, rice and other starches are found mostly in foods that lack fiber and nutrients. Cookies, cakes, muffins, chips, white bread, pasta and other processed sources of carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels and lead to fat storage.

For most people, the abdominal area accumulates fat the fastest. However, if you eat a healthy diet, this is the area that will lose fat the fastest. Therefore, instead of refined carbohydrates, choose whole grain options that will speed up the breakdown of fat cells.

  • Don't drink sugary soft drinks. Even diet soft drinks cause weight gain.
  • Instead of fruit juice, eat fruit, this way you will get healthy fiber, not just sugar.
  • Avoid snacking on fast food, protein bars, and granola bars if you are trying to lose weight. Even foods labeled “healthy” may contain refined sugar and flour, which will only slow down the process.

3. Manage stress

This may not be a problem for you, but constant stress and mental stress have a big impact on the shape of your body. Do you relieve stress every day? If not, then your body is likely producing too much cortisol, a hormone that is produced in response to stress. High production of cortisol leads to the fact that fat begins to accumulate in the abdominal area as a reserve. That is why it is extremely necessary to be able to relax, since due to constant stress, belly fat will not go away, but will only increase.

  • Highlight the stress factors that it would be desirable to remove from your life. Are you suffering from total overload? Cross out a few less important tasks to make room for relaxation. Don't go to events that are not that important and stay home more often to relax. You probably don't understand that rest can help you lose excess weight from the abdominal area.
  • Find ways to help you relax. It could be meditation, a walk outside or walking the dog, a hot bath before bed, you should have something that calms you down.
  • Learn to breathe correctly. Shallow breathing signals to the brain that the body is experiencing stress, and at this moment the adrenal glands begin to actively produce cortisol. This is why you need to breathe correctly: from the diaphragm. As you inhale, your stomach should protrude forward, and as you exhale, pull back.

4. Get enough sleep at night

Lack of sleep leads to weight gain and fat deposits in the torso area. This happens in two ways. Due to lack of sleep, the body is overloaded; in this condition, cortisol is actively produced. Secondly, this leads to overeating, since there is no internal inhibition. A person begins to abuse those foods that he previously abstained from.

Getting enough sleep will make it easier to wake up in the morning, and you'll be more likely to prepare yourself a healthy breakfast. This means that lunch and dinner will be, as they should be, satisfying and healthy. If you don't get enough sleep, then your sleep-deprived body will try to wake itself up by consuming too much salty, sweet or refined foods. The solution to this problem is only a good 7-9 hour sleep.

  • Sleep heals. Try to go to bed in the evening and wake up in the morning at the same time.
  • Too much sleep is also bad for your health, so try not to sleep more than 9 hours. If you consistently sleep more than 10 hours a night, you should consult a doctor to diagnose the possible cause of such prolonged sleep.

5. Have breakfast every day

Starting your day with a healthy breakfast increases your chances of losing weight. This is because eating nutritious and high-calorie food in the morning will give you an energy boost for the whole day and will fill you up for at least 3-4 hours. If you skip breakfast, you'll likely eat larger portions of lunch and dinner, including snacks in between. Start your day right with the following products:

  • Cereals. They have a low glycemic index, so your blood sugar won't spike and you won't want to eat again 1 hour after eating this breakfast. Sprinkle your porridge with almonds and garnish with fruit, and add a little honey or maple syrup to taste.
  • Omelette. Protein in the morning is also very healthy and filling. Research shows that people who eat foods rich in protein stay fuller for a longer period of time. Protein you eat later in the day won't have as much of an effect.
  • Grapefruits and apples. These two delicious fruits contain ingredients that suppress hunger and keep you full for a long time.

6. Drink plenty of water.

If you drink plenty of liquid, you can speed up metabolic processes in the body by 30%. This figure will be higher if you drink about 8 glasses of water per day. This will help you burn more calories and keep your body and body in great shape, which is essential in order to master the next step and pump up your abs at home to the coveted six pack with the help of special exercises.

  • Avoid drinking sugary and carbonated drinks, which will only add calories to your diet. These include soda, alcohol, soft drinks and other high-calorie drinks.

Step #2. Building abdominal muscles

1. Do Crunches Correctly

You can pump up your abs at home with this one of the best exercises for sculpted abs. It can be done at home without going to the gym. No special equipment, just a soft mat on the floor. Here's how to do this exercise correctly:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Cross your arms over your chest.
  • Using your abdominal muscles, lift your head and upper torso up and forward so that your shoulders come off the floor. Stay in this position for a short time, then slowly lower yourself down.
  • There is no need to raise your back, otherwise you can pull it.
  • To begin, perform 3 sets of 20 crunches.

2. Perform side crunches

Take the starting position as for regular crunches, with your knees bent and your arms crossed over your chest. Only this time, twist to the side, pointing your head and arms to the right or left of your knees. Perform 10 to 20 crunches on one side, then switch sides. Perform 2-3 approaches.

3. Keep the plank

This exercise may seem simple at first, but you will feel a burning sensation throughout your body, which will indicate that you are doing everything right. This is perfect for those who do not want to have pumped up abdominal muscles, but just want a flat and firm tummy.

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs straight.
  • Shift your body weight to your forearms. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders, the arms pointing forward, like the Sphinx.
  • Lift your torso and legs off the floor so that your body weight is on your toes and forearms. At this moment, you should feel your abdominal muscles tighten. Bring your shoulder blades together.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Try to repeat this movement 2-3 times. Play around with your plank hold time. Aim for 1 minute.

4. Do side planks

Take the starting position as when performing a standard plank. Only this time the body should be turned sideways and rest on the side of the foot and palm. Raise your free hand up. Hold the position for about 30 seconds, then switch sides. The side plank strengthens the obliques.

5. Perform leg raises

Lie on your back, place your arms at the sides of your body and extend your legs. Keeping your legs together and your back straight, lift your legs up 90 degrees. Stay in this position for a short time, and then lower them to the floor. Perform 3 sets of 15 leg raises.

  • You can alternate legs, lifting first one and then the other leg up.
  • You can make the exercise more difficult by attaching additional weight to your ankles and placing a ball between your legs.

6. Bicycle crunches

Lie on the floor, hands clasped at the back of your head, elbows out to the sides, bend your knees so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your left leg and connect your left elbow to the knee of your right leg. Then straighten your right leg and connect your right elbow with your left knee. Repeat.

7. Perform single leg raises for your upper abs.

Upper abdominal training is also important. Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Raise your head slightly towards your chest. Bring your left leg to your chest, wrapping your arms around it. Raise your right leg at an angle of 45 degrees, hold this position for a few seconds, then switch legs.

8. Don't forget about cardio

Do cardio exercises such as running, walking, cycling and swimming several times a week. Remember that you need to burn calories to make your abs visible. The most effective way to remove excess fat throughout the body and pump up your abs without exercise equipment is cardio training.

  • The duration of the cardio exercise will depend on the intensity of the exercise. 20-30 minutes of vigorous running, with the heart beating at 75-85% of its maximum, has the same effectiveness as 90 minutes of leisurely walking.

Step #3. Getting Visible Results

1. Train 3 times a week

Adjust your lifestyle so that all your actions are aimed at developing strong and elastic abdominal muscles. You don't need to train every day, as your muscles need 1 day between workouts to recover and rest. Try to exercise every other day or 3 times a week.

  • On days when there are no abdominal workouts, work on other muscle groups: back, chest, buttocks, hips and shoulders. Developing muscle strength throughout your body will help keep your core in shape.
  • Focus on how you feel. If you notice that the exercises do not bring visible results or are too easy, complicate them: add more repetitions or additional weight.

2. Stay motivated with friends

Getting toned abs is not an easy task and it takes hard work. Naturally, there will be days when you will be tired from constant training. Beautiful and strong abdominal muscles are not easy and constant work, so it’s okay if sometimes you deviate from your intended goal. Therefore, it is very important to stay motivated and be able to gather strength when everything seems boring and unattainable. Set goals with a friend, call each other, share experiences and advice, train together. This is very encouraging and helpful.

  • Choose a day of the week when you and a friend will workout. You don’t want to set up and disappoint your neighbor!

3. Set a deadline

Tell yourself that you will stick to your routine—eat well, sleep well, drink plenty, and exercise—for 2 months. If after 2 months of following the regimen you are not happy with the result, then return to your normal lifestyle. 2 months will be enough to see noticeable results, so most likely you will not stop there. After this, you will only need to pump up your existing abs, and not start all over from scratch.

4. Reward yourself for the results you achieve

When you notice the first results on your stomach and the pumping of your abs is obvious, do something nice for yourself so as not to stop there. You can buy new pants to fit your resized waist or go on a date or a late night movie. You can treat yourself to a delicious lunch or dinner only in reasonable quantities, otherwise the extra calories will ruin all your work.


How can you increase the visibility of your abs?

In order to visually enlarge your abdominal muscles, you need to have a small amount of body fat. BMI should be around 20 or even less. Therefore, you need to remove excess fat from your body to achieve visible abs.

I am 13 years old. Can I do these exercises? If yes, then will they affect my weight?

Of course you can, because this article contains the best abdominal exercises at home. Just don't overdo it and train for yourself, not to surprise other people. These exercises will help you grow, as this is a natural process during adolescence.

Are there age restrictions for these exercises?

No, these exercises are safe for people of any age.

Is it possible to pump up your abs by training at night?

It is possible, but with caution. Your brain may refuse to go to bed after exercise, so it's best to exercise a few hours before bed to give your brain time to wind down and relax.

How long should you rest between reps and exercises?

Beginners can rest between reps and exercises for about 1-2 minutes, but those who have been practicing for a long time should limit their rest to 30 seconds.

If I exercise every day, will my abs appear faster?

No. You need to rest every other day. Be realistic, it is impossible to quickly pump up your abs at home in a week!

How can I prevent muscle strain during exercise?

Before starting your workout, don't forget to warm up. Do the exercises correctly. Don’t force yourself to do anything; it’s better to start slowly. If the body is accustomed to the pace and exercises, you can move to the next level. A training program developed by a specialist taking into account your abilities and capabilities will not be superfluous. It's great to challenge yourself, but don't overestimate your capabilities.

I am 13 years old. Will these exercises affect my weight and how?

You will feel the difference over time. Just start at low speeds, gradually increasing the complexity of the exercises.

How can you drink 8 glasses of water in a day? This is impossible.

At first I thought so too, but over time I succeeded. Just every time you want to drink soda or lemonade, for example, drink a glass of water. Carry water with you everywhere, install an application on your phone that will remind you that it is time to drink. It's not as difficult as you think.

What else can I do if I'm eating healthy, doing a lot of squats and push-ups, but not seeing any results? Is it possible to pump up your abs with this approach at all?

To achieve results, do the exercises correctly. Without proper technique, any exercise is useless. It's better to include your exercises in your cardio workout. Try to sleep 8-9 hours a day so that your muscles have time to rest and recover before your next workout. Lastly, be patient. This process takes time and you won't see results for a few days.

Developed abdominal muscles and a flat stomach give the figure an aesthetic and sexy look. Every man wants to be the owner of a six-pack stomach, but this requires a lot of physical effort, as well as adherence to a diet. You need to know a few simple rules, if followed, any man can achieve good results.

How to pump up the press correctly

First, you need to understand what “cubes” are and what function the abdominal muscles perform. They are used when walking, turning and bending the body, and also support the stomach and liver. Undeveloped abs lead to the formation of belly fat and back pain, because the abdominal muscle is important for the lumbar region.

The “cubes” are formed by two rectus muscles on the left and right sides, respectively. Each muscle is divided into four cubes, but only the top three are square. The lower ones have a shape close to triangular.

There is only one abdominal muscle, there is no division into upper and lower. Depending on the exercises, the top or bottom of this muscle develops more strongly. In order for the abs to fully develop, it is necessary to pump the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles in one workout.

The abdominal muscles recover faster than the rest, so you can train them 3 times a week. A beginner should not “kill” his abs from the very first workouts, otherwise, in addition to the fact that you will experience pain, the muscles may not have time to recover by the next workout. It is best to limit yourself to three basic exercises and perform each in three sets of fifteen repetitions.

Equally important are diet and aerobic exercise - any low- and moderate-intensity exercise where oxygen is used to maintain energy. Such workouts strengthen the cardiovascular system and are the best ways to burn fat. If you ignore proper nutrition and aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling, you will not be able to achieve good results. In this case, the abs will be trained, but there will be no noticeable relief and slimness.

Basic abdominal exercises at home

These exercises will help you pump up your abs at home:

1. One of the most famous and frequently used exercises, focusing on the upper part of the muscle.

2. Due to raising the legs, it is more difficult to perform. The lower abs are engaged.

3. Develop the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles.

4. Side crunches. Train the lateral abdominal muscles.

5. Plank. A static exercise where there is no movement to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The main thing here is to keep the body in the correct position for as long as possible.

Upper press

So, the simplest and most popular exercise for training the upper abs is twisting. You will need a soft mat for exercise and any weights on your feet so as not to lift them off the floor. A sofa or a radiator will be the best helpers in this matter. Your arms should be crossed over your chest, but to make the exercise more difficult, you can put them behind your head.

Execution: raise your upper body, bending at the waist and trying to touch your elbows to your knees, then smoothly lower to the starting position. Three sets of twenty repetitions will be enough.

You should not keep your back straight; in this case, the load from the press shifts to the lower back.

The next exercise is called jackknife. It focuses on the upper section, but also engages the lower abs by simultaneously lifting the legs.

Execution: lie on the floor and stretch your arms behind your head, keep your legs closed. At the same time, bring your hands to your feet so that your body is folded in half. Do two sets of ten repetitions.

To make it more difficult, you can linger in the shortened position for one or two seconds.

Lower press

The exercise is similar to the first, only you have to raise your legs. In a lying position, secure your torso with your hands, placing emphasis on the floor or grasping the sofa.

Execution: raise your legs until your knees touch your chest, then lower your legs until your heels touch the floor. Three sets of fifteen repetitions is the best option.

To complicate the exercise, do not touch your heels to the floor. Because of this, the abdominal muscles will be in constant tension.

A familiar exercise to many people develops the lower part well. scissors.

Execution: lying on your back, place your arms along your body, raise your legs ten to fifteen centimeters. Make horizontal swings with your legs, the wider the better. Two sets of twenty repetitions or more.

There is no need to raise your head while doing this.

The best exercise for the lower abdomen is hanging leg raise. It will require a crossbar at home.

Execution: while hanging, with a powerful movement, raise your legs bent at the knees, trying to reach them to the chest.

Stay in this position for one or two seconds and lower your legs down. Do three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.

Try not to allow your body to sway while lifting your legs; your abs should be in constant tension. To make the exercise more difficult, raise your straight legs to a right angle.

Oblique muscles

The best exercises to develop the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. Lying on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, knees should be bent, and your hands should be behind your head.

Execution: simultaneously raise the torso and the knee opposite to the elbow so that the right elbow touches the left knee. Do the same in a mirror with the left elbow and right knee. Do three sets of ten repetitions.

To make the exercise more difficult, do not lower your torso all the way.

An excellent exercise to strengthen your oblique muscles.

Execution: lying on your side, keep your legs together one on top of the other. Lean on your right elbow, keep your left hand on your left side. Tightening your abs, lift your pelvis up. Do the same in a mirror image on the other elbow. Perform two approaches twenty times.

How to pump up quickly

You won’t be able to completely achieve beautiful, sculpted abs in one week, but improvements will already be visible. First of all, muscle tone will increase and the level of subcutaneous fat will decrease slightly. But you shouldn’t expect six-pack, as this is the result of many days of training and a strict diet. With the right approach, strengthening your abs and developing the long-awaited six-pack will begin in about 4-5 weeks of training.

However, it should be taken into account that people have different training levels and different body types. Metabolism plays a major role here. A thin person with a fast metabolism will find it easier to achieve defined abs because they initially have little belly fat. People with slow metabolisms should strictly limit themselves in calories and place more emphasis on aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling. Accordingly, this type of people will spend more time achieving results.

How to remove belly fat

First of all, you need to give up alcoholic drinks, especially beer. Alcohol increases the level of cholesterol-derived hormones, which in turn contribute to the formation of fat deposits in the abdominal area;

Reduce calories. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. It is better to leave the consumption of carbohydrates for the first half of the day, and in the second half, from about three o’clock, the best option would be to consume protein foods and low-calorie vegetable salads. Fiber promotes weight loss, as its fibers fill the stomach and suppress the feeling of hunger. But starch, on the contrary, is better to exclude as much as possible. It is also better to limit the intake of sweets and fruits due to their sugar content;

Consume two liters of water per day. Without water, it is difficult for the body to cleanse itself, and if you have a slow metabolism, it will be more difficult to reduce the amount of fat;

Frequent aerobic and physical activity. You should exercise two to three times a week, including exercise and high-intensity exercise.

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

A person with an average metabolism can get tangible results in just a month if he exercises every day, taking into account proper nutrition. In this case, you should not do serious stress on the abs, but pay more attention to aerobics. This will help you quickly lose excess belly fat, and the exercises will add definition to your abdominal muscles.

Be sure to warm up before training (warm-up will warm up the muscles and protect them from injury);

Monitor the technique of performing exercises;

Train regularly;

Breathe correctly (do not hold your breath during the approach);

Focus on the abdominal muscle (keep it in constant tension).

This video clearly shows how to perform abdominal exercises at home:

The points discussed in the article will help absolutely any man with any metabolism achieve the desired result. There are only three basic rules for building a beautiful figure: regular high-quality training, proper nutrition and good rest. In a short time, your belly will become smaller and more prominent, and your overall figure will look more aesthetically pleasing if you follow the tips described above.

Is it possible to pump up your abs at home so that cubes appear on them? Determination is one of the traits of a real man; nothing is impossible for him. Even if you have to work hard to achieve your goal.

In the article you will find a description of effective exercises for losing weight and strengthening abdominal muscles, which are suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes.

About the training program

for perfect abs you need to train all abdominal muscle groups

The abdominal muscles are divided into three groups - upper, lower abs, and oblique muscles. Each group has its own exercises:

  • upper press - twisting;
  • lower abs - exercises with raising legs;
  • oblique muscles - twisting with torso rotation, lateral twisting.

How to quickly pump up your abs at home (video training):

How to do crunches?

There are many abdominal exercises, but the most effective are crunches.


I.P.: lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees (90°), palms under the back of the head.
Smoothly, without making jerks, using force, the shoulders are raised and moved forward to the pelvis, returning to I.P.

With a twist

The same, with the body turning to the sides at the top point.


I.P. - Same.
As you inhale, lift your hips off the floor and try to pull your legs toward your chest without changing the bend angle. To make the exercise more difficult, place a ball between your knees.

Side crunches

Exercise narrows your waist.

I.P.: lying on your side, resting on your elbow.

The pelvis is raised and lowered, bending at the waist.

Complex for beginners

if there is no horizontal bar, then you can raise your legs on the floor
  1. Press crunches.
  2. Vertical and horizontal “scissors”. Lying on the floor, perform horizontal and vertical movements with legs raised 30 cm from the floor.
  3. "Bike". Lying on the floor and raising your shoulders, as in straight crunches, try to reach the knee on the opposite side with your elbow, while simultaneously pulling your leg bent at the knee towards the elbow.
  4. Climber exercise. Starting position - as with. As you inhale, pull your knee toward your chest, and as you exhale, straighten your leg. Then repeat the same with the other leg. Perform at a fast pace for 30 seconds or longer.
  5. Leg raises on the bar, (if there is no stadium or wall bars nearby at home, then you can lie on the floor).

How to remove belly fat?

The plank exercise will help you get rid of your belly fat

Is it possible to lose belly fat by pumping up your abs? To answer this question, you need to know one nuance. It is in the internal abdominal muscles, which are practically not worked out during training, are relaxed and bulge. Therefore, even thin people can have a belly. There are other exercises for this part of the muscular skeleton.

    I.P.: as when performing horizontal push-ups, the abdominal muscles are tense. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then they lower themselves to the floor, inhale deeply, return to the starting position and perform the exercise again. Over time, the duration increases. Despite its apparent ease, this exercise is not easy for a beginner to perform.

    They do the same, but rest on the right arm, bent at the elbow, and the right leg. The plane of the body is perpendicular to the floor, the left arm is raised to the top. Repeat the same for the other side.

Burning belly fat and sides

Exercises must be performed slowly, without rushing

To burn fat on the stomach and sides, do crunches, but without weights, “to the last strength.”

You won't be able to lose weight in one part of your body. Additionally, aerobic exercise is needed or. These include active games - basketball, tennis, etc. They not only help burn fat, but also increase endurance, strengthen the heart and blood vessels.

Ab pumping table for 14 days

Day Replays Approaches
1 20 4–5
3 15
5 25
7 20
9 15
11 30
13 20

Start with 1-2 sets, their number is gradually increased. On even days - rest.

Intensive video training for advanced:


Here are the mistakes that beginners most often make when trying to improve their abdominal shape.

  1. Ignoring complex exercises. Complex training helps to work all the muscles of the body. Therefore, the program includes traction, etc.
  2. Working out the abdominal muscles requires a lot of effort and energy, so they are performed last.
  3. To get a six-pack, you pump your abs every day and do them several times. This is true, but the same effect is achieved if you train 3-4 times a week, performing 3-4 sets. There is no point in wasting extra energy.
  4. Incorrect execution. Often, beginners perform movements in a way that is easier for them to do. Such connivance does not bring results and often ends in injury.
  5. You can’t neglect them - they create beautiful posture. This is what the exercise does.
  6. When doing crunches, do not extend much, otherwise the muscles will stretch and the tone of the abdominal wall will decrease.
  7. Long-term classes according to the old program, without complications and new exercises. Muscles get used to the load, and at some point the training stops bringing results. As soon as the exercise has become easy to perform, it is complicated, the number of repetitions is increased or replaced with a new one.
  8. Relying on devices from TV stores. The products are created for lazy people who still train anyway.

Extras - food, water

replace fast food with vegetables

To prevent a layer of fat from hiding spectacular cubes, Proper nutrition is a prerequisite. People forget about fatty, fried, fast food, cream pies, smoked foods, and sweet carbonated drinks. Simple carbohydrates, which are found in chips, most desserts, potatoes, and baked goods, only complicate the task.

You can do all the exercises in a row to work out your abdominal muscles well, or choose a few suitable ones and include them in your workout.

1. Fold to the legs

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs and arms at right angles.
  • Lift your shoulders and pelvis off the floor, touch your toes with your fingertips.
  • Slowly lower yourself back to the floor.
  • Repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on your back, pull your navel toward your spine and press your lower back toward the floor.
  • Raise both legs up to an angle of 45 degrees, pointing your toes out.
  • Start slowly crossing your legs. Perform 10–15 repetitions for each.
  • You can make the exercise more difficult by placing loops around your legs.

3. Frog crunch

  • Sit on the floor, placing your weight on your sit bones. Bend your back to maintain balance, bend your knees and lift your feet off the floor.
  • Exhale, draw your belly button toward your spine and lean back, opening your arms and straightening your legs.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position with your knees near your chest.
  • Repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, put your hands behind your head.
  • Pull your knees to your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Straighten your right leg low from the floor, and turn your body to the left, touching your right elbow to your left knee. This movement rotates the entire chest, not just the elbow.
  • Perform the exercise in the other direction. This is one repetition.
  • Complete 25 reps.

  • Lie on the floor, place your arms on either side of your body, palms down.
  • Raise your legs with your knees bent so that they are at chest level.
  • Lift your hips off the floor, lifting your legs higher.
  • Lower your legs back to the floor and repeat 2-3 times.
  • Do not use inertia, the movement must be performed using the muscles, so perform it slowly.

  • Lie on the floor, stretch your legs, arms along your body.
  • Raise your legs and shoulders low from the floor - this is the starting position.
  • Raise your body with your back straight and your knees bent, leaving only your pelvis on the floor.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 25 times.

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet on your heels, lean your body back, straight back.
  • Keeping your arms in front of your chest, rotate your body to the right, then to the left for one repetition.
  • Do the exercise 15 times.
  • If you want to make the exercise more difficult, lift your feet off the floor.

  • Lie on your back, raise your straight legs and arms up, lift your upper back off the floor, and reach your hands towards your feet.
  • Lower your legs to a 45-degree angle and move your arms behind your head. Do not lower your shoulders to the floor, press your lower back to the mat.
  • Repeat the movement, reaching your hands towards your feet.
  • Complete 10 reps.

9. Half banana

  • Lie on the floor, straighten your legs, stretch your arms in front of you.
  • Exhale, lift your body and left leg, and move your hands toward your left foot. Lock the pose in the extreme position and slowly return back.
  • Repeat the twist on the other leg.
  • Continuing to alternate sides, repeat 20 times.

  • Lie on the floor, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body.
  • Slowly lift your body and right leg. Turn your body to the right and touch your right foot with your left hand. Hold for one second.
  • Also slowly lower yourself back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Perform the exercise 15 times, alternating sides.

  • Stand in a side position on your forearm, place your other hand behind your head.
  • Exhale, draw in your stomach, pulling your navel toward your spine, turn your body toward the floor and pull the elbow of your free hand toward the wrist of your supporting hand.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position and repeat seven more times on this side and eight on the other.

12. Slowly raise your legs

  • Lie on the floor, lift your straight legs up, arms along your body.
  • Press your lower back to the floor, slowly lower both legs, then raise them just as slowly. The slower you move, the more difficult the exercise.
  • Repeat 10–15 times.
  • If you want to make the exercise more difficult, do not lower your legs to the floor, hold them at an angle of 20-30 degrees, and then raise them again. In this case, the abdominal muscles will not relax throughout the entire exercise.

  • Lie on your stomach, raise your arms above your head. Lengthen your belly to protect and lengthen your lower back. Raise your legs, arms and head straight.
  • Raise your right leg and left arm a little higher, then lower them lower and lift your left leg and right arm.
  • Continue to slowly alternate arms and legs, do not dangle, keep your body in place.
  • Repeat 20 times.

If you want to increase the load, try a medicine ball or. And don't forget about your diet! Even super intense exercises will not give you beautiful, sculpted abs without.

A beautiful, athletic and fit body is attractive to everyone. Regular training and a competent combination of consumed foods, as well as limiting the consumption of sweets, fatty foods, and starchy foods help him become just that. In fact, training and physical activity in general is not even 50% of success.

Many professional consultants and fitness trainers know a terrible secret - the problem in 90% is an excessive diet rich in fats and carbohydrates, abuse of foods with a high glycemic index.

When wondering how to become more athletic and fit, both women and men are inevitably faced with the need to work on muscles to grow, develop and strengthen them.

Before looking for an answer to the question posed, you should understand what this concept includes. Abs is a very broad definition. By it we mean not one, but a collection of abdominal muscles, by pumping each of them well, you can get those very cherished cubes.

Setting a goal to quickly pump up their abs, many girls are interested in whether they can get good results. With enough effort and persistence, definitely yes. The only difference between the male and female body is testosterone. This hormone helps build muscle mass, so men's muscles are more defined. However, a woman can achieve positive results by not forgetting to monitor her diet and not neglecting special physical exercises.

Also, do not forget that exercises to achieve quick results must be selected individually; some of the exercises such as the “Roman chair” can have a negative effect for a person suffering from diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system, and this is important to take into account when planning training!

How to quickly pump up abs for a girl

Let's talk in more detail about how the abdominal muscles work. Those same cherished cubes - the goal of how to quickly and effectively pump up the abs - are formed thanks to the work of the rectus muscles. Their total number is 2, one on each side. An individual muscle consists of four squares, for a total of 8. However, only the top six have the shape of a cube. The two located below look more like triangles.

Now that the girl has an idea about the structure of her abdominals, it’s time to remember the folk wisdom - “You are what you eat” and think about proper nutrition while pumping up the abs.

The main assistant in the development and increase of muscles, as well as the main body builder, is protein. Its benefits for the human body are known from school anatomy. In order to quickly pump up your abs, it’s time to try out the acquired knowledge in practice.

Adequate protein intake is the key to rapid weight gain and quick abdominal pumping. The main products containing large amounts of protein and recommended for consumption by all athletes are:

  1. cottage cheese and dairy products;
  2. chicken breasts;
  3. lean meat;
  4. asparagus.

Another advantage of such products is the need for a large number of calories, which the body spends to absorb them.

Carbohydrates are also important in the question of how to quickly pump up your abs at home. They, in turn, replenish the body with sufficient energy. Foods rich in carbohydrates are:

  1. porridge;
  2. cereal bars;
  3. nuts.

Special sets of exercises, specifically complexes, will help you pump up your abs quickly and effectively, since alternating loads is also very important. The breaks between approaches should be short, otherwise the entire load on the muscles will disappear. In addition, a girl who is new to the sport is not recommended to immediately set records.

The more correct way to quickly pump up a girl’s abs is to gradually increase the level of load, allowing the muscles to get used to their new “work.” Most often, the desire to have “steel” abs arises among girls closer to summer, to the opening of the beach season. Anticipating the situation, you can start playing sports in the winter, so that by the very beginning of June you will appear at your best and have not only toned abdominal muscles, but also your body as a whole.

The above is addressed specifically to those who want to pump up their abs, but if the goal is to get rid of a big belly, the approach to nutrition should be different, it is impossible to give clear recommendations without knowing individual characteristics, at the very end there will be a video from an excellent fitness trainer, take the time and listen to it words of wisdom and make it a rule to create and stick to a balanced, nutritious diet.

How to quickly pump up your abs at home

It’s possible to pump up your abs at home! It won’t be difficult for a motivated girl to do this. In this case there are no secrets or complex formulas. All you need is consistency, regularity and, most importantly, desire.

Purchasing an expensive subscription and spending money and time on travel is not the best option. It is quite possible to cope with such a task on your own. It is enough to choose 3-4 exercises, learn how to perform them correctly (which is also very important) and repeat 15-20 approaches daily. If you wish, you can purchase specialized equipment in the store, for example, a fitball - a large ball that will help you work several muscle groups at once.

Among the most effective exercises for achieving your goal, that is, pumping up the “steel” press, will be:

  1. twisting (legs bent at the knees, hands behind the back, alternating movements to the right and left);
  2. lifting from the floor (legs bent at the knees, hands behind the back, lifting the torso forward);
  3. lifting your legs off the floor;
  4. simultaneous raising of arms and legs to maximum height.

Having started to act, it is a mistake to hope for a quick result. You will be able to notice the first changes in the abdominal area only after a few weeks. The main thing is to follow your goal and not give up.

Want to tighten your tummy quickly? It is not difficult! The right set of exercises and a balanced diet will be your answer to the question of how to pump up your abs in 1 week.

The technique of quickly strengthening the abdominal muscles is really effective. But it should be remembered that within 1 week you can only achieve an increase in the tone of the peritoneum. The belly will become smaller, excessive volumes will go away, and the abs will be noticeable. However, you should not expect the appearance of cubes: they are the result of many days of training. And they begin to appear attractively on the tummy within a week after 3 regular sessions.

To pump up your abs quickly and effectively, you should adhere to the following rules.

  1. Exercise in the morning. The time before breakfast is the most preferable in terms of strengthening muscles. Your stomach is empty, which means nothing will interfere with your abs’ work. You can drink a glass of warm water, this will help start the digestive system and, if you have difficulties with bowel movements, relieve them.
  2. Work from home. It is often believed that in order to pump up sculpted abs, you need to visit the gym. This is wrong. You can pump up your abs just as effectively at home. Moreover, you don’t need any exercise equipment to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  3. Exercise regularly. How to pump up your abs correctly? Coaches say: exercise more often. In this case, the word “more often” means 3 times a week, that is, every other day. A tighter schedule is not necessary, as the muscles should be given rest. Less often - there is no point, or rather the result will not be so impressive.
  4. Choose your pace. When working on your abs, you pay attention to a whole group of muscles: rectus, external, oblique and internal. During classes, you should work on each of them, since the straight line, for example, is responsible for those very “cubes” on the stomach, and the oblique ones form the waist. However, the rhythm of work must match your requirements. To pump up your abs to six-pack abs, you need to perform the exercises slowly, measuredly, and hold in the desired position for at least 3 seconds. For a firm, flat stomach, you need a fast pace. Therefore, if a girl needs to quickly pump up her abs, intensive training without additional load in the form of dumbbells or barbells is recommended.
  5. Do a warm-up. Only warmed muscles will be maximally responsive. Therefore, before training, jump rope for a couple of minutes, run in place, dance if you are in the mood.

Exercises for fast abs

  • Hanging on the horizontal bar. In terms of effectiveness, it is 3 times faster than classic twisting. Requires raising the legs in a hanging position above the level of the pelvis. The legs can be straight (to increase the load) or bent at the knees (this makes it easier to work at the initial stage). If you want to strengthen your lateral muscles at the same time, lift your legs bent at the knees and turn them to the sides. Don’t worry about pumping up your abs on a horizontal bar at home if there is no horizontal bar in your apartment. All you need to do is screw a sturdy strip to the doorway and you’re good to go.
  • Bike. The effectiveness of the exercise is 2.9 times greater than classic crunches. Everyone knows how to effectively pump up the abs using a “bicycle”: lying on your back, pull your left and right legs alternately to the opposite elbow. When the bent leg touches the elbow, the other should be perfectly straight and approximately 10 cm from the floor.
  • Leg raises for lower abs . Lying on the floor, lift your legs about 45° from the floor and put them back down. Perform 9 times, on the tenth time hold your legs in the air for 10 seconds.
  • Upper Ab Raise . Raise your torso from a lying position and lie back down.
  • Torso lift for a firmer belly . From a lying position, make a series of quick lifts and jerks of your torso towards your legs. The knees are bent.
  • Diagonal crunches for oblique muscles . Lying on the floor, bend your knees slightly and place your hands behind your head. Perform a series of frequent torso raises, trying to alternately reach the opposite knee with your elbow.
  • Lateral crunches for obliques . Lying on your side, squeeze your legs well. Place your hand under your head. Lift your torso up using your side muscles. Try to rise higher.

Perform each exercise 15 times. It is advisable to do 3 approaches, but at first it is extremely difficult. Increase the load gradually.

How to increase your workout productivity

Now you know how to pump up your abs in 1 week, but that’s not all the secrets.

  • Stretching after the main complex. It increases the elasticity and pliability of muscles and is especially good for warm muscles. Get on your knees and lean back as far as possible. Perform slowly, also at a slow pace, return to the starting position. Try doing a knee bridge. Did not work out? In a couple of weeks you can!
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Liquid is necessary to normalize metabolism. Thanks to it, you will lose body fat at a breakneck pace. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • Proper nutrition. We do not encourage you to forget about sweets; on the contrary, glucose is very necessary for the muscles and brain. However, leave buns, fatty meats and fried potatoes in the past. Include vegetables, fruits, lean poultry, cottage cheese, and eggs in your diet. And eat them for health benefits!

And finally, a true video for those who have big problems with excess weight: