What to do to run fast. How to run fast - learn how to run fast for a beginner. Rest and Recovery

Perhaps you, like me, at one time, want to learn how to run very quickly, reacting sharply to someone else's superiority in running. In order to become faster, increase your running speed and endurance, which are necessary not so much for personal satisfaction as for playing a particular sport, you need to ask the appropriate question. The correct statement would be not “how to learn to run fast?”, but “how to run fast correctly?”.

We are not born with the ability to run very fast, but many of us have the predisposition to do so. It is quite possible to acquire such an ability, provided that it is developed with maximum effort, having studied techniques that reveal the secrets of how to run fast correctly.

Let's move on directly to how to learn to run fast or to training a future sprinter. Let's start with theory and move on to direct exercises that help achieve the desired result.

It is important to know that there are two indicators - step frequency and step length, which directly affect running speed. As a result of increasing step length, it will be possible to cover a greater distance in one step, and increasing the frequency of steps will help you complete more of them in a certain period of time. It is in this relationship that an increase in running speed occurs.

Let's move on directly to the exercises.

Exercise performed in conjunction:

You need to wrap an elastic leash around your waist or use a piece of rubber tubing, holding it with your hands, and the opposite end must be held tightly in the hands of your partner. Next, you need to start running, towing your partner behind you, gradually increasing your speed to the maximum limit. It has been experimentally proven that this technique can increase running speed by 10% compared to regular unaccompanied running.

Exercise "running down":

It is advisable to run and jump down a slope, hill or flight of stairs at least 30 meters high, concentrating on pushing off with your toes. You should perform at least ten repetitions in one approach.

Jumping exercises, each of which should be performed as high and sharply as possible at least 10 times.

    1. From a squat.

    A half squat with your hands clasped behind your head is the starting position for this exercise. You need to jump up, returning to the starting position.

    2. From a lunge.

    We perform jumps from a lunge position, when one leg is extended forward to full extension, and the other is pulled back as far as possible, with the body and head directed forward. While jumping, we change the position of our legs and land in a lunge on the opposite leg.

    3. Zigzag.

    Performed on both one and two legs. They consist of diagonally jumping over spaced cones at a 60-centimeter distance from each other with a sharp change in the direction of the jump.

    4. With alternating legs.

    Performed from a half-step position simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical planes. It is advisable to accompany jumps by alternating arm swings and hovering in the air. Try to jump high while covering the maximum distance in length.

    5. Vertical, on two legs.

    With our feet shoulder-width apart, we try to jump up as high as possible, helping ourselves with this by swinging our arms in the direction of body movement.

    6. On one leg.

    From a half-step position, we perform jumps on one leg, bending the other leg up at the knee while flying, and try to stay in the air for as long as possible.

At the end of the article answering the question of how to learn to run fast, I want to focus on the following:

You need to train at least twice a week, but you should give your body 24 hours of rest between workouts. Don't forget or neglect stretching before and after your workout, as this is important. Stretching can provide some relief and also speed up the growth of muscle mass.

Of course, every person, due to the influence of heredity, can reach certain limits in running. But after training aimed at solving the question of how to learn to run fast, you can quite achieve acceptable results and feel the desired effect from the training.

I offer all joggers a set of eight simple running exercises. It only takes 15-20 minutes and gives amazing results. If you do it regularly three times a week before jogging, you will very soon notice that you are running faster. These running exercises strengthen the muscles involved in running, develop endurance, and improve technique. Each exercise requires 2-3 approaches. Choose the number of repetitions yourself depending on your level of physical fitness.

1. Running with knees up

Run in place, jumping high and trying to touch your buttocks with your heels. The back is straight, the abdominal muscles are tightened, the arms work in opposite directions, as during normal running. Knees - under the hip joint.

For what: The muscles of the back of the thigh are strengthened, the foot learns to properly stand on the supporting surface.

3. Jumping

Denis Bykovskikh

Actively pushing off with your feet, jump from foot to foot, moving forward. The hands move differently.

For what: the exercise strengthens the leg muscles, increases push-off when running, and helps increase speed.

4. Jumping with changing leg positions

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, rise up onto your toes, tensing your calf muscles, and while inhaling, return to the starting position.

For what: The calf muscles are strengthened and the feet are trained. This exercise helps increase your running speed while reducing the stress on your joints.

6. Lifting onto half toes of one leg

Starting position - standing, one foot on the floor, the other on a chair or any other elevation. As you exhale, rise to the half-toes of your supporting leg, and as you inhale, return to the starting position.

For what: Each leg is worked out separately, the effect is the same as the previous exercise.

Becoming a good runner requires more than just speed and agility. To become stronger and faster, you must learn to take care of your own body. Moreover, this very “care” is not at all limited to stretching - it also includes proper nutrition and... the right shoes suitable for running. Read this article and you will learn how to learn to run longer, further and faster.


Creating the right environment

    Choose a time of day that you would like to run. Some people like to run at five in the morning, while others become numb at the mere thought of it. Think about when it is most convenient for you to run and gradually run further and faster.

    Choose music for running. Create a playlist that helps you run and tells you when to speed up and when to slow down. This type of acceleration and deceleration interval training will help you become faster over time. Choose music that will set your feet running on its own!

    Alternatively, run without music. If you always run with a player, try running without it once and listen to your own feelings.

    • Some people, when they are not distracted by music, run further.
    • Running without music helps you focus on your breathing and body function.
  1. Wear comfortable clothes. You need to run in clothes that make you comfortable to run in. Some people like it heavy and dense, others like it light and breathable. Listen to yourself and make the right choice.

    Choose the right shoes. There are different types of running shoes, suitable for different types of running. If you wear running shoes that don't fit you for one reason or another, nothing good will come of it.

    Eat dark leafy vegetables, dark berries and foods rich in beta-carotene. These foods are high in beneficial antioxidants and fiber, which is good for your digestive tract. Carrots and sweet potatoes, sources of beta-carotene, are beneficial for muscle tissue repair.

    Eat whole grain foods. If the product is made from grains, then it is better to have these grains as whole grains - they contain more fiber and phytonutrients that are beneficial for digestion.

Are you preparing for a competition, passing a standard, or just want to learn how to run fast? In any case, there are a few simple rules that can help you with this. Thirty years of intense research among athletes and the study of exercise physiology have yielded several basic principles that will help answer the question of how to learn to run fast. The key is to start smoothly and then work your way towards your goal.

The basis

Be your own personal trainer. Commit to working out at least 4 days a week. Don't quit your workouts or postpone them until tomorrow, convincing yourself that you're too tired.

Start with a conversational running pace, which is a speed at which you can talk without problems, and increase it by no more than 10 percent per week. Make every fourth week a recovery period and rest.

Practice for at least three months at an average of three hours per week with the following daily schedule:

  • Day 1. Warm up 10 minutes. Run briskly for 20 minutes (80 percent of your maximum speed) and lightly jog or walk for ten minutes.
  • Day 2. Rest
  • Day 3. Easy jogging for an hour.
  • Day 4: Use a 40/20 cycle. First, 10 minutes of warm-up, then 12 such cycles - 40 seconds of sprinting at a moderate pace and 20 seconds at maximum speed. Breaks between cycles are 10 seconds.
  • Day 5. Rest
  • Day 6. Long run. Start with a light jog and run at a conversational pace for 40-90 minutes. It is useful to run with a buddy, friend, husband/wife or child.
  • Day 7. Rest.

Try checking yourself every 3 weeks with the following approach:

  • Find the nearest stadium or park with a distance of 300-400 meters.
  • Do some stretching and warm-up, such as 25 push-ups or jogging.
  • Run these 300-400 meters at maximum pace and increase the distance to 2 kilometers. Measure your run time every time.
  • Don't stop if you're tired. Always run at a moderate pace.
  • After each set, take a walk to calm your heart rate, then stretch.

Always warm up before running.

Drink plenty of water and never give up.

Don't eat fatty or high-fiber foods before running as you may experience a cramp in your stomach.

Instead, drink plenty of freshly squeezed fruit juice or water.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Train on hilly terrain to build up your speed gradually. Running uphill may be more difficult, but after a while you will get used to it and find that you run faster.

Also remember the following tips

  • Always take a water bottle with you and do not force your body to dehydrate.
  • Buy good shoes that are lightweight and comfortable. Good quality sneakers are best. Replace them every 500 kilometers or if they are too worn.
  • Don't clench your fists while running. Keep them relaxed, otherwise you will burn more energy.
  • Run more often. The harder you work, the faster you will become.
  • Do morning exercises.

Follow all these rules, tips and approaches and learn to run fast It won't be too difficult for you. Good luck in the race!

If you've outgrown your novice runner status, you may find aimless jogging boring. But this is not a reason to stop running! Try to improve your race time. Take note of tips that are simple to describe, but not at all easy to implement, to improve your speed, reaction time, correct concentration and body position while running.

Attention! Many of the methods listed are quite tough, so without fanaticism. Be sure to listen to your own feelings. Remember that the main principle remains the Hippocratic principle “do no harm”!

Form the correct body position

The key to running (at any speed) is developing the correct technique. This means that your upper body should remain straight but relaxed, your leg should be planted on the ground through the middle of your foot, moving from the hip, and your arms should move evenly back and forth (not side to side!), bent at a 90 degree angle. degrees.

Consider the cadence

Keep your strides short: Keep your stride frequency constant, regardless of your running speed. The fastest and most efficient runners take about 180 steps per minute, keeping their feet close to the ground, barely touching it as they land. Aiming for the magic number of 90, count the number of times your right foot touches the ground in a minute.

Slower, faster

Limited running time? Try interval training! Interval training - alternating periods of high and low intensity - is one effective way to work on speed and endurance. Plus, interval training allows you to burn more calories in less time.

Run sprints

There is a reason why real runners do short sprints before a big race. Strides(from English stride -"big step") - a series of comfortable sprints (usually from 8 to 12 races of 50–200 meters each) - improves acceleration technique.

Run on a treadmill

Feeling the need for speed? Satisfy her on the treadmill! Because the speed of the treadmill belt helps the movement of the legs. In reality, running faster and easier on a treadmill. Plus, the speed boost button is right at your fingertips. Tech Tip: It's a good idea to get good on the track first before ditching the digital accelerometer and hitting the streets.


Experts are still debating whether static stretching actually prevents running injuries. But what is certain is that daily stretching exercises (targeting the hip flexors) increase the flexibility that is used when taking long steps.

Pick your pace

Play with speed. There is even a special word in Swedish fartlek, meaning speed game. Fartlek - alternating movement either in the rhythm of an easy jog or at a sprint pace - will help increase speed and endurance. During this game you will achieve greater results with less fatigue than during regular interval training.


Jump rope

Take advantage of the experience of boxers - take up the rope. Boxers know that quick feet = quick hands. And for runners: quick feet = quick feet.

Choose lightweight shoes

Even if barefoot running isn't your thing, running shoes are becoming lighter and lighter to more closely mimic natural foot movements and strides. Try a minimalist pair to experience how less weight means more power for more speed.

Strengthen the center

Speed ​​and smartness go hand in hand. Stronger core muscles (especially lower abs) allow runners to generate more power and speed on the course. The best part is that it only takes 15 minutes of abdominal exercises a few days a week to finish faster.

Inhale, exhale

Just make it a lot faster! Breathing while running at higher speeds takes practice. Breathe through both your nose and mouth to get the maximum amount of oxygen delivered to your muscles. Additionally, you should definitely try belly breathing, that is, filling your stomach with air rather than your chest during each inhalation.

Lower your sugar levels

Junk food will provide you with high sugar levels, which will definitely have a negative impact on your speed. Get your carbohydrates from whole grains, which will provide you with long-lasting energy without sudden crashes in your sugar levels.

Play with toys

Who doesn't love new toys? Take advantage of additional gadgets and apps to add new experiences to your run.

Become the king of the hill

Running uphill (Rolling hills on a treadmill) even once a week has been proven to increase your speed, strengthen your core muscles, and even improve your self-confidence.

Add weight

Strong lean muscles will only help when crossing the finish line. While runners don't necessarily need to commit to bodybuilding, one or two short strength sessions per week can significantly improve your running performance.


Lose weight

On the other hand, research shows that losing weight (fat, not muscle!) can help you improve your performance—an average of 3 seconds per kilometer per kilogram lost. Of course, not everyone has a lot to lose, so be sure to properly assess your weight before going on a diet!


Proper hip rotation and maintaining a steady rhythm are important for running. For this reason, one of the recommended cross-training exercises for runners is cycling. And in the summer, perhaps, it’s even better to take a ride down the street in the company of friends or a dog.

Even just looking down at your sneakers or turning your head while running to check how far you are ahead of your opponents eats up valuable time. Instead, focus on what's in front of you, 10 to 20 meters into the course, and keep your eyes on the finish line.

Pull up your toes

The entire body plays a role in creating speed: from the top of your head to the tips of your toes! Notice your toes and try to stretch them slightly (up towards your shin). In this case, a smaller part of the foot will touch the surface when the foot lands, and therefore the start of a new step will be faster.

Stick to a steady, hard pace

Slow and steady may win the race, but fast and steady is guaranteed to win in speed too! Those with a thirst for speed should choose a pace that can be called comfortably heavy. Maintain this pace for at least 20 minutes.


Use dope

Can't live a day without coffee? Then good news for you! A cup of coffee before your race will give you extra speed. At the same time, this stimulant is absolutely legal.

Get into plank position

About the benefits of the plank on Lifehacker. This exercise does not require special equipment and is accessible to every runner. Do planks for 2-3 minutes for 6-8 sets 2-3 times a week and you will run faster.

Learn asanas

Add yoga to your workout plan. Flexibility improved through yoga poses that focus on this will not only increase your speed, but also promote faster recovery after a long, hard run.

Have a rest

Research shows that athletes who are well rested have better reaction times and finishing times. Think about it: the time you gain at the finish line can be returned to your body by sleeping more.

Take off your clothes

On that very day - the day of the race - you will take off your excess clothing. Extra layers, belts, gadgets - take them off at this point. Fewer clothes and devices on your body - faster speed.