Workouts for women's body types. Thesis: Study of strength training of girls and women involved in fitness. Mixed body types

09.03.2016 | Tatiana Batishcheva| No comments yet

Workout for women depending on body type

The understanding of female beauty has changed somewhat over time. In the twentieth century, it was difficult for a person to understand contemporaries who admired Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. The image of Marilyn Monroe, which created a sensation in the middle of the last century, is also far from ideal in our time - the legs are short, the hair is dry. Despite the fact that the concept of female beauty has undergone numerous aesthetic transformations over the course of history, it has never achieved a single standardized concept.

According to men, a woman's personality consists of the following main components: having her own style, regal posture, beautiful gait, visual contact, voice and laughter, smell and sexuality. As we see, a woman is not born with these qualities, she develops them throughout her life. To have beautiful skin, hair and nails, you need to take care of them regularly, and to form a slim figure and beautiful posture, you need to watch your diet and go to the gym.

As mentioned above, a beautiful figure is the result of working on yourself and your body. But, in order to organize this work competently, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the type of your figure: I, X, T, A, or O. Body shape mainly depends on two aspects: genetic heredity and the lifestyle you lead . It is not possible to influence heredity, while the second aspect can and even needs to be worked on. The type of female figure is determined by genetics (depending on the characteristics of metabolism, hormonal levels, psychotype), and mainly indicates the peculiarities of the distribution of fat in the body. Having correctly determined her type, a woman will be able to better understand her problem areas, choose her diet, physical activity and clothing. Let's take a closer look at the most common types of female body types.

Type A

People also call it pear because of its visual similarity. The owner of a type A figure has a heavy bottom and a graceful top. Fat is localized on the hips, buttocks and sides. The upper body, on the contrary, is quite narrow and may even seem thin - narrow shoulders and back, toned arms, small breasts, rather thin waist. A woman with a type A figure tends to gain weight quickly, and cellulite is a common problem. The disadvantages of this type of figure are fully emphasized by a protruding belly and a stooped back.

Proper training

The main task is to achieve proportion, to visually balance the bottom and top. To do this, you must first carry out fat-burning workouts in order to reduce the total amount of subcutaneous fat. After this, it is recommended to perform strength work on the upper body to give the muscles shape. Excellent exercises are lat pull-downs, push-ups, dumbbell presses, and pullovers. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 8. You need to work with the legs only in order to keep them in good shape (from 10 to 15 repetitions).

Type T

The T figure is inversely proportional to type A. It is characterized by broad shoulders (wider than the pelvis), small breasts, narrow hips and thin legs. One gets the impression that the slender legs seem to be attached to a massive body. Metabolic rate is average (weight gain only if you increase the amount of food).

Proper training

As a general rule, women with a T-type figure tend to be slouched. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to opening the chest and developing correct posture. It makes sense to make the bottom more rounded to achieve proportion. You need to train your legs: cardio training on a stepper, squats, leg presses, lunges, deadlifts. The number of repetitions per set is from 6 to 8.

Type O

The figure of the owners of curvy figures, visually reminiscent of a ball. A clear excess of fat deposits throughout the body, very low metabolism (weight is gained even if there is relatively little).

Proper training

To ensure that success does not take long to arrive, the emphasis is on fat burning and nutrition correction. Next, it is better to give preference to strength work with the upper limb belt.

Type I

It is characterized by a very high metabolic rate, making it difficult to gain weight. The hips and shoulders are the same in width, the waist is not clearly defined, the legs are slender, the hips and buttocks are flat.

Proper training

The goal of the workout is not to lose weight, but to shape your figure. It is necessary to increase the amount of calories consumed and work on gaining muscle mass.

Type X

Perhaps the dream figure of most women. The upper and lower parts of the body are proportional, the waist is very well defined.

Proper training

Exercise is needed to maintain muscle tone. Give preference to cardio exercises, since fat is distributed evenly throughout the body.

A woman’s figure is her calling card. Organize your training process correctly and achieve your goal. And may your happiness not depend on your body type!

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The fashion for a slim and toned body has given rise to dozens of myths about diets and gym exercises. Today, trainers have expanded their knowledge in the field of physiology and anatomy and began to separate male and female fitness. A workout that makes guys look great can have the opposite effect on girls. There are exercises that are not recommended for women.

Editorial website has compiled a “black list” of exercises that should be avoided in the fight for a beautiful body.

1. Exercises that increase the size of your obliques

The oblique muscles are attached to the lower part of the rib and extend down to the pubic bone. They set the shape of our body. By loading this muscle group, you cause them to increase in size. A thin waist is out of the question.

3 exercises that were included in the “black list”:

Dumbbell Bends

Lena Boone, a bodybuilder and winner of the NPC Sunshine Classic tournament, considers the most common female mistake to be endless variations of bending the torso in the hope of reducing the waist. She calls it "ab abuse." Swinging from side to side with dumbbells in your hands forces your side muscles to grow. Try to avoid this exercise in your training.

Replace with "vacuum"

To do this, pull your stomach in as deep as possible. Freeze for a few seconds and then relax. Performing this exercise is difficult at first, but once you learn to do it correctly and regularly, you will quickly notice the results.

Lateral extensions

Extension - extension of the body on a special inclined bench. By performing exercises on this machine, you push the side muscles to active growth. Your waist won't thank you for this.

Replace with a bar

An alternative for a flat stomach can be the plank. This is a simple exercise that can be done in the gym or at home. Stretch along the floor on your elbows and freeze for a minute.

Squats with heavy weights

Popular channel about women's fitness Workout says that by squatting with heavy weights, you load not only the buttocks, but also the muscles of the core, abs and spine. This inevitably leads to an increase in muscle mass around the waist.

Replace with straight twists

To keep your body toned, perform straight crunches. From the starting position lying on the floor, slowly lift your body up. Perform several repetitions until a burning sensation appears in the muscles.

2. Exercises that enlarge your neck and shoulders

The trapezius is a flat, broad muscle that is located in the back of the neck and upper back. By loading this muscle group, you risk being left without a fragile swan neck and having a wide, massive back. Borisova Anna, international master of sports in body fitness, vice world champion in fitness bikini, on her YouTube channel Fit4Woman promotes femininity and beauty. She strongly recommends avoiding exercises that can enlarge a girl’s fragile shoulders and hide her neck.

3 exercises that should be excluded from your training program:

Shrugs with dumbbells or barbell

Replace with dumbbell raises

Curling your arms with dumbbells will help tighten your muscles. Choose a comfortable weight, press your arms close to your body and slowly lift them towards your shoulders.

Lifting dumbbells or barbells in front of you above parallel with the floor

When performing this exercise, follow a simple principle: do not lift the apparatus above parallel with the floor. Incorrect hand position will inevitably involve the trapezius muscle.

Replace with arm flexion-extension

The problem area for many girls is the inner part of the arm, which is called the triceps. Place your hands behind your head, clasp the elbow of the other with the palm of one hand and perform slow extensions.

3. Exercises that make your legs bigger

Appetizing curves like Kim Kardashian's have revolutionized the idea of ​​female beauty. Firm, rounded buttocks have come into fashion. We went to the gym to do 10 types of squats and increase the weight in the hope that the muscles would grow bigger and faster.

However, do not forget that there are no isolated exercises for the muscles of the buttocks. When training the lower body, the “fight” inevitably involves the legs, namely the quadriceps.

The quadriceps is made up of four muscles and is often called the “quadriceps muscle.” This is a strong group that is evolutionarily predisposed to rapid development and increase in volume.

If you want to have slender legs, exclude from the training:

Squats with heavy weights

Why do girls go to the gym? Let us highlight 3 main groups of tasks:

  • loss of excess fat deposits;
  • toning the muscular system without weight correction;
  • weight gain and overall body shape improvement.

All individualization of a training program should begin with the identification of these problems. But you cannot remove excess fat from the buttocks, leaving it in the chest area. You can't remove fat from just your waist and leave it in your hips. Fat deposits, if you work to get rid of their excess, leave evenly from all parts of the body. First of all, it will be reflected on your face. It will begin to lose its roundness. But this shouldn't scare you.

Having noticed changes in your appearance, you should congratulate yourself on starting an important task - shedding excess deposits. Give it a month and you will notice a clear decrease in the circumference of your waist and pelvis, and subsequently your hips. Remember that even the most intense abdominal exercises will not make your waist slimmer while maintaining the same circumference. Everything will decrease evenly and in proportion to the supply that is already available. Consequently, fat will be removed from those areas where it is most abundant.

At the same time, there is a clear connection between the load on a certain part of the body and the degree of increase in its circumference.

If you are underweight, you need to primarily target those areas that need to be rounded (of course, through the muscles, not the fat layer).

In this regard, the main formative elements of your figure are the skeleton, the muscles attached to it and the layer of subcutaneous fat covering them.

The most flexible and correctable elements are muscles. But not all muscles, unfortunately (or rather, not all muscle fibers). Only white (fast-twitch) muscle fibers grow in thickness and change the overall shape of the entire muscle, and therefore a certain part of the body. But these fibers only respond to power loads (bodybuilding). No “steps”, “slides”, “aqua aerobics” and other exotic training systems “in the crowd” are able to change the shape of your muscles, because in this case the muscle fibers that are able to change shape under the influence of load are not working. The conclusion suggests itself without difficulty: conditioning bodybuilding.

The layer of fat is another form-building (or rather, “shape-distorting”) element. If there is not much of it, and it lies under the skin in the right places, it pleasantly smoothes out the shape of your figure, giving you femininity. If there is a lot of it, it will disgrace your figure. It’s hard to disagree with this, and the myth that most men like fat women was invented and allowed to roam around the world by fat women themselves. Fat can only be lost through aerobic exercise and an appropriate diet. Only aerobic work can mobilize fatty acids and burn them in specific, slow-twitch fibers. These fibers practically do not work under power loads. So one gym will not solve this problem. An integrated approach will solve your problems!

The most “hard” and unchangeable is the backbone. All our lives we will have to live with what our ancestors have endowed us with in this sense. Analyzing the bone structure is the most difficult part in developing an individual training program.

If possible, abstract as much as possible from your layer of fat, regardless of its thickness, as well as from muscle masses, regardless of their shape. Try to imagine your bone structure as if it were on an x-ray. For a person not at least familiar with the basics of anatomy, such abstraction can be difficult.

But you must try to strain all your imagination, since the content of subsequent training will depend on the accuracy of what you can imagine. It's best to stand naked in front of a large mirror and try to get rid of blind adoration of your body. Be critical of yourself. Remember that an uncritical person is almost never constructive. And to eliminate your shortcomings in addition, you need a constructive approach!

To make the task easier, we will not operate with complex anatomical concepts, but will determine the structure of the skeleton by the extent to which its outlines resemble the pattern of the printed letters “A”, “T”, “X” and “H” and in the future we will designate the types of skeleton exactly like this: “ A”, “T”, “X” and “H”. To make things even easier, let's analyze all these types.

Type “A” frame characterized by narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis. The difference in the width of the shoulders and pelvis can be either quite significant or not very pronounced. But in any case, the figure looks like the letter “A”. It seems to expand downwards, and this expansion is determined not only by the amount of fat accumulated in different parts of the body, but, to a greater extent, by the structure of the skeleton. This type of bone structure is characterized by a predominant accumulation of fat on the lower part of the body - in the pelvic region, lower abdomen and hips. Even extremes are possible: the upper part of the body (to the waist) can be thin, and the lower part – plump. Women and girls with this type of bone structure usually have difficulty losing fat from the lower torso, and their training patterns should reflect this feature.

Typically women with an “A” figure They are distinguished by a thin waist and small stature, and many men like these features of their build - they find them very feminine. However, often the fat deposits on the lower part of the body increase to an ugly size, which, of course, spoils the figure, because it turns into some kind of giant pear.

If you find yourself with an “A” body type, your main goal will be to lose fat in your lower body, add firmness to your lower body, and also gain some muscle mass in your upper body. First of all, in the area of ​​the shoulders, chest and back (so that the decreased difference between the circumferences of the chest and pelvis smooths out some of your disproportion).

An approximate set of exercises for women and girls with addition type "A"(hire a personal trainer to practice movement techniques)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. V-shaped crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench (raising the knees to the chest) – 3×20-25.
  3. Torso raises on an inclined board (legs must be bent and the back must be rounded) – 3×15-25.
  4. Bench press lying on an incline bench – 1×12, 1×10, 1×8, 1×6.
  5. Lying dumbbell raises – 3×8-10.
  6. Head pull on a high block – 1×12, 1×10, 1×8, 1×6.
  7. Bent-over dumbbell raises 3x8.
  8. Raising the knees to the chest while hanging on the bar – 2xMax.
  9. Squats with a barbell or a light barbell in a wide stance – 3x20-25.
  10. Lying leg curls on a 3x12 machine.
  11. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with back arching – 3×35-50.
  12. Lunges forward on one leg - 3×15-25.
  13. work on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles 2×30-50.
  14. cardio – 15-25 min.

Recording the dosage of exercises 15-25, 50-70 means that you need to start with 15 repetitions, and gradually, over several weeks, get to the upper limit. Exercises 4 and 6 should be performed using the “pyramid” technique, i.e., increase the weight from the second to the last approach in each of them. The word “Max” means that you should strive for the maximum number of repetitions in this exercise.

“T” type frame characterized by wider shoulders compared to the pelvis and a pronounced conical shape of the torso. This is the same sporty figure style that many are trying to get closer to through shoulder pads. Type “T” is characterized by a predominance of excess fat accumulation in the upper part of the body - from the navel and above. At the same time, a fairly voluminous chest can sit on a narrow pelvis and elongated thin legs. The waist with this type of build may become unexpressed; sometimes it is hidden by excess layers of fat.

With tall stature, such imbalances can be slightly smoothed out, but with short stature, they greatly spoil the impression of the figure. Your task, if you have discovered that you have type “T” bones, is to maximize the removal of fat deposits from the upper body and build the muscles of the gluteal and thigh areas (so that their increased circumferences smooth out the existing disproportion).

A set of exercises for women and girls with addition "T" type could be, for example, like this:

(to hone your exercise technique, contact a personal trainer)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.

work on the simulator for the oblique abdominal muscles – 2×30-50.

  1. Squats with a barbell in a wide stance or leg presses in a 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 machine. 5.
  2. Lying leg curl on the machine – 4×10.
  3. Hyperextension (lifting the torso from a position lying prone with your thighs across a high bench with your feet fixed) 3×15-20.
  4. Bench press, lying – 3×12-15.
  5. Bringing your elbows forward on a dec-dec machine – 2×12.
  6. Rows to the chest with a medium grip on a high block - 3x12-15.
  7. Torso raises with turns on an inclined board – 2×15-25.
  8. Hanging leg raises on the bar – 2xMax.

The methodological instructions for this complex are the same as for the previous one.

“X” type backbone characterized by the same width of shoulders and pelvis, pronounced waist and overall proportionality. This is, of course, the most feminine body type, but if you don’t treat yourself with care, it often takes on forms when excess fat deposits on the buttocks, hips, chest and shoulders turn the body into something like a huge guitar.

The task of women and girls with this type of build is to maintain the tone of all muscle groups and prevent excess fat deposits.

type “X”:

(a personal trainer will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Torso raises on an inclined board – 3×15-25.
  3. Barbell press – 2×10-12.
  4. Lying dumbbell raises – 2×10-12.
  5. “Pullover” lying across the bench (abduction of straight arms with a dumbbell back and down) 2 × 12-15.
  6. Chest rows with a parallel grip on a high block – 2×12-15.
  7. Low block abdominal row – 2×12-15.
  8. V-crunches, sitting on the edge of a bench – 2×25-30.
  9. Bench leg press – 2×15-20.
  10. Leg bending while lying on the machine – 2×10-12.
  11. Pelvic hyperextension – 2×15-20.
  12. Leg abduction (right or left) on a low block – 2×15-20.
  13. Calf raises, standing – 2×12-15.
  14. Leg raises on an inclined board – 2×12-15

Backbone type “H” completes our anatomical and methodological excursion. This type of build is characterized by approximately equal width of the shoulders and pelvis, and an undefined (and more often than not wide) waist. However, if you suffer from excess body fat, your waist circumference may even exceed the circumference of your pelvis (in extreme cases, giving you a barrel-shaped figure).

The main tasks of women and girls with this type of build are to get rid of excess fat as much as possible and to build up some muscle mass in the shoulders, chest, pelvis and hips (so that their increased circumference emphasizes the waistline and gives the figure a more feminine appearance).

An approximate set of exercises for addition type “H”:

(to learn the exercises, contact a specialist)

  1. Warm-up – 5-15 min.
  2. Raising the knees while hanging on the bar – 3 x Max.
  3. Raising the torso (arms behind the head) to the knees while lying on a bench, feet placed, for example, on a bar located on the racks of a barbell - 3xMax.
  4. Barbell bench press – 2×8-10.
  5. Raises with dumbbells on an incline bench – 2×8-10.
  6. Crossing arms on blocks while standing at a 2x8-10 incline.
  7. Head pull on a high block – 3×10-12.
  8. Low pulldown to the stomach – 2×8-10.
  9. V-crunches while sitting on the edge of a bench – 2×25-30.
  10. Bench leg press or squats with a barbell in a wide stance - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6.
  11. Lying leg curls on the machine – 4×8-10.
  12. Calf raises while standing on the machine – 3×12.
  13. Pelvic lifts lying on your back with a dumbbell or barbell disc on your stomach – 3×12-15.
  14. Hyperextension with a dumbbell at the chest 3x12-15.
  15. Rotation on the simulator for oblique abdominal muscles – 2×50-100.

Of course, the programs described here are by no means individualized for you. They can be adjusted by your personal trainer in a direction that more closely matches your individual characteristics. But if you train on your own, then the proposed programs will begin to correct your build within 1.5-2 months. These programs really work!

It is very important to understand that the types of skeleton that we analyzed are not very common in their pure form. Most likely, you will find some combination of two types of symptoms. Don’t let this bother you: after carefully reading the article, you will understand the logic of building complexes and will be able to choose those exercises that will solve your specific problems.

Remember also that there is no clear ideal female body type that suits the tastes of all people without exception. Your task is not at all to please everyone, but to make yourself worthy of the admiration and love of the person whose affection you are trying to win. Believe me, if you not only use what nature has given you, but improve your physique to the limit, your self-respect will increase immeasurably. You are quite capable of making yourself even more attractive than you imagine. And the main means of achieving this is an individualized training program.

Based on materials from the book “Fitness Training”

Determining a woman's body type is much more difficult than determining a man's body type. Each girl is unique, has her own characteristics of figure, metabolism, endurance and initial physical fitness. But, despite all this, everyone wants to have a toned body without treacherous folds, appetizing shapes, and just good general condition.

Of course, the basic body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) are relevant here too. But, due to the physiological differences between the female body and the male body (wider hips with less narrow shoulders), the issue of physique in girls requires additional clarification. And here I would immediately like to note that every girl owes the presence of the figure that she has, first of all, to genetic heredity, and, secondly, to her lifestyle. And if you can’t do anything about the first one, then, for example, giving up fast food is completely within your power.

Types of female figures

You should pay special attention to this issue not only when going shopping. A trip to the gym should also be preceded by an answer to the question: “What type of figure is typical for me?” After all, both the recommended training program and the choice of exercise equipment depend on this.

Pear (aka spoon)

This type of figure is characterized by the presence of a massive lower body (hips, buttocks) with a fairly small bust and waist. The body in this case resembles the letter “A”. Characteristics:

  • fairly thin legs and arms;
  • legs are short;
  • calves and ankles are wide;
  • fat deposition mainly in the hips, buttocks and sides;
  • Cellulite is a constant companion for girls with this type of figure.

But there is also an advantage - it is this type of figure, the owners of which are 15% of girls, that is very attractive to men.

V-shape (or inverted triangle)

In contrast to girls with a “pear-shaped” body type, the V-shape, on the contrary, is characterized by narrow hips and broad shoulders. The main features include:

  • presence of a lush bust;
  • the butt is quite flat;
  • waist is thin;
  • fat deposition - mainly in the abdomen and upper body.

The main advantage of girls with this type of figure is slender, beautiful legs.

Rectangle (or H-shape)

In appearance, girls of this somatotype resemble boys, because:

  • the circumference of the chest, waist and hips is almost the same;
  • the buttocks are flat, as, in principle, is the figure as a whole;
  • fast metabolism, leading to problems with weight gain.

As with girls of the previous body type, slender legs are a clear advantage.

Hourglass (X or figure eight shape)

Such shapes are very attractive to the opposite sex, since this type of figure can be called the most “balanced”. Characteristics:

  • ideal ratio of height and body weight;
  • bust circumference corresponds to hip circumference;
  • The ratio of waist to hip circumference is 0.7;
  • rounded buttocks;
  • the curves of the body are soft, graceful;
  • distribution of adipose tissue is uniform;
  • the legs are slender, proportional to the length of the upper body.

Needless to say, lucky is the girl who can apply all the above points to herself.

Apple (or circle)

The body of girls with this type of figure may resemble an oval or circle. This type of figure is characterized by:

  • presence of a lush bust;
  • buttocks are flat;
  • hips are narrow;
  • average height;
  • the fat layer is formed in the waist and abdomen;
  • the neck is short;
  • full face.

But my legs didn’t let me down here either. It is their slimness and beauty that is the main advantage of this type of figure.

Of course, in the matter of determining your somatotype, everything may not be as clear as described above. But to make it easier to determine, many calculators have been developed that will help you determine your body type if you enter your anthropometric data.

What workouts are suitable for girls with different body types?

Regardless of what nature has blessed you with, a newcomer to the gym should not start working out the body with “problem areas.” First, you need to tone your muscles, lose fat, and for your health, excessive loads are quite dangerous for an unprepared body. Moreover, they are often performed in the wrong mode.

So, for newbies This training regimen is quite suitable:

  • every other day – strength training for all muscle groups in a multi-repetition mode (20 repetitions per approach);
  • after strength training – 20 minutes of cardio training.

It is this regime that will allow you to tighten your muscles and tone them. And only when you begin to make progress and notice the first positive results, remember that each body type has its own problem areas, and begin working on them.

Pear body workout

The main emphasis when performing strength training should be on the upper part. You won’t be able to pump it up too much, but some balance will appear in your figure. Pull-ups, lateral raises with dumbbells, upward dumbbell presses, and lat pull-downs with 6-8 repetitions per set are perfect.

When training the lower body, working with heavy weights is contraindicated, since the goal is not to pump up, but rather to burn existing fat. The ideal option is lunges, squats, leg extensions in the simulator. Number of repetitions – 10-15.

Cardio training must include a load on the lower body - elliptical, walking. The stepper is contraindicated, as it can add massiveness to the legs.

V-figure workout

Strength training for girls with this type of figure, first of all, should be aimed at adding volume to the legs. To do this, you can first perform heavy complex exercises (presses, squats, deadlifts on straight legs), and then grind with extensions, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, abductions, jumping up from a deep squat. The approach should contain 6-8 repetitions.

Upper body training should be done in a high-repetition mode (20 repetitions per set).

Of all the types of cardio exercise, perhaps the ideal option would be a stepper. It will help add some volume to your legs and burn calories. A treadmill is contraindicated, and an elliptical is completely prohibited. It dries the legs too much, which will only visually add volume to the top.

Workout for the “Rectangle” figure

As noted earlier, this type of figure is characterized by the absence of a waist and the deposition of fat in the sides and abdomen. And it is the struggle for the appearance of the waist that becomes the main goal of girls with this type of figure. And here it is worth realizing one simple truth - there was no waist and there never will be! Well, this is how nature ordered it, nothing can be done about it. In the case of this type of figure, you can only “dry out” the stomach by eating right and using a hula hoop.

The training needs to be short but very intense. Each muscle group should be subjected to stress once a week.

When performing strength training, it is important to avoid stress on the lower back. You should not perform weighted crunches (especially side bends with dumbbells) or deadlifts. Squats with heavy weights will also not help add volume to your buttocks. This will only strengthen your waist muscles and make it more massive. In this case, the shoulder press, bench press, squats, and lat pull-downs will be effective. The number of repetitions is 6-8 in each repetition.

But attention to the main trump card - the legs - should be paid twice a week. You can structure your workout like this:

  • heavy complex exercises (lunges, presses);
  • grinding with abductions, lunges, extensions.

But here it is important to understand: are you able to accurately feel which part of the body is being loaded. If part of the tension goes to the lower back and you cannot “turn it off,” then you should give preference to multiple repetitions of simple leg exercises.

Of all the variety of cardio workouts, give preference to those where the load is on the middle part (stepper, slope path).

Hourglass figure workout

Of course, girls with this type of figure are immensely lucky: fat is deposited evenly, and the waist is always narrower than the hips and chest. But do not forget that if you treat your body incorrectly, even the most magnificent natural characteristics can be seriously spoiled.

"Hourglass" allows you to build a beautiful body in the gym. All the rest can only correct what nature has given. The main principle is a variety of workouts, approaches, breaks between them, repetitions. This way the body will be in good shape and will not reach a plateau.

The duration of each program should be from 6 to 8 weeks. After this, you should start changing the exercises and the number of repetitions in the approaches.

Workouts for girls with an hourglass figure must contain cardio loads . And the more diverse they are, the better the result. Ellipse, stepper, uphill walking, running, cycling - the choice is great. It is with cardio training that you should complete strength training to work out certain muscle groups. After leg exercises, go for a run, after training with a load on your arms, think about the elliptical or rowing machine.

The frequency of classes is only twice a week, lasting 25-30 minutes.

Apple body workout

Classes for girls with this type of figure are perhaps the most intense and fast. The main recommendation is to perform complex training; the intervals between approaches (4-5) should be minimal, since their main goal is to burn fat. This kind of power aerobics (or high-intensity strength training) is what you need. Only a quick transition from one exercise machine to another and a high pace of training will help you overcome excess deposits in the abdominal area. For the same purpose, using a hula hoop and doing abdominal exercises is effective.

Strength training should focus on working the legs to create balance with the upper body. It will be effective to perform leg presses, deadlifts, and squats with a repetition range of 6-8 per set.

When performing cardio exercises, literally everything can be used except the ellipsoid.

Dear girls, whatever your figure, remember that all its shortcomings can be overcome with the help of sports, which should become an integral part of the life of any person who cares about their health.

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