Breathing exercises for weight loss: types and techniques. Breathing exercises for weight loss Do breathing exercises help you lose weight?

I know, I know your problem if you are reading these lines. I know that you have already tried a million recipes on your way to a slim figure. And I sat on cucumbers, and on buckwheat, and on a vegetable diet, and on a protein diet. I know how you tried a hundred times to go to the gym since Monday or even trained hard, stomping on the step and swinging dumbbells. What about these math exercises when counting calories, when the numbers in your head are jumping up and down, but your body still persistently demands food? Endless circle of hell! And everyone keeps saying: miracles don’t happen, be strong, love your fat, conquer your laziness.

However, not so long ago, I came across a book on the Internet in which I read that you don’t need to do all this, you can just breathe and lose weight. Funny, right?! I laughed too, but the thought of it kept nagging at my brain. If such a system really exists, then someone in Ufa should know about it? Indeed, it turned out that in Ufa there are not so few trainers of the Bodyflex program, that’s what it’s called. Thus, I met Aigul.

She has been helping people burn fat by breathing for two years now. Aigul told me about the principles of the effect of oxygen on a fat cell and that in a month of training you can remove about 10 centimeters from the waist. At the end she added that there is no need to follow a diet, just try to eat protein foods after lunch. To be honest, the last phrase alarmed me. If you eat protein foods and without bodyflex, you can lose weight! However, no one will hit you on the head for checking! Aigul assured that the result is visible after just seven daily workouts. So, we take the average girl who wants to lose weight and give her a breath. Meet Maria.

For the purpose of the experiment, Masha surrendered to the power of our measuring tape. This is what came out of it. We measure Masha before the start of classes.

For seven days in a row, every morning, after waking up, on an empty stomach (this is very important), Maria breathed according to the method and performed 7 exercises, which I will give below, for 20 minutes. The result was not long in coming. The control measurements amazed me.

Part of the body

Before class

After 7 days of classes


Add the “Result” column and get, voila, minus 11 cm. Simple! Without straining! During the week! The results are stunning! Imagine if a month passes? How about six months? So from any fat trust you can get a slim person! With these words, I immediately want to give out a portion of sarcasm, the topic of whether the technique will help if you eat a fatty hamburger after training. Of course not! You don't have to be a coach to understand this. Aigul says that during breathing exercises, when the abdomen is pulled in (see below), the volume of the stomach decreases, so satiety comes faster and a hamburger will not physically fit into the practitioner. Of course, like any other method, Bodyflex gives results only in combination with at least basic abstinence in nutrition.

Exclusively for readers of the site, Aigul and I have prepared the seven most effective exercises for burning hated fat.

Bodyflex breathing principle

But before you start doing the exercises, you need to master your breathing. Briefly, under the strict guidance of my new friend Aigul, I’ll tell you.

Stage 1. You need to pipe your lips like you're blowing out the candles on your anniversary cake and let all the air out of your lungs while sucking in your stomach.

Stage 2. Close your lips and inhale sharply through your nose, as if you are going to absorb all the oxygen in the room, while leaving your chest motionless and inflating your stomach (This is the most important stage in our business, direct the air when inhaling not to the place where you think your lungs, and a little lower, into the diaphragm.).

Stage 3. First, wrap your lips between your teeth (women will understand me - this is how we get lipstick wet), then open your mouth wide and at the same time push all the air out from the depths of your body, throwing your head back a little, you should get a sound like “Paaah.”

Stage 4. Pull your stomach under your ribs, stick it directly to your back to make it easier, you can even slightly round your back and stand in one of the poses that I will give below. Stand and not breathe for 8-10 seconds.

Stage 5. Inhale, relax and breathe normally.

Everything is simpler than simple actually. Aigul says that you just need to believe in it, feel and understand that in this way we saturate the body with oxygen, in the flame of which fat burns. You can check whether you are breathing correctly or not in the following way. Firstly, you should feel slightly dizzy from the oxygen that has entered your body in large quantities. Secondly, after training you will feel an unreasonable surge of energy and good mood. If all this is present, you are on the right track.

Exercises for the fourth stage of breathing

In each of these poses you need to freeze without breathing during the fourth stage, and perform each pose at least three times. In non-stop mode, training should last 20-25 minutes, no more. By the way, the author of this technique, American Greer Childes, changed her clothing size from size 52 to size 42, thanks to breathing.








The exercises are incredibly simple, the most difficult thing in Bodyflex is to master breathing. But if you decide to take them on, study the issue carefully, as with any technique, Bodyflex has side effects. For example, it should not be practiced by pregnant women. There are also positive aspects - saturation of the blood with oxygen, massage of internal organs, etc. In general, I advise you to consult a trainer or at least read the book by the author of the Greer Childers method, “Bodyflex. A magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day.”

Finally, I want to say that Maria continues her exercises. I think in a month or two we will return to this topic to show off the results. If it suddenly happens that my words inspire you and you start practicing, send your before and after photos to us at rb7 (egorova@site), we will rejoice together!

Obesity is a problem for an entire civilization. Most often, in order to lose weight, you need to exercise or go on a diet, but not everyone is able to lose weight in these ways, what’s the problem?

The problem may be that the body simply does not receive enough oxygen and has no reserve for metabolic processes.

Breathing exercises are a set of procedures that will help speed up the process of losing excess weight by enriching the body with oxygen.

Benefits, principles of action and effectiveness of breathing procedures

In order to understand why a person loses weight by simply controlling his breathing, you need to learn as much as possible about breathing exercises. Let's consider the main aspects that will help you get to know these exercises better and understand their essence.


This type of gymnastics teaches you to breathe with your diaphragm and has the following benefits for the body:

  • improves blood supply to all organs;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • accelerates the process of breakdown of fat cells;
  • helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • oddly enough, such simple procedures can strengthen the immune system;
  • dulls the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss.

Breathing exercises not only help you lose weight, but also have benefits for your health and general condition.

Operating principles

Breathing procedures teach you to breathe physiologically correctly. With the help of this kind of exercise, the level of oxygen in the body increases, and this in turn affects metabolic processes.

Oxygen saturates the blood, oxidizes fat, accelerates the absorption of nutrients and removes toxins from the body. In addition, it accelerates the conversion of eaten food into useful energy.

Lack of oxygen may be the reason why a person cannot lose weight.

In normal life and during normal breathing, only 30% of the respiratory system reserve is used; special exercises will help increase this percentage and saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn promotes weight loss and fat burning.


If you have tried all the options for burning calories, and the result is unnoticeable, then the problem is in the body. Try breathing exercises and you will be surprised how easy it will be to lose excess weight.

The effectiveness of the method lies in its simplicity: you don’t need to devote a lot of time, effort and energy to it, you don’t need to overcome yourself and go on constant diets, you just need to do simple exercises that don’t take a lot of time and effort.

Learn about breathing exercises for quick weight loss and cleansing the body from the video.

How breathing exercises work

All methods of breathing exercises work on the principle of enriching the body with oxygen.

Normal breathing leads to the fact that the body does not receive enough “O2”, and therefore the process of removing “extra” from the body slows down. Lack of oxygen can lead to hypoxia or intoxication with metabolic products.

Breathing exercises teach a person to breathe not through the chest, but through the abdominal cavity. During exercise, oxygen actively fills the lungs and activates metabolism.

Oxygen starts energy metabolism, and for this the body needs energy, which it takes from subcutaneous fat. This explains the effectiveness of breathing procedures.

Using this method of losing weight, you can lose up to 6 kg per month without dieting or exercising.

Types of breathing exercises for weight loss

Among all the methods of proper breathing, the most popular are the following: the Strelnikova method, Buteyko gymnastics, yoga breathing exercises and bodyflex.

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova is a Russian opera singer who lost her voice and began teaching opera singing to singers herself. She has developed a number of procedures that help restore her voice.

During the procedures, it turned out that her gymnastics not only returns the lost voice, but also contributes to the overall health of the body and weight loss.

Basic principles:

    1. Exercises should be performed two hours after meals.

  1. You should practice in a room with open windows.
  2. Starting position: standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Inhalation through the nose is short and noisy; there is no need to focus on exhalation: it should happen on its own.
  4. In the first lesson, take 16 breaths with a break of 2-4 seconds.
    The second lesson - 32 entries with breaks of up to 4 seconds, and so on.
    During training, the number of short breaths with breaks of up to 4 seconds must be increased to 4 thousand.

Basic exercises:

  1. "Palms." Straighten up, bend your elbows and point your palms towards you.
    Take quick and noisy breaths through your nose, and at the same time clench and unclench your palms into fists and back.
    You need to take 20 sets of eight sharp breaths.
  2. "Epaulettes." Positions: standing straight, arms bent at the waist, clenched into fists.
    Feet shoulder width apart.
    As you inhale, straighten your arms and fingers; as you exhale, clench your arms and fingers.
    Number of repetitions: 8 times, 8 breaths each.
  3. "Pump". Straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
    As you inhale, you need to tilt your torso forward, and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
    It is necessary to take eight approaches of eight breaths, after each approach - a break of 15 seconds.

Buteyko technique

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is a Soviet scientist, physiologist, candidate of medical sciences and author of a large number of scientific works. He is the creator of the Buteyko technique of the same name.

The principle of the technique is that K.P. Buteyko considered the main human problem to be improper metabolism, which, in turn, arises due to deep breathing.

In his methodology, K.P. Buteyko suggests learning to breathe not deeply, but superficially. Among other things, the method involves holding your breath and training the respiratory tract in this way.

During the training, it was noticed that the technique not only fights respiratory diseases (for example, asthma), but also allergies, cardiovascular and other diseases. Among other things, during the exercise it was noticed that this technique helps to lose excess weight.

Yoga is a versatile practice that originates from ancient Indian culture. All practices are a complex of psychological, physical and spiritual exercises aimed at improving the general condition of a person.

Yoga helps you better know and master your body. One of the main aspects of this practice is breathing procedures.

This technique, unlike the previous one, on the contrary, teaches you to breathe deeply, fully.

Basic principles:

    1. The exercises can be performed in a sitting, lying or standing position.

  1. The basic principle is to inhale sharply and deeply.
    Exhalation should also be done not sharply, but gradually.
  2. At first, classes take 2 minutes a day, every day the time for classes increases and after a week it becomes 10 minutes.
    You can perform the exercises not just once, but several times a day.
  3. This technique is mastered only after a person becomes familiar with all breathing techniques: abdominal, middle and thoracic.


The creator of the bodyflex system is Greer Childers. After the birth of her third child, the woman gained a lot of weight, she dreamed of losing weight, read ancient books, studied ancient arts and developed her own formula for losing weight.

The bodyflex system combines yoga techniques and the technique developed by Greer Childers to effectively combat excess weight.

Bodyflex is widely used in aerobics, but it will also be a godsend for those who want to lose weight.

Basic principles:

  • bodyflex exercises teach you to breathe at full capacity;
  • this system helps you learn to hold your breath while performing individual exercises;
  • Using the bodyflex technique, the body is actively saturated with oxygen, as a result of which metabolic processes are launched and the person loses weight.

How to do the exercises correctly

Basic Rules:

  • first you need to choose the optimal method of gymnastics and constantly adhere to all its principles;
  • gymnastics is necessary daily, on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating;
  • if you feel dizzy during exercise, exercise should be stopped for a while;
  • start classes with those procedures that you can master.

Breathing exercises for losing belly fat

Let's look at a few exercises that help burn fat in the abdominal area:

  1. Stand up straight. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, mentally counting to four.
    As you inhale, inflate your stomach.
    Exhale slowly, counting to eight and at the same time drawing your stomach in.
  2. Straighten up, arms at your sides, legs together.
    Inhale the air slowly while counting to four.
    Raise your arms up as you inhale.
    Hold your breath, arms up, count to four.
    As you exhale, lower your arms, again counting to four.
  3. Exhale all the air, then quickly inhale through your nose.
    Number of repetitions – 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back. Puff out your belly and hold your breath.
    Count to ten, then release the air.

Quick navigation through the article (part 1):

Breathing is life! Without it, none of your desires will come true; you will not be able to move. In the same way, without a sufficient level of oxygen in the blood, not a single process occurs in our body. To start the mechanism of active functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to saturate the blood with oxygen in full. That is why, with normal, shallow breathing, natural regulatory mechanisms cannot work, allowing you to maintain a normal weight for many years.

Quick navigation through the article (part 2):

Breathing exercises help:

  • Burn fats from food faster;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • useful substances enter the blood faster, and unnecessary substances are broken down and eliminated faster;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and oxidation products, remove toxins from existing fat deposits that interfere with the use of reserves when necessary.

The most popular breathing techniques for weight loss

There are many types of breathing exercises for weight loss. Here are the main and most famous of them, which have already been time-tested and have positive reviews:

At first, you will spend about an hour a day mastering each complex, then, as you get used to it and gain skills, you will need 15 minutes a day for breathing exercises.

Will breathing exercises help you lose weight?

Some people think that all these breathing exercises are needed for people with breathing problems, or those who rarely walk. “After all, I already sleep with the window open, and I’m often outside” or “I don’t have time to deal with this nonsense, it’s better to pump up my muscles”, or like this: “Breathing exercises are needed for asthma, but I am a healthy person”- approximately these phrases are often uttered by those who have never thought about the need for additional breathing exercises for themselves personally. Let's see if breathing exercises will help you.

To do this you need to do a small test:

  1. Place your right hand on your chest area and your left hand on your stomach.
  2. Take a few normal breaths.
  3. To relax better and make the test more reliable, close your eyes and pay attention to which hand rises higher when you inhale—the right or the left?
  4. Remember the answer.

Test results

To view the test results, hover your mouse cursor (or tap on your phone screen) for 3 seconds:

Why breathing exercises help you lose weight

It would seem so simple, breathe correctly, and the excess weight will go away. It seems incredible, but it's true. Here are some scientific facts about the benefits of proper breathing:

  • The smallest villi located in the gastrointestinal tract, which help absorb beneficial substances from foods, such as proteins, fats, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals, begin to move much more actively in the presence of oxygen. These villi require oxygen much more than many types of tissues in the body;
  • with a lack of oxygen, if your breathing is shallow (which is typical for most overweight or overweight people), villi lose their ability to absorb nutrients by more than 70%;
  • with the ability to breathe correctly, especially while eating or shortly before, the villi begin to absorb the necessary substances much faster, increasing the metabolic rate three times;
  • By quickly converting nutrients into energy, the body receives enough strength for activity and immediately spends energy, since it is not forced to make reserves in case of shortage.

Scientists' research has proven that:

  • Harmful substances coming from food are only partially eliminated from the body. Some of them rush with the bloodstream to vital organs, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, etc.;
  • In order to protect organs and systems from negative effects, the body seeks to preserve them by sending them to storage, namely, by covering them with new layers of fat.
  • deep breathing helps maintain optimal alkaline environment for fat oxidation and faster removal of toxins from the body;
  • the vast majority of people use only a quarter of their lung capacity;
  • if you increase the amount of oxygen supplied, you can double the oxidation of adipose tissue;
  • Breathing exercises for weight loss for 15 minutes a day will help calm the nervous system and reduce the level of stress hormones cortisol by half.

We hasten to please you!

It is enough just to pay attention to how you breathe a few times a day. Just a few deep breaths can convert about 70% of toxins into gases. Breathing exercises will help to sharply reduce (15 times!) the amount of toxins ingested from food and simply exhale them.

Basic breathing exercises

If I managed to convince you, then let's start breathing exercises for 15 minutes a day. To start you can break a 15-minute workout into three 5-minute segments.

This kind of gymnastics is time-tested, it really works, it helps you learn to breathe correctly in everyday life.

You can do exercises anywhere, at any time of the day.

1 Deep breath.

So, focus on your own breathing and take a quick and full breath through your nose. Relax your stomach to allow as much air as possible into your lungs.

2 Abdominal retraction.

Hold the air in your lungs, pull your abdominal muscles up so that your stomach is drawn in and your ribs appear. You can hold your stomach with your hand to make it easier. Don't breathe for about 10 seconds.

3 Tilt and straightening.

Lean forward while holding your breath and squeezing your gluteal muscles. Round your shoulders and stand tall. Hold your breath for another 10 seconds.

4 Exhalation.

The exhalation should be slow and smooth through a small hole, as if you are exhaling through a thin tube. The abs and buttocks remain tense, while the neck and shoulders are relaxed.

5 Relax completely and take a few regular breaths.

Then repeat again.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises have proven themselves to be the best. It was invented by the singer, A.N. Strelnikova back in the 30-40s of the last century. The singer lost her voice and tried by all means to get it back. In 1972, Strelnikova even patented her developments and received an inventor's certificate for the invention. "Methods of treating diseases associated with loss of voice"

This gymnastics is characterized by its uniqueness and is the only method in the world that combines a short and sharp breath, simultaneously with a movement that compresses the chest.

The technique is accessible to absolutely everyone, even children.

Features of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises

  1. It needs to be done twice a day. In the morning before meals and in the evening 1-1.5 hours after meals. It is recommended to take 1.5 thousand breaths, accompanied by movements.
  2. These exercises will help you use all muscle groups without exception.
  3. Helps increase oxygen demand.
  4. During breathing exercises, tissue respiration increases, oxygen is actively consumed by all organs and systems.
  5. Sharp breaths irritate the nasal mucosa, which contains a huge number of receptors that provide communication with all organs.
  6. This gymnastics cures many diseases, it can be done instead of morning exercises or in order to relieve tension and fatigue.
  7. During Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, all parts of the body are physically trained. At the same time, due to the blood flow, internal massage of organs, tissues, muscles, and subcutaneous fat is carried out.
  8. Diseases against which classical medicine is powerless are cured.

Several basic breathing exercises according to Strelnikova

Do not try to somehow change the exercise, do it strictly in accordance with the description so as not to cause harm.

Exercise "Palms"

While standing, you need to show your palms to an imaginary viewer, with your elbows down. After taking an active, sharp, but short breath through your nose, you need to clench your palms into fists, as if grabbing something. Squeeze only your palms, pulling your fingers together with force. Exhale effortlessly, releasing the air freely. At the same time, the fists smoothly unclench.

Important: while making an active, noisy and sharp inhalation, allow the exhalation to be passive.

Do the exercise in the following rhythm: 4 inhalations, 4 exhalations, rest 5 seconds - this is one stage;

Repeat in a row by:

  • 4 stages - 24 times;
  • 8 stages - 12 times;
  • 16 stages - 6 times;
  • 32 stages - 3 times.

Thus, you will gradually reach 96 times per workout, making the so-called Strelnikov hundred.

Exercise "Epaulettes"

Standing straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your belt. A noisy and sharp breath, during which you sharply push your fists towards the floor, as if doing a push-up or pushing something away. When pushing, the fists unclench, the fingers spread to the sides, and the hands reach towards the floor.

Exhalation is passive, the air leaves involuntarily. You can do the exercises while sitting or even lying down if you are tired.

Take 8 inhalations and exhalations in a row, rest for 5 seconds. Such approaches should be:

  • 8 inhalations and exhalations - 12 times;
  • 16 inhalations and exhalations - 6 times;
  • 32 inhalations and exhalations - 3 times.

Exercise "Pump"

Standing straight, arms down. Bend towards the floor, your back is rounded, your head hangs down. At the lowest point of the slope, take a sharp and noisy breath. Raising yourself a little, exhale absolutely passively, letting the air come out through your nose or mouth.

1st approach: 8 bends with inhalation and exhalation, 5 seconds pause. Number of repetitions:

  • 8 approaches - 12 times;
  • 16 approaches - 6 times.
  • Normally, perform the exercise 96 times.

All these exercises will help not only lose weight, but also recover from many illnesses.

Here you can see:

Strelnikova - video set of breathing exercises:

Video file mp4, 62 MB


The main advantages of breathing exercises for weight loss are that:

  • you can compensate for physical exercise with classes;
  • it can be practiced by any person, even those whose weight does not allow active movement and cardio exercises;
  • does not require any special conditions, you can practice anywhere;
  • Studies have shown that breathing exercises for weight loss can burn 140% more excess fat than cycling or jogging performed for the same amount of time;
  • proper breathing exercises can continue to burn fat throughout the day;
  • exercises speed up metabolism;
  • performing breathing exercises is much easier than strength and cardio exercises, than active sports necessary for burning fat.

Scientists' conclusion:

  1. Constant depression and stress, to which most residents of modern megalopolises and large cities are exposed, lead to instinctive holding of breath and more shallow inhalations and incomplete exhalation. About 90% of people breathe shallowly, filling only the upper third of their lungs.
  2. The oxygen content in the atmosphere is constantly decreasing due to environmental problems, which encourages us to breathe much deeper than before. That is why in recent decades there has been a constant increase in the number of obese people in the world (see the fattest people in the world).
  3. The fatter a person is, the more shallow his breathing (it is more difficult for him to breathe deeply), which means that fat cells, not receiving enough oxygen to oxidize fat, constantly increase in volume.

Contraindications for implementation

But, like all techniques, breathing exercises also have contraindications. First of all, you need to consult your doctor.

  • do exercises with caution in case of spinal injuries;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lung problems;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • for bleeding and injuries.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Another wonderful type of breathing effect on weight is Buteyko breathing exercises. The essence of his method is that breathing too deeply, on the contrary, is harmful.

According to him, the deeper the breath, the less oxygen ends up in the lungs. At the same time, the amount of carbon dioxide is significantly reduced.

His technique involves breathing so that breathing is not audible at all. You need to breathe so that there is no noticeable movement of either the chest or abdomen. Inhale for 2-3 seconds, exhale for 3-4 seconds. The less you inhale, the better.

  • Buteyko’s technique received permission from the USSR Ministry of Health, but in order to achieve this permission, the doctor had to prove the effectiveness and safety of the method for 30 years;
  • this breathing system is recognized throughout the world;
  • breathing exercises according to Buteyko can cure 150 diseases or 95% of the most common diseases;
  • breathing exercises must be mastered under the supervision of specially trained specialists, otherwise they can cause harm to the body;
  • Classes with methodologists, although they are paid (they charge 300 USD for two weeks of training), but they give 100% of the effect.

Watch the video in which the author K.P. himself explains the technique. Buteyko:

And here is the second part of Buteyko’s breathing exercises lesson:

Oxysize breathing exercises with Marina Korpan

The breathing exercise Oxysize (), developed by Marina Korpan, will allow you to lose up to 30 cm in volume in two weeks of correct execution.

You can see this for yourself by trying breathing exercises and following the advice of M. Korpan, who encourages you to eat right at the same time, reducing your daily caloric intake to 1600 kcal (see 1200 kcal diet).

You need to measure volumes before starting training at six points:

  • arm volume in the biceps area;
  • hip volume;
  • abdominal volume at three points: the navel area, 5 cm above and 3 cm below;
  • chest volume at armpit level.

The gymnastics course lasts two weeks. Measurements are taken twice: before the start of classes and at the end of the course. All six digits are added, and then the original is subtracted from the final result. This will be the average value of lost volumes.

You should exercise daily, on an empty stomach, doing at least 30 breathing cycles.

The basic principle of Korpan breathing exercises for weight loss is the use of diaphragm breathing. You need to breathe through your nose and stomach.

Basic Oxysize technique

Korpan breathing exercises require initial mastery of the technique. Here are step-by-step instructions for performing basic exercises:

  • While standing, tilt your pelvis down, twist your tailbone forward.
  • Slowly inhale through your nose, filling your stomach with air.
  • Tighten your stomach.
  • Take short breaths three times, each time tightening your stomach even more.
  • Exhale slowly through the small hole in your lips, drawing in your stomach even more.
  • Repeat four times, this will be one breathing cycle.

Additionally, Marina advises performing special exercises, combining them with breathing exercises and proper nutrition (see the section “Proper Nutrition”). The system resembles the “Vacuum” exercise for reducing belly fat.

In the video you can see how to properly do breathing exercises with Marina Korpan:

Reviews of exercises with Marina Korpan

Reviews about breathing exercises for weight loss will help everyone make the right decision. Here's what our readers say:

Inna, 34 years old, does not work.
After giving birth, I quickly recovered, my mother said, eat more, the baby needs it, in the end, in six months + 24 kg! What could I do, there was no time for the gym. I started breathing according to the Korpan method, found a video course and practiced as soon as I could. It's only been 4 months and I'm already 12kg lighter! I continue to breathe, although I have eaten less, the baby has already grown up.

Igor, 18 years old, technical school student.
We have been feeding you since childhood, it is impossible to stop with such a family where they eat all the time. Diets are impossible. Yes, and sports are difficult to do, because the weight is large, over 100 kg. I started doing breathing exercises according to Marina, I personally really liked it, I learned and then began to breathe like this not only at home. The weight began to go away, the appetite decreased. I’ve already lost 11kg, I’ve only been doing it for 3 months.

Breathing exercises Bodyflex

Another great way to lose weight was Bodyflex breathing exercises. There is another article on our website () about the possibility of combining Bodyflex with diets. With its help you can:

  • easy to lose excess weight;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • in 5-10 sessions, reduce the volume by 3-4 cm.

Bodyflex technique

Stage 1. Diaphragmatic breathing. Active exhalation through the mouth, literally pushing the air out of the chest, rounding the lips. If you can't push out another gram, then stop.

Stage 2. Inhale quickly and sharply through your nose. Fill your lungs to capacity. The inhalation should be noisy, and the lips should be pressed tightly together. Hold the air. The head is slightly raised.

Stage 3. Exhale sharply through your mouth, while straining your stomach, as if pushing the air with your abdominal muscles. The sound should resemble the whistle of a punctured tire. Push the air as quickly as possible.

Stage 4. Hold your breath. Tilt your head towards your chest. Pull your stomach in as deeply as possible so that it goes under your ribs. The stomach should become concave, like a burst ball. Count to 8, but in the following way: 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3... and so on. At first you'll have a hard time making it to 8, but once you get there, you've mastered the exercise!

Stage 5. After counting to 8, inhale through your nose. Do this with sound, allowing your lungs to fill completely.

Video about how to learn how to breathe correctly using the Bodyflex system:

Qigong gymnastics for weight loss

Qigong breathing exercises for weight loss will help not only lose weight, but also restore the functioning of many organs and systems.

Eastern weight loss practices will allow you to:

  • accelerate metabolism();
  • activate the digestive organs for better absorption of nutrients;
  • restore operation of all systems;
  • activates the largest muscles, causing them to contract.

Rules for performing Qigong gymnastics

2 minutes before meals.

Let's wake up your metabolism; to do this, two minutes before eating, when the table is already set, you need to breathe deeply. The fact is that, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, oxygen activates the work of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Place your hands on your lower abdomen and take several slow, deep breaths in and out. Feel the maximum filling and emptying of the abdomen from the air. Do this for 90 seconds.
  • Now begin to exhale, squeeze out all the air so that the stomach is pulled towards the spine.
  • Now speed up your inhalations and exhalations, continuing to alternate them for 30 seconds. Make sure you are comfortable and do it at a pace that your training allows you to do.

2 minutes after eating:

To help your stomach digest food faster, provide it with extra energy.

  • Place both hands on the stomach area.
  • Stroke your belly clockwise 50-100 times.
  • This exercise prolongs life!

The video shows how to do one of the Qigong exercises correctly:

Breathing exercises "Jianfei"

Breathing exercises for weight loss “Jianfei”, created in China, which translates as “fat loss”, will help you quickly get rid of excess weight, remove volume, tighten and dry your entire body.

It consists of three exercises, each of which can be done separately.

They are called:

  • "Wave",
  • "Frog",
  • "Lotus"

After the “Wave” exercise, your appetite decreases, it becomes much easier to manage in small portions, and weight loss occurs naturally. It is recommended to do it if you want to eat something.

Exercise "Wave":

  • We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees.
  • We place one palm on the chest, the other on the stomach.
  • Inhale - straighten your chest, pull in your stomach, helping slightly with your hands.
  • Exhale - draw in your chest, inflate your stomach as fully as possible.
  • Try to give the lifts of the chest and abdomen a wave-like movement.
  • Take 40 breaths. You can do it not only lying down, but also sitting, and even while walking or riding a bicycle.
  • If even after 60 inhalations and exhalations the feeling of hunger does not go away, then this exercise is not suitable for you.

Exercise "Frog":

  • Sitting on a chair, spread your knees shoulder-width apart.
  • Make one hand into a fist and clasp the other fist. Relax, put your elbows on your knees, and your forehead on your fist, bring yourself to a state of complete peace, close your eyes.
  • Think about the beautiful, drive away all negative thoughts (see how to get rid of depression).
  • Inhale freely and deeply through your nose, directing the air to the abdomen; when the abdomen is full, freeze for 2 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly and smoothly through your mouth, relaxing your abdominal area.
  • Continue this breathing cycle: exhale, inhale, freeze for 2 seconds. At the same time, the stomach inflates and deflates, resembling a frog.
  • Do the exercise for about 15 minutes three times a day.

Exercise "Lotus":

The “Lotus” exercise is best performed while sitting on the floor, with your legs crossed and tucked under you. Not everyone can sit in this position; it requires special preparation and joint flexibility. Therefore, you can do it sitting with your legs stretched forward or sitting on a chair. Extend your arms and place them palms up, one palm on top of the other.

  • For the first five minutes, breathe deeply, consciously, silently. The stomach and chest hardly move.
  • For the second five minutes, relax, breathe involuntarily, exhale long, freely, silently.
  • For the last 10 minutes, breathe evenly, naturally, try to put your thoughts in order. This is a kind of meditation that allows you to relax and unwind.

This exercise will help you lose weight intensively. It stimulates:

  • metabolism;
  • circulation;
  • improves the functioning of internal organs;
  • has a beneficial effect on skin color;
  • tones the body;
  • helps you adapt more easily to a new diet.

Breathing exercises to reduce belly fat

One type of exercise is breathing exercises for losing belly fat.

There are many techniques that allow you to strengthen your abdominal muscles using breathing exercises. Here are a few of the simplest and most accessible:

  • Take a deep breath, count to four, exhale to the count of 4. Repeat 10 times.
  • Suck your stomach in and then take a deep breath. Exhale air in portions through tightly closed lips. When inhaling and exhaling, you need to tense and relax your abdominal muscles. Do it 20 times a day.
  • To strengthen the abdominal muscles. We sit on a chair with a straight back. Place your knees at right angles, pressing your feet to the floor. Breathe with your stomach, tensing and relaxing your abs. Do 10-40 times a day.
  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. We place one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Inhaling, draw in your stomach and lightly press it with your palm. As you exhale, inflate your stomach, releasing the air gradually and pressing your hand on your chest.

Watch the video: Breathing exercises for losing belly fat

Vacuum for belly reduction

An excellent way to get rid of a protruding belly is the “Vacuum” breathing exercise, which really strengthens the muscles.

At one time, such an exercise was praised even by Schwarzenegger himself, who wanted to lose belly fat without losing muscle mass (see diet for losing belly fat).

You need to do it like this:

You can sit, stand or on all fours. The last method is the most convenient for beginners.

  • First, take a deep breath;
  • now exhale, pulling your stomach under your ribs;
  • inhale again;
  • sharply exhale the air from your stomach, while simultaneously saying the word: “PAHHH”, while drawing in your stomach as much as possible;
  • you will see that your entire stomach has tightened up and has become like a burst ball;
  • hold your breath while counting to 15, and then, when you get used to it, you can increase it to 30 counts;
  • Repeat at least 5 times, you can do several times a day.

One of the variations of “Vacuum” is the movement of the abdomen in a wave while holding the breath. This stimulates, massages all internal organs, strengthens the muscle corset. For better results, you can practice breathing exercises in the garden.

It's no secret that the best way to lose weight is diet and exercise. But what should people do who want to lose extra pounds, but for some reason cannot exercise or are simply too lazy to do it? A way out of the situation can be such a “frivolous”, in the opinion of many, activity as breathing exercises. Just 15 minutes of regular breathing exercises for weight loss per day and breathing control allow you to significantly increase the speed of losing excess weight and provide a real opportunity to slowly but surely move towards a “thin” and happy life.

Researchers have long found a relationship between the process of losing weight and the process of completely saturating the body with oxygen and came to the following conclusions:

Oxygen levels in the atmosphere are slowly but steadily decreasing due to climate change (global warming) and pollution;

The fast pace and constant stress present in the life of every adult significantly changes our breathing: about 90% of men and women begin to take shallow short breaths, and such breathing is superficial and limits the saturation of the body with oxygen, which is simply necessary in sufficient quantities for separation with extra pounds.

The effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss

The effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss has long been proven by hundreds of real examples: with its help, hundreds of men and women of all ages were able to lose excess weight, improve their contours, and even solve some health problems.

Breathing exercises help activate the following processes:

  • - dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • - helps food digest;
  • - promotes the breakdown of fat cells;
  • - gives a surge of vigor and strength;
  • - strengthens the immune system;
  • - calms the nervous system.

Why is breathing exercises for weight loss so effective?

Oxygen ensures the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Our digestive system has many tiny villi that are needed to absorb calcium, iodine, healthy fats and amino acids, and other metabolism-boosting nutrients. For maximum efficiency, the villi require more oxygen than other tissues and organs of the human body. And if there is not enough oxygen due to “shallow” breathing, the ability of the villi to absorb nutrients immediately decreases by 72%, and the metabolic rate by 30%.

Sustained weight loss depends on how quickly food and fats entering the body are converted into useful energy, when adenosine triphosphate (or ATP) molecules appear, which are actively involved in the breakdown of fat cells. But these ATPs work effectively only in a slightly alkaline environment (pH at least 7). Oxygen is a favorable factor for the development of an alkaline environment, therefore deep breathing allows you to constantly maintain pH, ideal for activating ATP and therefore breaking down fat cells.

Breathing exercises for weight loss are also considered very useful because it helps remove harmful substances(preservatives, pesticides and other toxins) that accumulate in fat cells. It has been proven that toxins have a negative impact on the production of thyroid and adrenal hormones, and the body, in an attempt to protect its vital organs, accumulates fat cells and uses them as a kind of storage for harmful substances. It turns out that up to 70% of toxins can easily be converted into gases released through deep breaths. This means that proper breathing can significantly reduce the toxic load on the body that each person receives in one way or another. To do this, simply breathe deeply and slowly - the amount of “exhaled” toxins will increase tenfold.

Oxygen entering the body, oxidizes fat deposits. Its interaction with fat cells is the first step to getting rid of extra pounds. Most of us use no more than 30% of our lung capacity. If you increase the amount of oxygen entering the body and improve the depth of breathing, fat cells will begin to break down much faster.

Breathing exercises help reducing the amount of stress hormones in blood. And many people, as you know, are accustomed to “eating” stress. If there are fewer stress hormones, the need to “eat up” will disappear by itself, which will not fail to affect the volume of the figure.

How breathing exercises for weight loss work

All breathing exercises for weight loss are based on one principle:

special breathing causes oxygen to enter the blood faster,
and this leads to a significant acceleration of metabolism
and, therefore, to the burning of fat deposits

And here abdominal breathing is used more actively than chest breathing, since when breathing with the stomach, the diaphragm becomes more tense. The lungs expand significantly, their vital volume increases - up to 0.3 liters in two to three months of regular exercise.

In addition, abdominal breathing causes increased blood flow in the organs, and contractions of the diaphragm further stimulate them.

Types of breathing exercises for weight loss

The most popular methods today are:

  • - breathing exercises according to Strelnikova;
  • - "Jianfei";
  • - Oxysize complex.

Bodyflex was once developed by an American named Childers Greer, who was able to adapt the yoga exercise “Uddiyana Bandha” for direct weight loss. Her book “Great Figure in 15 Minutes a Day” contains 13 exercises, of which 11 are for the body and 2 for the face. The bodyflex technique increases the concentration of carbon dioxide accumulated in the blood, which helps isolate incoming oxygen from hemoglobin. And only then “free” oxygen, along with the blood flow, is sent straight to the so-called muscle tension zone, in which the active process of fat breakdown begins.

Many people confuse the complex with the world-famous bodyflex “ Oxysize" This method of breathing exercises came to our country quite recently, and therefore there are very few experienced trainers in this complex. The mechanism of weight loss when practicing Oxysize is exactly the same as in bodyflex. But at the same time, Oxysize offers its fans a softer and easier breathing system, in which there are no sharp exhalations, therefore this type of breathing exercises has fewer contraindications - even pregnant women can successfully practice it. In addition, Oxysize has another advantage over Bodyflex: breathing exercises can be performed at any convenient time, not necessarily on an empty stomach. It is noteworthy that when exercising using the Oxysize method, calories are burned one and a half times faster than when riding an exercise bike. This complex gives a good load to the abdominal muscles: in 15 minutes they manage to contract at least 250 times. "Oxysize" is recommended for people suffering from migraines, diseases of the digestive tract, and the female reproductive system.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova was developed back in the late 30s of the last century in the USSR as an effective way to restore voices for opera and pop singers.
This gymnastics is considered one of a kind, when a sharp and short breath is taken through the nose while compressing the chest.
This technique is recognized as effective not only for getting rid of extra pounds, but also for treating various diseases - asthma, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, sexual disorders.

Chinese breathing exercises" Jianfei" (translated from Chinese as “losing fat”) came to Russia along with the publications of Rosa Yu Bin, an employee of the Russian version of the magazine “China”. The Chinese woman managed to use this technique to lose 10 kilograms in two months, without adhering to a special diet or playing sports. It is believed that “Jianfei” is perfect for “fasting days”, as it helps to dull a strong feeling of hunger. The complex is based on abdominal breathing and includes three exercises: “frog”, “wave” and “lotus”.

Any breathing exercise for weight loss not only helps to reduce body volume, but also has a comprehensive healing effect. It can be a real godsend for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, those who are untrained, and those who are simply too lazy to go to the gym.

Ecology of life. I tried many ways to lose weight. I spent more than one year fighting obesity. Surprisingly, only one method worked for me - breathing exercises.

I have tried many ways to lose weight. I spent more than one year fighting obesity. Surprisingly, only one method worked for me - breathing exercises.

Its essence is that with proper breathing, oxygen is actively supplied to the blood, which speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning, and also dulls the feeling of hunger. Honestly, I would never have believed it if I had not experienced the magical effect of the method on myself.

I’ll admit right away that I got involved in breathing exercises very gradually and with difficulty. I couldn’t get it into the system, resorting to exercises from time to time. But even this was enough for me to feel their miraculous power within a month. Over time, I forced myself to exercise regularly, and the results did not take long to wait. After another couple of weeks of active exercise and minor dietary restrictions (I only denied myself sweets and starchy foods), I lost 5 kg.

Here they are - my miracle exercises

Exercise "Wave"

The exercise should be performed before or instead of meals, for example, when you are overcome by an unbearable desire to eat. Deny yourself this for a couple of minutes by doing the exercise, and then, you see, the feeling of hunger will dull.

So, lie on the floor, bend your knees and relax. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest and start breathing. While taking a slow, deep breath, puff out your chest and try to pull in your stomach. Then, after a short breath-hold, while inhaling, inflate your stomach and draw in your chest. In total, you need to perform from 40 to 60 complete inhalation-exhalation breathing cycles.

Exercise "Frog"

Sit on a chair, bend your legs at a right angle and place them shoulder-width apart. Place your elbows on your knees, clench your left hand into a fist, clasp it with your right. Rest your forehead on your fist. In this pose of Rodin's thinker, completely relax so that not a single thought remains in your head. Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your stomach with air, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and exhale through your mouth.

Adherents of breathing exercises recommend doing the exercise for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

Exercise "Lotus"

You can perform it while sitting on a low chair in a pose like in the previous exercise or with your legs crossed in Turkish style (classic lotus pose). I prefer the second option. Lower your crossed arms to the cross of your legs so that your left palm rests on your right. At this time, the tongue should rest against the area behind the upper front teeth. Keep your back straight and your eyes closed. For the first 5 minutes, breathe deeply, pay all your attention to this process - this is the so-called conscious breathing. For the next 5 minutes, as you exhale, relax completely, trying to breathe as silently as possible, while maintaining the depth of inhalation and exhalation. For the last 10 minutes, breathe at your usual rhythm, trying to relax and clear your thoughts as much as possible.

That's all. As you can see, the exercises are very simple and accessible. The main thing is to do them correctly and regularly, and the result will certainly please you. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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