Superman exercise for the back. Superman exercise Superman exercise for the back

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Recently, sport has become associated not only with health, but also with fashion. Fitness centers are bursting with people, and Instagram is filled with photos of beautiful and toned figures. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to work out in the gym under the supervision of a professional trainer, but this cannot in any way affect the result. It is enough just to know what and how to do. Let's look at the top dangerous exercises in the gym and protect ourselves from unwanted injuries. Proper exercise is the key to a beautiful, and most importantly healthy body.

Exercise on a leg extension machine

Holding the supports, legs bent at the knees are placed between the bolsters. As you inhale, raise your legs without bending your knees (horizontal position). As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Danger. The legs in the exercise are raised in a way that is unusual for them. We don't use this position in life, and it can be dangerous. It is better to replace it with squats and lunges.

Pull-down of the upper block behind the head

Performed with a wide grip. When moving down, the body leans forward slightly, with the shoulder blades together. We lower it to the middle of the back of the head, then move upward, extending our arms to the end.

The exercise is dangerous because it can damage the shoulder joint. It is better to perform overhead rows only in front of the body.

Smith Squats

Inhaling, the bar slowly lowers, knees bend. Lowering to an angle of 90 degrees, the bar rises back, pushing off the floor with your heels.

A huge load falls on the spine and knees. It is advisable to replace the Smith exercise with squats with dumbbells or lunges with a barbell.

Exercise "Superman"

Lying on the floor (facing the floor), stretch your arms forward. Straining your back muscles, lift your legs and chest off the floor and rise as high as possible. Pause 2-3 seconds. Next, the body lowers to its original position.

It looks like a completely safe exercise, but it is worth noting that a huge load falls on the lower back.

Replacement: exercise “hunting dog stance” - standing on all fours, the arm and the opposite leg are extended parallel to the floor, the position is held for 5 seconds.


The position of emphasis on straight arms is accepted. The torso leans forward and the arms slowly lower, bending at the elbows. Pause 2 seconds. Slow return to starting position.

A very popular exercise that everyone has known since school. But if not performed correctly, the bench press can harm the heart, small back muscles and elbows. For those who are unprepared, it is better not to perform this push-up at all.


Starting position, lying on the floor. Legs are bent above head level. Hands behind your head. The body slowly twists, lifting off the floor (the back is rounded). Pause 1 second, then the body returns to its original position.

It would seem that this is a dangerous exercise, but when performed there is a huge load on the shoulders and neck. It's better to replace it with a bar.

Leg raises

Lying on your back, legs rise up. The knees are very slightly bent. Next, the body returns to its original position, but the legs do not touch the floor (hanging a little in the air).

The exercise cannot be done if the abdominal muscles are weak and not yet pumped up. This may cause back injury.

Replacement: plank to strengthen the abdominal muscles.


If you are an unprepared person and your muscles are still weak, you should not immediately grab every exercise machine. An experienced trainer will tell you exactly where to start. After all, first of all you need to think about health.

To make sport a useful hobby for you and bring only positive emotions, start small. Gradually move on to more complex exercises.

Doing exercises incorrectly, or doing dangerous exercises at all, can lead to serious injuries. Usually the back, knees, and elbows are the first to suffer. Even harmless twisting can damage the neck and shoulders.

Where to start training

In order to see positive training results over time, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm of actions in the gym. Do not rush to immediately load your body with complex exercises, go towards the goal gradually.

  • Start your workout with a dynamic warm-up. In order not to harm the muscles, they need to be thoroughly worked out and warmed up.
  • If you've already started lifting heavy weights, don't do it alone. A coach or friend will help in case of danger or injury.
  • Have a clear plan. Do not do chaotic exercises; each muscle group should be worked out efficiently and clearly.
  • Don't overexert yourself. There is no need to faint from exercise; it is better to gradually increase the load.
  • Stretch. At the end of your workout, it is important to stretch and give your muscles some rest.
  • Safety precautions

    • Before going to the gym, it is better to consult a doctor. Find out which exercises are not recommended for you.
    • Warm-up is required. To avoid pulling or tearing the muscles, they must be well warmed up.
    • When doing cardio training on machines, do not change the speed of the exercise suddenly, and also do not stop abruptly.
    • Train only in sports shoes.
    • If you feel unwell, contact your trainer immediately.



    When performing dangerous exercises, there is nothing more you can do except get injured. As practice and knowledge of professionals show, such exercises cannot boast of effectiveness. Analogues of dangerous exercises bring much more results and healthy muscles. Like everything around, sport is developing, and what may have seemed right before is now becoming irrelevant. Due to advancements in sports, people are constantly finding safer and more effective workout options. Knowing how to do exercises correctly and which ones are less dangerous, you can achieve results faster and better.

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Back pain is a common consequence of incorrect posture or weakening of muscles as a result of a lack of adequate loads to strengthen them. Very often this problem is faced by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are forced to spend most of their free time at the computer. Weak core muscles are unable to properly support the spine, and without strengthening exercises, problems caused by muscle imbalances only get worse. To keep your abdominal and back muscles toned, try spending at least 1 minute a day in Superman pose.

Why do you need to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles?

Thanks to the muscular corset, the spine maintains its natural position. If these muscles are weakened, the intervertebral discs can become compressed and lose their elasticity. Frequent back pain is often experienced by people who have weakened back and abdominal muscles, since a muscle corset is necessary:

  • to stabilize the spine;
  • for correct posture;
  • to perform all body movements;
  • to maintain a straight body position;
  • for bending forward, backward and to the sides;
  • to hold all internal organs in place.

The plank exercise and superman pose are good for strengthening the abdominal and back muscles; you can also use the Muller system for these purposes.

If you are suffering from constant back pain, you need to contact a specialist who will determine the source of the problem. If you start exercising without getting a diagnosis, you risk making the problem worse.

To check how strong your core muscles are, you can:

  1. Test using the Superman pose described below: if you cannot hold it for 1 minute, your core muscles are weakened.
  2. On all fours, extend your left leg back and right arm forward; the neck should also be elongated. If you can't maintain your balance, it's time to start strengthening your muscle corset.

The site will tell you below:

  • how to perform superman pose;
  • What are the benefits of Superman pose?

Superman pose: a technique to strengthen muscles

The Superman pose got its name due to the fact that a person in this pose looks like a flying superhero. This pose is performed in a lying position as follows:

  • lie on your stomach, place your chin on the floor, toes should touch the floor;
  • bring your legs together so that your feet lightly touch;
  • extend your arms as far as possible in front of you;
  • take a deep breath;
  • lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor;
  • try to concentrate not on raising your arms and legs, but on stretching them forward;
  • arms and legs should remain straight;
  • breathe smoothly and deeply;
  • As you exhale, slowly lower your limbs and chest to the starting position.

Why should you spend 1 minute in Superman pose every day?

There are a number of benefits of Superman pose for your body:

  1. This is a great stretch and way to strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, legs, abdomen and back.
  2. Superman pose allows you to tone your stomach and lower back.
  3. While performing the pose, it is massaged and the flexibility of the back increases.
  4. This pose improves blood circulation.
  5. Superman pose helps you relax and forget about all your problems.
  6. As a result of this exercise, the abdominal muscles become stronger and back pain goes away.
  7. This pose allows you to increase your self-confidence.

Superman pose is a great way to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles and maintain a healthy spine.

Overall, Superman pose is a great way to keep your back healthy and strengthen your muscles. Just 1 minute every day - and you will feel much better!

Low bow, my dear readers!

On the calendar 26 April, Wednesday, and that means it’s time for a technical note on the ABCs of Bodybuilding. Today we will meet Superman 🙂 After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing this exercise, and we will also find out how you can quickly and easily at home (without anything) effectively load your back.

So, make yourself comfortable, let's begin.

Superman exercise. What, why and why?

This note is being written hot on the heels of it, and it came from those readers who are categorically unhappy with the fact that in technical posts we only cover gym work. Well, because...

We are terrible suckers and sycophants and love to satisfy everyone :), then we decided to periodically talk about home options for improving ourselves, because indeed, not everyone has the opportunity to visit fitness clubs and hang out there even for an hour.

You don’t have to go far, and it’s not for me to tell you that if you are a new mother, then there is simply no free time, literally at all. And rightly so, where does he come from, because everyone must be fed, washed, ironed, and so on every day, even on weekends.


Such a work schedule rarely gives the lady the opportunity to devote at least some time to herself, and if such a window appears, then an hour to visit the gym is not enough, because she needs to get ready, put herself in order, and get to the place. And now, having already reached the fitness center, Madame understands that her time for herself is up and it’s time to return to her native land.

Therefore, after taking a sober look at such fairly common situations, we decided to look at home activity options. And today, one of them is on the line - the superman exercise.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of conditionally isolating exercises with a pull type of force and is aimed at working out the back.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – spinal extensors;
  • synergists – gluteus maximus, hamstrings;
  • stabilizers - front/middle deltoid, trapezius (middle/bottom), belt neck.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this.


By performing the superman exercise, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • isolated study of erector spinae;
  • increased lumbar extensor strength/endurance;
  • progress in working weights in the deadlift;
  • straightening your back/improving your posture;
  • prevention of lower back injuries;
  • the ability to perform anywhere without special equipment;

Execution technique

The superman exercise is an exercise of entry-level difficulty. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows.

Step #0.

Spread a mat on the floor and lie face down on it. Extend your arms in front of you and spread your legs slightly to the sides. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale and as you exhale, simultaneously lift your straight arms and legs off the floor. Stay at the end point of the trajectory for 2-3 accounts. As you inhale, slowly and in a controlled manner begin to lower your arms and legs back into the PI position. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

In motion like this...


In addition to the classic version, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • asymmetrical alternating lifts of arms and legs;
  • scissor lifts;
  • lifting with dumbbells in hands/fitball.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • lift your arms and legs off the floor using the back extensor muscles;
  • raise your arms and legs as high as possible, provided that the front of your thighs should be pressed to the floor;
  • when lifting, keep your neck stretched upward (direct your gaze forward);
  • perform the movement slowly and under control, without using inertial forces;
  • fixate at the top point of the trajectory on 2-3 accounts and only then “fold” down;
  • After each set, do a back stretch while standing in the cat position;
  • breathing technique: exhale when going up, inhale when going down;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 4-5 , reps 15-20 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Does the superman exercise help with back pain?

Typically, all office workers and young mothers (who constantly carry their baby) have a very weak lower back.

According to researchers from the Cleveland Clinic (USA, 2017 ) who deal with back problems, the superman exercise has been shown to create support and stability for the spine and can also prevent and reduce back pain.

Electrical activity (EMG) data from the muscles also showed that this is one of the best exercises for training the back extensors.

How to effectively load a young mother’s back at home?

After the birth of a child, a period arises called “full rush!” - this is when a woman begins to get used to a new role and she has a ton of additional (besides the wife) responsibilities. Typically, you should not go to the gym or lift weights during this period, but it is convenient to do short, intense activity at home.

In particular, if you are tormented by problems with your back and you feel that it has begun to ache from constantly dragging your child, then adopt the following work scheme:

  • Superman exercise with dumbbells in hands, 3-5 sets of 20 reps, rest 1 minute;
  • reverse hyperextension lying on a bench, 3-5 sets of 50 reps, rest 1 minute.

A month after the start of work (based on 3 workouts per week) You will forget what back pain is.

Actually, we’re done with the content, let’s move on to...


At the request of workers, or rather those who don’t really care about the gym, today we looked at the superman exercise. It follows from the story that at home you can always find something to do with your muscles and improve your well-being (in this case, your back), the main thing is desire. And you have it, right? 🙂

That's all for now, see you soon, bye!

PS: What home exercises do you know without everything?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma are guaranteed :)

WITHdownload article in pdf>>

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Source: http://site/

Superman exercise for back lying on the floor

1 777 4 months ago

Do you want to strengthen your back at home by simply lying on your stomach? Pay attention to a simple but very effective superman exercise! It does not require absolutely any equipment, except that if you wish, you can use a gymnastic mat, and is suitable for absolutely any person. Despite the simplicity of performing the element, regular return to it will strengthen the muscles and tendons of the lower back and develop sculpted muscles on the back.

Benefits and contraindications of the element

The superman exercise is considered one of the best elements for training the back extensors, along with the pump. It creates support and stability for the spine, reduces and prevents back pain, especially in the lower part. In addition, regular execution of the element will bring the following benefits:

  • will strengthen the abs - balancing on the stomach is responsible for this, strengthening its muscles;
  • improves posture due to full extension of the spine during the execution of the element;
  • will develop willpower and endurance - the element requires constant muscle tension and physical effort;
  • will be an excellent prevention of injuries in the lumbar region.

What muscles work?

When performing the superman exercise, you need to know which muscles you are working. The exercise belongs to the class of conditionally isolating exercises and is aimed at working the back muscles. During the execution of the element, the following muscles are involved:

  • spinal extensors;
  • gluteus maximus;
  • hamstring biceps;
  • stabilizers.

Exercise technique

The step-by-step superman exercise for the back will look like this:

Step 1. We lie face down on the floor, stretching our arms in front of us. Closed fingers should point forward. We spread our legs slightly to the sides.

Step 2. As you exhale, simultaneously lift your straight legs and arms off the floor.

Step 3. We linger at the top point for a few seconds.

Step 4. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Step 5. Repeat the element a specified number of times.

The technique of execution is hidden in the very name of the element: in the photo of the superman exercise you can see that at the maximum point the athlete resembles a flying superman.

Some people find the superman exercise very easy to perform while lying on the floor. For others, on the contrary, it is difficult to be in this position. There are several variations that allow you to both complicate and lighten the element:

Exercise Execution technique Simplify or complicate
Scissors When lifting and lowering, we do not keep our arms and legs straight, but perform swinging movements with them in the form of scissors. In this case, the scissors can be either in different directions or up and down. Pay special attention to breathing in this variation. Many people concentrate so much on the flapping movements that they forget to breathe. With these two variations we have made the superman exercise somewhat more complicated. Go to its lighter versions.
Weights We load our arms or legs with weights. To do this, you can take dumbbells or a fitball in your hands. The latter can be placed on the calves or squeezed between the legs.
Asymmetric technique We do not raise all limbs at the same time, but one by one. At the same time, to work the back muscles more effectively, we use versatile arms and legs. Simplified variations
On knees You can also do the previous variation from a position on all fours, alternately stretching the versatile pairs of legs and arms.
Symmetrical technique We simultaneously raise the arm and leg of one side of the body, then change it. And for the weakest, there are a couple more ways to perform the element.
Lifting with hands pressed You don’t have to stretch your arms forward, but press them closer to you. But you still need to lift them, otherwise it will no longer be superman, but a completely different exercise.

Read also: Exercises for the inner thigh muscles

How to make the exercise even more effective?

To get the maximum benefit from the exercise, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

Slow, controlled execution

Try to perform the element slowly at each stage. At an intense pace, you can injure the spinal muscles, especially if they are weak. In addition, it is slow execution that gives the greatest effect. This is the only way the muscles will develop and become stronger.

Correct technique

The end point of the climb should be as high as possible. There is no need to tilt your head back. The neck and spine should form a single line. The outer thigh should be on the floor and the lower back should be tense.

Maintaining breathing technique

Proper breathing helps the body cope better with stress, making training even more effective. Lifting should always be accompanied by exhalation, lowering by inhaling.


It is not necessary to visit the gym or torture yourself with hours of training. You can pump up your back at home, absolutely free and spending only a few minutes a day on training. Exercise superman - and your posture is straight, your back is strong, your mood is excellent!


How to do the “Boat” (Superman) exercise correctly for the back, benefits and 4 varieties

The boat exercise for the back is loved by all those people who have been practicing it for a long time. This movement should be well known to fans of CrossFit and bodyflex. She has several other names - superman and swallow.

She's well works the main muscle groups, giving you a feeling of lightness and pleasant fatigue at the same time. Those who have just started doing it note that the exercise is quite difficult to perform, but gives a good effect.

In reality, doing it according to all the rules in the initial stages is not so easy. This movement is easy for those who are in good physical shape. Those who have recently started practicing it should try to follow all the necessary recommendations when performing it in order to quickly master it and get the desired result - a slim figure and a toned stomach.

This movement uses a huge variety of different muscle groups. What muscles work:

It also has many positive properties:

  1. Formation of ideal posture. Correct posture is not only aesthetically important, but also contributes to the anatomically correct location of the internal organs. Although the “Cat” movement for the spine is more effective for posture;
  2. Strengthening the corset muscles. Promotes the formation of the correct position of the spinal column, the prevention of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  3. Development, first of all, of the joints of the spine, as well as the shoulder and hip joints. Stimulating the production of joint fluid and strengthening the cartilage layer.
  4. Improving blood flow in internal organs and tissues;
  5. Restoration of the disturbed muscle tension-relaxation process. Due to pain and spasms in the back muscles, this process is disrupted, and it can be difficult for the muscles to relax even at rest;
  6. Favorable effect on various body systems - the vascular system, the digestive system and others;
  7. Restoration of disrupted nerve impulses. Superman helps relieve muscle spasms, release nerve roots and restore normal organ function;
  8. This is the movement included by therapeutic gymnastics instructors as part of exercises for the treatment of various curvatures of the spine and osteochondrosis. In this case, it is necessary to contact a doctor to clarify the nuances of performing a swallow, since with varying degrees of curvature, the types of loads and their quantity are individually selected for each patient.
  9. This movement also helps remove fat from the lower back. For 5 reasons for fat in this area, see our website.

In the classic version, the superman exercise lying on the floor, or simply “boat”, uses the muscles of the abs, hips, back and calves. At the beginning, a warm-up is recommended, which can include any active movements. to warm up your muscles. Then you need exercises aimed at stretching the back muscles.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms parallel to your body.
  2. Legs touch tightly.
  3. At the same time, raise your straight legs and arms up, leaning on your buttocks.
  4. We hold the maximum position for a few seconds, lower ourselves, lie on our back and relax for three counts.
  5. We repeat the exercise three times to start. With each workout we increase the number of repetitions.

Watch the video for more details:

You can try different versions of the superman pose, depending on what kind of physical shape you are in.

Note! Don’t forget to control your breathing - tension as you exhale, relaxation as you inhale.

This option uses the muscles of the thighs, back, abs, gluteus maximus and gastrocnemius. In general, this option is very similar to the usual “Hyperextension” lying on your stomach.

  1. We lie down on our stomachs and relax. If your muscles are stiff, the exercise will not be possible.
  2. We stretch our arms forward, keep our legs together.
  3. As we exhale, we raise our legs and arms, lifting them off the floor, trying to bend as much as possible. Important! We keep our legs and arms straight - they cannot be bent at the knees and elbows.
  4. We hold this position for a few seconds, and while inhaling, lie down on our stomach. We rest for a few seconds. Breathing is free.
  5. We repeat from three to seven times - depending on your physical form.

How long should you hold the boat pose? Start with a few seconds and, over time, work your way up to 20-30 seconds at a time.

Even greater efficiency for back pain shows the 12-step “Crocodile” complex

Learn more from the video:

If you don’t manage to bend very much the first time, that’s okay. It is enough if to begin with, you will simply lift your feet and palms off the floor. Each time you will be able to perform this exercise much better, as the muscles will be stretched and the hip and shoulder joints will be developed.

Important! Take a break between exercises. This is necessary so that the muscles can relax and the tension-relaxation connection is not disrupted. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you may get muscle spasm. When you get used to this load, the rest time between exercises can be reduced and done at a fairly high pace.

Boat in a storm

If you are in good physical shape, then you will most likely succeed in the exercise the first time. If you have not often paid attention to physical education, then you will have to master the technique over a certain period of time. But then the exercise will become one of your favorites. Let's start mastering it:

  1. We lie on our stomach, stretch our arms along the body, legs together.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees, reach for our feet with our hands and cover them with our palms.
  3. We bend as much as possible and begin to slowly sway forward and back. We maintain balance and don’t fall over on our side. We lower our legs and arms and lie on our stomach. We rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.

The muscles involved in this exercise are the same as in the previous one.

Important! Breathing should be free when performing superman. You cannot hold your breath, as this is harmful to the cardiovascular system. Before performing the “storm boat”, you can try other, easier to perform variations of this exercise, for example, “reverse boat”.

Side variety

This variation works the spinalis dorsi, longissimus dorsi, lumbar and pectoral muscles.

  1. We lie on our side, leaning on our hand, with our other hand we take ourselves by the back of our head, and with our legs we stretch down.
  2. Raise your legs above the floor and hold for a few seconds. We rely on the lateral surface of the pelvis and the lateral part of the thoracic region.
  3. We lower our legs and roll over to the other side.
  4. We repeat, to begin with, up to seven times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Pause for a few seconds between rolling over to the other side.

see also the legendary Japanese method for the back with a roller.

For beginners, the rest time between repetitions of the exercise can be increased to thirty seconds. This is necessary so that the muscles can fully relax. As you adapt, you can gradually increase the total number of exercises and reduce periods of muscle relaxation. Control your balance position, do not roll onto your back or stomach.

Note! Don't hold your breath, breathe freely and measuredly.

The following complexes also showed high efficiency:

These exercises are used both in home exercises, and as part of a physical therapy complex, and in bodybuilding.

The “boat” is a universal movement that can make your figure slim and your posture ideal. To create a “fighting spirit” for classes, come up with some attractive incentive.

Source: http://site/

TI Exercise “Superman Slide”

The Superman Slide teaches balance. It allows you to feel the stability and support of the water, and also helps you get used to a body position that minimizes resistance. You will experience in practice that the more balanced your body position becomes in the water, the further forward you can move.

Read also: Gym exercises for arms

How to perform the Superman Slide

Push off from the bottom of the pool and slide forward with your arms extended and without using your legs. Try to cover as much distance as possible. Don't move your legs even if they start to sink.

The steps for this exercise are as follows:

  1. Bend your knees, stretch your arms forward and look down, immerse your head in the water.
  2. Even before you push off from the bottom of the pool, begin to shift your body weight forward.
    Continue to shift your body weight forward and after the push as your hips float up. At the moment of the push, do not point your head down, otherwise you will simply dive, which will not propel you forward very much.
  3. As you slide, make sure your head is relaxed and completely immersed in the water, and your arms are extended forward, shoulder-width apart. Find the most balanced position for your body by adjusting the angle between your arms and body (for some, your arms should be parallel to the surface of the water, for others, slightly lowered down). Make sure that your legs are also extended; they should not bend at the knees or diverge to the sides, this increases resistance. While sliding, try to relax as much as possible.
  4. Stop when the momentum of the push ends and forward movement stops, or when you need to take a breath.

Old version from trainer Shinji Takeuchi, note that his hands are on the surface, but should kind of hug the Pilates ball, i.e. the hands are under water.

In a shallow pool where you can reach the bottom all the way, count how many times you need to repeat the exercise to swim one pool. Then repeat the exercise several times, focusing on one of the key points each time you repeat:

  • shifting the weight forward before the push
  • position during push
  • push direction
  • forward weight shift after push
  • gentle stretching and relaxation while sliding

By maintaining your focus on each of these key points, you will need fewer repetitions to cross the pool.

We also touched on the “Superman Slide” exercise in this video...


Core workout for cyclists

A lot has been written about the training system for cyclists in the off-season. As a rule, attention is paid to strength training and work on the bike station.

Much less often, in Russian-language sources you can find information about the targeted strengthening of the torso muscles or, as they are also called in professional jargon, the core muscles (from English core).

You may have the strongest legs in the world, but without strong back and abdominal muscles, you simply won't be able to use them to their 100% potential. When you ride a bicycle, your weight is distributed in the pedal-handlebar-saddle triangle, and it is your core muscles that support much of it.

Most often, the load on the torso makes itself felt during long rides with lower back pain, familiar to every cyclist. The off-season is the right time to start strengthening your core; this article lists the basic exercises that will help you solve this problem at home.

Core muscles

We have specially selected exercises that require a minimum of equipment - a gymnastic mat. Additional resources - 10-15 minutes of time 2-3 times a week and your good mood. So let's get started.

1. Bridge

Exercise "Bridge"

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet next to your buttocks. Hands lie freely along the body, palms down.

Pushing off the floor with your feet, lift your hips up, the movement is done smoothly while exhaling. Hold your body in the upper position for a couple of seconds, your body should be straight from your shoulders to your knees.

As you exhale, gently lower your lower back to the floor to the starting position. Do 15-20 reps.

2. Hyperextensions on the floor

Hyperextensions on the floor

The arms are bent, the fingers lightly touching the temples. Gently arch, lifting your chest and upper abdomen off the floor. Fix your body in the upper position for a couple of seconds. Do 15-20 reps.

3. Plank

Plank exercise

Take a lying position with your elbows bent. The elbows should be placed directly under the shoulders, usually in a triangle shape.

The feet can be placed together (this makes it more difficult to maintain balance), or at a short distance from each other. The body should form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels without bending in the lower back.

One minute is a good start. Lance Armstrong prefers to do this exercise in sets of 20 times for 20 seconds.

4. Side plank

Side plank exercise

Lie on your right side with your elbow supported. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder. The left leg is straightened and lies on top of the straightened right leg, imagine a right triangle. The body and legs form a straight line. A good place to start is 15-30 seconds on each side.

5. Superman

Exercise "Superman"

Get on all fours, then smoothly raise your left arm and at the same time straighten your right leg. Hold your limbs at the top point for a second, then smoothly return them to their original position. Repeat for your right arm and left leg. Do 15-20 reps on each side.

6. Raising the body from a lying position

Raising the body from a lying position

Lie down on the floor. Legs are bent at the knees. Hands are bent at the elbows and lightly touch the head. The lower back touches the floor. Try to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Head up, neck relaxed (imagine an apple under your chin). Don't try to raise your upper body more than 30 degrees. At the top point, stop for 1-2 seconds and smoothly lower your shoulders to the floor.

Source: http://site/

5 “golden” exercises that will help you become a superhero

Exercises that you can do at home and that will definitely give results.

If you believe your favorite fitness trainers of Hollywood stars, you need to exercise at least five times a week to achieve results.

Valerie Waters, who works with Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel, advises doing one exercise after another as quickly as possible and not stopping to rest during training.

Then the effect can be felt after six weeks of training.

Harley Pasternak, personal trainer of such stars as Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Katy Perry, claims that you can exercise for no more than an hour, the main thing is not the duration of the workout, but its intensity. Mandy Ingber, who works on the bodies of Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian and Brooke Shields, advises not to feel sorry for yourself and to train until you feel like your muscles are burning.


This newfangled exercise is essentially a set of three - push-ups, squats and jumps. They need to be done immediately one after another and at a fast pace.

Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, make the highest possible jump with your arms extended upward (you can fix it with a clap), then squat, lunge with your legs back and push-ups, and return to a standing position while sitting. And from it again everything is the same.

No respite or breaks! And make sure that when moving to a lying position, the abdominal muscles are tense and the pelvis does not collapse.

8-10 repetitions.

What we strive for: three sets of 15 repetitions.

Why suffer: accelerating metabolism and working out all major muscle groups at once - legs, arms, abs, chest and back.

By the way, it is this exercise that Anita Tsoi is tormented by her personal fitness trainer Eduard Kanevsky. In addition, burpees are now included in military training programs around the world. After all, it was precisely for the test of physical fitness of those who join the army that this exercise was invented in the 30s by American scientists.


To begin, lie on your stomach, press your forearms as close to your body as possible, place your palms on the floor, bring your legs together, and place your feet on your toes. From this position, stand on your elbows. Please note that they should be exactly under the shoulder joints. Actually, that's it: you're on target.

All that remains is to stay exactly in this position. Make sure that the shoulder blades do not compress and the arms do not move apart to the sides, and that the angle at the elbow joint remains straight and there is no deflection in the lower back. Lower your gaze to the floor so that your head does not rise, and tighten the muscles of your buttocks so that your pelvis does not move upward.

Legs should remain straight.

There is another variation of this exercise - the T-plank, when from a regular plank the weight is transferred to one of the hands and the body turns around. In this position, the body should be in a T shape.

If the weight is on the left hand, then the right hand reaches for the ceiling. And vice versa. Make sure to keep your elbows straight, your torso and legs in a straight line, and your hips turned out.

How much to do for the first time: start with 10 seconds.

What we strive for: hold the position for a minute or longer.

Why suffer: for the sake of straight posture and, perhaps, the most effective development of the abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle, hips and buttocks.

Plie squat

Fitness instructor Mandy Ingber, who works as a personal trainer for stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, Brooke Shields, recommends doing plie. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed apart.

The palms can be pressed together at chest level or placed on the waist. Moving your pelvis back slightly, squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position and then return to the starting position.

Keep your balance.

How much to do for the first time: try to do 10 repetitions, holding the squat for at least 10 seconds.

What we strive for: hold the squat for 30-60 seconds and do three sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Read also: Abdominal exercises

Why suffer: for the sake of slender legs and hips, beautiful buttocks.

"Flight of Superman"

Lie on your stomach, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and extend your arms. From this position, imitate Superman's flight. To do this, as you exhale, lift your pelvis and chest off the floor. The arms should be extended like arrows, and the lower back and buttocks should be tense.

Maintain a distance of 25cm between your feet and keep your toes touching the floor while you do this exercise. You can also smoothly place your straight right arm behind your back and hold for a few seconds. Do the same with the left one from the starting position.

With a smooth movement, bring your right hand straight behind your back (B), hold for a couple of seconds.

How much to do for the first time: Try holding the Superman Flight position for at least a couple of seconds. If it’s really difficult, you can put your hands along your body.

What we strive for: hold the “Superman Flight” position for 20 seconds and do three repetitions.

Why suffer: for the sake of beautiful posture.


Keep your body straight and your chin tucked, watch your posture and pull your weight on your hands on the bar. Women can replace pull-ups with a similar exercise - hanging with bent arms. You just need to hold the starting position for as long as possible while on the crossbar.

How much to do for the first time: Do a few pull-ups several times a day.

What we strive for: women should still do pull-ups, men should increase the number of repetitions.

Why suffer: for the sake of a thin waist and a beautiful back.

The boat exercise for the back is loved by all those people who have been practicing it for a long time. This movement should be well known to fans of CrossFit and bodyflex. She has several other names - superman and swallow.

She's well works the main muscle groups, giving you a feeling of lightness and pleasant fatigue at the same time. Those who have just started doing it note that the exercise is quite difficult to perform, but gives a good effect.

In reality, doing it according to all the rules in the initial stages is not so easy. This movement is easy for those who are in good physical shape. Those who have recently started practicing it should try to follow all the necessary recommendations when performing it in order to quickly master it and get the desired result - a slim figure and a toned stomach.

The benefits of this movement - 9 facts

This movement uses a huge variety of different muscle groups. What muscles work:

It also has many positive properties:

  1. Formation of ideal posture. Correct posture is not only aesthetically important, but also contributes to the anatomically correct location of internal organs. Although it is more effective for posture;
  2. Strengthening the corset muscles. Promotes the formation of the correct position of the spinal column, the prevention of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
  3. Development, first of all, of the joints of the spine, as well as the shoulder and hip joints. Stimulating the production of joint fluid and strengthening the cartilage layer.
  4. Improving blood flow in internal organs and tissues;
  5. Restoration of the disturbed muscle tension-relaxation process. Due to pain and spasms in the back muscles, this process is disrupted, and it can be difficult for the muscles to relax even at rest;
  6. Favorable effect on various body systems - the vascular system, the digestive system and others;
  7. Restoration of disrupted nerve impulses. Superman helps relieve muscle spasms, release nerve roots and restore normal organ function;
  8. This is the movement included by therapeutic gymnastics instructors as part of exercises for the treatment of various curvatures of the spine and osteochondrosis. In this case, it is necessary to contact a doctor to clarify the nuances of performing a swallow, since with varying degrees of curvature, the types of loads and their quantity are individually selected for each patient.
  9. This movement also helps. See about it on our website.

Technique for performing the boat exercise

In the classic version, the superman exercise lying on the floor, or simply “boat”, uses the muscles of the abs, hips, back, etc. At the beginning, a warm-up is recommended, which can include any active movements. to warm up your muscles. Then you need exercises aimed at stretching the back muscles.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your arms parallel to your body.
  2. Legs touch tightly.
  3. At the same time, raise your straight legs and arms up, leaning on your buttocks.
  4. We hold the maximum position for a few seconds, lower ourselves, lie on our back and relax for three counts.
  5. We repeat the exercise three times to start. With each workout we increase the number of repetitions.

Watch the video for more details:

You can try different versions of the superman pose, depending on what kind of physical shape you are in.

Note! Don’t forget to control your breathing - tension as you exhale, relaxation as you inhale.

Reverse boat exercise

This option uses the muscles of the thighs, back, abs, gluteus maximus and gastrocnemius. In general, this option is very similar to the usual one.

  1. We lie down on our stomachs and relax. If your muscles are stiff, the exercise will not be possible.
  2. We stretch our arms forward, keep our legs together.
  3. As we exhale, we raise our legs and arms, lifting them off the floor, trying to bend as much as possible. Important! We keep our legs and arms straight - they should not be bent at the knees or elbows.
  4. We hold this position for a few seconds, and while inhaling, lie down on our stomach. We rest for a few seconds. Breathing is free.
  5. We repeat from three to seven times - depending on your physical form.

How long should you hold the boat pose? Start with a few seconds and, over time, work your way up to 20-30 seconds at a time.

Learn more from the video:

If you don’t manage to bend very much the first time, that’s okay. It is enough if to begin with, you will simply lift your feet and palms off the floor. Each time you will be able to perform this exercise much better, as the muscles will be stretched and the hip and shoulder joints will be developed.

Important! Take a break between exercises. This is necessary so that the muscles can relax and the tension-relaxation connection is not disrupted. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you may get muscle spasm. When you get used to this load, the rest time between exercises can be reduced and done at a fairly high pace.

Boat in a storm

If you are in good physical shape, then you will most likely succeed in the exercise the first time. If you have not often paid attention to physical education, then you will have to master the technique over a certain period of time. But then the exercise will become one of your favorites. Let's start mastering it:

  1. We lie on our stomach, stretch our arms along the body, legs together.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees, reach for our feet with our hands and cover them with our palms.
  3. We bend as much as possible and begin to slowly sway forward and back. We maintain balance and don’t fall over on our side. We lower our legs and arms and lie on our stomach. We rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise several times.

The muscles involved in this exercise are the same as in the previous one.

Important! Breathing should be free when performing superman. You cannot hold your breath, as this is harmful to the cardiovascular system. Before performing the “storm boat”, you can try other, easier to perform variations of this exercise, for example, “reverse boat”.

Side variety

This variation works the spinalis dorsi, longissimus dorsi, lumbar and pectoral muscles.

  1. We lie on our side, leaning on our hand, with our other hand we take ourselves by the back of our head, and with our legs we stretch down.
  2. Raise your legs above the floor and hold for a few seconds. We rely on the lateral surface of the pelvis and the lateral part of the thoracic region.
  3. We lower our legs and roll over to the other side.
  4. We repeat, to begin with, up to seven times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Pause for a few seconds between rolling over to the other side.

For beginners, the rest time between repetitions of the exercise can be increased to thirty seconds. This is necessary so that the muscles can fully relax. As you adapt, you can gradually increase the total number of exercises and reduce periods of muscle relaxation. Control your balance position, do not roll onto your back or stomach.

Note! Don't hold your breath, breathe freely and measuredly.

The following complexes also showed high efficiency:

These exercises are used both in home exercises, and as part of a physical therapy complex, and in bodybuilding. The “boat” is a universal movement that can make your figure slim and your posture ideal. To create a “fighting spirit” for classes, come up with some attractive incentive. And then just start doing the exercise. And don’t put it off “for later”!

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I offer you not only for familiarization, but also for active implementation, four exercises against congestion in the pelvic area and the entire genitourinary system.

These exercises are priceless for both men and women!!!

“Do these exercises yourself every morning.

And when you have a wife, teach her.

Thanks to them, she will never know what pelvic inflammatory diseases are,” a chiropractor told me back in the mid-90s.

  • 1st exercise - in addition to increasing blood flow in the pelvis and perineum, strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks
  • 2nd - done immediately without a break after the “Rider”, strengthens the abdominal press, strengthening it along the entire length of the rectus muscle and helps create elastic buttocks (due to tension in the gluteal muscles - see exercise)
  • 3rd exercise - helps strengthen the erector muscles of the back
  • 4th - contains elements of self-massage of important areas! In addition, due to the powerful increase in blood flow in the genitourinary area, both men and women will have pleasant bonuses in love exercises!
  • I.p. – legs placed two shoulder widths apart, hands in front of the chest in a wrestling grip or as in the photo (video). Let's look ahead. Breathing is calm and extended
  • Slowly, on pause after inhalation– gradually increasing efforts, we begin to pull with our hands in different directions, trying to break the grip (however, there is no need to tear anything, we perform simple isometric tension without movement), at the same time we squat down to a position where the thighs become parallel to the floor
  • We remain in this position for 20-30 seconds to begin with. After each inhalation, we hold our breath comfortably; after exhalation, we do not hold our breath.
  • We try to breathe evenly and calmly, gradually increasing the time spent in the “Rider” position to 60-90 seconds
  • We look forward, keep our back straight (posture is as if you are on a horse, hence the name of the exercise)
  • While holding, after the next inhalation, we slowly return to the starting position and exhale
  • After being in the “Rider” position, a powerful flow of blood into the corresponding zones is ensured. Immediately, WITHOUT A BREAK, while the entire pelvic area is wonderfully warmed up due to the rush of blood, we proceed to the second exercise.

Exercise 2. Boat

  • Let me remind you that we do it without a break, immediately after the “Rider”, while the pelvic area is powerfully warmed up
  • I.p. – lying on your back, arms along your body, straightened legs together (the position in which soldiers dream of standing guard :)
  • At the same time, raise your straight legs above the floor (15-30 degrees from the floor), stretch your toes forward, raise your shoulders and thoracic spine.
  • We look at the toes of our feet, raise our arms and hold them in a position pointing with straightened palms towards the legs.
  • Now STRAIN the muscles of the buttocks- as if we are squeezing a coin with our buttocks (this is the most important point in the exercise) and hold in this position for up to ... 2-3 minutes
  • Naturally, we increase the time of our “boat” to the indicated 3 minutes gradually, starting with at least 20-30 seconds
  • While in this position, we try to breathe calmly and evenly.
  • After being in the pose for the required time (with tension in the buttocks!!!), we lower ourselves to the floor and relax
  • After a short rest, proceed to the 3rd exercise

Exercise 3. Superman

  • I.p. – lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. You can put a pillow under the pelvis (you can just do it on a travel mat)
  • As you inhale, slowly and smoothly raise your legs (you can bend your knees slightly) and your arms (stretched forward and slightly to the sides)
  • We look in front of us and slightly at the floor, do not throw our heads back, but do not bend them too much. Neck in a neutral - comfortable position
  • The first option is to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor, but touch it only with your hands and feet, without relaxing the whole body, and immediately repeat the rise again with a delay. Do it 10 times
  • The second option is to raise your arms and legs and stay in this position for 60-90 seconds (Fedor Emelianenko does “Superman” in static position for 5-7 minutes)

Exercise 4. Walking on the buttocks

  • Sit on the floor. Straighten your legs. Clench your hands into fists, bend your elbows and raise them slightly above chest level.
  • “Step” forward with your right buttock along with your right leg straight.
  • Then the left buttock “goes” forward.
  • How long to walk? 20-50 meters!!! Just don’t start from 50 meters, otherwise there will be ridiculous injuries, as in the old joke: “Only your ears reached the battery”
  • You can walk on the floor 1 meter forward, 1 meter back if there is not enough space.
  • This exercise is one of the best for increasing blood flow in the pelvic area; it is also an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, etc. diseases