Methods for shin correction. Correction of varus deformity of the lower extremities and legs. Additional information and frequently asked questions

Beautiful and long legs give the female body grace and lightness. But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with beautiful legs? And what determines the shape of our legs?

The shape of our legs is as individual and unique as, for example, the shape of our eyes. The shape of the legs depends on age, gender and ethnicity. Before you begin to correct or correct the shape of your legs, you need to correctly determine the shape of your legs.

For the first time, the terms ideal legs, true and false curvature of the legs were proposed by Doctor of Medical Sciences A.A. Artemyev. Based on consultations with several thousand people who were dissatisfied with the shape of their legs, he found that most people would like to have legs with three spaces: between the crotch, closed knees and feet. Thus, the concepts of ideal legs, true O-shaped, true X-shaped and false curvature were formulated. This simple classification allows you to determine the most effective correction method.

Ideal legs are those that have three spindle-shaped spaces along the inner contour of the legs, limited by the crotch, closed knee joints, calf muscles and ankles.

How to recognize false and true curvature of the legs?

True curvature of the legs is a feature of the anatomy of the lower extremities associated with deformation of the tibia, which is externally manifested by a defect in the internal contour from the perineum. In more accessible language, true bow legs are related to the curvature of the bones in the lower part of the leg. If in a free stance without tension the ankles are closed, then this is a true O-shaped curvature, if the ankles are not closed with the hips closed, then this is a true X-shaped curvature.

Correction of true curvature of the legs is possible through surgery, which is based on the Ilizarov method.

The essence of such a surgical intervention to straighten crooked legs is as follows: the bone is intersected (fully/partially) and then fused in the desired position. The operation is called osteotomy.

Correction of true X-shaped and O-shaped curvature of the legs is carried out according to the same principles, but they also have some differences. With X-shaped curvature, the vector of forces during the operation and subsequent fixation is directed in the opposite direction.

Scheme of correction of true O-shaped curvature using osteotomy

X-shaped curvature is much less common than O-shaped and is easily masked by tighter compression. But in motion this flaw is still striking. Among our stars, A.B. has a similar shape of legs. Pugacheva.

Curvature is called true because it is associated with the curvature of the bone. False curvature, in contrast to true curvature, is associated with the distribution of soft tissues.

False curvature is the impression of curvature in the absence of bone deformation and, as described above, is associated with an aesthetically incorrect distribution of soft tissues.

Effective methods for correcting false curvature of the legs are cruroplasty or lipofilling - the introduction of the patient’s own fat tissue.

Scheme for correcting false curvature of the nose using a silicone implant.

The choice of one or another correction method is made by a specialist. Before the operation, the patient undergoes the necessary examination. A thorough medical examination allows you to eliminate the risk of complications, identify chronic diseases and most accurately select the correction method.

The shape of the legs has age, gender and ethnic characteristics. It is as individual as the shape of the eyes or the shape of the nose. At the same time, many people are not satisfied with the shape of their legs and are ready to resort to the services of orthopedists or plastic surgeons to satisfy their ideas of perfection.

Before thinking about the possibility of surgical correction, it is necessary to determine the norm, or ideal, to which to strive. And, naturally, eliminate deviations from this ideal. It is very important that both the surgeon and the potential patient speak a language that they both understand. This is best facilitated by the following classification of leg shape:

a – “ideal” shape of legs;

b – true O-shaped curvature (non-closing knees);

c – true X-shaped curvature (non-closure of the ankles);

d – false curvature (non-closure of the soft tissues of the upper third of the legs);

d – a combination of false curvature with non-closure of the knees up to 1.5-2 cm

Ideal leg shape characterized by the presence of three fusiform defects of the internal contour, limited to the perineum, closed knee joints, soft tissue in the calf muscles and ankles.

True O-shaped curvature– these are features of the anatomy of the lower extremities associated with bone deformation, which are externally manifested by the presence of a fusiform defect in the internal contour from the perineum to the closed ankles (non-closed knees).

True X-curvature manifested by a lack of closure of the ankles with closed hips, and is also associated with bone deformation.

False curvature of the legs– structural features of the lower extremities, which manifest themselves as an impression of curvature in the absence of bone deformation and are associated with an aesthetically unfavorable distribution of soft tissues. In some cases, false curvature is combined with non-closure of the knees up to 1.5-2 cm while maintaining the anatomical axis of the limb.

Methods for correcting crooked legs

This simple classification allows you to choose the most effective of the currently existing methods of surgical correction of curvature of the legs.

With true curvature of the legs, intervention on the bones is necessary.

In case of false curvature – contour plastic surgery with silicone implants.


Leg curvature can be divided into true and false. True curvature is curvature. This problem requires consultation and treatment with an orthopedic surgeon. Fortunately, this situation does not occur very often.

As a rule, we are talking about false curvature of the legs. In this case, the appearance of curvature occurs due to the unfavorable location of the soft tissues. The leg bones are straight.

To determine if you have bow legs, you need to remove and stand straight on a flat surface. Put legs together and close your thighs tightly. Perfectly straight legs should touch at three points - ankles, calves and knees. This creates four “gaps” - above the knee, below the knee, above the ankle and between the foot and ankle. True curvature of the legs is diagnosed in the absence of two contacts.

If there is no contact in the area of ​​the knees and calves, then we are talking about an O-shaped curvature of the bones. If there is no contact in the area of ​​the ankles and calves, then this defect is an X-shaped curvature.

If only one point of contact is missing - in the area of ​​the calf muscles - then there is reason to talk about false curvature of the legs.

False curvature of the legs can be corrected with the help of special exercises. If this method does not suit you for some reason, then plastic surgery will come to the rescue. False curvature can be easily eliminated using silicone implants or injections of your own fat.

With true curvature of the legs, contour plastic surgery is usually ineffective. The only way to correct this deficiency is to seek help from an orthopedic surgeon. In such cases, the doctor may perform surgery to excise the bones of the lower leg. To fuse the bones in the desired position after surgery, Ilizarov is applied. It should be noted that this operation is a serious surgical intervention and has many contraindications. In addition, during its implementation there is a risk of various complications. The rehabilitation period can be 2-3 months.

The easiest and most pleasant way to get rid of crooked legs is to choose the right clothes. For example, straight-cut trousers will visually “straighten” any curvature. Miniskirts can be combined with tights with large geometric ones or with over-the-knee boots. For legs that are too thin, tights with horizontal stripes are suitable.


  • How to determine the curvature of the legs

Various reasons can lead your legs to such a state that you passionately want to make them thin. The problem can be solved from different angles, but it is best to do it comprehensively.


Watch your diet. Coaches call this "drying out." At this time, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates (sweets, flour, starch-containing foods) from the diet. Also try to eat less fat.

Massage (foot massage, general massage, anti-cellulite massage) will have a very good effect on the condition of your legs. The main thing is to do this regularly, at least 2 times a day. Massage increases blood circulation in the massaged area and helps remove various toxins faster. After a massage, the muscles become toned, the skin tightens and becomes more elastic.
Don't be discouraged if you have the opportunity to visit a massage therapist. The effect of regular self-massage will also amaze you.

Anti-cellulite creams are effective, but only if you combine them with the other steps. If you don’t watch your diet, then, of course, there is no point in using expensive creams. But if you do all of the above and add to these actions the regular use of anti-cellulite cream, you will improve your legs even faster.

Video on the topic


Once you reach your goal, continue to maintain the achieved condition of your legs. Maintaining your condition takes much less effort and time.

Helpful advice

Regularly look through photos of girls and women with slender legs. This will help you not to relax “just for today.”

Not all women can boast that they naturally have long, slender legs. And they try to visually make them longer by wearing breathtaking stiletto heels, on which they can take only a few steps. It is not at all necessary to torture your feet with uncomfortable shoes, because the height of the heel alone will not make your feet appear longer.


Beautiful and slim legs not only increase a woman’s self-confidence, but also attract the gaze of men - that’s why m legs e women are interested in how to quickly correct the shape of their legs, disturbed by constant walking in heels, poor diet and lack of physical activity. By regularly performing special exercises for your legs, you can once again restore their beauty, grace and ideal shape. For best results, train at least three times a week.


While standing, lunge wide back and lower toward the floor so that your thigh and shin form an angle. Lift up slightly, but do not straighten your front leg, which is bent at the knee. Repeat the lifts 15-20 times, and then change legs and repeat the raises 15-20 times.

The next exercise should be performed with an ordinary chair. Place one heel on the back of a chair legs and stretch your arms up.

Perform slow squats, lowering yourself down until the angle between your shin and thigh is 90 degrees. Freeze in a squat position, and then straighten up to your full height. Squat at least 10-20 times.

Video on the topic


Avoid longitudinal stripes on clothing. They follow the contours of the legs, further emphasizing their curvature. Moreover, they attract the gaze of strangers, which is less desirable for you.

Helpful advice

You won't draw as much attention to your feet if you don't wear bright, flashy shoes or a skirt. Let all attention be focused on your radiant face.



There is an opinion that only perfectly straight hair can be beautiful. legs. Girls who choose long skirts and wide trousers most often have complexes about their legs and try to carefully disguise their “flaws”.


But, firstly, the more diligently we hide something, the more it attracts the attention of others. And secondly, who told you that legs, which fall short of the generally accepted standard, are so terrible. In fact, it is your highlight and you should be proud of your individuality.

For example, by reducing the volume of the thigh by burning fat deposits, elasticity is created. You can also, on the contrary, increase . This allows you to change the so-called 0- and X-shape.
It is recommended to perform the first 2-3 exercises 5-10 times. Later 15-20 times. Over time, the fullness of the legs will begin to disappear, thin legs, on the contrary, they will gain weight. The muscles and legs will become stronger, and legs will look slimmer and straighter.

Exercise two: the position is the same as the first time. Press the elongated straight lines to the floor legs, then slightly bend your knees and relax them. This exercise should be repeated 10 times.

Exercise three: lying on your back, move your feet back and forth on the floor. Try to grab the mat with your fingers. Do this exercise 15 times.

Fourth exercise: the position is the same as the previous time. Arms at your sides, palms resting on the floor. While straining, pull the toes of your outstretched legs, first toward you, then away from you. everything is the same, only raising legs 10-15 cm from the floor.

Exercise five: same position. Hands under your head. Lift it up a little legs, pull your socks back and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Don't try to look like a celebrity, create your own ideal shape.

The problem of full legs and hips is familiar to me. legs women. Often, when you gain weight, these are the parts of your body that change the most. Sometimes the fullness of the legs depends on the constitution of the body and the characteristics of the figure. For example, it happens that a girl herself is slim, but her legs look plump. And no amount of exercise or diet can correct this. But you can hide such legs with the help of beautiful fashionable clothes.


Long skirts and wide trousers are a great way to hide full legs. But you need to be careful: if the pants are too massive, wide, shapeless pants can only emphasize this drawback. It is better to choose classic-cut trousers made from dense fabrics that hold their shape well. The same applies to skirts. Tiered circle skirts, of course, will hide full legs, but at the same time they will make you look much wider. Therefore, it is better to purchase straight A-line skirts.

You can correct the fullness of your legs with the right color-matched tights. It is best to choose them to match the skirt. So, the combination of a black skirt and black tights will make you look slimmer in the lower torso. If you are going to wear a light-colored skirt, then choose beige or brown tights, but give preference to cool shades.

Wear heels. This will make you taller, elongate your silhouette, thereby making your legs appear slimmer. Yes, heels always look feminine and attractive. Choose a heel thickness and height that allows you to move comfortably.

Don't buy baggy clothes. It will not hide your shortcomings, but on the contrary, it will only highlight them.

Focus on some other part of the body. Take your attention away from your feet. For example, emphasize your thin waist with a belt or wear a beautiful blouse that accentuates the area. If it is better to choose plain-colored trousers and skirts, then shirts, blouses, and blouses can be quite bright, interesting and original. This again will help draw attention away from your lower body.


  • Hide leg imperfections with clothes

Laziness, lack of time and simply not knowing where to start lead to the fact that a woman sees her plump figure in the mirror every day. Set aside 30 minutes daily for home workouts and very soon you will get closer to your ideal and do your hips thin.


Stand straight, feet together, hands on your waist. As you inhale, lunge to the left and spring up and down for at least 30 seconds. Exhale and bring your legs together again. As you inhale, lunge to the right and spring for the same amount of time. Rest for 1 minute and do 2 more sets in both directions.

Do not change the starting position. Exhale and lunge forward, lowering your groin as low as possible. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the left lunge. Do the exercise 20 times with each leg.

Stand near the wall with your right side, hold it with your hand, place your left palm on your belt. Swing forward and backward with your left leg for 3 minutes. Turn your left side toward the wall and repeat the swing with your right leg. Turn to face the wall and swing each leg in turn from left to right.

Get on your knees, placing your hands on the floor under your shoulders. As you inhale, lift your right leg bent at the knee, move it to the side, and make springing movements up and down for 1 minute. Do the exercise on your left leg.

While kneeling, lower yourself onto your forearms. Take your right leg back, while inhaling, lift it as high as possible, and exhale, lower it, but do not touch the floor. Do 20 lifts. Repeat the exercise on your left leg.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels near your buttocks. As you inhale, lift your hips up as high as possible. Make springing movements down and up for 2 minutes. Then lie on the floor, draw your knees to your chest, and relax the backs of your thighs and buttocks.

Lie on your left side, lean on your elbow, place your right hand on the floor in front of you. Raise your right leg up, while pulling your toe towards you, creating tension in the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. Do 20 lifts. Repeat the exercise on your left leg.

Legs are a girl’s calling card; regular physical activity and proper nutrition are an excellent way to give them a beautiful shape.

You will need

  • Ball, vertical support, chair.


Start eating right - try not to eat fatty and sugary foods, eat plenty of protein and vegetables, drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Eat at least 3 hours before bedtime; eat all the unhealthy foods in the first half of the day.

At least 3 times a week, do strength exercises for your legs, start your workout with a warm-up, and don’t forget about stretching.

Exercises for the lateral thigh. Stand straight, holding onto a support, move your leg to the right side. Do 15-20 times, then do the left leg exercise to the left side.
Lying on your side, rest your elbow on the floor and lift your left leg up. Repeat the exercise 20 times, change legs.

Exercises for the inner thigh. Sit on the edge of a chair, bend your knees, squeeze the ball and begin squeezing and releasing it, repeat the exercise 30 times.
Stand up straight, spread your toes to the sides, support yourself with your hands and start squatting. Sit down about 50 times, then take the starting position, rise on your toes and do another 50 squats.

Silicone is better). Squeeze and unclench it, while tensing part of your thighs.

If your legs have an “X” shape, in addition to special exercises, do swimming, cycling or skiing, as well as horse riding. To correct the shape of your legs, perform the following exercises daily. While sitting cross-legged, stand up without using your hands, and also do a regular squat.

If your legs have an "O" shape, perform calf exercises on the inside. For this exercise, prepare a block 5 cm high. Then stand at the support, toes apart (on the block), heels on the floor. Do lifting on your toes and lowering. Perform the same exercise with your toes forward (for the back ones). In addition to these exercises, perform walking in place (on your toes).

To keep your leg muscles in good tone, swing your legs back and forth and to the sides, as well as walk on your toes, the inner and outer edges of your feet.

To achieve a positive result and slightly change the crooked shape of your legs, you need to perform all the exercises daily, at a slow pace and in several approaches. To achieve fat loss from exercise, it must be done at a fast pace.


  • crooked legs what to do

Tip 11: How to solve the problem of thin legs? Choosing the right clothes

Too thin legs can hardly be considered an advantage in appearance. Only proper strength training can improve the situation, but this may take years. However, you can disguise this drawback with the help of a properly selected wardrobe.

If you have a fragile figure, thin legs are not always a serious drawback. You just need to try not to emphasize excessive thinness with too tight clothes, vertical lines and dark shades. It's another matter if nature has rewarded you with a massive top. In this case, thin legs will not look very good, making the owner of such a figure disproportionate and even comical. Your task is to achieve visual balance with the help of clothing.

First of all, trousers of a classic cut, floor-length skirts or below-the-knee length will come to your aid. Avoid shorts, leggings, tapered pants and skinny jeans, short skirts, and too-tight clothing.

The correct selection of “top” will also help to divert attention from overly thin legs. The main thing is not to visually make it heavier. Avoid oversized blouses, straight-cut jackets, and tunics. Do not wear things with horizontal stripes or large patterns. Forget about accessories and details that add volume to the upper body (large scarves, massive necklaces, frills). Give preference to fitted items, small patterns, vertical stripes, thin beads or chains.

With thin legs, your waist also risks appearing wider. If you do not suffer from excess volume in this area, your task of “disguising” thin legs becomes much easier. Emphasize your waist with a narrow belt or a skillfully tied belt.
In most cases, those with thin legs have narrow hips and flat buttocks. Try to visually add volume to these problem areas. Calf-length A-cut skirts, peplum items, and trousers with patch pockets will suit you.

Whether you're wearing a skirt or a dress, the choice of tights is key to avoid drawing attention to too thin legs. Black color and matte textures are prohibited.

If you still can’t do without black tights and stockings, wear them with shoes in contrasting colors.
Brown, gray and nude colors of tights will be much more advantageous for you, giving visual volume. Translucent shades with a little shine will also look good on thin legs. However, tights with a pattern will best solve your problem. Large patterns, preferably in several shades, will not only disguise excessive thinness of the legs, but will also be an excellent stylistic solution. In this case, patterns in the form of small checkered patterns or vertical stripes should be avoided.
Wear knitted knee-high socks over tights: this trend has been relevant for several seasons in a row.

Those with thin legs should choose their shoes with special care. Tight-fitting boots with thin heels, stiletto heels, any models with pointed toes will only emphasize your disadvantage. That is why it is worth purchasing shoes with stable heels and a rounded toe. Of course, you shouldn’t go to the other extreme: shoes that are too massive and rough will also emphasize the thinness of your legs. At the same time, legs that are too thin will allow you to wear boots that are very “dangerous” for most women. For example, light suede, an accordion-shaped boot, a fur trim - such stylistic details often visually increase the volume of the calves, which will undoubtedly help those with extremely thin legs.

O-shaped curvature (varus deformity) is the most common reason for cosmetic orthopedic correction of the shape of the legs (about 15-20 times more often than X-shaped curvature).

Classification of leg shape (Artemyev A.A., 2001):

  1. Perfect legs;
  2. True O-shaped curvature (varus deformity);

Below is a video on how to fix crooked legs

What is O-shaped curvature

Using the classification, it is easy to independently determine what shape your legs are and decide whether something needs to be changed or not.

  • Perfect legs. The knees, calves and feet close together, with three spaces between them.
  • True O-shaped curvature (varus deformity). The knee joints do not close when the feet are closed, and a spindle-shaped defect of the internal contour is formed from the perineum to the feet.
  • Associated with the distribution of soft tissues on the lower leg. With false curvature, the knees and feet close together, but the calves do not. As a result, a soft tissue defect is formed from the knees to the ankles, and the appearance of thin and crooked legs is created.
  • - knees close, feet do not close.

It is very important that timely correction of shin deformities allows not only to achieve a very good aesthetic result, but also prevents the development of diseases of the knee joints in adulthood and old age. Incorrect distribution of loads during varus deformity leads to uneven and premature “wear” of the knee joints.

Therefore, timely correction of the curvature of the legs is a measure to prevent arthrosis of the knee joints.

Three options for correcting the shape of the legs

You can rest assured that we will make perfect legs in almost any case. The point is how long this process will take. We offer three ways to correct leg varus deformity:

  • Ilizarov correction (see details below);
  • Express method;
  • Improved express method.

Express methods involve fixation with a pin, which significantly reduces rehabilitation time - in fact, you can begin active rehabilitation within 19 days after surgery

If you think you have false curvature -

Principles of leg shape correction using the Ilizarov apparatus

O-shaped curvature- the most common reason for cosmetic orthopedic correction of the shape of the legs (about 15-20 times more often than).

The general principle of correcting the shape of the legs is the intersection of the bone in the area of ​​​​deformity and fusion in the correct position.

To perform an osteotomy, it is not necessary to make a large skin incision. A small (5 mm) puncture and one suture are sufficient. With an aesthetically favorable distribution of soft tissue on the lower leg, an excellent result can be achieved without completely crossing the bone, but only by breaking it on one side. This allows us to expect a reduction in treatment time by 5-15%.

After crossing the bone (osteotomy), it is necessary to bring the limb axis to the correct position and fix it in this position until fusion.

X-shaped deformation is corrected in the same way, only the direction of displacement of the bone fragments is exactly the opposite.

The ideal device for bringing the limb axis into the correct position and fixation is the Ilizarov apparatus. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes the possibilities of this method. The maximum experience in using the Ilizarov apparatus has been accumulated in Russia. For the purpose of aesthetic correction of the shape of the legs, we have been using this method since 1996. During this time, more than 1.5 thousand corrections and lengthenings of the femur and tibia were performed for a variety of conditions - different leg lengths, improper healing of fractures and, of course, with increased height and cosmetic correction of shape.

The Ilizarov apparatus allows:

  • correct angular deformity;
  • perform medialization;
  • eliminate rotational displacements;
  • remove the protruding head of the fibula;
  • lengthen a limb.

More simplified open-loop designs have limited capabilities. At the same time, the Ilizarov apparatus can be covered with trousers without any problems and weighs only 900 grams.

Angular correction

Angular correction is the easiest way to correct the shape of your legs. At the request of the patient, using the Ilizarov apparatus, any curvature can be corrected, regardless of the type and severity.

The effect of angular correction in cases of pronounced O-shaped curvature of the legs.
On the left is a 19-year-old girl, on the right is a 26-year-old man.

A prerequisite for obtaining an excellent result by performing angular correction alone is an aesthetically favorable distribution of soft tissues on the lower leg - when the calf muscles are located along the inner surface of the lower legs. The reason for this condition lies in the peculiarities of the attachment of the head of the gastrocnemius muscle, and not in the fact that the muscles are not “pumped up”. Physical exercise in this case will not lead to success.

When correcting varus deformity, medialization can be performed simultaneously, which will significantly improve the aesthetic effect.

Medialization of the tibia

Medialization is the inward displacement of the peripheral (lower) fragment of the tibia after osteotomy. In modern pin-rod devices, this procedure is performed at the patient’s request almost painlessly and gradually by twisting the rods in the process of correcting the curvature.

At the request of patients, angular correction is complemented by medialization in almost 60% of cases and significantly improves the aesthetic effect.


Rotational displacement is caused by the installation of the limb in a position of displacement around the longitudinal axis.

This type of deformation occurs in 2-3% of cases and can be unilateral (asymmetrical) or bilateral. Correction of rotation is carried out in case of significant severity or asymmetry on different legs.

Appearance of a 19-year-old patient before and after combined correction
(angular correction + medialization + rotation + lengthening of the legs by 3 cm).
On the right are radiographs during the correction process.

Reduction of the protruding head of the fibula

A protruding head of the fibula in combination with varus deformity occurs in no more than 1% of cases.

Appearance of a 26-year-old man before and after correction (correction of varus deformity + reduction of the head of the fibula + lengthening of the tibia by 1.5 cm)

Lowering the head of the fibula involves lengthening the legs by 1-2 cm, which significantly enhances the cosmetic effect.


Limb lengthening is based on the discovery of G.A. Ilizarov - biological tissues respond to stretching with regeneration. This is achieved by increasing the distance between the rings of the apparatus, which entails an increase in the distance between bone fragments and, accordingly, stretching of the tissue.

Scheme of limb lengthening using the Ilizarov apparatus

(correction of O-shaped curvature + medialization + lengthening 4.5 cm)

Lengthening by a small amount (2-4 cm) in order to optimize proportions significantly improves the aesthetic effect when correcting curvature of the legs, completely changes a person’s self-esteem, and often his lifestyle.

Ways to reduce treatment and rehabilitation time when correcting crooked legs

The average time from surgery to removal of the devices is 3 months. In the case of leg lengthening, you need to add approximately 1 month for each centimeter of lengthening. The specified period assumes a gradual increase in loads and activity during the fixation process and the ability to fully load the legs and walk freely without restrictions immediately after removing the devices. You can remove the devices earlier, for example, after 50-60 days. However, after this you will have to sharply limit the load (even walking with crutches) for another month and a half until the final fusion occurs.

There are the following ways to reduce treatment time:

  • a gradual increase in loads on the legs (under the supervision of a doctor) reduces the time of fixation with Ilizarov apparatuses by 5-10%;
  • incomplete osteotomy reduces the fixation period by 5-15%.

Alternative methods of correction (without the Ilizarov apparatus)

  • osteotomy with plate fixation allows you to correct curvature of the legs without Ilizarov apparatus;
  • osteotomy with devices moving the legs into the correct position and subsequent transition to fixation with a rod allows you to remove the devices approximately a month after the operation and immediately begin rehabilitation.

Features of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is recovery from temporary limitations of function. After surgery, restoration of motor activity should occur gradually and strictly in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

The gradual expansion of the activity regime is facilitated by the use of special means of support and movement.

Modern means of support and movement after surgery

Additional information and frequently asked questions

At the decision-making stage and during the correction process, additional questions often arise. Answers to all the questions listed below - Here you can find out what examination is necessary before surgery, how to properly take photos for an absentee consultation, and much more.

Often asked:

— Will exercises help correct the true curvature of the legs?
- No, they won’t help. The reason is bone deformation, which is the reason for this shape of the legs.

— Will exercises help in cases where there is false curvature of the legs?
- No, they won’t help. False curvature of the legs is associated with the distribution of soft tissues. Many people believe that there is a deficiency of soft tissue, the muscle is not “pumped up”. In fact, the volume of muscles in all people is usually proportional to the volume of the lower leg. But for some, the calf muscle is located on the inner surface, it is clearly visible, and it’s beautiful. Other people seem to have small calf muscles. In fact, the volume is sufficient, but these muscles are displaced posteriorly. Exercises will increase their volume, but this will not reduce the deficiency of the internal contour, which actually creates the impression of false curvature of the legs.

— The child’s legs are crooked, what should I do?
- If the child is between 0 and 8 years old, then the shape changes at this age. You just need to observe. If this causes serious concern, and the curvature is pronounced, then you need to contact a pediatric orthopedist to identify various diseases that can cause deformation of the legs. The effectiveness of massage, exercise and other conservative methods at this age is greatly exaggerated. If the deformity is a consequence of diseases, for example, Blount's disease, then the operation should be performed without delay. If the curvature of the legs is a structural feature, then it is better to wait until the growth zones close. This usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 18. This is the optimal age to correct the so-called. idiopathic varus or valgus deformity.

— Does deformation of the lower leg affect the position of the foot?
- Yes, it does. As a rule, these are interconnected processes. Parents pay more attention to the position of the foot, as problems arise with the selection of shoes. In fact, in such cases it is necessary to examine the entire child. The shape of the entire lower limb needs to be assessed. In 90% of cases of foot deformity, a careful examination will reveal deformation of the knee joints, different leg lengths, and much more. Moreover, the correction must begin from top to bottom - first the hips, then the legs, and only then the feet.

If you want to study the problem in more detail, we recommend that you refer to this book:

If you are interested in the problem under consideration and would like to receive additional information or professional advice, call +7 909 641-36-41

Photo gallery of works

Woman 27 years old. Varus deformity of the legs.

Male 21 years old. Varus (true O-shaped) deformity of the legs, short stature. We performed angular correction, medialization, and lengthened the tibia by 4 cm (see detailed patient diary).

The shape of the legs is not only one of the main parameters of female beauty and attractiveness, but also an extremely important component of what is commonly called quality of life. The happy owner of slender legs does not have to feel complex on the beach, limit herself in clothing styles, or be embarrassed by short skirts and dresses.

Unfortunately, not all women are lucky with the structure of such an important part of the body. Crooked legs - what to do and how can you correct such an unpleasant defect? According to statistics, every second representative of the fair sex is concerned with this issue to one degree or another. And among men there are many who want to correct their natural characteristics.

True and false curvature of the legs. X- and O-shaped curvature

Legs that are considered correct from an aesthetic point of view are those that, when fully flattened, touch at four points: the middle of the thigh, the knees, the middle of the shin and the heel. Deviations from this canon are divided into X-shaped and O-shaped curvatures. With an X-shape, the legs touch at the knees and diverge at the bottom; with an O-shape, only the heels touch, and there is a gap between the knees and shins.

At the same time, the nature of the curvature of the legs is also of utmost importance for subsequent correction: true or false. True curvature is a consequence of defects in the structure of the skeleton; in this case, correction without orthopedic surgery is impossible. False is due to the structure of soft tissues - here the choice of treatment is wider, the result can be obtained without surgery, for example, with the help of a set of special exercises. Fortunately for most women, it is this type of curvature that is diagnosed in the majority of cases.

Exercises to correct crooked legs without surgery

With the help of physical exercises, false curvature of the legs can be corrected to a certain extent by increasing muscle mass in problem areas. As a rule, such complexes include a load on the target muscle in combination with stretching.

The following exercises are used to increase calf volume:

  • Calf raises (with or without additional weight)
  • Foot presses on a leg machine
  • Running up the steps, lifting your toes at each step

There is, however, an unpleasant fact: the calves are among the muscles that respond least noticeably to training. It is extremely difficult to increase shins that are flat from birth by more than 1-2 centimeters. This volume may be enough for proper shape correction, or it may not be enough.

Working with the leg muscles in general will also give a good result: to the above exercises you need to add squats, as well as bending and straightening your legs on the machine. The slightly increased muscle mass will be distributed more evenly across the bone, making your legs look straighter.

Besides, Even correctly shaped legs can look crooked as a result of the individual characteristics of their position. The habit of walking with your knees inward or vice versa - outward leads to a distortion of the true shape of the legs. This drawback is, perhaps, the easiest to correct: any exercises with a load on the lower body are suitable, it is enough to keep your legs and feet parallel when performing them (as well as during normal walking). Gradually, correct positioning will become a habit and the “acquired” curvature will disappear.

How to fix crooked legs with a guarantee?

If the exercises do not give the desired result or we are talking about true curvature caused by the structure of the bone structure of the legs, the only option is surgery: plastic or orthopedic.

Many people perceive such radical methods with some negativity, since we are talking about serious intervention and a long recovery period (and in the case of orthopedics, also the need to endure pain for some time). However, in this case, the end 100% justifies the means - any, even the most complex cases of curvature can be corrected, and the resulting result will last a lifetime.

Plastic surgery to straighten the shape of the legs is called. It is indicated mainly for false curvature and consists of installing silicone implants that increase the volume and correct the shape of the lower leg. The operation takes no more than an hour, and the rehabilitation period is 1.5-2 months, after which you can return to your normal routine. There is a more gentle option -. Instead of an implant, the patient's own fat cells are injected, but this method has its limitations: it is only suitable for correcting a slight curvature and, in addition, requires the presence of “free” fat in the patient’s body.

Leg straightening surgery

The only way to correct true crooked legs is orthopedic surgery. It will also be the optimal choice for patients with false curvature, but at the same time short stature and relatively large legs - in their case, additional muscle mass or implants can correct the shape, but from an aesthetic point of view the result will not be very good, since the legs will become even heavier "

Surgical correction of the shape of the legs performed using the Ilizarov apparatus- a special device that allows you to act directly on the bone structure. The operation consists of cutting the bone, after which its parts are fixed with a device and gradually fused into the desired position.

This design needs to be worn for about 2-3 months, but after 3-4 weeks the patient can move independently and do any daily activities (except for physical activity). At the same time, modern Ilizarov devices are very compact, which minimizes the inconvenience and discomfort associated with wearing them.

Way Indications Notes
Without surgery:
The external effect of curvature is not due to the structure of the legs, but to the peculiarities of their position Effective, but suitable only for those who initially have straight legs
Limited potential, low efficiency
False curvature Only suitable for minor curvatures
False curvature It is necessary to have fat deposits in other areas of the body. Periodic maintenance treatments may be required
Plastic surgery () False curvature, lack of soft tissue in the lower leg area A very effective method due to the ability to choose an implant of an individual size and shape, but it has limited indications
True curvature, isolated cases of false curvature Helps in cases where other methods do not give the desired result

How much does it cost to straighten your legs?

The final cost of correcting crooked legs depends on many factors: the chosen technique and specialist, initial condition, geography, etc. Approximate price guidelines can be seen below.

Average prices for basic methods for correcting curvature of the legs
Way What's included in the costs
Estimated cost
Without surgery:
Exercises for correct placement of knees and feet A subscription to a gym or specialized section (dancing, gymnastics, etc.), instructor hours There is a wide range in cost, depending on the geographical location, status and pricing policy of the establishment
Exercises to build calves
Exercises that increase overall muscle mass in the legs
Analyzes and preliminary consultation; taking fat cells and placing them in the desired area; corrective and supportive procedures 80-150 thousand rubles
Plastic surgery () Analyzes and preliminary consultation; implant cost; anesthesia; surgeon's work; hospital 80-200 thousand rubles
Orthopedic surgery (Ilizarov apparatus) Tests and preliminary consultation; anesthesia; surgeon's work; installation and removal of the device; rehabilitation procedures; hospital 40-100 thousand rubles